<br />' 8~-- iaf~+095.:_'
<br />~i19 MORTGAGE is tnadoB tlur } 2th ....... day of ... ... Mdr'c.h ..... .... .
<br />rn .~u.,....~....~ LEON~F~,~~BI.NOENA6EL AND BARBARA J. BINOENAGE>__ huthand and
<br />~tf fe v - (ktarein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee. Home Federal
<br />Saving and I.wn Aaaoeiation, a carpbration organized anti ezTSting under the laws of The United State9 of
<br />Amseica., wbwaaddreea-ia 221 South LocneC S~~eet, Grand Island, Nebcaaka (herein "Lender").
<br />'vxtutews, Bonower is indebted to Lendu in the principai sum of ..... .......... . ..................
<br />- - -----
<br />. -`-'----- --- - ---""'-"-'."'°" 7)altars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borzower's note
<br />~~ March 12, _1982 _ _ .therein "Note"), providing, for morthiy installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balatux: of the indebtedness. if not sootxt paid, due and payable ou. , . Apd:7.j .I', .20].1 ............ .
<br />To S>ectla>; to Lerxfer (a) tht repaymenf of tkreindelatedrtess ewidertced by the Nate, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of alt other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />\~ortgage, and the perfortTrance of the covenan':m acrd agrerttnxrts of:Bormwer.hetiei'n corTtained. and (b} the repayment
<br />of any future advances, with. intercct thereon, wrtade to Borrawet by fender pursuant to paragraph ' 1 hereof d herein
<br />"Eutuce Advaaoes") , Borrower does hereby tnortgag_~Egrartt and,convey to fxntler the following-;des~cibed property
<br />located ita the Cn>mty of ................_ , .....H.._L................., State of hlrbtat(ra:
<br />which hn the addms of .......... . ....... ¢ZQ3. ~C!tddd ..... _ :. .Grand Ig i and
<br />KeGraSka 6$BtII tsr,wt) tc~~r;
<br />. . :... . :.:.... . ........... . {hemin .,Proprrty Addresu"') ;
<br />tsrw a~ 2?y CoirN
<br />ToQErlkaa writh alf the intpnwetz>Fnts aaw or tureafter erected on tine property, and alt casements, rights,
<br />appwscr~ances, rtntti, royaltiev, minerrl, oit and ltas ri~}tis and kxnfit~, water, water rights, and. water sztxk, atui alt
<br />fi,attrt~cs tttnrs pChtreit![er trttYebtKi to Ehc property. all of whic?r_ including replaremcnts and addiUOnY thereto, shawl be
<br />decttw~ to bwand remain a. part of the property ~rovcrrt4 tfy [k»s 3fortgagc: and a!1 of tare foregoing, together with said
<br />prypecty {tai the lcaecboitl csiatc if thts Ivlrutgage is un a Ce-xsehgtd) am herein referrrd to as tbe "I'raperty"_
<br />Horra~r+er.ovrnart~ that Hormwer is l0.wfully vetted of the estate hertby ionvt~c^d and Ftxs the tight to tnartgagc_
<br />graut;urr! ~vtg the Ptcrgcsty~ rhsit Gtc htvpc:rty is uuerKUmherad, a~ that Borrower will warrant and cSefettFi
<br />Kcr+craAR 6tw.dtie tta ihC pnil>t-r£y agairaet :rt1 G~nrs and demands. sub,fe~~z to anv dedaraucxns, ra<enzents ar sestd:,tiou
<br />tiste~i >tra. trChew`tisk: of eau=.i{~tacsnt ci. euc^era~~ in anw titlr its:~~ran s goiicp imu;iitg 1_encicr"s in;aryst in. tbr_ f'rupL<rtj,
<br />+R7~f~°~.i tpli.le6tj~--7(:S-•r1~ultalKIN1M~Mr NKlMI~14T
<br />~.. !
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