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... __ <br />..;~ <br />Positions <br />USDA-FtmlfA ~~~°~' (~{}.I.~ ~;3 <br />Form FmEGY 42?-2 N$ <br />(Rev. 11-2Y-A0~ - <br />SEAL ESl'A't'E M0it1'~AGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />LUE J. AT.LAPI, JR. AND MARGARET V. ALLAN <br />THI~MORTGAGE Es.made and-ensced imobp <br />httsbaad and wife, each in hie and her mitt right aad as spouse o£ the other <br />~~& ~ t3ALL Coxmty, Nebraska, whose post a~tt ad&eu is <br />Route 3, Box $2, Woad River ,Nebraska 6$883 <br />hceitx u1Led "Botmwer:• and: <br />WHEREAS Bormvm is indebtrd to the Lfnited States of America, siting through the Farmer Homc Adtninistrat~n, <br />iinxted Department of Agricukuce, herein called the "C-ovrtnnttnt," as evidenttd by one ar more pmmissaxy note(s) <br />or auranptaon agregmeat(s}, htnirr callled "note," which has btcn executed by Sotrower, is payabhi to tht'otder of thr <br />Gowxmneat, authsaizes aaekration of she entire indebtedness ac the option of the Government upon any default by Bor- <br />rower. and is described as foiiows: <br />Annual Rare Due Date of Final <br />Date. o fnrtna»rent ~ mount of interest Insrollment <br />MkRC.H i7,i9$2 $19,700.00 16% March 17,1983 <br />September 23,197$ S3b,70f7.00 5~ Septe~ser 13,.2018 <br />October 9,2979 $ 4,200.OO 9~ October 9,2014 <br />January L6iP980 $24,000.00 10X January 16,202O <br />Jutte 20,;E9$0 $28,530.00 11X June 20,2020 <br />of a <br />{xf t}st imtertsx tut is ku than ~, for Earm owxreship or opcating loam s) seturtd by this instrument, then the <br />rate may bt changed u pro.ided in the note,; <br />And ulxe note erideaees a lean to Bormwc, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay- <br />saeat t}serrof pursuant to file Consolidated Farm and Rural Dcveiaptraenc Act. or "fide V of the Hauling Act of 1949 or any <br />otbc atatutt adminiacered 6y the Francs Hnme Adatiaistration: <br />And is is tlu ptujxsse aad intent of thix instrument that, among atim thugs, at aD timta when the Hatt is held by the <br />Cxsxrnuteat, or to xhe event xhc Crtavernmeat ~irould assign this irastrxsmeax withoux insurance of the noxc, this instmment <br />shaII sezutti payment of the Hatt, but when the aatc is bcld by acs sssuted i+oldet, this instnrm~nt dial! not secure payment <br />of flu na)te Or ait9Ch t4 Che debt tYidtnced tEserebvv best as ro the note and suc3+ debt shall corrttitute an indentstity mortgage <br />to meure the Governxsseac against lou under irs insarantt contracr by rrasan u£ ary dcfauit by Borrower; <br />And sh#s instrument else secutea thr resapturc of any inctrest rtcdxt or subsidy width may be granted !o the Borrower <br />by the Gove:rament pursuant w 42 Ll.S.C. ~! 490a <br />NiSW, THEREFpRE, is consideracian of xhe ksantsj and a; at all times when the note is held. by the Government, or <br />in tht event the Government should a'te' this instrssmtrtt without insurance of tltt paynsrnt of the note. to ucure prompt <br />hymens of the note and any renewals aadextensions thtrcof and say a¢ftemrrrta tonuuxd tlterrin, including say provision. <br />for the payment of an insurance or athtr cfrarge. b9 ss all times wbea the note is herd by an inurtd holder, to secure per- <br />formance of Borrower's agreernens hercius to indtmnify and save harmless the Gavcrnmeat a{lainst loan under its insurance <br />coatsaa by reason of any defauls by Borsovves, and ::; io any event and ac alI times to pure tht prompt payment of all <br />sdvances and expeaditxtres made by tlsr Government, with inure, u hereinafter described, and the perfotmantt of every <br />covetrani and agteemem of Borrows costsaiaed heron or in any z*appltmrntary agrtement, Eorr~swer don hereby grant, <br />bugara; ac0 convey and assign, with gta+eral w:ranty, uato the Government tht faUawmg proptrty situated in the Sate of <br />Cirastlca. Couaty+ies) of Wit" <br />The South Hai£ of the Nortbareat Quarter {Sigl+Rri$? o€ Section 3'wenty-four (243, ia; . <br />Tovttahip Eleven (22) A3ortii, Range T.te2ve (12), 41est of the 6th p.M., <br />S~-~CT TC! 1~'L'G11GE in faWk3r o£ the £ed+eral Land Bank of Otuaha in the prinicpia2 amount <br />of 52t?,9?l(p.p~, a£€Gtttag an2y the 5GF~14W~ 24-1I-3:2• <br />FmHA 427-1 hB jRev. i1-21$0} <br />