<br />~~m- t~u`~':~t~`c~
<br />:S? ghat t? e Mortgagor wit! t eep the bpildincs opon paid premi,es in good repair; and neifher cntnmit nnr permit waste
<br />u~o+. said !<md, rxtr s'utfer the crud pcemiaes fo he n red for ac. cnlav.fu' patrpose.
<br />i i Fbat 3t the preml_e, or anv hart tfier cf ?~ condemned under ttte-power ofeminenzdomatn, or acquired for a public
<br />use, the d:.mahes awarded, the prxec~s list the rak;ng et. ~+r the coasidecatinn flat such acquisition, tof}te exteninf the full
<br />amount of indetrtednes upon this m6rigaee dnd the rote which it [s giventusecure remaining unpaid, are hereby asaigr~ed 6v the
<br />Mortgagor to the Slortgaeec, and shad t>z naid fi:rthwrth to sate Mort};aget to be applied hy~the latter onaccnunt'ot the next
<br />maturing installments of Fisch indebtednes:.
<br />I? The '`tortgngor further t~~rees tha! should ,his ~u.rtgage znd the nett teeured hereby Hat ;?e eligible cot in-
<br />suranrxunder the National Housing Aet •,v~ithin Sixtr- Says ~'inmahe daze trercnf (writter, statement of ary oRicer
<br />of the Department at Hauling and ttrbar, [kbdrpmertt ur zuthorized agentof thcSecretary a{ Houcinp, and Urban
<br />E)es elcrpmrnt dated subsequent to the- Sixty., says nme frgm the ziate of thiti mortgage, declining to insure ,:+id
<br />nnte and this rnott{Sage, being deerned' eone#usive"proof of such iaetigibilin~l: the h~longagee iir holder <if the note
<br />ma}r, st its option. declare al! sums secuzr>,ai Ptereby immediately viuo and'payabte.
<br />i ;. That if the ~torxga(tar tails to make ane pa}n[tenta of innne~• when the same became due, or tai#s !o cnnfprm to rind
<br />ompty with any of the conditidns nr agreements cnnxained in this mortgage; or the ante which it secures,. rhea the enrire princi
<br />pal sum ;:nd accn~rd intete.t shag at once became due and payataln, ar the a#cctian rif the Mortgagee;'and this mortgage may'
<br />ttweupon ~ farec:los: d tntmediaxety tar the whoit of said ntnnty, tnierest, momhty payments; costs, ground rents; taxes :+nd
<br />the roll of c><unding the abstract of titlefram the date of tdris than to thrtirne of rnmmencing such foreclosure suit: and a res-
<br />scnable attoroeti's fee, alk of which shalt tx incittded in ho decree of dereef«sure: and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />ntai the note ucwed hereht, ;:haE# in aE# respects fx gnverited; cnnsxnted and adjttdgod hy;ttze taws o>f l\ cbrastta, wttere the..
<br />satrae is made.
<br />'The cavcnants hucln contatned shal# bind, and zhe hero&ss and advantages sha#I insure tu. the rspecti~,e heirs. exkcutorz,
<br />administra[nrs, cuuess.us and assigns of the parties heretd ~'honever used. the singular number :.hall inc;ude the plural, the
<br />p?urat thtsirtgutu. and the ::sc of any' gender shaftbe applicable to all gcndtrs.
<br />"fhe`foregoittte conditions, alt tirtd' ittgttlar, gating ~trformod according to their naturtt} and #aga3 intpon, this:convepance
<br />shad be;vntd and said premises r'efaastd at the etipense of the ,~lortgagar; otherK`tse to be and remain in ful# torte and etTect.
<br />1'.vi tViTR"ESS WHF.RE.f1F: the hiortgagartsf has hereunto set.. has hands):ttte day and year iirsr
<br />:abCltre K'Rtt(:n..
<br />to presence of y; ~ ,.i i~ .
<br />1
<br />t
<br />`' ~~ lsEALI
<br />i SS~a#. I
<br />1 SFAt;, #
<br />(SFAi.
<br />C SF.rl#: )
<br />1~.'~ fl'. tlf' Nl~ l9RASkA,
<br />,\
<br />t ot: Nn~ ur ~1.z,
<br />(ln ttus 27tH 1~y ul May A #. tv 82 . r+ctorc mc,
<br />_ +n xn.f for oaf t++unty. pernottally t:xme
<br />.Ioel B. Garrett, a stogie person
<br />. pct5onally to:mo know n
<br />ro 1>e the rdontual person ~ mare ir3 ,ffized to the about and f~xc-
<br />Rn1'M lmtxnment a~ Mnrtfa~txr. astd ~~ ;,gg. :,c know icdited the ,:1td [nyitiimtnt and thr,
<br />eitcatxxt tt>te,-ctrl to t+c nls t't>atxnttixq aett and dted for the purports therein expressed.
<br />to te.llmory xturri*1. ! ha•~e hercuntu xt mq itattraf and a~Btd ~} TSipit:a3~j.a~.l. weal st C>X€SxtL~ Zsl.s.tid, :NE
<br />nn [he day atal dyte last xho~ - i
<br />_ 't /'j f
<br />Voter' Ptrh,',
<br />5'TAYL.)FNERRASKa f,
<br />fikd fv rep Kd thls day. of A. t3 laa
<br />at ,?~ck>.:k 3i,. and cntrred initiumcrx:at lpdez. :+nd.
<br />recexded 1rr F3onk rrf ~4ortesaJri
<br />}~ :; t
<br />#~cE'„ter, 1 t3t~cd...
<br />4,..
<br />..s ,
<br />