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t <br />,~ ' ~ ~ ~~,,,,.. {}Q 11 ~i <br />{r•1 Tn ..a the loan evidenced by the note softly for purposes aucharaed by the Government. <br />i) To pay :when due all 'razes, liens, judgmenu, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to ar assessed <br />;against [hc grnpperty, including all charges und:assessments in connection. withwnter;water tighu~ and water stock ~craining_, <br />to or nasonablY necatsaty to the- tree of the real property describtd above, and all taus ~nd assessments Tevied :r on This <br />mortgagr or th.~ r,~:a ar airy iadelatedntss hereby scented or against any Iegal holder hereof of o£ the notrar of saidii- <br />riebcedaess under the laws of ~Icbc~sia, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing such <br />_¢a }zncnts. <br />(8) To keev the pproperty insured as regtriied 6y and tinder inntrance policies approved by the Government and; at <br />its reques•, zo deliver sueh..paliciestethe Government. <br />(9; To mainuin improvements in goad repair erred make repairs required by the Govtmment; operate the pn>paty <br />is a ~oc~d and husoandnunlt7cr manner; camp3y with. sorb £arnt conservation practices and farm anal home atanagement plans <br />as the Cuvenment fzom•timeto time mayprescribe;andaat to abandon the property, err cause or permitwaste, lesseaingor <br />imQaarmtnt of zhF ucuittttpp tovertd hereby, err, widsout the written consent of the Government, cut; ternove; or leasr'any: <br />timber, graver, ail, gas, cwl, or other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />{10j To campiy with all laws, ardinarscts, and ugtilations affecting the. property. <br />? 1} Ta pay or Teimburse-.the Govtrmneat for tzpettses reasanalrly recessan~ or hteidental to the protection o£xhe lien <br />and priority hereof and to the ertfarcement of or the comp}iarzte with the provisions hereof and of the note and any supple- <br />mentary a~rrcemerrr ivrier,Irer-bei~ore ast'x£itr"dtfatdtY, including but not limited to costs of evfdente of title to and szuvey o£ <br />thr psogzert7> w#s o6 recordntg this and ath~r insaumtnts, attarnt~s' fees, trustees' fxs, cotter casts, and tzpensrs of advn- <br />ttttttgt scllx~g a>j~ converirgt'he propcrtt~ <br />}: ,;. ..: <br />{I2}~,~y;~xt[ hc" pk~prs y' car ~ny.partiaa thereof oc ittxrrtst iheznia shat! bt 1eated, assigned, said, transferred, or <br />entumbxed volunrazily err otherwise, wzrhouc r.4e ujristrn conscnz of zhe Government. The Government shaII have the m1e <br />and extiusitt r~ hzs u mortgagee irezeunder, including },art not limited m t}re power to grant consents, partialatleaxs, sub: <br />artlinaticans, aaxl utizfaceian, and ra mssrrer. holder shall have any righu, xitle or inrssest in or to rite lien or any brnefiu <br />liercof. <br />3' At,alI rcasanabie *_imes xhc Gavernmera and its agenu may inspect the proppeerrty to ascertain whether the cov- <br />enants a nd agreerzzcnts contained herein nr is any suoolcmcntary agreement are being pesfomted. <br />14x The Cavernment may (a1 rxtead or defer the masurin of, and renew and rtschedttle the pa>jtnents on; ehr debt <br />tiddenecd by the. rwea !x any indebtedness co tlzt Government secured by this instrument, (b) release anypazty who is <br />liable urndtr the Hate cr# far the debt from liabilixy to cht Government, ,c} release portions aft e.propettY andd subordinate <br />iu l`zea, and td; waive anv otlrrr of itt rig?zts'vndex th#s instrument: Any and aII thin Lair and will be done ~ithautaffecting <br />rhr lien or else priority of tams inatntmtnt err liorrawer's err anv other party's Iubflity ro the Government for payment ofthe <br />note or debt vecutet3 ~av titia instrument unless the Government says otherwise in writing. }iOSi+EVER, nay forbcazahcr by <br />thrGOwtrnmenc-whether anu err aftcn-in cxercisint; any right or remedy under t}au instrument, or otherwise afforded by <br />appiicabka law, steal{ tray bra waiver of err preclude the extresse of any such right err remedy, <br />{15} I£ at any tirnc ix shall apQeas m nc~ Goveenrrztnt than Barrowtr may bt able to obxairr a loan from a production <br />rscdit asa~aciation, a r=rdera[ faad iiaznc, err ocher responsible coaprzative err private credit ssairrce. at reasonable rates and terms <br />far loans for simi}ar purpascs and ptrcrds of rime, $nrtasver will, upon the t:avcrnment's request, apply for and accept such <br />loan in suffteieat amount to pav tlrt note and any indtbttdntss xtcuxcd hereby and to pay far any stack necessary to be <br />purchased in a caaptrarivc kntiireg ajtency in cnnncctinn with xssch loan. <br />"1bi T1e£ault htreundcr zitall c.3ns:iruze drfauit under any ofhte real estua, or vndtr anv personal property at.ather, <br />tttvrity instrutzsrar held or inaurcd tsy xht C.avcrnmenr and executed err asstuntd by $ntrower, and default under any such <br />athtx stturitY instrument shall consntuu d+rfault hcrtunrcr, <br />;17i Sla4JLtLII i3EFAULT rxcur its rite ptrfarmrranu nr discharplt of any abligatian m xhis instrtunens or <br />Chic instrument, vs should rhr attire named ax Ao: re>wer ;lies nr lx citeiared an incomlrtunz, or should a.ny one of xhe parties <br />named xs i3arrawtr (se deriare~a lxankrupt, :~r an itssuh~ent <rr realer an ass[gnrurnc :at the bcnttt of cacd#tars, the Govern- <br />rnent, at its option, with err wrrhaut Warier. may: `at declare the entire amount unpaidvnder the non and any indebtedness <br />to.the C;rcr,rcenmenr ircrtby secured immtdiateiye due and payable. ; b~ far the acez+uat of Borrower incur and pay reawnablt <br />exptnses far repair ,sr trrhinttnante of and taxe.Irosxssion of. optxatc. at rent theproperty, fc.) upar. applicatianbyitand <br />pradrtctaon of this macrurgrent: witEzenrx attar evidence and without rratice of hearing ai said application, have a receiver <br />appointed for ti,c property, with the. tyrant t :rvcrs t~~ rtttrvcrs rn like rases, .d;o farttlase this instrument ax provided htrtin <br />ur by law, cad !c • cn toter any and all ~ ten v;n-.s and rtmrdres pro: ec+ed htrtin err by presenx err future law. <br />18; Thy prtxerd~ of farteEosurc sale shall be appSitu [ t~.c !:.Vowing oxda to rhr gayment af: {aj casts :and exptntes <br />inc-idrnt z> cnforcm~ nr <<rmp9yirrg wish the ptavisraaa Irtrrc sl. ` .erg prxar 3ittu required by law or a competent cottrt to kx <br />sn paid ~ :he :ieor evr,?enced bythe aaer.and allsndtbttdntu ro the Govtrntrmenisecurtd!hereby, (d) infttiar liens of <br />retard n:quirtu by la.v ur a tornpttent court to ise sa paid ~s,1 at tare C:averartneat's aption,any axhtr in btedneas of Bat- <br />ruwer uwia~ ro ~:~r :nsun-d L5, titt Gr%vernmrnt. and If} an} i=alante ro Bnrrawer. Ax foreclosure or other sale of ail or any <br />gars. vi the pprnpcr[y, chc c:ovcrnmenx and its,agenta may bid ane! port}sxse atx strangcx and may pay the Gavernmtnt's chart <br />of the i~urchas: gruc ?,s crrditios; such araavnt an any -debts of $amawer awis[g to err inarred by the C:ovcraiment. in xbe <br />,zrdcr I,rc~riixd akrosr. <br />;191 P,acrowr. a~7ees tha[ the G+sveraerntnt vn"{l hat Ire bound by nay presrnx orfutuxe'Scxte-hw„ ;ipgzu+riding for <br />ralwtion, appnisa3, i:ornnzexd yr esamption of rhr prvperrY, {b} grnhibiting maihtrnanct of as actxoa foz a deficiency <br />iudgnrent or IinrnirrK tae arr[wnz zhette or flit zirnt wit wbithsuth ac..tion must beIvraugiit, (c) rescribhxg any oxhez <br />ttatvrc ni Iimiuc»ns rd; aIlawirsg anY r~ht oLredunptioit or posstssian foVaving anyfortclasure sale, nr rt) Iimitiria Yhc <br />candicoas which the <;overanrcnt map by regsslatioa impost, urclnding the.-inttxst -rate it may clrasge, as aconditioh n[ <br />appmvin~ z rransicr of the prapecsy to a new $orrowu: Borrowescxpvtasly waives thei>eneflt of any such Starr taws. <br />~. <br />