<br />$2-- t)~17.5$.
<br />{a) Obtaining of i:~surance for the Condaminia.
<br />{h3 Repairing and:.. ma.rtainiisg the property
<br />" and buildings in each Condaminur~ Property "
<br />Regime and repairs. repl:aeement. anc rasto-
<br />ratiQra of the ~nr ~~o:r. iniurc Property itegirre in
<br />accordance with the other provisions o~ these
<br />5u-Laws, after daiac„~~ ur destruction by _~re
<br />or atier casualty,or as a result or oond~m.-
<br />nation cr emnent,doma3n prt~ceedings.
<br />Sect io^ 3-_ ~dara~ii^g ~^,ent and tanager.
<br />'.'he 'Board ©f Ac3.~snistratars'may employ--for the. Condc-
<br />-:ir.ra a :aa agi~^q agent aad~or a manager at a campensaticn
<br />established by 'the Board of Adis:inistrat'ors, to perfcr:n such
<br />d•~ties ._na services as the HOard of A~ninistratcrs sha~.i
<br />out:iarize, including but hat limited to the duties .~stea in
<br />su,bdi~risiohs 4a~. {c}, {di, (9? and its3 of Sestia~n - or c~~.is
<br />article T_ _-. ~h~ Board .~~ ~dc~sinistrators may c3elec7a*_e to the
<br />mana,er .~ mananq ae_^.t, ai'. cif the powers granted c~~ t~~e
<br />Board rf~Aci:n3strators by these ~-Laws ether than the
<br />Powers sit forth'in subdsvisions b7, ~e), {£?~ a€ Section `_'
<br />of this Z'~rticle ITI,
<br />Sectiur. ~. Election and ';erm.
<br />,:t the `first aau3ual meeting of the Asseciator., thee:
<br />members of ti.e ~c~ard of Administrators sha3:1 be elected ta'
<br />serve anti 1 t'~e next annua3 ss;eet3ng of the :~ssac:iatian;
<br />gro~.~ided that i ` said *sext annual meeting i.~ lass than ~.x
<br />(fii months Prc3r the date cif the `-:rst an~rsaal meeting, t'he
<br />Administrators s;stii ~ be elected to serve u71ti1 the annual
<br />meet:.ny i~se~'zat.e-.iv z:~ilvwi.-,c~ t`se next annu~a3 meatng w~ich
<br />is Less titan sir, '.5i -:c~nths ::~ r.he kvtur<.. ~:ach Admanistratar
<br />sh~sil be e1e:-,ted ther~.aZter '. c; s,~>:vc a terns ai ans :) .year
<br />ar unt,i h:s sucves~sar steal.. n,xve been dul~~ t'~lcrte~. uy- the
<br />.4ss.c:i3t.un. :,dmiaistrato: s shah. be elect~~~~ by z~:a~rzrtby
<br />vote ~~:thN mt.r'~er^., them beingone vcst~ _. a•ach~suite~ in
<br />the r~c;nc~omir.~a.
<br />SQCa :. 0:1 7 . l2~.S^.G'+'2i ~ +J'~ is 4;Xt1 n3 ~t Yc1tQr5.:
<br />.~,t sn}~ regu~ar «r special .^eertirc of tie i:SS{aciaton,
<br />any are ar more o* the me^bers o ~he :iaard ~sf ltctssii~,i:3tratars
<br />may be rema~-~ed wzta ,~. wit_;tc~~t cause- by a rc,tt- aS :n.~jc7.rity
<br />of the :Embers and. .~ s+,c~essor ma~•( then a?2,~ the~r4 <lr t;~ere-
<br />a:' ~ be elected to fai.. the •acancl th;:s :rn_ar_eu. ~~.r3y
<br />meJa.'~ers of the Board cf ~.dmiaistrator5 whCSe ::e ~ncv ~:. his
<br />beer. proposed by the Assns'I.atian rswr,ex's shat`l Lc ;;, :~en
<br />reasanabZe not.ce of anci an vpps~sfiunaty to l;,e he~x~1 at the
<br />iceetin*;.
<br />`3ac3ncies ~.. the Board of ndministr,~.tc+rs roused 2~r any
<br />reast}r. ath~_r than. ths~ re.~o+ral Qf a member thereof , 'rate
<br />,~Z t;]? t~3:SLC_,~tl.Ql', E. isnl ~. u~ fil:eft by .'at£'. flF P3 ^`. a' ~i!',J f; ;"
<br />the -ry~:a<ninc rd.~,iaistrators at a spec~J sseet~Yti, , ~ .~,.
<br />Boas ... ~,r.:,inistratcrs held fr~r t3aat ? ~ ,~~E _w~:a* f~~,r
<br />t_".e cc~cur_~r.~e ~~f any sects •+racan~y, ~vc= hc,. ;; _:.r ~ntiex•s
<br />Yre~~:.: a*_ s::c.h meeting may constitute: less { ;, _,:r°.:*,
<br />d;fi7 '~<i .^_ j3~'r SCJn SO e3,.ectL°d 'sha .~. ~,. a. L.L-.i:=E'.r 'i. `.:it i.~''s- '.; (J is
<br />Ac:scin_stra*_ors for the rema:.nder of the '_er-r, ~ c_r:~%,.-r
<br />~a rc^ct-e:' axid anti: a si~cessar shah. be e!~ ~:-c ,_::c
<br />nC:Yt annL':3l Rl~+ttt:.1`: Q~ t:ki :iSCC~at2a£k.
<br />