<br />.. ..
<br />-~ Thie fcerm' is uaed i n connec-
<br />*~T tion *;vith rnorfgages insured f
<br />t~~R 1 ~TAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />~E _ ~Pa ~~yy pravisintra of the National
<br />~'~~..r`() ~~ ~ v~ T_} -.l Hov~inir .fie±.
<br />f
<br />7~H}S MF1R'FG,4GE.. made and executed rhi, ~ day of A~1T1~,- .A_D_
<br />lv g2 . by sna between tit4RfiF A. -Ati'IS, .2t 57:71~ie perSQn-
<br />of theCnun[yc>f Ball ,andStazeoFNebraska.partyofttiefrrstpart;hereinaftercalkd'
<br />t!:e ~fon~egor.and REAI.B?~t~3G, Ii~7G. ,
<br />a corxration arrzani~ed andexictingunderthe lawsnf the $tatt? Df t~hTRSk8.
<br />p,i: ry r~i ;he ,ea rand pan, hceeinafiet called thr ?4tongagee.
<br />~'IT\ rSSFT H, That the said'tiftirtgagor. fitrand inconsideratiannf the corn of QTY $~'~'I3 'IHOI}SAND FI1rE HtiIVDTtED
<br />,~ lJO/lil0__=s:-- _-- --,.---_~--______ __ ________[)nllarsrS~7 500.00 ).paidbyhe:44act-
<br />gat;ce, tf~ receipt of whrcFi~is heresy acknawledged. ha Granted ancf Satd and b'y these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain,, Sell. Canv~ and Confirm unto the Wnrtgagce. its ~tccessars and assigrts, fo€evcr, the fotlowdng-dancrilaed
<br />gal estate„ sitnated'ina#te Cauntyof llall . and'State
<br />of 1Vchraska, m-wit:,
<br />Lot Eigitteen (1$~}, in Block Qne (l~ , 01de lti1l
<br />Snbdvisian, Gay of grand. Island, ~~all Catuaty,
<br />t~ebra~.ka
<br />of the S>;tth l+rtnr;apa} ~9crtdtan, ~~attainittg in a}l acres .+ce ording to Govern-
<br />tlPeltt 1nCY~CY"
<br />'f•r! N ~~y F. 1,V Lt ?~t+ }iti'l ~ *ttr Pt Re~s~ ,n. ~t .irtr.rtPxer.4, v.[th'r%tlye appurtenances thereunta hrktngiug anti inclt}ding
<br />'all hearing, pl~mhtnK,rr~u Lghttr,F i. xn,tr :nd r+;ccprnc nt r~,u arhnrc,efter ttitachcd tta ox used in uxnnection withxmd reafiestate
<br />ur,ty the tiforrgt,,teee. ,n,i t,~ a, ~r.~ .. ,nd :-"};nom. ~,.n•,~s~e. 'j'tec't#att};aptn cepreccmxitr, and cr>venantawith. the Mortp;5t-
<br />xeo_ ahat the 1lrtri};ag~r hb. e, i r },ht ~., .e=; .,n,t ,.- .r~ .,;d prrml.~,. Hrat fhty.ue free frt}nreztcum3rranoe: andthaz. the
<br />r4fat~;rK w t71 w.,r+nnt :rrh1 ~.telertu :ne ._,mc :.~.mnva rtrr ~- luf yea. ,; ,r .;I! ~r•.,nswham~xvex; and the saidMartgagar he~e-
<br />by _~chnyutJts..dl ; rbht - f t><mc~ti d .~oJ :: rrr,,: u,d ny,irr Srr i :aw ,,r tneyuizy arui aEl otherconlingent interests ofthe
<br />Alortgar;or en :rrt.l to rtft -iat~e dc~ r h~.i ;arrtntic. the !rn.t„ he E ox:,.rsvcy hete~hV art uh~olutetu}e, in~fee simple..includ-
<br />Ip$,ri!t3gtt„.~lf~~nact;eaurul+:iha'tnsiet...rn1n',;;r:+L.. nhxc~~tu.
<br />PR(T\ ! f7#~ D 4 i W : Y ti, ;,itx# Urc:~ ~ a r +r t ~ t, ,r< < . r cutc,i anti c~elircred ugrxn the f c>ils>w ingl enrnditicrns, in wit:
<br />Tt+e~wtgag+oragrrcwttsprytatheNr•t,x r:r• xardsr,thepnnctpa}sum of ^'L/r1~Y S~VT~ 1fIQlISAtV7) £1VE i~IA+I[?RF:D
<br />,$ LtUJ1Ui1-___.._____>___ _ _ _----------------..__,.d3taSlar.iS 4?,500.,00 S.
<br />u felt urtr,est t~ ,,xis date at tlac rate ut F2 tbeeri aStci 0236-half per cetittun 4 lS I/2 ;~ per,aanum an
<br />theuta~id!alariseurstiit.,id.T~nz,aitiprinCig:il3txliciteresi+:ha}lhepeyatxleatilaenfficecf +~;a,j~~Ct ISlC,
<br />an f4i~Fia , `ebTaska orat ~ucFt outer plact a, the hvlderot
<br />ihencxtci.tyckslh.arc r miry,. n,anthiy nstrlrncnt+,uft'il}i g{[}hiUf2ir11 tdl:'+IF,'pf ~a $$/100-------------
<br />- - - - - _ -- _ _ _ _ [3. li r , • h1~ ~}$ cartir~cncing.rn the first day of
<br />JZ y ~~ ~d wt tom. fiat dex ~ r c.ec^ mt,t th nc ee; isr e!ntil the prinupal and in-
<br />24r~-r ,.~ fntl} p.Jd. ~.ti,.E,r..,h„t °Fx rioul t.~>m,cnt al prinup.ti aril, izierc>,. if nr. ,covet itaid_ sha41 be dqe and
<br />p: yablr.m titer fir . as} 'f °~',V ?O1'
<br />. ail acc~~, din„ Eo the terms of a certain pramis•
<br />,rxy ~?te of even date he:cuithecscutg~ h; rfK~ .aid'~iotCgagur_
<br />"fhe ?A,a,t;.;g,or m ardor ertare fnfly,to prazect thCr.ecurtty of tleiw TMdarzgagc, agrees.
<br />I 'il>at `rc of tuv nc nurh cdnrs ,u hcre}n_2',efare pr, wide Privilege ti re~erced to p:~S xtse debt in uhoye, or in an.
<br />:fru,~cnt cgrs:t~ , -r,c or as ~r~ m..+. ih.} ,.a} ~.cnk> ~-:~ the ['l~n.tpai t5a. arc ne Xtdue Un ihc.note. nn tbC fir~[.1ur of sn4 n1u11ih
<br />pt x r t !xuriuna} Flat n!dJ_ beta avc:_ 1"-hat wnl[cn rtoU°e of _,n .n1 n.~~+n G! CXarrCt;TF. bla+. t'l pll'~tlcgc i•. gwCn,lt iea~t Ihtrty-i30)
<br />dBjs pZlO(i0 ~; [.par RfIIL
<br />~,i. ta`gcthe. utih ncl in a3ji.iun t he rn.~r,!}tls r ~tcr~ f _riritT _Qd inficrrr nJrat-re under the terms aftha
<br />noA «: urcd hcrtht-. trte Rhtrtgz~or wt[t pay ir. tl.c $t.. rte, g~c, crt th ci ~ day , t e,,,.hm:»,it i~~~ii~ tirv ~dt~na39~ f~ fu7fy fir~.id, khC
<br />foln tiutg ~w~rg
<br />t3j :L h' 4ili iu" c..nc rl .G t)CU+IC~ rile ~S 0[uCt t1:'. _.: h'~Lit ,Pf1L5 ;L; ,~„ .la .._ - r 'srr~ag: )r Y., AF1 o.: pt C,nkz43nk. it tl}i&
<br />~. ![_- i sr era: ,fit<i 'nc itf-k- v _~.:r! It °r~.i?v ar itm~.~~$.. ., aurtrtl iv ~ _ __ r ~r,.~r.gr;;~e znsu,rfrrtce p~ra-
<br />"1 L-1 1. !~ .i .~ 14 ~SY :i1C ~'i Ia ~ _. it.~ -13i :11eis t f _~±I: li, C t .'(._ ~I~~..r .
<br />iIf !S J~,1 , L,atk ,sate ;r. _, _., i .i sad ... .-, ic.. ..« ,~ s~ .~ .:,x ..rn n9 .t 4ecihepxcs-
<br />..,,;.,u , , u. k;rn t_:il i -,. .~ ., s.zu?t . ~_.u,. r.' 'f3 ~nrcusa i... _ ~ : t ?s c, Lis ha_cic¢ Eton
<br />.~,
<br />a. .~.~~x.<~t~~~tri.,,.w,:w>trewafo.,t.! ,. _,,.... ~T~.'Ftxt~Ft;l:.iSlicf+
<br />