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$~~=ta tl 13 E; °, <br />10. That ;he Mortgagor will. keep the bniidrng; upan said premixs in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />upon said land, nor ,offer [hr ~atci premises to t>e used far :.ny unia>; ful purpose. <br />II, That ifthtlrrcmists,oranypatttF[ere[:f,iecandemnedu»dtrthepowerafeminentdomain,oeacquiredfnrapublic <br />use, Lhc dama,es swardcd. nc~ proceeds fotYthc c<king_of, dr the consideration far such acquisition, ro the extent of the full <br />amoun[ [>f indebtzdnes upon this mortgage and the ntzte which it ie gn en 2oaecure xtmaining unpaid, aze hereby assrgnad by the <br />'vlort;~gc+r to the '~tongagec. and shalt L.epaid farthwfth to said hfortgagee to 0e applied by the latter an account of the next <br />maheritrg installments of such indEbttdtttss: <br />I?. The ~tangagor further agrees than should: this morigagt and the note secured hereby not:- be eligible for in- <br />surattcc udder the ,~'ational Ffausing Aci within j. riY072'Cf1Y`. from tfie date hereof fwrittenstatement of an}• officer <br />of t1K Department of Ffousit[g;.and Urbane f]evefopment or auxhoreud agent of the Secretary of .Housing and Urban <br />Development dated subsequent totnc J TArJI1th5 tfine fram ills date of this mortgage, declining Coinsure said <br />Hate and this mortftagt; being deemed eondusive proof o such fnchgibitity), the Afortgagec or hoPdcr of the note <br />may. at i[s uprinn. dec{areall sums recurred hereisy immediately dae andpayaliie. <br />3. `(hat if the !ttartgagor fails to make any. payments of money when the same become due, ar Fails to conform to and <br />rompty wi[R :myflf titcconditia»saragreemerts captained in this martgage, ar the note which it seetues, then iheentire peinci- <br />pal .urn and ;+ccrued interes( shall at once t+tcnme due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagee; acrd this mortgage may <br />thut:upon tr fortciastd'immediattly far the whole of said more}', interast.,monthtypayments. casts, ground rents, loxes and <br />the cnst of extttniingthe abstract of title from the date ofthis loan tt: thtrirne of commencing wch foreclosure suit, and a rea- <br />sortable attoraey'sfee; all of whiett shaUbeinetudcd in thr decree of tfareclasrtrt: arut thecantract embodied to this mortgage <br />a»d the nntc secured htrcby: shaft in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Netsiraska, where the <br />same is urade. <br />'the cave[rartts herein contained shall bind. and six t+tnefits an+f advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs; txocutars,' <br />admiafztretors, successors and assigns of the parties. hereto. Whcnevtr sod. the singular numtxr shall. include the phtxal, the <br />plural the singular, and the ux of any gtndtr shalt t:e applicah}e to a91 genders. <br />'1'he'foregoitnt cottdit~ns, all and singular, Facing perfarmtd accardingaa [heir natural and legal impart, this co»veyance <br />shall be vcrid and said premiers rtteased ae thr ezptnst of the N4artragor; ~+therwit to bt and remain in full farce and ttfect: <br />IN 14fI'NESS F3FRlYtlF.the haxtgagcsrtsl ha S hereutuo set hc;T Irandtsl the day and year first <br />above wriftem. <br />fn prtsenec tsf: <br />_~'`,..s. l t:t i I£ ~ t [.SEAL.[ <br />` ~. <br />.[SEAL } <br />[ SEAL j <br />( SEAL. J <br />[ SEAi.7 <br />GV0 9A7.t 28 <br />S f A'TE ~f !ti FBR,ASKA. <br />.: <br />tt)U*fTY'trk bail <br />fttr slur ~ day of .~ipri3 -. L7. ifs gi? , bttore me. <br />a tt04A2';V }i!lartd tar aadt outtty, ptrs[marlly°cams <br />Mere ~t. Taavs <br />personally tat mt known <br />to ewe the ate»ticat i+trscrrr evttost [tame ~ ;.tfixtd to tftrabgve andtore- <br />~ur[i: mstrumcm as Mortgagor. and ackmrwkdtted the said f»stttiiment andthe <br />cxnuhari[hcreVfittf+e- ~,,~ +'ulu»tary~rsia»d4ced.forifvcpurpnacstEterei»txpre3sed: <br />ira ,c,nm.>ny wfrerr.f:lha~r 7terrunto setmyhand a»d affixed hp ROt$Tlr~,]'371d. I523IId, t+~SI'dSfCti <br />on the day .red tt;itt last afK~..t u.ri!ietr. <br />Y-'' ,, ~; <br />f \ ataxy Public <br />~-r.~ <br />i1 .+,SkgF~ENFiAS1tiA ss ~~~w~e~oru <br />Qaar. EeR !wx t . t~5 <br />Ftkd £~r ru+~rd tbu da~}~ of A:I7: l9 <br />:.t .+ .lost M., and tntertti in `.sfumoricai index. and <br />recorded in F3ati. of l~tixEgagts, do <br />Fags uf. <br />Register 6f ftreds <br />L <br /> <br />