<br />Loart No. '+9553-1-18
<br />i,` ~a DEED ~~' TRLS'T p
<br />~ ~DG ~ 1I I~E ~. f A
<br />THIS DEED OF TRiiST is made this......~~~ ................day,of'._.. -ApAil.. , .
<br />19.~~., among thr• Trusfor:Akan -R..OgS- ?mod .Guani.e..-r...Q&~.. huskaud. area. ~i~~e, . ~ozntly. and. each
<br />in. t t~za .otan. ~ ..... (hzrcin "Sermwer"j........ _ .. ............. ...... .
<br />~ktt>. ......... .
<br />Joseph. H._ Badamf _ . ; , , _ . _ .. _ (herein "Trustee"?, and the Bencficiarv,
<br />FIRST r'EDERAL SAPINGS AND LOAN PSSOCzAT,~4N . ~~. i.AstCQLA1; ... , ..:., :: corporation or[~antLC.1 ,tnd
<br />CS1Sting under the laws of, erz;ea< ,whose address is. 1235 "N'.'.
<br />..._ ..~-
<br />St=@2t.. T.iRCOin..Nrhtaska.585D8 ......... .._ (herein "Lender"l.
<br />Boxxowex, in ronsideration of the indebtedness hcrcm r.cited and the trust herein creatzd_ irzevcxa5ly grants
<br />and conveys to "Trustee, m r~uat, with power of sale, the fdlowirg dcscri}ac~l property lxated m.thc Count~~_of
<br />Fk?~i ................. . ...................Mate of Nebraska: ,
<br />i.ot Five, {5) in z'33ock Three {3) ;n Westerhoff's .First
<br />Subdivision,.. except tht=_ East: Thirteen {13} Feet end the
<br />westerl~;Farty {IIUi Feet, ~n Addition to the City of
<br />C~and "Is].~zri, mil CcsuntY, ;Webraske.
<br />which has the address af. , 311 west. 18tH .. , Grand Island
<br /><_~.ent tc~ir7
<br />!tebrasiu ......58801, - - . (herein "Proper}' Address")
<br />...... [S4L mC Tip i'owt
<br />Toctrttr~R with all Ike improvemersts now or hcreattzs crectzd on thr property. snd s13 casements. rights,
<br />appurteaar_m. tents (Subject however to the right. and authorities given herein to Lender to cofJecl and apply such
<br />rents}. royalties, mineral, oil and ors rights and prattts. water. water rights, and water Stock, and a1i fixtures now +x
<br />hereafter attached to the pregerty, :di of which, including replacements and additions thereto. shall L*: deemed to he
<br />and remain a part of the ptope.-ty covered ti'y this Dced of Trust: acd a[I of the foregoing, together with '-ais property
<br />Car the ieauhold estate if this Deed of Trust iti on :, leasehold i are herein referred to as the "I'ropertti":
<br />To 51:cttata to Lender (a} the regny:nent of the indebtedness evidenced by Borr'ower's note dated ftpfil.+. ~~., 1~2
<br />... _ ....fhesein "*Ttxe'"}. in the principal start of . Fgrty. ,Tit;ee. 'Lisayeand Tvcv_ .iyrldred, and i)~(I3a
<br />...... ................... . ...... . ...... ikrlisn, with interest ther~c~n, pro'.rding far monthly inst.>>lmcnr.
<br />cif principal gntt intemst, with the balaree of the indebtedness. it not ;goner paid, due and ;rayab3e ~+n ....... _ . _
<br />.. _ .. ~s..~`~4~' ....... . . . . ...... . . ... _: the payment ~f ai} at her sur3ts- •.vitYr -nteresl th,~rec3n_ a~:4•rnnec~i
<br />in ati-zti7r'dtlna ~,rttxsth to rrtvteat the zccuritt~ o[ this Deed ±;: Tru>t; arc: thz pcrformancc of the cs~:~cna;tt, or-d
<br />tegsrcments cif Fivrrttsrer hrein ecmtaineslrand t b- t#n rcpaymcraa cat an ;utute udvanrrs, vrti h mtemst th_rtc,n_ made
<br />tc~ Aorreswer b7 L~nc3>rr p~rsvant to par~ni;rph 2 t hereof therein `hnture Ad~:artcs°?
<br />13rrt=-ra~r ~:frcasat ttat Ht:rte;-aer is law:- ikpe-is i of tnc esra+c he e. tw ~rw.~etic- a .; Has t ~ :-t~~ t_ •rsst .m<.
<br />cntrvx~ tfi~ Prrperty. tltatthr Psvptrt;.~ ss enencumhesed..nd that P,nrnt~:~r x~ii1 ,x~;i r *n oar + fc,r~i ». rizr;tii~ ih:
<br />title t? thr i'rc~ttti a ,~inx¢ aL~ .^.~dlm$ and dcenanc3s. s~,b1._ ..r sn3' t.,~i_+rat, n> .a:ent: ~;{~ ~:r r_ .ni.m a! :.. ,
<br />rRlc tst ,~.~;rstit~n. tza ctvrretw~: in ~aav trtM jr_.oranie ~,Pi~;ti~ risurtr~ i.i°.oe't+r , ~.scr~ce :_, it•.,; Pre.:~ c~r:~..
<br />A$~i- :, rc. ; r fm. ,-.: %5 -Fitt€MIAF$ UNfitf47e tNStR~M[!t?
<br />
<br />