<br />82-~t~.~758
<br />C:=ti~~n ~'~nnual Board. i~icetir~g.
<br />T}~e a r.u3i <neetina o€ the meri%ers of the 3oard os
<br />E?~~~<is~rat~rs shad be heed,. immediately following.. the
<br />ar.r,wal rs,aet~r., o~ t~.e t'~ soeation, at such' time and plan?. as
<br />shall :?e fit~u by the Association at the meeting at which
<br />=such 3c.>rd :~i Adm-r~strators`shall have been eleeted;.and no
<br />noticc' st:al~ i_e r..ecessary to the newly elected members of
<br />the :'s~a~c o~ r?3rnnistratars in order legally tc consti ute
<br />such m~_e_ti~~c, ~zoviding a majority of the whole: Hoard of
<br />Adaninist~-atcrs staail be present tiaereat.
<br />.section 8>: S~aecal_IIoard I~Ieetin~s:
<br />Special meetings cif theeliaard of Administrators may be
<br />called by the President upon five,l~} business days' notice
<br />to each member of the 3oard, ~~iven by mail or telegraph,
<br />w:-fich notice shall .state the time-, place z.:nd aurpose of the
<br />meeting. Special meet~nys of the 3oarc3 of ~,d:ainistrators
<br />shall be called b} the l?resident or Secretary in like manner
<br />and like .°:ctice on the written.. request of at least three l3)
<br />ne~lri~~s of the 9oard of r,d:nnistrators, iaz~less there are
<br />less than three t3"z members.: in which event, upon chi. written
<br />request caf the one car twc, r:.rzaininy.
<br />Section 9. waives of t;atice.
<br />'.~+ny z~ember of the ;R,~•ard c~£ x:c3miniat. aLc:,~°:, z:~~~; rat ;any
<br />._.::~k, waive native of an•; m~etznq >i° the Kinard of ~dmini:s-
<br />_.atcrs z;s writi~q, .~n~: ,,uch waiver shall hca <9ec~med e:ciui.val.int
<br />to ttte :;tying +~f suth r. ti;Ce, ;,ttcnuznce tay;:a member oil the
<br />:loar.i ~f Ai3suirist_ t.: r~ :it ,,n;• r.,ef~: ing or" the 3ear.d :;hull
<br />~Uns: ~c.ntt a waiver __ :.~utice #.:~: n:•n o£ the' timF~~ anti plezce
<br />4
<br />ti-ye~eoi`. li ,~? ! : he r:1el:tDe: s ?: P~~ y~~ard o~f '~ur,inistratbrs
<br />are pr~:sent at :any ^-~ee`.xnq ct •:.h~~ Eio~r;s :lo isrt:a.u~~, sh=:^-11 be
<br />req.~_re_c nd a::y bu<,i:,~ssr~ay k7E?t_rirssaCt~:cl~'w:t cuchmecain~,.
<br />S~..tu,n i~. {~unzu;,.,
<br />At sli me+~t•;nr~s~t~f ±`he'F: ,ar-_ ~~: AdnrzrYistl~sCe~r~~, ~
<br />"43j0I'it'r' ;~+.~ LtiC^'^tt?.tTl13t~:S tt'i£'[i:'+~t :~tt.;!.~s'r..Ct5t1.tU#-t' ~;Ltt,r'itm
<br />:or :: e '_ran~s;,t:on cal tyu~_.nes5, ~inc2 the vta'tes of a majority
<br />o: .i:e ^embers r.; the ;so.ir•i ::;i ;u~mir.i5tz'ators. present :~~,~ a
<br />mee~lnq ~, which 3 <:luor.utr is ;~...>s<:r,t shr~il r•e;nstit~;tc Ct~~_i
<br />c;ECisir•n cf' ci~e Bcard of P.dmiza.,tr,itcards. I~ at ~Y.~nS: r~~_~ting
<br />a: file B;~ard a ~ds~in:strUtors there shaiL '~~ 1•:°ss ~ r:,~n a
<br />~;uox~:m 1>reser:t, a ^;aj~:~tit of .hr.,a< ~,.€rsc:it may ,•~;o~.:r~: the
<br />r~reeting irca~ _ime ~.. time. Fit ~,.:y sucri ui-~uz- r ,~~rir ,t 'dliich
<br />a riurr~,:.m _ present, any 3atssassess which r.~-c,:~it : v<_~ taeen.
<br />transuCted~dt h~? :~eetiT~y csri*3zrialiy ~7a11ec:, atuz Yse ~~runsected
<br />witr.out `anther :~ctict.
<br />:he 3~~azc? of ~.~Ti _~Yru,tors may ebt ~ .. -~dequat~
<br />... __~ }~ 5o;;cs `ar <i, i ~: _'..~2rs and employc_~ ~> 6the ,~~^c°i-
<br />3"IG^ :7 ct'1 t]i_ .L3 :JL' r C'SDC~:151L _ `orI,ssr~cx..t ~c:If 1~lJ. (.~::; '-'1'!.~=
<br />z_e:;si~..s ,~. such bonds ~hu~.i constitute a common ti.xp ..see,
<br />sic` am 13.. ~.c~mgensation.
<br />i r ,~~~_maer :xf t~t~~~Crazii ~-i u.,~~ nis satyrs s;~all rc~c-cri~.C-
<br />..;i}' . ^TL..:: i...: ". _ ~U"P. ~`h}at t}7E nfiu.~ . _.... :2L1n rC7r c'9C #;irAC3 s, S' .~
<br />..~C`.% _ ..-. -~- .^.£,t:.a+>1". ., ;1 sY ~.1 .r CC£:_.. : Fr2S:SbU,, a~Tt.,c;3. t, 1: ~iN .5 j:~ -.'~~r: S.
<br />.<~._...~~ _...... rr~;1 .,•,~ t23ezse ~s Administr~stors
<br />