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82-'~ C~U.U9~ ' <br />1VIdaR'~IGA~E <br />THi~S 14fpRTCsACsE'is made this..........7fl$h .... of March .;. <br />19..82,tretwerncheMorsgaEmr,..JGSeph.Ed-17n.1.iiley,.A;5,1_nglg.Pewson, ...,. .... ...... <br />- • . . . . . ......................... _..... f herein "BOerowet'';, attd the i+Rortgagee,. The.F;j r~ir; N~tLQDd~ <br /> Gr:and.Isls3ttd..6F'dncL.isldod .IdP.,hra5kd ........,acorptitationo~nizedandexisting: <br />under the: lawn of.....Nebt't3Slul< ............................ vihose address is. , . 2A2.:~~~.Th~:rd...... <br />...Grand. J , .4reDril;SrCd .............................. . ............ (heteim"Lc'}. <br />Wxex~s, Borraweris iitdebtcdto Lender Sn the pt'ittcipal sum of...Th~tetY: F1Yg: Th6g5.dt!(~. ~?K....... <br />. tt;~ndr2d. ~Rd .N~?llOil-------.--.---_- -:--. _Do}lets. which indebteda>essis evidenced;by Botxower'snote <br />dated....March> .19$2:....... (herein "Note"~, providing for monthly installrttertts of and interest, <br />with the bataaoe. of the it~tednrxs, if not sootier paid, dae and payable on... t1R~? ~ .) :,. 2Q3 ........ . <br />To SF.ctt~E to Lete~s (a) the rm:paymenr of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note., with interest thereon; the <br />~ymeut of ailothersmt~, with ir4erest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to proteM zhe severity of this- <br />34tartgap:. amt thc.ptxfcamance of the covenar. is aiul agreemerits of Borrower herein contained, and (b) Fhe repayttxent <br />of xtry ftttttne advances. veldt interest thereon, made to Borrower try Lender porsuane to paragraph 21 hereof (herein. <br />"Future .P-dvamxs"3. Biorro~er Ao~ Eby mortgage, grant and comeq to L.emler the following-descrr'1xd propettg <br />1toc~tl im tYrc C.dmtp oE.........H~l l 3 ........ ....................., State oE't~Iebn~ska: <br />PART OF TIaE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br />{S~~E,I DFSECTION ratNETEEN fi9), T~w~s~~aTE~ {i0)> <br />NORTH, RANGE ELEVEN {ii) WEST Of THE fiTH P.M„ r~RE <br />PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT. BEGINNING <br />AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF <br />T'HE NORTHEAST QUARTER'{SEaNE~a~ OF SAID SECTION i9~ <br />RUNNING THENCE'NORTH ALONG SAID SECTION LINE TO A <br />POINT WHERE THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S RIGHT <br />OF WAY INTERSECTS fiNE EAST SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION <br />i9; RUNNING THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF <br />WAY LINETO A_Pt}INThIHERE SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE INTER- <br />SECTS THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SEa OF NEB, OF SECTION i9; <br />RUNNING THENCE EAST ALONfi SAID SOUTH LINE +5F T4E SEA <br />OF NE TO THE PLACE Of BEGINNING. <br />which has the. addt+ess crf..... ~ott~@.2. SrIX .29(} :................. .... 1JQod. R~:'sgr................., <br /> teitri <br />. ~~br;#S~d. X10.......... fherrin "Pr+~penvAddttss"); <br />rstw .w zro cos.i <br />Taotsretca with ail :kit impmvcmrats now r,r hetraltrr erected nn the property, ai>d afl emits, ti6h'B, <br />appuneitat>rxs, rents, roYsitiea. rrti!xral, r,i? arxi ritChts arni, pc+n#1t5. tvaeet, water rigtrts, and water:-stock, and aR <br />tiztiires tro.v or hexcafier attiict~etl to the progeny, a1i of which, indoding repfattmcvts and additions themo, shat <br />si+xmnf rxi be atptxesli[it a patt crf the property c~eercd br fi€ris Aortgage: and atE o[ tlic f~~rcgoing; togcilxr with~aatid <br />prapetty s`or the leasehdd rattate if thin Mortgge is on a 1ra+c4rold 1 are herein rcfcrrcc+ ,ci a, the " E'topetty". <br />i~'tr3uwrrcevcwatx that }3cxrrxnwer is iawfalfp seised ~f the estate hesctrv coavcycti arc! has r,hc ri¢ht tomortgagc, <br />taw arx! cosi3+er the Pmpeety, that the Propertc' is :~nextcumbcred, and ths; ~7rr~?tvcr u'rti warrsitt and defend <br />tlty the tick to tine Prraperty agyiirrst eti cisitria arad ~tsrands, suhpcL^t co env 4arataY~3c. ~:tsstttteritatar rrsttictions <br />~ta4ed its s ~-f~d++6c of exec{rti4as so cuvtra~ is any title ieswrc p,~4icw~ irtcurittg i..entice'. yriteresC in Fi1ePR`27~1eYey: <br />-..i.~f £1~stttr-•:fii.IS-. ffti~:(ftdAFL. ~ FrttlslMHll <br />