<br />Secti~^ iQ. adjournment. $~°° 4j~~ 1c5~
<br />I_ any meeting of the a'lssociation cannot Ue k3e1d be-
<br />ca:~ase a quotiun has not attended, a m<.jorit.y in common intEr-
<br />est of she suite ©wmers who are present at such meting,
<br />e-it her in Dersosx os by proxy, may adjourn the meoting to a
<br />tme rot , less t?ian forty-~i.ta:at (:48) hours. from the. time. the
<br />origwnsl meeting was coiled.
<br />~lzrrc~~ zzz. ~cx~i~ o;, ,.~~;~1zN~s~r~m©~s.
<br />&ection Z. Number and S~uaiificatiam.
<br />The affairs of the Tsssocation and the: Cahdominium
<br />Property Regime shall be ~averncd by a'Aaard of Adminis,-
<br />trators ta2sfl cal2eu ~~7iroctors"), until December 31, 19&2,
<br />or until ,the De~re?oper shall relinquish its contxol by
<br />written notice to all owners, whichever skull first occur,
<br />and tYiereafter L.^tii thear successors shall- have heel-: du?.v
<br />elected by the e`.ssocation. i:ntil r.Yen the berme?per, .''tic-
<br />Contanert £ntergrise5, znc., st°,ali designate all memLers of
<br />the B+aard csf ~d;air.istrators, o'ficers and employees cr the
<br />Association. Thereafter, tke Bt~..rd of fldmi.ttistratz.~rs sit<,il.
<br />be ca==used of not less than f+~e tS} ror more than tki~reer.
<br />t13) persons, ail of'whoers shall be suite ownc_rs in tke
<br />Conriomin%a, ursless at tke time there are less than five
<br />oxners in the ~ond~raini.a.
<br />Section 2. :Powers ar~s3 Duties.
<br />`f`ee Staard oY Administrz~trsz-s shah?: ha~ie thi: powers anr3
<br />dut~is necessary or tke adm~~.istration of t t:e affairs of
<br />tho ;,sscciat ion ~rnr: tke ~:cn om? nxa, :3r.~? :~~ all such acts
<br />and t'Z~r.ws t:x^ept gas by !aw ?r t?ythe Mast~cr t,~~e•c~ork'ay
<br />these ;3 }•-maws may not 3~e c9elar~:.3ts:~. ~~~, ti.e ~;ourci ,,'." ..cmin~,>-
<br />.ZitG.' Ca'; :':t' SU2 tC vW2"1~r.` .. ,. c:: `, .~OWe3"r .i:1<t .. :~_c:., ., ,. t~. 7. ..
<br />~oarci o1 administrators ~;;:~-a.' ~:;u1u<i~ 37ut shall ::<at t~~::
<br />:i..~i.tea i~ca the fcllcrri,nu.
<br />4r~3 «pi.ration, c.'src, ~~.apkeep anci~, maira:enunce
<br />!)~ Lhe i~XRis1C.. ,._ _,as, lirhi t{xd. C:I>rcimrn ,3T~i'-S,
<br />3nC: *dCllit3!'S:.
<br />{b; :ietcrrn>.naty~n <~r tt:e ccsrrrmon •,, ~~«...sf,~• rte-
<br />q;:ired for t.ae ai*a1.rs .~C the (:orc:r_minum,
<br />-:i.trc2udirci, without Ii~:i_,~~;c~r., ~h~ upe.r~tion
<br />'a<tc maintera3ace tai Lha f gs.me.
<br />{c) ~~clieLtia;s o: the assesstrri:ts iwhi~`k 'or
<br />the purpose or these B2~-Laws shall mean: :ssacYt
<br />tticrticn of .tire earrancan expo_^.s~.~ ss as-e payable
<br />b7 the '_"£.':;gteC'~:ive owner8, :tom owners;
<br />{d! DmPlcatar€aent and aisrcissa2 of the persaane'.
<br />necessary far tk^ ,~uir.tenarsce and crper.:t.~n
<br />o° tha general cowry ;gin areas, Iimite~i r_t~;:nnon
<br />areas, and facilities.
<br />(ei iedvpzicrn assd a€rEendment ~r rules and i^ecu-
<br />iati~ns c~;~ering~ Pse~ det,,ils th~r ~~~cratior
<br />rind u:>e cif cock Condomi: Juan F' ~u~:~rt}~ rt~.~jine.
<br />i :~~c .;i:;g o.`. bank accounts nn i~tana.`. t `h:;
<br />Assoc~:ation and dosignatsnr~ tYae siq .:roric;-s
<br />£`E~Ca is2 Ted tll~t:"ef Jr. '
<br />~ h.
<br />