<br />$2-t31~098`
<br />Umsaaaa Cavsxs[u'rs; Harrower and: Lender covenant sad agree as follows:
<br />1;... of 1•rtisc~ awd Ie1rmA... Borrower shah promptly pay when due the principal of and intereston the
<br />indt:bfedodt ev#deattd by t#se:Nute, prepayt>aent and ]ate charges as provided. in the Note, and the principal. of and'interest•
<br />onavy Ftrtnrt Advaaccs secured bythis-lvfarrtgagc:
<br />1 Fr.ni ter Tats ad Isr~etacc. Subjegr to applicable law or Io a written waiver by Lender,. Borrower shall :pay
<br />to Lender on the da} moritlily instalimentsof principal and interest are payable under the Nou, until the Note is paid in full;..
<br />a stun (herein "Funds"; equ+l toque-twelfdhof the yearly taxes amt assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Mottgsge: surd grouted rents•on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium iastallrnerts for hazard insurance,
<br />phis Dire-twelfth of yearly premrurn installments for mortgage insurance, if aoy, all as reasonably estimated initially and from.
<br />lilac to,time by Lender oa the basis of asussments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Frntsds shat} be held in an institution the. deposits- ar accounts of which. am insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency {ittcltaiing,Lender if Lender is Buchan institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said. taxes, assessments,
<br />rosurancr pterruwns and grottnd rents: Leader may not charge for so holding: and applying the: Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifyingandcompeiiag said. assessments and biiLs,. unless Lander pays Borrowerrmerest oa the Funds and applicable:law
<br />permits Lander to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in wriring at the time of execution of thin
<br />Mortgage that interest an the Funds shall. be paid to Harrower, and. unless such agreement is made ar applicable taw
<br />requires stu:ir interest io be paid. Lendu shalF not be required. m pay Baaower any interest or eatnsngs oa the Funds. Leader
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of nc~. Funds shaving credits and debits to the Funds and rho
<br />purpose for; which each debit to the. Fttttds was made, "[7te Funds are pledged as additional sxurtty for the sums secured
<br />try this Mortgage.
<br />If the armum of the Funds held by Lender, together wish the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dot dates of taxes, assessttrenM. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said. loxes,
<br />amammennt; insurance premiums and ground. rer+s as iltey fall due. such excess shall be, at Bortowci s aprion, either
<br />promptly repaid to Harrower or credited to Borrower an monthly installments of Funds. 1F the amount of the Funds:
<br />iteM by Lender shelf not be sudtciont to pay zaxu, assessments, insurance premiums and ground seats as they fall due,
<br />eoraower shall pay yo .mde[ any anaIXtnE accessary to mare up the deficient}• within 34 days f,,*om fire date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower rcgtmttng paymrnt thereof.
<br />ISpan paymeot in full of aU sums secured by tt:is Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />tuW by Lender:. Pf under paragtapn tg ltcrcof the Property is sold ar the Prapeny is atherwce acquirtd by Lender, Lender
<br />shttR apply, rte later than immediately prmr to [hc sale of the Property <sr its acquiai[ion by [..ender, any Funds held by
<br />I.sadcr at the tittre of appticatism as s credit against [hc surikc secured by this t~fartgage.
<br />3, o[:P~menY.. Cniess applicable #aw provides otherwise. all. payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs ! ate Z hereof shalt be applied lay Lender first in paymem of amounts payable to Lender by t3orrower
<br />trader patagrttph 2 herwf, then io onerest payable c?n the Vote, then to the principal of the IVom, and then to interest and
<br />pnicipal an any Future Advat>ces_
<br />0. C7ssgs~ l3atss. Harrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, 8[xs and impositions attributable to
<br />the: Property which may attain. a priority aver this Mattgagc, and teaschral8 payments or groural rents. if any, in the manner
<br />provided: trader paragraph 1 hereof ar, if ntet pout. in such manner, by grower making payment, when due, directly tothe.
<br />paym thereof: Borrower shall ptvmptly furnish zo Lender x11 notices of amounts due under this paragraph, sad in the event:
<br />Borrower shah make payment diratly. Borrower shall promptly tumish to lxmler receipts evidencing. such payments.
<br />8orrovrot shall promptly discharge. any lien which has prxanty over this !1ortgage: provided, that Harrower shall. not be
<br />ttgnit~:ra disiharge say such lien so long as Horrower staa#1 agree rn a~:rtttng to the paymem of ttae obligation secured. by
<br />xt~h lim ins manner acceptable to Lender, ar shall to goad faith contest such lien by, ar defend enforcement sn{ such lien in,
<br />legal ptuc+reditigs whit:h operate to prevent t8re cnforcrnteat <sf the iictt or forfeiture of the. Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. Bimr~ Lnttoree. Horrmvcr shall keep the improventenu oaw caist:ng ar hereafter erected en the Prnpcrty insured
<br />against 3ast by fire, bawds included within the term "csuaded coverage". and such nth»r haaards as Londcr may require
<br />sad in stilt amounts and for stxeh periods a.s l~endcr tray tegmre; prvwdcef, that f.eniter shalt not require that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage erquttcd to pay talc sums secatrt'd h}° this Mortgage.
<br />The rznuranae caustet' prrrvidtng the iasuratscc shalt lre Chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; pravitkd:
<br />that-such approval s1raB nat. be unreasonably withheld. Ali premiums cut. inswattce policies shall. be paid in the manner
<br />pmtitded urderparsgraph 2 her+eaf or. tf nix paid. in such manner, by Borrower making paytncat, when des. d#rectly to the
<br />iarrurance carria.
<br />AN inatrranec policaea and rcaewals thereof` shall #te m farm acccptatrie to Lender and shal9 include a standard mortgage
<br />elattsen facer of aid in farm acttptattle [a t:tndtr. Leader shat' hart the riglt[ to h4id the ooticids attd renewals thereof,
<br />sled Bartswsr shall proaptly furnish !a Lenrkr all renewal notices anal all receipts at paid premiums. In the event of lass,
<br />Borririwrcr shallgivepmmpt noticeto tiaeinsurarrxxcarricr sad t.cnder. 3_rstdcr may make praa.t of loss if trot made prontpdy.
<br />try Bttrrowxr.
<br />Unless Lendcratixt:Borrowu r>ttierwrsc. agree in writing. insurance praeeds stroll be applied to restoration i)r repair of
<br />the Pttrperty dataagetf, provided allots restoration ar repair is ccomrmtcatiy feasitale and [he security of this AOrtgage is
<br />ntM ihamy itnpa;rcd. If.srach resttuattan or repair is ncM ctrortamrcaliy tensible car tt the security of this Mortgage would
<br />bt [mpaitcd, the +nauranee pargeeeds s1aall bt applied to iltr sums sixsrred h} ihrs blorigago. with tlao exsness, if arty, paid
<br />to Botrowxr. If rho Propegty is abaniiontd'iy Barrowcr, err ii Borrsawcr fatly to respaxrd to [:etsder within 30 days from. the
<br />d,i[c notice ss ~tn+uled by Paettdez'oBarrowu thatt,tsdisuurarxet:,trrror adersto settle a claim for instu'attce benefits. lxnder
<br />is authorirt~t'ta coilxt sad app#} tlrr ;nsvrance prtxxai+ at Laitsler upturn either :o reswratioit ar repair of the PraptnY
<br />et to the stuns sctatrtd by this Martg~c.
<br />t3nlnt Ixndet attd::liarrowtt athcrwiseagreeir.. wrttirtgs any such application of pnxceds Ito principal. shall not extend.
<br />or postpone tlx due ciao of the monthly- installments,referred. co. in paragraphs 7 and-2 hereof ar change tltc :unuuut of
<br />such travalirtxatx. (f t*.ttdcr paragtapit<l8 hereof the Property is-acquztad by Lender. all right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />in and co say imuratrcr potictas and tit and to the proceeds ilreroof resetting from damage to the Propcny prior to the sate
<br />ur ..-yui++uon shalt pass:to.Lxndcr tothe. extent of the spurs. ecureat by this ?Nartgago immediately prior [o such. sale or
<br />xgtnsitioti.
<br />6. psasitrvaY~ >nsi ~3aiaNasonee af-.Proraest7i; ~ K`owlaasinirms; PlaonaA UnN [leve)optaenta. Borrower
<br />shall keep ttic Property in good repair aasd:shall sot cmm~rt waatear pexntit impairment or.. deterioration of nc~. Properly
<br />>,ad shalt comply 'w'ith eLc provniom of any lease if tls~s Alartgage is on a leasehold. if t?iis Ytortg2ge is an tt unitrn a
<br />cnoskaaicium e.r a pfanm~d unit iie,e.#apartent,BOrrower ehv,t perf'arm all at Barroswer's abiigatranstsader the dectara~tion
<br />ur wvnaaals crratmj .x ga~erneng the ;;gadartaniirm „r {+7annetl unfit devebprttrrit„ the ay-laws aitd regularions of she
<br />c,xulornivoinne ar pianrx2 earl de+•ekaprstznt. and crxnsiinxnt doautucnts. if a condomiatlum ar planned ttatii dexclaprneni
<br />cider is exewted 0'± tbosm++'tir and rc..ordcd u,get?re+ ,.-nc tPifx Mortgage. the. s<nven~acs arxi agreesnxnts of such rider
<br />shah bt incnrporatxd unto atx# a7s:Jl amend sad ,upPlcexrn tiv, txtxetrants aod,agreetttectta of thus aw3ortgage 'rs if ibc'.ricizr
<br />were a part l!ucod.
<br />?. 1'+rMeriMs d l;.e~iae's Secawiry, if Rorrnwrr fuAs ri perCat*:+ ~e cx~ccnants_. agrcementa cauitained tn. this
<br />~ieutpage, „r it :urp acuocs ~,r ~racredrng -, ~.anunrs,,:f•d l,~~i: rnatrrtaU~~ affects Lendbr's interest tti the Praptrty,
<br />iocloGtta, boa acct litneted aa, emsrxnt domain, ~n~.~vency :ca ei~,r.~rngm, ,+~ art+aitgetnents arproeeedings involving. a
<br />fyattkNpt w aeczrdant. tffen l.trtder et l~eadrfs ohts.~a c~roa rte-+.rce as Lsr •~.~wer, :+Tay rtakc stech~.aq;pcaratt~.~+, ursbur8~e such
<br />€-rrm aerl tai.e sncf! xt:oa ,~ s :mccsu~; to prole ~ Lcntter ;ntc.L'a, ~nclucliag. but not iimi[ad ea, dtsburstmnerst of
<br />~~aauaabie attt+nsey's fade ate! es; try. upta-iv ;iu Prtsi+rrt~ u. ;apse r+a{.a3s,_ 1r i ctulrr rryuatctf mortgage ittrv'ranc,x err a
<br />2w,tfzerern 4f ma54tzs tlrc 1ni+o -.c+uvrcd b4 s'~rt `Yi+•rtgage. i{ .rwc; shall p'aT !t*e lxemitxnts rcaluite+a. to maintaict s+?ch
<br />:mxtrauvx itt ctlart until rau# uttta a3 thr. re:.{wremc,m ic~r -,tic is ~t~suaancc icrcnert~tcs in accxnrdartcc with B'aza'lwez'x and
<br />