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<br />82- ~~t,~95? <br />Leer's vt+rittrni-agteetrient or applicahte law, Borrower shat( pay the amana[ of ati mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />maanerprbvided vnderparagrapti ?hereof: <br />Any amounts dislauracd by Lander pttnuant to this paragraph 7, with inttresi thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedtress of<BOrrowtt secuttd by dais kforigage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms off payment, such <br />amounts s1raB be payafitc upon noacefrom Lender to Borrower. requesting payment thereof, and shah tzar interest fronthe <br />date of dittbataertusrt at'the-rate payable from time to time. on outstaading principal. under the Naie unless payment of <br />interest:at:uch rate would be contrary [o applicable ]¢w, in which curet such amounts churl blur interesx at the highest rate <br />pertniadblt under applicable law: Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 churl require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />say action t,ereunder: <br />dteitipsctfas. Lender may make or cause to be made rtasanajte entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that: Lender cFiai[ gii!eBatrower notice prier ro any such inspection specifying rtasunabte taros therefor zelated to Lender's <br />inttt^es#nthe Property. <br />4. Ct~otr. Tine prcxceds of any award or claim far damages. direct ar consequential, in connection wiihany <br />condemtra~ian-arothertaking: of the.Propcrty, ur part thereof. ur for conveyance in Eieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and churl k~e, paid to Leader. <br />In ihr.. event. of a rota} [akiog of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied co she sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with: the e;ctess, if any, paid. to Borraw•er. in the event of a partial taking of Ehe Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise ;agree in writing.. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal. to that. prapottion which the a.~rauRt of the sums secured by this Mor[gaee immediately prior in the date of <br />taking bee:ts to t!u fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of takin¢, with the haiance of the procttds <br />paid to Barmwtr. <br />ff the Propery u abartdoried by $arrawer. or if, after native by fender to Barrowtr that the condemnor offers to make <br />an awardarsettle a claim for damages. Borrower faits to r~pand to lender within 3t1 dales after the date such notice is <br />mailed: Lender is authorized to caliect and apply *.he proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of tht <br />Property ar #a the. srmts secured 6y this Martgagc;. <br />Unless Lendee and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not. extend <br />or ppstpone the due data of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amount off <br />suc#s ittstalftneats. <br />1t). !{ertorrer Not Released. F„xtension of the time far payment ar mudificatian of amo,Yiaatiun of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage:graated 6y Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shalt nat. operate to release, in any manner. <br />the liabifit~f of the original Burrower and Bormwtr`s successors in interest. Lender shall rot tic required to commence <br />praceedittgs :against suc3t successor ur rz:fusc to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amartizatian of the sxrms <br />soeurcd tsy this. Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the arietinat Borrower and Borrower's strecessors in interest. <br />I1. ifa'be by Letter Not a Wafwer. :9ny fartrearance by Lender in etercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />athorwiae afforded 9iy appticatik Saw, shaii net txe a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right ar remedy. <br />The Qameureman# of inzrueatrce orthe payment of taxes ar other liens ar charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right its accekra#e=tlrematutity of the indebtedntxs vccumd by this Mon;;agt. <br />!2, ilteaseiiea Goswb/ire, Atl remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cttmuiaxivt Eo any otficr rigktt or <br />temedyuziderihis Mortgage or afforded by taw nr tquity.:rnd may he cxercistd ironettrrendy, independently or successively. <br />l.J. Sata~caeass aai Asigas ffionndt )Diet amt Severed i.iabilltyt Captions. The covenants and. agreements herein <br />cooxained shall'}rind,. andtht rights hereunder shall inure to, the resptctivc succesvors and assigns oi' }.ender and Barrawer. <br />subject to tilt pravisaans of paragraph 17 hereof. Atl covenants and agreements of Burrower shall ht joint and several.. <br />The captiottt and headings of the paragraphs of this ;liortgagt arc fc>r comtnitnce on)y and are net to he :rstd to <br />intetprtt or define ttx provisions htreoL <br />I4. :Volliee. Percept far any notice rtquirtd under apphcanle taw to be given in another manner, tat any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this hfottgagt shall ere gtvttr by mailing ssnis not..`} ba ttrtf}ed mail addressed ter Borrower at <br />the Property Address az at such othtr address as Burrawtr may designate by notice to l..endtr as provided herein, and <br />tb} any ntxitt to fl.tmder shaii bt given by ccrtifed mast, rtium rtetvpt requGtittd. to i ender's addreas ataied herein ur to <br />strtfi other address as Leridtr may designate ray rxrtict to Barmwtr as provided httein. Any Halite provided fur in this <br />Mortgage shall bt dctened to have burr given ra Borrewts nr„--,- when given in the. manner dtaignated herein. <br />dS, UeNarrsa MoetRtrke;:GaversriaR dent Sevcrabdllty. Tires farm of mortgage combines uniform covenants tar national <br />use and>ttotrun3fatm eavenann with limited variations by j;rrisdiction to co.~,stitare a uniform sa:urity instrument covering <br />real pmperny: Ti,is Mort$ags shall tw govtrsrtd tsy the law +sf fix- iurisdicticm in which the Ptaperty is located. In the <br />evtnt#hat any prevision ar clause of this M,nrtgaga cn the Natt ccrtsftict» with app#italsk law, such canftict shall nor affect <br />othv provisiaas of this Mang:gt nr f!^rc Note whrcti can tx e~"en effect without. the conflicting provision, and to this <br />end }fit pravitiiatrs of the Mongege and the Notc are iftctared to bt sevmtile. <br />d6i: IAaees+erar'tt t~wpy. Borrower shulT ere fiunished a contazrntd copy of the Nate and of ttris }wfartgage at tht liens <br />of txecutirxn or after recosdatiaur herxruf. <br />37. '~'tadkewof tie Property; ArarargNior,. if all or any part of the Ptperty ar an interestl thtrefn is said. or trans#crred <br />by Borrower without I.eatdtr's peter wrettn cwrtxot, tscltrdlrrg ta} the creation of a lien or encumi»rance sutiardinate to <br />this lyd'mtgagty, (bf the creation of a puzchast money smcurity interest tar household applfanct». {c) a transfer by devise; <br />dcsttnt z,r by operatiotr of law upcni the death eta jean[ tenant «r {d} the grant of any itamehafd interest of three years ur ]tss <br />not cnntaininY an opine, ra,purtftase, Lender may, at Lender's option, declare alt the sums scoured by this Mortgage to be <br />ttunediateiy due and payghie: Lenart shaft have waived weft apion to atcekrate if, .prior to the oak or transfer. bender <br />and the ptrscxi to wfioa2'tlte Prirperxy is to t+e sold or transftrrtd. rt~ch agreement in writing the! the credit. of such person <br />is sarisfi.tury so l.andex- and that tfte interest payable un the sums stcurtd by this Mortgage shaii be at ._•;: h rate as Lender <br />shaii request. tf l.eredrz has waived the accelerate prodded in this paragraph )7, amt i# Borrower's successor in <br />interest F+an executed a writteai asstamption agreement scctpt~ in writing by i..eader, Leoder sftatl reieast Barrawer frcros all <br />ubiigaiiun» utrdtr this Mwtgagtatrd:the'.Nt te. <br />ff [.rndtr excreises such aptxsn to actettratt, lender shall malt Burrower notice of atctkration in accordance with <br />`prwariraph Iq hervw._ Stich axatioes}faliProvide a petiod~af trot less than 30.days frattr. the datetlie notice is maHed within <br />,xlric:? Burrower rosy pay the sttms.deelattd due: T# Bottxrwer faits to pay such sc,ms prier to the expiration. of such period. <br />Lexider may, wiihaut turthcr rtitaticx: ar demand an Barrowtz, invoke any re:nedies ptrmtttd by paragrapls i g hereof. <br />t+hav.-Uurrart~s Covra,.n ;s. 6orrtta+er amt Lertdtrfurther eavtnaut and egret as foftows: <br />ill„ Attei!eiatioe; 12trwe~dan. Eitte#M apn g>•owBdei ~p;pagrapitl7 hertoL opoa Borm.rcPs brtac4-of arty. covtaamt ar <br />tt~rpeieat of >lorrowcr is tlri ~TorgtaRc, indrdia~ tlx eovemaats fa pay vrhea due. arm. scam settreed byttds~o~Wlt, <br />4.aaEsr prior w rcclvs,tfvr. slmtt marl notice tv ITarroiwsx as pwrideA°ia paragraph d4 hercaf spe,clPyiiagz tdf tl,e brtacbz <br />ray tie atria. tegaited a see writ txcarh; {3) a dace, m>i ~ th.n JN days :snar the datetf~,.aothx dr >tp~itd to Sorrotrer, <br />try +hYch such GaracY set k cWtF; and {3j that fattens far cure ~h fxsach na ar ha[ora.the tLfaF irF.lhe istiec~ <br />aury rtaaY.a acceieraaiuw red [Arssrrossrtared by thn ;Vtorttitaic- fereafnsurc ay }nadit~:.iftoraadiaR.nrr6 ca~e~-attkeFropeny- <br />Ylre weikx s~ FstiM tapes u€ rbe rig4tl if> rriustatc after a xeftratitmtNrd:thcriabr totrssertda the #Otecfosnrc <br />pracbwiiq tfre sew-esfsNrrte cif a drfariR •as ank alNcr dttease <rf Bwnnrrr tprardyq,.ypd forrrfq~sart. R alutt~t5rerch <br />Le aM caret aw cr belorrr !!ae date speciNri in for nuri~e. l.eudcr at Lendersopd3gtrmsy dee6ve :dt ref thttzwrts: bnierrred. by <br />this to ifs iaraevaieeely arts awrf pag,iMt .ritlwut fartll+er rtewiwnd acrd +r*,sy farreftraiefzw 3,»tnhrl proetedtug', d;tetkr <br />1taNtar rwtit9r~i rt. collect iw sta6 rrroesrdlrf; sit rttrnarwN of forerluwre, iuct+sdlrt~. Met aet'fiau±ied ter„teiep ef+fatstasewtary <br />v~~x, aiM,?arts aed tiNie reptarts. <br />t1, 3www~er'x Right td Reiaxe7Nt. i,:~t~anhs4a,i=#ing 7.eRd ;ccec•rn;.,mt ~ 'hc .e,ns.~a:u~re<I bq rta> tfi?rtgagr., <br />~torr~rr rixtt;i has-} tits right a hate s. ,r.,&~~;rr~ ~ arr. "-:; i.ersd:~r _ .: r..,, ,~•, i4#~rt; y~ di~~zcn.rnu~i a.r :rny 4frrts <br />