<br />s ._.
<br />82~~p~3fi3
<br />(1) tnonth prior to i[s due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such border
<br />with funds to pay such premium to Lse Secretary of Housing and i7rban Development pursuant to [he
<br />National Housing Act. as amended, xnd applicable k2egulations thereunder; or
<br />(Il) If and so long as said Hate of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />urban Development, amuuth}y charge {in fieu rrj'a mvrrg¢ge insurance premium) which shalt bein an
<br />amount egaai to one-twelfth (i/iw) of one ha}f (!!^1 per canturn of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into act Door delinquencies er prepayments;
<br />(b} A sure equal too the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next became due and payable on
<br />policies of ?ire and tsiher hazard insurance covering the mortgaged noeperty, plus taxes and assessments nett due
<br />nn the mortgaged property t¢t( as estint¢tea ht' ?he ~lnrrgageei less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />numbee of months to crap=e Uefore one month prior to the irate when such ground rents, prentimns, taxes and
<br />assessments will becaame delinquent. such sums to be held by Mcrrzgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, prs;•
<br />miums. taxes and special assessments:; sod
<br />(c) All payments menrioned in the two precadir>Q subsections of this paragraph sod al3 payments to he made under
<br />the notesecured hereby shall be added t<a~ther, and the aggregate amount thereoi shall be paid hy' rise Mortgagor
<br />each month in a sinpde payment to be applied by t?se Mortgaszee to rite hallowing items it, tttt~ order xt forth:
<br />([) premium charges under the cont..*act o; snsurancs ~antlt the Secretary of ticwsiog aatd Cryan i)evelopmcnt,
<br />or monthly charge tin (rear _r7 n:rrrt~¢ge rnsurarrce nramiurn). as the rase may be:
<br />(il) ground rents, taxes, assessments, lire and s>ther hoard insurance premiums
<br />ip[} traere~st rsn the note secured hereby: and
<br />(ItrS attaortiaation of the pnncrpai o! :,asd note
<br />Airy dcstciencv~ in the amount ut ar : wch ags„tsecatr sntnttitly payment shall, unicss made gaol by Cite 12ort-
<br />ga~r prior to ilia due date of the r:+st ach g~ac s c +._ ~>sstiuuc an even :rf delault or=der this ntartgage. 71fe
<br />Morrragee may co}feet a -lot charge" :rcas to ex ce f~>r.s .cuts t•7vrt i,,r cacla dollar tSl io~eaeh paynsant rrtare
<br />than tafteen (k5) ..t: s .a atreats to cover the estra rx^esxse r iv-. v•~+ :n handling dclrnquent pa}:nents.
<br />,. `Plrat it thr ttua! rd the lrawment:= made irc thr~ skert4a;*ur ==Hues ~t--; of paraeraph :: prec<*dirtg =bait exceed
<br />thr amount of paym+nui- .utuaily madt~ hw. ths~ 'turrtsaa«n+• rrrr tymund n~nt~, taxes= ono .t v=-ment"• or in~uranr^t• prr-
<br />mium~.. a- the s~x-c> mat bw. _uth t~xccws_ if xh<: !;wan s. ~.-arrrrts..tt zhc c,ptrost of the ylost},argoc, shall{ be rres'litetv-I by
<br />tht- tlnrtga~Q+• nn pub=culu~t~na iravment- to itr~ ~sade• ha thr '6Ssutzaaor. s:r rr~(unded to they Llatrtaatvr. li~,'rsrwrwt~r, t.ha~
<br />r'Krn[hlt puy°ment- saailc tn~ ahc Mor[gagvx unse r - ~>t eat,a~raritt ~' nrecedang ~.hal: rx*t i>ti szstlicee~u to pad, grwnci
<br />rrtitt, taxe.~ told ,~ ..r.~rmcnu4 errsn~urance premrum~. ,tom tne~ re_.re ;Nett rrr - ysSsrrtt thr ~amcr -hall beevmc due. and pay~-
<br />a#tie, the=n the ~bxt$~rrr -ha71 pay su tJa• "~i~ r~ -as~~r, env anw+un: ne-t°r.,,.an w mai.e up ths~ deficienev, on ar iteforcy
<br />t}na dote sohrn p;tvmev+r e,f -ueh ptrnund nru. +.ry~ r~.e•.4men't- <.r sa>ur.mt~r~ prrnrinm~ -boil btu due•. If at am
<br />tints 21se* ~itusilagur ~aN tttatr(rr t.u thv t€ttrxg,~~r- , sn srs~urdam r u.itle ihs~ proes~san~ r,f t~hr nuts >es•ut['<l hezrbv.
<br />full pavnerni of the° ~~atirr iudohrxvfn*--- ~~~pz~~-~ nta~~s t#s~rr-4n, rhr ~hsngaa~rr> >h;r!l. ors +~zmputin~ thr amxrueet rrf much
<br />ind~ehtatess, s:mat to thr .ecccrunt e>l rr,r 41, uLSti~ ,i3 ;.,za-nae7uv :rtca~de a:ult~r the l~rrn~ssivns of .a,+oi p.arograph
<br />hcrt>uf af:ot h th« titertg~at,;tiyr fis- nrrt tx~r ,.mi- .. ~+ed s„ pas s~, rtr<- ..i"e~re~san of Hou-int!~, .nd t rhxn (7e~veYctpmcnt
<br />and ant halturce reroarning zn than fursd~ surumulauyai anetor shr~ prays-~strsj- zr( ~~; ati loss„^rapl• .' h~~rr•tr8', If Chcrra
<br />+halk kit: ;t dcyfauit uttdtr rust oaf th.y Irrrrwi-iam> .,! tlss- r rrrt}s.re r+•~nitsnsi nr a pubiir -s~h• ad the nrt•snl~e~ e•ocert•d
<br />ttereh}-, sir ifa,ha'vlnrty;ake,= ac,taarr- the tsrr.tr~•rsw tshsr.a~r• .,ft+e tJefoult, shel}e?rt~j!r~oc -h::ii aplrl}, st Ihr• time of
<br />thr t~ttmme•ncemr•n4 ui -u<~fis Isrucew•din~~..,r xt tiacY ssnte• th~~ {sr„ps•rtc ~,- r,tPsrsui-r> asskuiswd, (hs• le,tlunro Lhen s°s~mssin•
<br />ing an tlaxy tundr :+rrumul.rkv3 ta'stes' _. u3'rnar.eCrnlrh l'sri•r~rsisr,y, a- .~ rs,.ilzs saxin-+ t~h+• amuurrz ,rf prrnctps.l nc~n
<br />rnmarning sutpatd under -aid rr~ts..xrad .ls:ti! @yruperik .uskust .zsr. lrswmi=nt- sahse~h -hall »atis• 6ervs raadt• under tr:;
<br />of psu~agraph ''.
<br />s. ~fh:,t rhr t}, ~tt:rsut =t r~: ,~a~ . •rrei+ tser+. canx•ns y, +e ... ~~. . ~„ cr w ~'•cs=r ~nesst:?i gat n'>ttns;apal
<br />charg .. 'r ~: ~. *,itrer• ~ ,..~ r 1~.„ asst hewn ro=ar re ~ :~~ ~~,, ~ ~ ,; iisercr ~ ttae wlrsst;u~ce tn:ay
<br />p3}anl t'.i .~ l ~ .~~11 r., ~ ;i,i~ u.<[!,sC.,thtrn~? <rrt ~ ~ ,~i t ~_~,;~v
<br />~~ t ,, ;~,
<br />1,., Al. i~,.. •r. "r rc~frti ..r;<,n ,i c 1 __, ~ . i.. ,i.:c ,t,tt, rYnt)ruce~
<br />ntents, -, ~ .. hi, n ~_. ,. ~, r r ~ -t al>e, swht kt~re, _,.t I ..,. ,-~i ~. ..;i i,. nod prx>isihst..
<br />~, by ~ ~ ,~ ~ .,< ^u~ <, ~r+ . y :x t. s ~ a... ~. ~ c. ,>a~ led+;rsti,
<br />sm{+ta ~ ~ .~r ~.irn k , ...,... .....~ _ _.. , , ,., i~st, u>t~ p,~, s,e :.ts list .,. ,ia.,.._ ~ . ~. tfu, urtJer-
<br />iitk:[nt:. ~sr [I Inc 1r 1', ~i~~l. - '.~sca'. t ~, .., i~, ~. 'i? ~ ~~.. „ .,i..:t c,I C}re .tcrre~
<br />tied t ~~e, ~r ~~~ a i•~ r, c, . ~~;:,~ ,.. r ,,.. ;~~.-n + ... AL :'~,,.. ,... .~, ~.K~., ,..: t( wch #as+
<br />:»r .(i^w~ , i... 4~i ..~.. ~,.~. a La ~~ .4, .. ,. ~~ r?=rte .,3s._; boor
<br />fhe rilr, is K~t~ srni~. ;,_, ,.; nca n.~tts: t ~ ~_. . _, ._. ~.. ~ .~,.i s, '.., ~ , .~j nc~ n,nri~e¢;c
<br />r~Chr. ii Luc; 'rrr,. - .-~ ';~ :.ai.7 debt ehsl Cec,.. ,r~~, ..•,C ~ .a.~y ~ :~~: ;ir tc . i r, .,.~ ,~tt:e C'. d:f~>.
<br />C, l h..: ~~. .. .y .... _ .. _ ~uaa ae 4:eti p s;ti~ ., .. .. ~ an t: - \ ~~r, _ c_ ,uv 'Sfurti;s'rvs,c. at it, ot~~
<br />iron. r . ;ray ~ ~r ..._ .-sac. enyi ail en;,enays;use .. -.. ,.... ~ _:., ded er .tti ; .n, s ~.,.. ~ w ;n :~;e a:+<rvc iautc.
<br />-dtak;t+r>;ectuc .. :~i. ~.i,~.~,;rtnierea9a:thr,rzti,t' ~ :°u,~,rancse.untsipasci
<br />~hh:~.t be h~ , ,,n~tar* ,tnu >et ..x t-;: if ~t :. s re ~:ppiieu ra•n , ~sce s•~r ~..,,ti xs ..ri the matc trn<8 ail
<br />sums .,:'cum r. ... ,r: _.. ._ ,i f a.Gt :n ?he tx, .,x,.r:,t'~,.,. si=n . € .ht teXSaYs s:nd _..n,i .~ .., ..~ IY'„ ~t.rrtg«=rws .. r :. ~, on+xt
<br />ntzre, ~a4k rhe~ ,scat. .. rn~< try ;~:, derive, f,arn he eturs~~Kcd ptrraisci duri,~a ~ ,. , rna as lac rnsrrt~s4c us iehaed-
<br />nCSn -..,tak}.. e..,,~ . ~ ,~, .rod the ~4.~tte.ugce shn } ha ice zxrw,:.ar ..z~ rtt and ager[t tx zwtr ~ :Wray ~tc~trt tear r..~ r..i, =< of
<br />reYsai r , . ~ ,~ : _ i _ ;:.d ._.. enurxg the .ar;te anx! ee*~lieeurtg the re-n._ . re-c,sues and is><x ~e. artd st me; y ~y „ , .
<br />,.r
<br />c<xrne r ~ °c,a ~ -.. t:.tui3zt; ~.,.c p cruses sou nc z.. , ctarnrrassu>n> and eepeases ina,ir°. ed isa reading astd n >n:::=,..,~ the
<br />±an,~- of ~_. ,,..._. ~ ,r tzla' there4~.~m; the **alsrne c~..rznrtrg, iS an}, s~<r ~hc tepphed terx ~~ d ttte di-: Irnrgr n€ sa=ri a,tur.aec
<br />in~ich'c~r,r.,
<br />~- ~ n;;' it •. _,- ~.hc i~~ ; ~ .c =cola nux c ~ ic_ + _.- . . _-'terf <r1, .rsr sou=r; ... ist4urcJ t.~ .neg hn
<br />:c:,' .~ 'rr"., s trc !`c n'.~_~.e .rn,± i5te fret .~hs*.r h8tards- _. .. ._~ ones R~s,cidre rn «.
<br />n ,i _,
<br />..~., s .. .. _.. .i. _.... , ~_.~ '+~ ..y.. ~ rr„ ~\i ., pay p>afi,: ,.~ _ ..u,nb us~h
<br />.. ..
<br />,r, r ,.. .. s~
<br />_ _ c nrp-~ ,p-
<br />-,.~, _..~:cat t _. ~ _.
<br />_. ~ ~z.i _ <_;I ~ rig
<br />i.
<br />s.. `.f.--is, ~ .. ,rya ..~.. ., ,,i ,r ., ~ ~b. ~ ,_ , .._,-rs-
<br />.
<br />:,t,l~F~c f :~ •,. .~~ ~:c ;t. .sue. _.. ,a - .>- ., ... ~i ; ,
<br />_ _~:'hcr
<br />the :n,..a. <_.:,~,et Sri;~s,~ c ~., _ ~~ ,~ .,'i,
<br />.. .i,_ r:- ~:r, ~°
<br />ny~ _..,. t~ _ ,., ... .. _. _,_ _, _ ..
<br />~_^. .,. ~ -.. .. .-,~ .-.. ;:fir-~. ,.... ._ .,.. _,
<br />,~
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