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<br />82-- i~ti~g5~ <br />Utatsa€ntM-Cnvnautt+xs. Borrewer and i.ender covenant and agree as follows: <br />:l Pagtatre~r of )Prladpal a>sd IrNere~. Borrower sitait pmmpdq pay when due. the principal. of and interest- on the <br />itu~btiadntsa evidertad hgihe Note, prepayment. and Sate charges as provided. in the. Note, and this principal of and interest <br />tin anq Future .4dv®racessecure3:byths-Mortgage. <br />x. Ftuiator Tutrt gwd 1 Stibjtct to applicable law or fo a written waiver by Lender; Barrawer shall paY <br />to Lender on the day aionthty instaitmenas a€ principal xnd inmrest are payable under the Note,. until the Nate is paid in fdiY. <br />a Senn (herein "Funds") equal to aneawe3fth of the vear3y taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, slid centred rentson the Property, if say, plus aoe-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus unc-twe3fff31 of year3g premiuar' installments for mmtgage ins^.trance, if any, ail. as tt;asonahly estimated initially and from <br />t3z~x to time.hy tender cut the !teals of assessments and bi33s and reasonable estimate thereof. <br />The Fiiods shall be :held. in an institution tai: deposits or accotmes of which are insured or guaranteed by a .Federal.. or <br />state:agerrcy (ibelmliu~ Lenderrf Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />iMaiantx pnern3ums earl ground rents. Letidermay not charge. for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing-said account, <br />orverify-ing:attdcampilingsaidasussYnentsand fii33s, unFessv Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fnndsand appticab3elaw <br />Permits Lemltr to make such a charge. Borrower seed Lender may agroe in writing at the time- of execution of this <br />tvftrttgagt that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and artless suc3t agreement is made or applicable Taw <br />roquirm such intuest to fx Paid; Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any Jnterest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shag giveto Borrower; withant charge an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits~to the Funds and the <br />purposer far which each debit to du Funds. was made. T'Ete Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this. Mortgage. <br />If tau atuoum of the. Ftmds head by Lender., together with the furore monthly installments. of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, irourancc premiums and ground rents, shat! exceed the amoauai required to pay said taxes, <br />asswm~ents, insurance. pretnitmss and gmand rents as they felt due,. such excess sha:i be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to torrower on monthly installments of FundR. If the; amount of the Funds. <br />bald' by Lander s3rall net tx suB&cient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 34} days from the. date notice is mailed <br />bq Leader m Borrower regtusteng payment tlxreaf_ <br />f;3pon payment en fuH of all sums secumd by this Mortgage, mender shall promptly refand to Borrower any Funds <br />heM by Leader. !f uttdea paragraph l8 hereof the Prc~pcrry is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired try Lender, Lender <br />shall. apply, no lacer than immediately prior m the sate of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Leader at the time of applicataon as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />3. A~IiptNow of lPt~eau. [,unless applicable lain provides otherwise. ail payments received fry Lender under the <br />Iyotaand paragrapbs 3 and 2 3teraof shall are applied by lender fltst in pag~ment of amoemts payable xa Lender by Bnrrawer <br />tender paragraph 2 hereof, then to inuresz payable on the late, t3ren to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />ptinsiPul on anp Parini Advatic~. <br />A• Ciuges;-I3eas. Harrower +.ha}t pay all tares assessments and other charges, fines and imposixians at.iribuzable to <br />tau. Prcapetty which may attain a prrority over this Mortgage, and 3easehotd payments ar ground rents, if any, in the. manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 bcrenof or, i[ nat. pard in such manner. try 33ormwer making payment, when due. directly zo the <br />payee tltercaf. Borrower shall promptly tarnish to !.ends all nonce of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment directly, 33arrowez shall promptly furnish to [.ender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shall prnauPtly discharge any lien which has pnarxy over this Mangagc: provided, that. Harrower shall not be <br />togwred tea dtschatgt any such lien sa fong as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />such 31eo in a mentor acceptable to Lctider, ar sha31 in good fanh s:ontest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />legal prncecdings which operate to prevent the enforcemena of the lien or fartceturc of the Property ar nny part thereof. <br />S. glsatrrd laatatttoac. Borrower shalt keep the tmprovcments now ct.isttng or hceeafta erected on the Property insured <br />agai~t loss try file, hazards included within the terra "ixtended coverage". and such other hazards as !ruder may require <br />and in Such amounts and for such periods as l.t:nder may require; provided, brat 1_endce shall not teyuiro that the amount at <br />Stich coverage exceed that amount of coverage rcqutred to pay ehe sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />~l'3ze sttstirturcc. carrier providing zhc insurance shall be chosen fry Harrower subjcc[ to approve( t,y !.ender, provided, <br />that such approval slial3. nod be tutressonably wixhheM. A13 premiutra~ an insurance policies. shalt be paid in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hertxif ar. i! not paid in Stich tnanncr. try Borrower making payment, wiaert due, directly to the <br />iniUranl."e CaTner. <br />,1ll4osutatue politics and rauwals thertrof shalt be in form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage <br />ctx<use in farror trf aml in farm acceptable-to Letrdec. !.ender s~ali bare ttte right ter hold the policies and renewals thereof, <br />aad Hntmwar shalt pramptlq futnisli to ietider all rerxew~ai notices and all receipts aC paid premiums. !n the event of loss, <br />Bdrrawer steal! give protnlrt rzatier to the insurance carrier and. l zrtdcr, i_endcr may make proof of less it net m;adr gromptfy <br />bq Borrt»vtir. <br />1lokas Lender artd 3arrower othetwtse agree en writing, inswanec prar:eeds shall tee applied to restoration or repair of <br />tlu l'roperiy darnage,3. provided suc3i restoration or repair is economically icasihle and the security of this Mtartga$e is <br />not t3ureby ittelarired. If such restoraxiaaa or rtpait is not ecunotnically feasible or it the t;ecurety of this Mortgage would <br />b~ itnpaircd,:ihalt~urancxproaeads shalt be applirtd to tltc semis scoured ley 2ttu Mortgage. wictr the excess, if any. Paid <br />ta:Borr+uwnr. Pf the Propeny is ahandatrcd by Borrower, or i3 Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 39 days frntet the <br />dace note is ntstiied 3yY` Leader to l3otrower that else irasrtrarrce carrier oilers to seine a claim far insurance benefits, L,cndcr <br />eS..amahterizod:~tr coilarxiusd. apply the utsuran,'e proceeds. at Lender's alttiun either torestoration. or repair of the Propetty <br />or':€ot3iesturss aecetm3.lryt3txt. Mortgage„ <br />tJn1~t3.trstkrandBorrowss~otlacrwiseagrce sn wrzting, any such appkic~.tian of proceeds to principal shalt not extend <br />~ pun{ ttie due date of the. ntooth iy installtaenu tefetm3 to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such itwaalimciats. if utttkx paragraph 18 3iereof the Property is acquired by Lender, ;tit eight, title and imerest of Hottawer <br />is and to any::irisurattce Poti~ and 'att. and. to the. peooetx3s Thereof resulting from. damage to the Properly prior to the sale <br />or aeytusitmn steal! paw to Lender to the extent of ttie susis secured by ttris Mortgage imrteediateiy prior to such sale.. or <br />b. ~arsrwaiar seat ~1~ of Prugcrty: Lraaeitotds; C uitmwnst P3sa+aed ditsN [kvelopEaesrs. Harrower <br />strrU keep the Prrparty in gc~d repair arid, shall not coturieit waste ar permit. impairrtrctrt ar deterioration of the Property <br />sad sttadt comply °.vhh ahc provisicgis of any lease it this Mortgage is un a leaselinld. Tf this Mortgage is on a unit in a <br />:oru3orrtin,trm ~*r a planned ,an,t Se'.G:3oprnent, Bortawer stud perform a31 of Borrowers otil:gatians under the declaration <br />t,r covenants crzating ar gcaverititttg•-tlie condominium ar planned tirait developmen4 the by-laws .and .regttlaeiatas of the <br />ccmdattinitun ar ptarned unit d¢ve}ciptnent, and const33uem tlacuttaents. if a candaminlum or planned oust develaptnaaC <br />nnlrr is eztwttd by 13erzmw+u. arm-recorded togetltcr with this Mortgage, tihc covenants grid agteemeta[s of such rider <br />shalt bo ecriorQ rated tetra and shall attieiad and suppktiieni the cuvenants_t;rtd agreements of this Mortgage as tf the rider <br />were a part hereof. <br />T. lraratetiea m Leatiiar?tq ?;ertrefgr if Batxnxver fails zo perform the cavctraots and- agreeitrnis contained in this <br />.',Srrtgigc, rr it sue aczecsn nr prcreeeriittg. is t:omriteaoed which materially selects Lender's interatse. in the Property, <br />iacltidirag, belt rxa {:meta! u,. ameucert daotraairt; Iresvlvicercy, :ode enforeentcrxt or arran;ettzents cx pn~s:eedings involving a <br />x+aokrul+t ar ccccdrrrt, :hen Eer,dar a=. L.erider'xY aptic,n_ upon notioe to Borrower, may make such appcarancea, distwrsn such <br />Futm atxd ezitr retch xct.~un ;ts is ~' tr! prarect !,coder"s :i:ter~vt, tnv[uding: but nut limited to. dichvrscment of <br />-texts^...!~ti .u;c.rzc,y, I,sea atwi entsq upon the Drape:ty to mac: ,-zp,~,r,. t# f.cmkr required mattgage itasurartce as 3 <br />am:tkict= rd tnahrrrg tQm loan 9cutrpd bq t3its lctortgags; B,,ut~,wcr at*~<ii ;-.;y- the premiuans~ recttfsrett xa maintain nan:h <br />,ruur:utc¢ ,:: ct?ec~t t-aril sash ::sntz as the rtsatuermrmna for sewn ~r:surarer~ .ccrosnatts in acs:ardattcc iinrzower's arse! <br />