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<br />$~_.. U~rl?10 <br />4. Co~derwstiaw. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemattioa or`atlir tsting of the Protxrty, or part thereof,. or foe conveyance in lieu of cottdetnnatioa, are hereby. assigned <br />arm slnli be pwid to Lender. <br />Ia t6e watt cif a total'taking of'the Property, the proceeds shall be applied [o the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if arty, Harrower: Io the event of a partial taking of the Froperty, unless Borrawer attd Lender <br />othexwise agree is w[itiag, tbtte shall'bb applied to [he ruins secured by this Deedaf TrusE such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is txlual to that proportion which the atrmunx of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />takinx bears io the: fair saarka valtte af'the Property immediately prior to the date of taking,. wish the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Barrosrer. < <br />If the: Property is-ahatrdoaed by Harrower, or iY, a#rer notice by Lender. to Borrower that the. condemnor. offers to make <br />an atttard or sexiie a' claim far damages; Borrower fails [o respond io Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />trailed. Lertder is attthorized'to coliat and applyche proceeds, at Lender's option, either io reseoration ar repair of the <br />Propety or to the scum secured by this Deed of Txvst. <br />Unkxs Lender and Boirawer otherwise agree m writing, any such agplication of proceeds to principal shall nor extend <br />or the ells dax of the manfhiy`iastatlaxnts referred to in paragraphs.? and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />set `o:~ IUiwsralUtitttts. <br />1!. laeeewerNot Reinseil. Extension a# the time for payment or modlfrcation of atnartization of the sums secured. <br />by this Deed: of Ttrtst grattted by Lender io any successor in interat of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any matinee, <br />tht liabt7ity of the origital Horro+ver and Borrower's successors in interext: Lander shalt not tae required to commence <br />praoecdings apinst stub sut:ceuor at refuse to extend time for paymett: ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by alias Deed of Trtm by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Faehearawee by [.eider IVotw-VPelrer. Any forbearance by Linder in exercising any right. or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise-afforded `by appticabk law, shall riot 6e a waiver of or preclude the exercise. of any Bach right or remedy. <br />The proceuemeat of itrsurana or the payment of toes or other liens or charge by Lender shalt not be a waiver n# Lender's <br />rrgbi to aeceknte the matttrity of alto iodehiedntss secitred by this Deed of Tnrst. <br />12. itaaaediea'Cwatitili~e. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trost are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />or remiedy eawder this iked of 7'rtut or afforded by taw ar equity, and may be exerised concurrently, independently or <br />succeativv~~}}t, <br />13. Swt.aesuns:awi Aasi~wa bead; Joist awd Sexed Liahtlity; Gptio~s. The covenants and. agreements herein <br />crorsesiixd shall hired, and the rights hereundcrshall inure. to, the. respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />sttbjea to the pravisiorss of parasrapit 17 boreal. Alf .-ovcnants and agreements a# Borrower shall be joint: and: several.: <br />7'ht captiom and hewdrrsgs of the pwragraphs of this Deed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to he used to <br />interpret or de8ae the ptovisiam hereof.. <br />II, l~iwiire. Escepr for any notice required under applicable law to he given in another manner: (a) any unlace to <br />Borrorva provided. for ire this Deed of Trust shall ix given by mailing sitcti notice by certifted mail addressed to Borrower at <br />t}tr PrtipMy Address or at such Mber address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided. herein, and <br />{b} any rxrtice to 1.ender aitaii be given by certifte6 mail, return restipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein ar to <br />such. other add[aa u lxader may detignate by ttotiae to Barrawor as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Devi of Trust stmt be deemed xo have }teen given to Borrower or Lender when given iri the manure designated herein. <br />13. U>,Yasw Dawd hf Trw~ t`.weniwg Lsw; SevenhiWy. This farm of deed of trust combines uniform covenanu far <br />rurtiorsal tae and aan-uxtiform covenants wit#t7imited variations by jurisdictiatt xq constitutt a uniform security. instrument <br />coveting realpc+ This Deed of Tritst shall be goverriod by rho Saw of rho jurisdiction. in which the Propertyis located. <br />In the event thatprovisiors or chune of this Ikerl of Trus[ ar the ;tiote conflicts wi[h applicable law, such conflict shall <br />nax tJficrattbef pptrarrhiam-of thh Desxl of True or [he Note which can be: gaxon etfeci vvrthout the conflicting provision, <br />sad to rids said the proviaioea of the-Deed of Ttadt atxd ilu ?tiate are deciarcd to he sevcralale. <br />1f..liwrsnwds r-q7 lortdwe:r shall be fu: rushed a conformed copy Rt the Note and o€ this Deed of True at the time <br />of raxeexdfoer~or afttt weolislli~rlsatwttf: <br />17. Ttwwafr d tlhe ~A~wwtpliaw. if ail rir arty pan of the Propery or an interest therein is sold or transfetved <br />b]' Hartnett wrthatt I.e prior wrixtta convent, excluding {al [he crcatton of a lien ar encumbrance subordinate to <br />this'Deed of Tutu. €b} the creatran of a purchase morrey'securaty intcrets fur hrstrsehold apppliance, (c? a transfer lay devise; <br />descatt or by opaafiar of law u the death of a pmt tenant ar f d1 [he grant of any Icasehald interes[ of three years ar kss <br />not ~ntriaia` an oPlion~~~ , l:eioder may,. at l.tndrr's optrori, declarn ail the sums secured Sty this 17eed a( Trust fn br <br />rmrtredately doe and Pw LatdcrJsall have weaved such option to acceterare if, prior to tSie sale or .transfer, Ixnder <br />and the person to whom the Propery is to be sold ar trsnsterred reach agroemetit in wrnrng that the credit of such person <br />is wtisfactary to'Latder and that the iaterext payable on the sums scoured. by this Reed of Trust shall r>r at such rate as <br />Leader slutl royuecG ff tt~ has wased the option fa accelkratc provided in this paragraph 7 7, and if Borrower's su«rcessar <br />in interest hu execrued a wrtua aawxmptiat agrreaxiit actcp[ed in writing by Ixnder, Ixnder shalt release Botrawer from <br />all oblippttttam under this weed of Trmr and the dote. <br />If Letrtly exercises ztrelt nptiat to accelerate; Ixnder shall matt Harrower notice. of acceleration in accordance with <br />ph 14 ltettof. Suelr notice shall provirie a pored of not less than 30 dsys from the date xhc notice is mailed. within <br />w~hBaxrrnrtr may ppaay the stwtis declare! due.. tf Bortawer fails io pay such sums prior tri the expiration of such period,. <br />Lender: trtay, withatt t mlurr leer nMrce ar dtnnrsd car Bornrvvv. invoke any remedies pa'mrtted by paragraph l 8 hereof. <br />Naart3svtixrnut Cavexxrrrs, 8orrosvtr artd l,ert6er ttnther covenant and agree as failaws: <br />li. AeceieewYwwc Rewsedfr.-,Fs~reprss pnvi/eJ ht Mr>KrM-17 heno(, wpr/ornnra's beach of aay,,covemM or <br />a`reaaewt of ynrwer iw Hlw Dr/ of Trwiu. irclrediwR the cavtawwb fo ppwwyy whew dwt wwy saws secured by this Deed <br />of Trot. ixttiea M~ tw aoceieraMN ahwN nett tteeirc to iwerower r prortdN to pwtwgrwph Ia" hereof specilylwg: {I) .the <br />hewwe~' f3i the aefiaa rwrlrrirtd t•' cite acacia hreweh: (3.} a dwtr, wet lest thew J8'dwys fror tAe dwte eft notice h ma8ed to <br />lteswwer. b'whieh nai hnpeh treat he cored; trf (1) that faiiare to crone suck hrewc6 aw or before the- date. spedfied <br />iw re awliee m4;eewk ie`acceietatlwst of fhe starsa'aecred by this lhed of 7"rwwt awd sde of'tht Pro}edy. The waNin <br />.. siarfwtherIsiwerMrre~er. of therf~ld po:' estate ,after aeteteratioo awithe; right. to. briwR a ronrt at[iomta asset <br />d-t rww-p~MSts sf a iefwlt or sy ether de[sse of Eerrower to aca~deradow a~ sale. IC the breach is tone toted <br />aw: ea halwee the Jaat >?~at~ad [err iht siwticti l.ewiv al [;ewier's optisw aswy deciwrr aq of she soots secured by obis Deed <br />of'ftitwt b 6a irrrwsNiMdy he ad paYahle wYhwwt fwrther dawned and away inrolte the power of swk and aey other remedies <br />h!` ~ hew. I.eder shat he eet3tlN to coiled aM reasowabie coos ad ercpeaaes incwmed is pnrsnitgt the- <br />teacarts psoviia+ iw hi'prwtsapi it, lwc9wiiwR. Gal wt gwsitei to rasor~bk attoney's fen.. ' <br />~ the pwwtr eE sale to ivwltad,'Ttnalee 9W ;rererd a wotkx of defadt; I» each cowwty is whkh the Propeety or carne... <br />pre ehesaof k IweataJ fwd rhi eswi ce*in olz sweh eotke nr the a.awet praenjbed by wpplicwbte !aw to Borrower wwd tar the <br />'uhv p ! h` aplieahk`hrw. Afttx the lapse of retch time ar Bay he; required by appiic:hie txw, .Trustee. shall <br />t~ pwMc Wife of aaia Ir'tht pesseAa aati w the Baser ptescrihed:by appiicahic Iarr. Trtrtsee, without deeeand on <br />*wawer. shay ae# the l4ra~erty hf ~ awcliws to the hagltest barter r the three awd piece awd ender the terms designated <br />&t the stMke of rate: rw owe x wswrt p~resls-~i iw srcix order ss Twee may d~eUermMs. Trastce mwy postpone soar of aH <br />ar awl }MCe! wf Me trwpert)' ht lttMfc awn~eekat at tLe tissc a~ pbcc of awy pxcviousiy sirhedukd sak I,errdrr ar <br />Lewrti'~ 'italgwat dT pvcire the I'swpeAp a nay sate. ' <br />C^pw rsesipl of paryrer of the peace hit, Trwpwe shnil deliver to the pwrehrer Trmteds deed ronveyirtq the property <br />eeir_ itie rerlNia its the Trurleda tote shwli 6e priasa facie cvidewee of the trweh of the statemetrxs erode therrfa. Ttucter <br />~ apply ohs ~eatsaais of the swia ht./6e faYowiwtt o-Ar: €a1 so aB atasen~ie cosiit and expeascs of the sale. firrludirgt, but <br />air tirwiter te,. TreYeai fen of wet ere throw .I2 :;f :l ;a'o o! the Bross sate price. reaeawabirrttarney's fees and costs m# <br />ttfle e.irerace; (b} b d rases aecwttr by tfais.Uerr'of Trutt ad {c} the excer, tf trwy, to tbeperre or pessom lelfa[ly eneitled <br />tharasw. <br />19. IMnmrer's RieYt to F€elmfata. ^3at^+^chaianding Lender`s acceleratixxr crof ttu-sumsrecuxed by this peed of Trust. <br />Itorrawsr shall hnvr ?tx rifCht to have any oro~ccdings 'begun by: L;endcr taenfortxthis. I;,ted of Tnrst discontinura3 at <br />nay tcrr,E error to the en:iror so occur ox (ij the bleb day lxiore the -sale atxffe Propertypayraerant tothe power atsale c:~xua?ned <br />.n tlvs Dtcal of Truer c>r iu) entry crf . iudRtnrnt enfursng t~hi+ Deed: of Tttt~i tf: fsr).Bsrrrowe~rpays Lender all sums whichwayLtld <br />'',e :?>rcx dine under t'hu Dees{ of Tnut. the Pr otc and crew srarnsng:I'ttture Adsancex, 3#.any. bad na acreleratit+n. oc¢urrrd; <br />fhi 1Mrar,.-cr ctrrrr+ all t,ra~cAcr of any ,?nc~t covenants c~regrm~enta ofFtorrowec coextaanea# in tltis~13eed of "(rust: <br />rCl Acsrrowtr ptgn ail rCa3.Ctta L'.lr ~t pcnfcs nx„rrcu by srnd~r.~n'd "f rostce 9n ;"nf[:c~ing the nvsnaaxs and agrccrrPe~nir• of <br />h,~r: c=wee : ~rnaae~uf in s3rVc t3rccl rxi Tnttit ecd gin. rnEorin& ltrxics`'g and Tr,r'~e`s reertc~icy a~ prtt~ided i.? frxraltrr'{~; I??. <br />hr*CCS}. in _ict<;irt¢. >.vrt nv+ t:mited [o, rcaa.Snai+lc rrt[orreca~-, tm~.:,tx! rat; rf ;?*rnwu tak8s 3zrrhx:.ut+rt ax t:.,en~r treat' rrax,,r:ab#s <br />r~est:;,;c to ~r-e=re tttar tkac :a~rr ~:r +, h.s. ~-d •xt '§'.mst: ~l cnakx°s [nies'e+t -n. t#:e .Pea>fer44' :zrxd FSotrnv,cr`~ ..,3a€igairnn i~, l•at <br />