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i <br />`HIS ;MORTGAGE ie mrde ~,g~ l 6th dayY f March , <br />, bet,wean the?rSortgagor LARRY E. $AMD~RS ANQ LitJ()A K. JA~VDrRS, hasbanil and,-wife, , <br />.. -.-.. <br />_ . _ . _ ...... ......... iheretn "Borrower" i, .and the ?Mortgagee, Home nedersl <br />Swvings and Loan Associataan, a`eorporation arg~ani~d and eai<.tiag tusder.Ghe laws of The uniteAi States of <br />America. whose address is 221 Sonth Loctast Staect, (arend is:and, Nebraska (herein "Lender"1. <br />wx~xi~s, Borrot+~eri..fiodclbted to Lenderin the pr'rntnpat suns of. TWENTY NINE'.THOUSAND ANp. N0~',100 <br />----- - '-'1Toflars, which indebtedness is evidenced by BorrowPt's note <br />dated.. b13 rc h 1 S 1982 ~ . . , . (herein "Ivoft:"), providing: for month}y instal}mestts of~rinttp~I and interest, <br />with the Faalata:e of the indebtedness, if not sooner paeci, due and payable an..... Apt'71. 1,,,..267,1 :........ . <br />To $EI:C-At: to Lender (a) the repaymetit of Ute indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the> <br />payment of a}I other salsa; with interest thereon; advanced in a~ordattce herewith. to pretest the securit~~ of this <br />Mortgage; and the performance of t!ra rovrnants and asxeemcnte of Borrower herein eonta-sned artd-(b) ttte repaytztenr; <br />at ary fature advancca, with initrestttaereon, made to Sorrowcr by Lender ptrrsoant to paragraph 2i hereof (herein <br />FLtvrc Advances"). Harrower does h n: mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the fo}}owing described property <br />located in the Couaty of :......... . .. . ffALL - - .............. - - - .. - . , Stale of Nebraska. <br />Li1T TW6 (2} BI:CTCi fIFfEEN- (15}, SD}!T}i GRAND ISLAND A6DITIDN TO THE CITY 6F <br />C,Rp~tA iSLAND HALL C6tINTY, NEBRASKA <br />912 Sr,uth Pfige .. <br />which ktas the address of ........... . ........ . .. . ..... . . ... . ........ .....~IG'$0~. ~~ld-}zt;.........., <br />iSt+twst: LCtK# <br />. ~r`ebrdskd, . , . 6860 ~ , . _ , f herein "Pn>perty A.d~ress"); <br />tSiHR artE 7.ip Cv.MI <br />TOC>BTHFR. grith al. t}tc improvcmrnts now or he?eafrr*r crested nrt the prnxrky, ant all ~ement~y rights, <br />apFitrrienamxs, rents, myaiti~, mirseraF, oil and ~ right- aed i?refit, waG;r, walcr right,, anti water ,:oek; and a}'!' <br />5anrcc~s t:ctr or hrrutftcr,+ttac}a:u to the pro}zerty, ail 06 whir;h, including rerdaeements and additions titereta, shall be <br />dccnxid tar tic anti rcxuain a gstrt of [he prnpert~r' covered try this titortgage~ and ail of i!x ft n aping, ;og•:rher with said <br />laraptrry` (QT,hc Fe9~}ft~d tx~te if this :Mortgage is ~n a icas.;lroici y are herein tt:3'crrexl tr? ~ the .~Propcrty°" <br />SorEr c~vesrnxa.~ that Acurnuvcr is tawfuliy .~ec.Ked of the estate nencby cana°ayr•d aszu hics.the irghtttrmcxtgagc, <br />ivranl &ti61 C6lltYCR tip nrcrpe~fx„ drat the €'re;s:rty id z;nentutntxr~, a:a<i that Azxrewrt viii;vrarrant and: defend <br />tn,~ssresi#q?31x triic <+~ the f?ro,-Knp a2uitra ats c.'a¢nr« arn} d~crn utJ%, <uF~.;-t t.s n:ty,teefa:azioriv ~.~,rte-trtents or resitctiuna <br />",t~tcd in a :x.3ac~iule a: e~~ci*ii<anK to cc,.-rrai;c: ira :,nt~ :;sic r:,surancc~ ~ri:ct- =r;cu:. ag i.ctt<a.-r's itaisrt in the Property. <br />°-3. "a; 4II.~nr .s::;=~_FMitAz:€titddC.tARtA EtRIRfM~ik. <br />