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<br />SI3B.IECT 117 A 7.ANi3 GON2RAGT in favor of Lt:e J. AIIar, affecting onlq the East Half. <br />cf the Sou~ti half of the northwest ~~arier (E~S~NW~) of Section Twentp-four (24), <br />in Tavnship Eleven (12) North; Range Tcaelva (17),[5est ~f tire: 6th P`. M'. <br />. _- g2--. n{D ~ ~. ~ 3 ~ <br />TogGthtr` wiRlt aTI rights. iaaeatats, tasexaents, ktrtditamenrs and appurxenances tktreunto bekxnging, xkt rtncs, issues, and. <br />profits thereof sad ztvenxxa and income ekerefroan, all itttpmvemtntx and peraanat property now or Later attacked thereto or <br />ausidY necsa>uy to the u: thereof, insiuditeg, bur Hat iimixed ta. ranges, refrigtratars, clotixes washers; clothes drvezs, <br />ar ~arpet~ pwchaaed rrt financed in whop or in part with loran funds, alt ware, water rights, and waur stock ppe~rttaining <br />thereto, and all payme nta at any time owing to Barrowrz by virtue of any zalt, has. uansftr. canvtyance, or wndemnatian <br />of any pout tlierrof or intcest tkceinail of wteieh art lserein caikd "the property"; <br />TCi i1AYf. AND'Tft H4LI7 tkt property vnro the t;oatznencnt and its assigns foctver in fet simple. <br />iiURRflWHR far tiarrovret's self, flormwer'r iseirs, txecuxora, admitristrators, succtaaarr: arse axsigns WARRAlVT5 Ti3E <br />'i'iTLE to the prsrpertp to tdse {;avcrnrnent aaggaa~~~~st atl iawful siaints and demands wkataoracr tactpt any lima, tncumbrancts, <br />taaearteota, rcassratioas, or,caavtyax>Kts spttii'~d htreirxabovt, and ~(?VEItiA:S"FS AMI7 AGREES az followx: <br /><i ~ To gay praatptiy when dot any indtkttdness txa tkc l.overnmenx htrtlay atwrcd and to indemnify sad save harm- <br />ksa thr C;oretgmrttt nga' leas under iu inwnnce a# payment of the mate by rcaaan of any tkfault by tiarrowtr. Ara$ <br />tiaus when xhe voters ktTd by on xnwred boida~ Barrow.xT shall cantnzur to make paymtttxs as the Hare to tht d',overnrmm~t. <br />as mlkcuian agent far the holdtr. <br />#~ To pa to the i:mernttatnt zutlx free ansl other charges as may new ar htrtafcer 6e requited by royulations of the <br />Farnxesa Home Adyminiuiation <br />tdi tf ctquitad by tht Gaverrrment, xo makt addirioaa] manthly paymenas of SP22 of xhe csximated annual taxes, <br />aasa>mepts< ra~:n~ prrrstoarms and ad;xa ckaagea vpa~ the mort~ed grrmises. <br />y4), Whesker or not ti;e Wore is insured ky tkt Gavernmeas, tkt G;avtrnmtnt may atany runt pay any other amounts <br />tegvircd l+mss [o be psi ry Rarrowsr and not paid fry Sorrawer wftcn due, as well as any case and cxpenaes.for iht pro- <br />p <br />ms ~~ ;i x~tiaa. ac aafrrsexnent of tkiz liras, az xalvantGa far tbt acrtnsnt of $arrowtr; All msek advances shall bear <br />" burnt by the Watt whsch has xkt higletat ear Ftae rate, <br />Sj hii advancct by c }se GsxyFr¢rxntnt ss described in ahis instrrxment, with interttt, shalt be immediatety due and pay- <br />able -by }Sartower ro tnz c:,ovarnmtnr wathous demand at tilt }dace deaignaztd ssr t1at-latest note andshalt lx secusedherelry. <br />Na xuck ad.ance by Ga+eratment shall stiieve Bormwtr from breath of 13arroa~er's cavcnrmt ra pay. Such. adsancea, <br />with iatsre:t, shall be ren.sid from. tilt first ava%iablc rolkctians rrctiKd from t3tsrrawer. t]therwist, any gaymerst made by <br />&arsower may be _ppiica an xkt Hero or any itrdebttdtttsa to the Govtrmnent aecurtd htctby in and order the Gave••rnmeor <br />dttcmairs. <br /> <br />