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I <br />8~-.~: ~C~098~ <br />Ixndet's writt~t agteetneni orapplicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amoutt of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />titaoner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed. by Lender pursuant. to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional <br />ialdebtcdness of Barrawer secuttd'by This Mortgage. Unless Harrower and. Lender agree Yo arher terms of payment, such <br />:amounts sliaA tie payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting paymtnt thereof, and shall bear interest ;rout the <br />date of disbtsr~ment at: the rate, payable- from time to time on outstanding. principal under the Notc unless paymmi:-of <br />itterest aY suc6 rate would be caotrary to applicable Eaw; in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the. highest rate <br />permissi~le'undcr applicable law. Nothing ctantaitsed in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />stay ac¢ioa'txretritder: <br />& Iaepeetioa. Lender may makt or cause to be made reasonable entries upon .and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that. L.e.~iltier shall give Borrower narice prior to any such. inspection specifying seasonable cause Therefor related to Lender's <br />interest iazhe Property. <br />9. ComieewNrsn: The proceeds of any award ar claim far damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnationnr Mher taking of the Praper€y. or part thereof, ar far conveyance in lieu n# condemnation, art hereby assigned' <br />and shall 6e paid to Lender <br />In tFte event of a rata! taking. of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by ibis Mortgage. <br />with tlac excess, if any, paid Ya Borrawta. in the event of a gariiai taking of the Property, un}tss Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agtxt in writing. thorn shalt be applied so the sums secured by this Mattgage each proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that propartian which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date. of <br />taking bears Yo thefair market valve of the Propcry immtdiazety prior ro the daft of taking,. with the halanct. of thepraceeds <br />paid. to Horrowu: <br />If the Property is abandoned by Burrower, as if, abet notice by [tender to Harrower Yhat the condemnor offer to make <br />as award or sestk a claim far damages, Bnr ewer faux to respond to Lender within 3t1 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is atuharized to collect and apply the pracetds, at !sender's option, either to rtstoratian ar repair of the <br />Property or to tlr_ sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Horrower otherwisx: agree in writing. any such application of proceeds Yo principal shalt not existed <br />or postpone the duo. dais of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs i and ?hereof or change the amauni o£ <br />such installments. <br />20. 8arrpwer i•Fot Belesard. Exttmion of the time for payment ur modification of amorizaeian of the sums secured. <br />by this[ R3orsgage granted by Ixnder to any sucecssor in interest of Borrower shall oat operate to release in any manner, <br />the lialaility of the original Borrower and Bormwtr's sutcexsars in interest. tender shall oat tee regtrired to commence <br />pracee~issgs against such successor ar refuse to extend time far patrznent or otherwise modif}• amortisation. of the sums <br />sauced by ibis 14tartgage by reason of any demand mad[ by the original Borrower and Barrawer's st[ccessors in interest. <br />11. Foriirraranee by ixnder'.Vnt a rvtri,•er: Any forbearance lay l.endtr in exercising ans• right or remedy hereandtr, or <br />athervrise affardett by applicable taw, shall oat tat a waiter a{ ar preclude the exercise a>f an} each right or remedy. <br />'Iht prtacurct~nt of itteuratece ar the paymtnz of tales or +azhtr liens nr chatglrs ley Lender ;hat? oat bt a waiver of Lender's <br />right ro scmlcrate the maturity of the iadebttd»ts sccurtd by this !Wfartgagt. <br />I~...titiet•FSiieClwaliaNve. Ali remedies pmvided in this Afartgagt are distinct and cumutativt to am' atlter right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage ar aiforded by Iaw ar equity. and may trt exercised concurrently. indtpendtnfty or successively. <br />73. Srcceaaaa a~i Aasiftas tlontul; Joint end Several I.iaM7ity: Captions. T;ae covenants and agreements herein <br />coniaincd shall bind. and the rights lstreundtr tihall inure ta, the rtsptetive successors and assigns of [.ender and Hnrmwer. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph t" hereof. .~;il covtnants and agretntents of Rarrtw.xr shtil tat joint and several. <br />The captions and headings ad the paragmphs of this Mortgage are for convenience Canty and art oat to tee need to <br />inttrprct or dctirae. thepravisions hereof. <br />1.4. :'0latiax P:xcepr for any notice required undo applicable taw to far given in another manner, tat any notice Yo <br />Borrower provided #nr in this Mortgage sltatl ht given by ensiling such natict by ctrtifitcf mail addressed to Harrower at <br />the Property Address or aY such other addre°ss as 'Elarraµrr may dtsignatt by notice so t.tvdcr as provititd hcac'm, and <br />fbl any notice to l.e;tdtr ;[.hail: he given by ctrirficd maM. return receipt rtquesttd, t4: t.tnder's address ssaitd htctin or to <br />such otlstraddtess as Ltrxitr may designate by naaicc to Borrower ~as prnvidtd heroin. ,tny notice pmvidcd For in this <br />Mortgage shall tat detxtatd to'have bean given to Borrower or l.tnder when given in ibe manner dtaignated ltestin. <br />IS. Lts ~tprRtt Ge+^e+wi~ Iswt Sererali~Sty. This form of mosigagt comlxines uniform covtnants for national <br />use asad non-unrfartn s:oveaann with limited varlaticans try jurisdic~tian to cortsritute a uniform security inxtrumenY covering <br />tamtl prgrexty. T3s'ls Mcutgagt shads be gnutr[ttd fly the 4aµ• of the jurisdictionln which 4he Proptaty is located. In the <br />tvrnt thar any nt•ovision or clstrse of Yhis Mnrgagt or the ti•.ate caxttlicts with appliv"a..bit law, such conflict shall not a#fect <br />otlatr prevtsiorxs of this tiiongage nr iht Note which can :.c grvtn effect witfiattt the conflicting provision, and to this <br />ertd Rho provisiotas of the Mortgage and the tints are declared to tee wverahlt. <br />Yf. Mese~ar•'a ['etPtr, Horssxaver shall br fornashtd a cantnrmed i:apy of the Note and tsE this Mottgagt at the time <br />of esecaataam ar after recordation hereof. <br />1T. 7'r,wt:r o[ tie PragteAy; ~ 1# al€ ar any pats of the Property or an ittttteat Bttrtin is sold ac transferral <br />by Bt4tztawer without txradcr's prior written caosrnt, excluding oaf the :rtatsan a# a lion ar encumbrance subordimace to <br />this IHoragage. Ibb the crcatian of a purc4last rnoncv se:urit}' inetsgat for holtschald appliance's, ic) a transfer by devise. <br />dasrzeaat or by rapcratorl of law. upon the death of a faim itnant or Ili lice grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less <br />rmnt contrsatig as optiatt ro puretrast: !,ender mav. at Lenders option. dtctare alt tlst sums suurtd by this Mortgage to be <br />itntlxrdiatcty dtle slid payablt: Lender shat} have waived carts option to aecekratt if, prior to the sago ar transfer, Lender <br />mtatl flx perum to whom the-Proptcty is to be sold or trarssiierrtd reach agreement in waiting that rise credit. of such person <br />is satissfac#ary to Lender atld t3tai the itsYtrest payable an the sums sef:fered by [his Mortgage slta[t ~.; at such rare as l.etsdor <br />sttatlitgttest.. lf-lender hsswaiviadrlSe acrtderate provide! in this paragraph i7. atsdtf tiortawer's successor in <br />ia~test has exet~tttd a written sasl~t ption agrt+=n•[ettt accepttd in w ritrng by 1_tnder, I_tader shall rc!tast Horrawer from all <br />ob2is:tianx under this '`i ortgagt and rho Nutt. <br />if Lender txemiscs sash gpxion to atcrierat~ Ltttder shall mail 'borrower naiict of acceleration in accordance with <br />paragraph 14 h.crrnt. Ouch. noritxstsail prmide a period of not less than 3t1 days from the chit iht notice is mailed within <br />w tttch Barre wet mar }.u5' the sums declared clue. if Borrower faits !o pay slreh sums prior to the expiration of suds periacl. <br />Lender may, without #urther [taticear detnand an Borrawtr. ins~vY.e aag• rcritedies permitted. lay paragraph 18 hereof. <br />;'lcwl-Y,jtYFt^oaAi ~f)YEtrA\'rC BartaweFand.I.a<nrkr fnrthts'.cnvtrlant 3eid agree 39 taflrnvs: <br />1~ .ltt~ratiea; RrmdWt. t?3,.tc}t-as ~}rtrasiied-is. faeaRtai-lt fJ herswf. upue Sonower'a btaeac6 of say corenratar <br />apeeoeat et 6erronCr is 4lli ~1oea~gta,:ieeteihattthe. [Q9FlM1#6tS tD.~ wilem. lx: ally a'atm StCBrttl~ by t~ Mortf~t. <br />I.amiltr prier ro atcelegaioe sirali aql~ Ylotiee to as pru.i8ei is pxa~r6 43 hareof spttifyiexr tt) the: tw+eaeht <br />f2) t~e.rNea ery.irea w ceae tnescii.(;} adate..autieaatkar J@mtpafomrt4e data ttae. aaUct. iro~kd tn.Hassrawer. <br />1r'f wiftA sarcA heeack rwaaq 7x curel$ atN f#) ifbt f~lree fo rasa sre9t btercle taa m• before the dNa apa7iHsd in the nolNce <br />near narft is acetirrerlFnl of Eire war seerrad by ti*i ~Nolfar+trriowre:by jrrdkiai pruceeeUrtR:saad aak:of t4ic Property. <br />T#e t.aafar siaQ lalratarr fetnrle Eeerawer ua that tittfM :to eeiwewte alter altcHarrdim lnrA ttxe ttigiht.9n assert 6n for ffltcrtonura <br />~ ter ww~sfaler+cr of a ddaAlS or a~rx' att~hdeftwe+eol?~xtfTOSV6rrrA ~n marifabre. B sha krrseth <br />is root cwrA ee erhe{ert rile der specifirnl in the neefelt. L,raiertl l:ealler's optieb-say detiart rli o€ the colas srcur+ed by <br />rtlfr< ~oriial[e ;a tae ialretiitNds due sled payable wiShi.wtlltnhcrAalw;sai. siad tenlg.. frareeioxr by jaMicsat pnrcmd-t¢.. t:ectder <br />stall Ye eaatltlei to c+tMtet to weir f eft estraoae ottorecre. iacindiletq; 3roi tmr fimitel tn, c:ls4 of larcuawntary <br />vsi/rtart:c. aYatraets artd rkM rrpcarrs. <br />t9. ar'R 1R'fp}s to iteiaaGl~S. ^:~rat±ntand-net- t..ei~tt`s t~eireratiem. znt fiat ~-pats :._-~.~: n3 by ;his Mftagt. <br />f~latrtstiw~6t c:a,:. '.:»v; rtat ciyTFt :a ha+r An} ptescctdan)<v rcgu~, axy l,Gxrd+Ea iz tasforra tiers. ~. ;.y~• ~ ; r:~.tnrir;~cd xt xny tzwre <br />