<br />U~ttioatai Govtrtatvas: Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as Ioltows: ~~..o ~~ V 1 (~®
<br />1_ :laymtnt ttf ttiecipalaad,frRetest..Borrower shall.::grompily. pay when due the principal of -andinterest on the
<br />iatdehtcdctess,evidaacedby the No[e, prepaymentandlate charges as.,pmvidedinthe blote,.and the principal of andintetesi.
<br />on anv Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust:
<br />lhois-fie Tatoaa ttati I~ee. Subject to- applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaft pay.
<br />to Leerier on the day monthly installments of principal attd intaresr are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid<in full,
<br />a.sum (Itereia: "Funds^j. equal to one-twelfth of the yearh~ taxes and assessments which may attain priority. over this
<br />Deed-of Trust; and ground tenu oh ehrProperty; if any, glusone-twelfth of yearlypremium installments for hazard:insurance,
<br />plus;onc-tadith of }+eatty prentivin'iiistalltn~nts for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated ibitiafly and from
<br />tittte'to timr6y I.mder on tlk basis of assesune+ats and bi1Ls and reasonable.estimates thereof.
<br />The-Funds shall be herd in an tmtitution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed. by a Federal or
<br />stateagettcy ~nctssdnsg Lerider if Linder is sucli an institution?. Lender short apply the Funds to pay said [axes,: assessments;.
<br />insurance premiums aad ground rents: lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said accoum
<br />or verifyitng and cottipelina said assessments<and hilts, csnless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appticabk law
<br />ppeermits Lender to makesucha charge. Hisrtower and.Lender may agree in writing atthe time of execution ofths
<br />Deed' of Trust that interest on the Funds short be paid to'Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or appiicabte law
<br />requites such iaterat to be paid, I,ettdershall not be required to pay Borrower aryinterest or earnings oa the: Funds. Lender
<br />shali;give; to Borrower. without: charge, an annual accounting of the :Funds showing credits sod debits to the: Funds and the.
<br />prarpoae faa which dch debit to the Ftmds was made: Tlro Funds are pledged as atfdetional security for the earns secured
<br />by this Deed of Titter.
<br />ff the amrnmt of ht Funds herd by Lrntder; together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, xs~sstt~tt, iiuuraace premiums and ground rents. shalt exceed the amount required to pay,said taxes.
<br />assastnents, imnrana pterniums and grourni rents as they fart due, -such excess shall be, at Borrower's apttan, eidrer
<br />promptly repaid to"Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly instat[menas of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hclri by Ltttdershall trot Ire sufficieat.to pay taxes,. assessments, insurance premiums and graand rents as they fart due;
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader aay amount nccnsaay to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the-date notice is matted
<br />by Tinder to Borroaet requatiag payment thereofi
<br />CTpon payment, in full of all stuns secured by this Dced of Trust, Ixitder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />heM by l.ettder: tf under paragraph 18 hereof the Properly is sold or the Propeny is othenviseacquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, tw Iater than imtatedtately prior to the sak of the Property or its acquisrtian by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Linder at the tithe of~pIt~t ion as a Credit against the sums secured by'this Deed of Trust:
<br />J. A}pikttYe~ o~ IPaytaea4. Unless apptscable taw ptvvides cNherwiu, alt payments rtxeived by Lender .under. the
<br />Note and paia~taahs 1 and 2 Itcreo# shall be ap led ray Lender first m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />tinder~ pp~aragraph .,,ht:reof, then to interest pay~k on the Notc, then tq rite principal of the Notr; and then to interest and
<br />prinn'val ari'aoy Fsuttre' Advances.
<br />[ Cireµ~ Llefa. Borrower short pay ail taxes, assessmems and other Charges, fines and impositions atsributable so
<br />t)w Propaty.which tray attain a priority over this Decd of Trutt.; and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />mender ptovtded-tinder paragraph Z hesxof nr. if not paid in such mantxr; b}' Borrower mating payment, when due; directly
<br />to the piyee thereof. Battrnwer Shag promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Dortowrer tiftaff teaks paytrteat directly, Borrower shaillprgmptty furnish to l.eis~r receipts evidencing sueh payments.
<br />Borrower droll promptly dacbar•~e any lien whicft hxs priority over thrS Det:d of Trust; provided, that Borrower sha3i not he
<br />required to discharge say stmt lien xo kartg as Sonower shalt agree in writing to the. payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such list in a matters act:eptaNe' fg t.ttt~r, or'shalt in ggetd`faith contest stxti lien fry, or defend enforcement of such lien in;
<br />icgd '' ~t which operate to prevent the cafnramrnt of the lien or forfeiture of the Property of any part thrrcof.
<br />S. Hrti (rate. 8otrawer tltafl kettp tht intprovetneitts stow cxisring or hcrcaftu erected on the Property inswed
<br />against bas tsy tire, haxatds indttded within the term "extended covenftc", and such other har.ards as Lender may require
<br />aed is srscft amouna and for siteh periods ax t.entkr mayrequrre; provided, that Lender shah not require that the amount of
<br />srtc6 t:overstge exceed tharaarsorrttt of txveragc required to pay the xurrss secured by this I?eed of Tnsst.
<br />The ioutrattce carrier providitag tltc irtsunttcc alta!(_be chosen Try Borrower subtect tp approval by l,cndcr, provided.
<br />tlhtat soeh .approval s6df not be itnrteasomhly wtthhetd. Atl premiutm .vt inuurance policies shall be paid in the: manner
<br />ptvtvidad indttc pan~aph 2 hsatf or, if trot paid sn sttclt manner, by Borrower making. payment, when dtte, directly to the
<br />tearraeoa eaorr3ar.
<br />All tmiiraece ptoliees and rettewah ittereof short be in form a,.-teptabie to Lcrtakr and shalt include a standard mortgage
<br />cranes in fewer of aed io form actxpshk m Lentkr. !.ender theft have rho right to hold the politics and renewals thereof.
<br />aad'IElmrtnsershaB promptly tumith to I.asder all rettswal rratit-cs and all rcreipts of paid premiums. In the event of loss,
<br />!lornawer altall'give prompt rtotit~ to ihr iiwtrartsc carrier utd Lrttdtr. Lender naay make goof of loss i f not made promptly
<br />by aoava:
<br />Unless f.ertder sad Borrvsrer otherwt:.agree in writing, tnsurancc pproceeds shalt Ix applied to tcstaration nr repair of
<br />thcPmperty dunaged,~p~~~ such rcstontum ar repair is ecotiomitaliy feaxibte and the security of this Deed of 'T'rust is
<br />Cwt ahtrrrtmy tmptured. ![ such reH4tatioe tx tepatr tx not ecttrtomicaliy fcasibk or of the security of this Detxi of 'i'nset would
<br />Ire impaired, the imurattce proceedashaB be applied to the srutu setttred by this Dead of Trust. with rho tsetse. if any,. peed
<br />tit Borro!wsr. ff the l!roperty is abandoned by er, or it Borrower fails to respond so f.trider within 3iJ days from the.
<br />dwd ttotiica is tttaBed by [xoder to Norro+res Chu the imuraece carrier cMfers to settle a claim for instirsrtcc benefits.' Lender
<br />is aedtorined to e~ifect:and apply tltc isauraeoe proceeds at Leader's opison other so restoration or repair: of the Property
<br />a to-the wets segued this-ISeeiti of Titter.
<br />Uekw I.eadar aid Dorr+s~-er trtlferwiae egos rn wrFttrg, any such application of proce+ods w ..principal slsait ttof extend
<br />or the doe date of dre tttoethy ittaatatlrndtts referttd so m psragraphx !and 2 hereof ar change' she amount of
<br />~eatltttenta. If tetdecptsra~aph tti hereof the Property is acquired trY I.cnder, all right. titiaaad tinniest of Borrower
<br />in and to asay inwraece poiicitn anndd to add to the ptroteedx tlts:reof rewhing from damage to the Property poor to the sate
<br />or aogtaritiatsitaB ptm to 1 '-- ~ die esunf of the surtu secured by this Doed of.Trust imtttediauty prior to such sate br
<br />»~~
<br />~. Taae..~ata.~>sM 1lfaia~eaaaoe d lsgestf; LeaaelailtiC CaNndf~itir~ 1Aaaae! Unit ~a Borrower
<br />shalt keep the Property is good rtpair and shalt iwt tromrnit wash or prison impairment or dctcriaration n# 4he Property
<br />and shaA rornpiy rich rite provisions of anyleaae i[ this i)ted of Tilted is on a leasehold, It this Iked of Trust: is ern. a unit i n a
<br />cwtdorrrinittm or a plannted unit dcvdofutrent 9orrowsr shall perform ail of 8oe~eowerz obtigarions under ttrc declaration
<br />or ooveeaets creating or gtsverniag ttx condominium. or planned' unit devetopmtteitt, the by-laws and regulations of the
<br />eondontiaiutrt or piaaoed unit devetopntent, aid cOmfftuent documents, If a castdominium or planned unit development
<br />rider is eaetataed by Borrower std itecatd~ ro)eether with: this Deed of 'T'rust; the eovcttanss and.. agrecmtnts of such rider
<br />shelf he ietxsrpioraaed taro and shall arnood and supplement the covenants and agreemenu of this Decd aF Trust as if the rider
<br />.rare a pert hereof.
<br />7. PlasatAits d Tw+•ipa 9seeatily. If Borrower farts tti perform the ~venants and agreements cootarncd 'in this
<br />Geed of Tnrrt, or if say action.. or prooeediag is commenced which...rnaterially affects Lender's interest in the Property;
<br />including, b~ nai timimd ta, eeniaettt domain, irtsotvi:rrcy, tbde enforcement, or arrangements or proceedings. involving: a
<br />baixkrupt or dec+edem. tttent,endei-a[ L.eader's:optian_.tipon rtoticc:to Borrower,.may make suchappearances, disburse such
<br />sunsa artd ta4c serrh aetiott n istteamsary so eel Leader's iuer~i;.itutttding, but not timitcd to; disbursement of
<br />snsortabie attortrsy's fee and pttay upon the Property to make repairs. If Leader requir~cd mortgage insurance as a
<br />condition of malting the loan secttted by this !)snit of Trux#, Borrower sha1S pay: the premiums reaui>ed tn,maintain such..
<br />,txtmnrc in Jett itMil tucfi tithe as the:regerreerent#or'sitch. instmrice.terminates naccordanccwith. Borrnwcr's and
<br />1.cttder`a written aArcerttent era rtxhk tax, 'Borrower shade pay the amwnz of art mortgage insurance premiums. in the-
<br />mswitar pitovida! utderab~2 hseteof.
<br />Arty asntoaatu d' bI' L,ttttfer ptsrauant to rhos paragraph 7, with intcrost thereon; shall become additinnat
<br />addeAtednaas of Borrower sacu,ad by ilsis Deed. of Timis. I}mess $orrrswer and Grndcragrcc to Mhtr terms .if payrtxms, such
<br />xmames strati be payable aeon norfecce from lsttder to Bcxrrosrer rcgnexting:-paynteitt :t6aroof. and short treat. intaresttrvm the
<br />dm of dkbunetnerrc at the rue payable frmntittte t4 time on outssamfrog prutripai under oho Mute unless Isaymcnt ref iotcrest
<br />st sactt rm ,rwid he '=oi'ttrttrY ta:applicalsdeiaw, in ~rhic-h evcat e.~It atactun[ssttat4 bearinterest zt .the ttsgiteet rase
<br />ptvmeribk under sppdit_ahle law. 3dothing contained in tiiispaxagraph 1 sdtatl require I,rnder to itttitr a,ny mxpensr ter take
<br />arsy action ttetretuider.
<br />1{. #agaedas. f.e»dsr mar nxslte err reties to Etc rnacte rcasirrrafslc etstr~s upon and rrtsprrrioris'ot the. F'rapcrty, psnvztletl
<br />drat t_.-raSer shall Yirs Itorrowus natter prtnr to any strct: ;mpootion specifying rt:axonaiite terser sheretcr ;efased ,ax f asrdzr s
<br />wstcr-fit •a tEc pror+esty,
<br />