<br />t~C~175~
<br />
<br />Section 3-3s Lialaility of t~dminstrators.
<br />un~er..
<br />$eCt.lon 14.. XBanS3:an as' .3 L11=1Sd3.CtJ.. L}n..
<br />The members of the ward of administrators sYtall not be
<br />lance tc-t`r~'suite owners for any mistake of judgment,
<br />ne_i~ence, ar othe'rwi'se, except zor their awn individual
<br />wili~ui :z;i scanduct or bad ia~.th. The members of the Board
<br />of ~.c:-~_nis~r gars shall have no personal liability with
<br />res~e~t trz .rr~y contract made bY' diem. an behalf of the As-
<br />sc~ciaton. ~:~Fez'v agreement ;Wade by t:`ke hoard of ~c3minis-
<br />tratQs or by the managing agent ar 'ay t}ac manager an behalf.
<br />of the ~ssociatar. shall provide that the members. of the
<br />3oari3 or ?~diTSinistrators or the manar;it;c3 agent., ar the
<br />manager, as the case :nay be, are ac:tina only as agents for
<br />the Hssaeiatian and shall have na personal liability there-
<br />T.~se £ilin5 4:~z a ~9aster deed creat.:ing a condominium
<br />prape:rty regime in I3rentwoc;yd Third Subdivision, Crand island,
<br />zeal County; ~:ebrasa+a, shall automatically extend the:
<br />jurisdict©n of this owners association tc, include the newly
<br />created condam:ini:.3m progertx° rsc?ime. lipor, such extension;,
<br />the fallciwin g sha.~,,1, aPplY=
<br />~a3 'Phe Association's casts.: at' repairs and
<br />^aaintenarce 3rd ail artier f~xpenses ahall t>e
<br />allocate% to th#~ particular. ~oa~domini4:m
<br />„rc;prer`:y 32ef;atne r•eruirani~ gar. bencf:itinc~ tram
<br />~hes,~rA~*. Sl-rzore than r'r~~, t,`n~s;its, t`~he,t
<br />hz .z:<pens~ shai: be laze-xutc c3 Lsetwden ttic~~
<br />:,e:ie_rtM:~g Cc~ndc~mini.sm ~t~_. :~;c~a .... prapc5rtan
<br />::~ .>enei"iz.s ~?; ~a<ieh ~.>., as~>ri~k7ly' H#~~
<br />tt_:rai.~ec3 :ay th+e ,~ ?z;. ... ,im~:.r stx•tatoz:s. Th€>;
<br />~:.~:laeaises a2;1 fcc:c_ <•~,. • ;s .:~ ~ ,:, ~ .. ; ~'t: itlz' tarraperty
<br />:`e~}tnt* yttai. _~.;~ ~ :, ;,. ,_. ~'; . ~t :tl ts~r_.f'~zriirrc~
<br />tSJ tie ~Iil:a'Ci :)~'t~.'u .... .i,a'~ t~ ; zmEa.
<br />~~7. 'i iJPi Il a~l<. _. :;.)t. ,. C.`l t• _. ~t~.'~P9 CkE`47 ~,-
<br />4CtC1. 1L Zon ..,'..~~_ i~• '.. 110: r. 7:"r`~~ate. IIUttib E?Y <7a.
<br />V~:'V.~S =a Cd C:h SP~.%.. .. .. T: i:` q'J:~.. I:~,aY1T1 c{. i.]~: t. X7 E.',
<br />r~C;_~~3t10P, ..:(.' .r ;nee.`t.. , '''"`t,.: exk?anr'~°d,.
<br />':S$:).^_.,t._..., the 1_...~ 1<,r ':~ tUm, `.on`
<br />--k,.'~E'1^21 P, L1; '+me!: S'3t1„" 3L7 .._]o~': tJ ~'l. s`'Y~)„,.k74 tt `;~y'S,.
<br />-~,- ,>icct~•,~ :~f ~..:~ ,n~~ca.7ers -,: wh+:: T3r~ax.r% „t
<br />.~i:..,_..i~~r~±-:z'. arsd ai.i. ;the.. ~~~,•prsta3 sh<. l
<br />:,e :~; _. -:.~',:~3~d ?sa thee <;w> w:ana`..r ~Gr3
<br />CJi# C31~ -x,~andednuui.:er.: 7f .`i~.;C~Y.i'~~,3:tt' ~lK3t45.
<br />{~;j .'vjhen cn_~.~ one #~gime is atfecrc-•3 try a
<br />decis~_-• =- "he exparscaed Zessocaatran tti~r:
<br />the. F3c;a_ ~ ; _ :. n.ractar. s: Wanly ucit mall ncsr_
<br />necessarl;~~ Ede required td, see><: t:~r_= a~p~`az~,sl
<br />C3~ an_l' ti}E: awner5 1n t}3at..af%eCC#'_'.i: ;"F,~r.~'1.:n£'..
<br />r7'iCLE ,tyT. t,7FE'ZC'E£~.'-~i.
<br />nr. .ri = _ _ ~n3sJti_~.
<br />..?~? _._:: C'. ;=s __ _:;e.'S^aCCia'2..::.£3n ~. l~li '.4723:.7. is"i ~;'7 s.i
<br />. _<=s.v~r:':. .~.~~E ; res_,er:t, '3 e4retary and 'a'reas~trcz rar<<i such
<br />~~::i _,.-_..,.i .. .. __i_~SS ~. ~ '_ i_ ~'~Iik.3:nZ$trc'?'ta~'.`~ ~hr.'}L7. ~~Ca]iR > .!..C,. ..
<br />_~;a~ ,#, _.. .._~essary ~: ~5c,r, :n~xy 2r~:1~" *_s~.a ,r ~nc7re c>z{. _ ,
<br />1. y, .. _: ,^~ _a ... _stz._ _ t+c__- +?tc~ offc+-> csF I~~r_~siuc..zt err?
<br />_
<br />iii' t :.s •_., ,,^eu' .: ,. '.'_. ?4azlttisL t'S _ '~ .. ..-,. _-C c3~ ..ub.~x_1 ...7.=
<br />_~;. 'Pat ~]T:, k~ae 1~'r-'2 !~'ie£ '."s ;~L. :~ t3C ".7,: F.."l: t.L?£?-
<br />,;~'-Tng`7 f?:3O's. Y3L' ~£:r~a {~ C:, t_C7YS31Yx~st=.. f,.
<br />