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<br />$2.® (l ~~1(39 <br />ilatrFOxas CovErt,trrrs. Bamawer-and. Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Pet~teut'd Pi6aciga! aad I,nMrGSt. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the. principal of and interest on the <br />izxdufalxdntas evidenca:d by the Note;prepaymeni and fate charges as provided in the Note, and the. principal of and interest. <br />on-any Future Advances secured :lay this. Mortgage. <br />S for Ttnros and IowtnacG SYtbjxt to applica4le taw or to a. written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender onahe day tttcnth3y inutallments of grincipai and interest are payable tinder the Note, until. the Note is paid ih fuPT; <br />arstmt.{lterein "Funds':'}-equal tooae-twelfth of iht yearly saxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage+ and ground.renis on the Property, if any, plus ant-twelfth of yeasty premium installments for hazard insurance,. <br />pins sets-twelfth of yearly premittm:instailments for mortgage insuranct, if any, all as reasana4ly estimated initially and from <br />time to'timr. by Leniterontiretaasis of asstssstsmeuts and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />77ie Funds steal! be held in an institution the deposits or accnunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state aigency iincludingltnder if Ltndu is sue'.a an institution). Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said. ta.Ke-e, assessments, <br />3zisuraace premiums tad grotmd reztts. Lender may not charge torso holding and apph•ing the Fttnds. analyzing said account, <br />orverifyingand compil3ngsakd assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Hormwcr interest on the Funds and applica4le law <br />permits Leader to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Moref~ge that interest on the Fitts<fs shall tae paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires: suchattrest io ix paid, Lender shall no[ he required to pay Borrower any interest or earni.Ags on the Funds. Lender <br />sloe!! give io 33arrower, without charge, an annual accounting at the Fends showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. Fite Funds are pledged as additional security fur the sums secured. <br />by tbas Mortgage: <br />£f the atttotint of ibe Ftmds htid 4y Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />[he titre Batts of taxes, assesstrsems. itrstzranse premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount reyuired to pap said taxes, <br />assessments, insuuantx premiums and ground rents as they fall due. each excess shalt bt, at Borrower's option, either <br />pminpily repaid to llarmwer or crs:dited to Borrower on manthiv installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />ixld by Lender shall not be sud'teitnt to pay tares, assessments, !nsurance premiums and Around rents as they fail due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount ntceuazy to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the Batt nonce is mailed <br />by Lenderio Borrower requesting payrnenr thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums sectued by thts ;tiortgage. !..ender shall promptly retund fo Harrower any Funds <br />tteid lay Lender. If under paragraph i Pi hereof the Property n sold ar the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shalt apply, rro laity than immediately prior to tits saFe of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Letx~,r at dhe time of applicatiaa as a credit a$atnst the sums .scored by tt;is ?+9artgage. <br />34. Sp~fitatloa of PiymeMs. Unless appiicabit law provides atlaetvvise. ati payments received 4y Lender under the <br />Note add-paragraphs }and 2. htreaf shall be applied by Lender fiat in paymevt at amounts payable to Lender by Barrawer <br />under paragraph : heraaf. 4hen to interest payable an the Note, then to the princfpal of the Natc, and then to interest and <br />ptiticipaF on arry Future Advaaxes. <br />4. C6aegp; !:.lees. Borrower shall pay ail t:txc~s, asstscmcnts .end anther charges. fines and rmpatsitians attri4utable to <br />lift Property wlxicia may attain a priority ever this ~iorigage. ar+d teasehoid t`.avrnenis or ground rents, if any., in the manner <br />provided: tinder paragraph :? hereof tar. of nai paid in such manner, by Borrower snaking payment, when due, directly to the <br />paydt thereof. Bomowes steal! promptly turmsh to !seder all notress of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment direedy, Borrower shall prampi3y iurnfsts to !.ender ma;eipts tvidcncing such payments. <br />borrower shalt. promptly discftargt. any lien which has prrrarny .aver this Mongsge: provided. that Borrower shalt no[ tae <br />requtirtxl w discltargt any such lien ao long as Borrower sisalt agree in writing to errs payment 41f the o4ligatinn secumd 4y <br />such Iitn in a manner acceptaFiie t lxnder. or shall it; gexxl faith contest such hen by, ar de8emf enfnrcemettt of such lien in, <br />legal procxd3ngs which. operate to prevtm the tnforctmem .af the teen ar tortetttrre of tbt Property ar any part thereof. <br />S, Hrwd leatraeux. tiorrowxr steal! krep aht amprovrmenss new existing rrr htrtafttr erected rm the Property insured <br />against loss, 4y fire, haaatds nttudtd witizin the term ".°xttnded coverage". arsci such ottstr ha~xrds as Ltndcr may require <br />atMt in such amounts and for such periods as Leader rosy rtyurre, 3)rna•idcd, that i_enr9tr shall not. inquire that the amount of <br />stub covtngt exceed that amount of careragt rtyuued t« pay the sums vtcured l+y thrs Mortgage. <br />'I'ht instuatrce carrier providing lets insurance shall l+e <ttosrn l,v Borrower sub~tct [a approval by I.tndtr. pravidtd, <br />that settle approval shaft not be unreasona4ly withheld. Ali premnmrs an insurance policies shall tae. paid art the manner <br />ptowitied under paragraph 2 hereof or, of tanx pazd in saute manner, by Burrower making payment, when dot. drztc[ly xa test <br />ittsurattc cassia. <br />A1Pitmtrraetet policies teal rcntxals tirertraf shad ht in tazrm acctpta4lt to Lender and shall include a standard marrgage <br />tlaust iu favor of and in form acceptable ea Ltncftr.. 3sndcr shat2 have the fight to hold the particles and aneu.-als thereof. <br />' a~l.'gorrowtr shall prt+±at±at3y furnish to<<+sr ail renewal ~...fns:es and :tit receipts of~ paid premiums. 3n the event of loos. <br />B[mDwtfshall give prompt notice to ibt insuranct tamer and txruitr. Lender may snake pr.-».si r:•t ;us_ :ui sat -:ptl <br />by tlOrrower. <br />Useless Lender and Borzowtr othtrsrtst agree to wntsng, insuranct prrscttds shall be applied ra restoration ere repair of <br />ttttPmpcrtydamagtd. providedszectt restotatsan at repass is tccmomicatiy ftasf4lt an6 the securny of this "+9nrtgage t4 <br />witatiereby impairod: if xucb. restoration of repass rs nat. economiuaih~ feasible car *.t the security of this Mortgage would <br />4e':mpaurpf, The insuranct pzoceeds shall 4t applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, wath the excess, if any, paid <br />to$ortower:. lE tht~P~ttt-petty ix afaandcatud by Borrower, oc it Borrower fai3s to respond to 1_cmder within 3U days from the <br />dart aoti4e rs mat3edhyitndcrta Borrower thax the insuranct sassier offtrx to sleet a claim Eor insurance tatntti[s, !.ruder <br />is arrthoriud tatxailasct. and apply the insurance protxctts ar Ltncters :option efther to razoration ar repair of the Property <br />or to the std secumd by thct'Mortgagt. <br />Utah Lerzderaad ~lwtowtr otherwise agree in writixsg. any sucks applicanon of prcxteds to U•.mcipai steal! not extend <br />er postpone tits Bloc Batt of the rnort~bly installments rtftrred tv in paragraphs 3 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />sruh :mtalitrtentr. If tuuterparagrapt @.$ trtrtof the Properth is acquired lay L.tndtr, ail right, tint and interest of Bt+rra?wer <br />xn and to a;ip issuance: paticies and Sa and ro tlat proceeds ilttrtot rtsuiring from daanage to the Property prior to the sc3e <br />or acquisxitn siialt pleas to Lender to the extent of the sums secured L•y this ".sfongage frnmediate3y prior ut such sale or <br />ti. Pres¢rvrLent aai:::M#zletenasce srf Pregett.y; i.easehtrids; C'oodomQatrdstat Planned t)nic I.}evetoQmtets. Fiarrower <br />*•ssrdi k~ctp the Properrs' in gtxid repaicand shall ern commitwasat or ptrrnit lmpairmtnt or dettrioratiaA of the Froptrty <br />' ar+d snail -omply ~:.~ith alas gsrmvisionstafarty 3ease if this 3~fvrigagt is an a. 3tasthotd. If lists ;blortgagc is on a unit in r <br />;:ondominsuna or a p{armed unit drlvekspment, Borxowtr sea-f pttftarm all of Brrrowers eo4ligaunns t;rsder the deciarxeinn <br />ear cnvenaris rrattng ~„ j;ov etnln£ tFt cr+ndpminrvm or planned unit dtvthapmtnt, the by-laws and regu3atians of the <br />randamirrr:sm ur planned tints i3eva:lcaprrent. =trd <<anstittatnt-documents. tf a condominium rW pianned~ anti dtutlcapmtnt <br />rrtier is e:eauted by 43!,rrawur znci r~:ordcd :c;zetiitr wrth. this Mortgage. the. iovtnants and agreemtntx vf. strch rt<itr <br />ina.f Fx racagaorattd into tau cFtall a:ztcr:d sup: ~.nppietstent vht tovtnants and agtttmtms of phis Morgage ns rf the rid~tr <br />t uKt+i dart i'~Crtn'f . <br />+'. PrMecll9rl far idAlttZR ,riefYTUf if Et rc~~wtr rakl~ rsa~ ptffcxm tilt CCTYtnxnts aAd agreements til]Atarntd to ttTs5 <br />Mortfagt. ar ;f azFy a+aLan rr pens ect~g -Ea:nmeT~e.? wttr~h r.-attzially affrxts Ltndtt's snttrext its list Propc+sty, <br />tsxawJi~.q, +~st Act limited t4s. cmrroeat dc+marA, isoicEHryiCy. ua[fe cmftxccment, ~or asrangenatr:a.'t!r car prt>ctedirtgs mvolwing a <br />iaattkrupt or alac~dent, tts¢n Lender a; T,ertdcr's ~~nn. .own ncucc : Rr.rrows, mnu intake swell apptarantsts, dtshtzrst sitekt <br />trusts :2nd !,tire arx~ a_. rare as ~x ra ~+. t.:3ary ~. ~ ~tac! t cndei~s ,. ~rest. tire!- re. rut not limited t^c), tiistnt~er+atn} oaf <br />;rxverraele °r~n~rrreys tExra ;~•ul ernry ,.era+ra the Prr,Mrrt .n snake r Lei r- r ! ~,r re~uircd mcstgugt insurance as a <br />cc~;tiem of srmicrsg tP.e lL+an s+,carrd #:•~ :v7o;igaac s,^r~ouc• :halt p_~: y nxiurstx r~utra+i to ntaitttain srtah <br />;rr~~F~nc~sa: e:Ktra orntr: - .c., ?smc ~ t^e ~L^Q'airtimccst i ~{:a i:~,vr7rar7 to ~ ~"~a .w ac~;,.3rf£atace u•:rh $~i:rmewar"x end <br />