<br />82- ~(Q9Q'~
<br />Lender's written agtteemrnt or applicable Caw. Borrower shalt pay the amount of all mangage insurance premiums in the
<br />maxaxter provided. under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any antoamts disbittsed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph T, with ineeresY thetean, shall become additional
<br />itidehtedness oE.T3orrower seeutsd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lander agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shat['.he payatzle upon notice fmattLcnder to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest. from the
<br />date of dPislaursement at the rate payable from .time to time an outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment: of
<br />interest ai:such rste would lee contrary to applicable law, in which even such amounts shall 6car interest at the highest rate
<br />permissitw3e. under applicable Caw: Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require [.ender to incur any expense oe take
<br />any>action hereunder.
<br />S: ]Es~cetlae. Lander may make or cause to be made rrasona6Fe entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shalT:gire Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor xekated. to Lender's
<br />interest"cis the Property.
<br />4. tCosdemttatlon. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages. direct or cansequentiaT, in coareciion with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and sha11 `be paid to Lander.
<br />In -the event of a total tatting of the Property, the pracetds shalt ere applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, if any,. paid to Bonowtr. Tn the event ai a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise; agree in wrifrng, there shall Fee applied to the sums secured by this Mortgac;e such propotian of the proceeds
<br />as-isequai to that proportion which the :rmaunt of the some secured by this Tvtartgage immediately prior ro the date of
<br />takarg lx;srs Yo the fair market value of the Propem> immrdiaxely prig m the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paidto. Etotrttwer.
<br />if Lhe Propertyts ahandonect by Barrawer, or if, after notice by i,endrr ea Harrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim foe damages. Bosrawer fsik to respond to lender within a0 days after the date such notce is
<br />mailed, Ixnder is authotirxd to callers and apT rv the pracceds. at Lender's option, rithtr to restoration ar repair of the
<br />Ptapertc ar to the sums stxured try this Mongagt.
<br />Unless-Lender and Borrower aehe:wise agree in writing. any such application of prncerds to principal shall naY. extend
<br />or postpone the titre date x: f the monthly itastallmrnts referred to in paragraphs i and ?hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />l6. Borrower Nat ReMaaed. E<tensinn of the t:mc for payment err madificatian of amortization at the sums secured
<br />by this ~dortgage granted by l.endee to any sxxressx: r in interest ref Barrowtr shalt not operate to release, in any .manner.
<br />the lalaillity of the originat Harrower and Btsrrtrwei c successors rn interesk. i.ender shai3 not he required to commence
<br />pra:erdings agsins4 such suceesstx . r rcfttsc to txrend time frsr payment .rr etheru^ise modify amat[iaation of the sums
<br />secured l,~y this Mangage Tn• reawn a# any demand made he the nrikinai Borrower and Berrowess successors in interest.
<br />it. Farbearatee by ieader',VM a LVaivrr. ..Any forhearanec by [.ender in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder. or
<br />atheswisr atTorded by applica~bie law. shalt not !±t rr waiver ref cr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of nsuranrc or the payment of lases or ether hens or charges lrv bender shalt no[ ltr a waiver rf Lender's
<br />riitltY t~ arceleratt rhr maturity ref ttxc indthkedness stcvmd by this giongage.
<br />12 Rewtedint CttrrtaMiva Ali rctncdies provided in this Alarteagt are distinct and ettmulauivr in any other right or
<br />remedy tender this Mangagc ar afforded by law ar equity. and may 'sc e+:ercisrd canrurrrntly, independently ar saccessivdy.
<br />13. Swxeasitnt aad Atom Baadlt taint and tirvet9l l.tabflitr; t'aptians. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shah hind, attd ilte rights hereunder shad inure to. ihr respcrrivr successors and assigns of l..endrr and Harrower,
<br />sctb',}uY m the pravisiotrs of paragraph 17 Trrrtctt. Ait covenants and agreemenu of $orrower shalt he jot»t and several.
<br />The eap~tiorrs- and headiags of rho paragraphs of iltis Mortgage are far cunvenienrr r+nPy ans3 err not to ere used to
<br />:nterpttt ac dcfixte the provisions hereof.
<br />fd. \dice. EXCept for any notirr required under applirahlr law trs Tee gavcn in another manner, (al any notice to
<br />Borrower provided (nr to this ~latxgaAe shat! br gavcn hs ntatfin}t such entree by certified msil addressed to Borrawcr at
<br />the Property Address tx at ruck cnhcr address as lSt+rmwtr may dcsignnte by notice to i..rndrr as provided herein. and
<br />Eb} any rtotim to Lender sltadl lx t„tvtn by' rrrbfted nraii, atctrn rrcrapa rrgtxesttd. to t_endrr's address stated herein or to
<br />retell txtfrcr address as lender may designate hp naticc to Harrower as pravidcd herein. Anv notice provided for :n this
<br />~lartgageshaiT hr tlecttttd to have l+rcn given to Nattawer err 1 e rider witrn gluon in the manner alesignated herein.
<br />IS. ZTnHorwn ;titotx>ta~r; Gaeertaial; fate, SrvevahdiY~. 7hi+ Yrrrm.rf mortgage camhimes uniform cavrnants far nakionai
<br />ktsCand note-uniform covenants with. timttrd uar:tYians I:y iur~sdietion t+, :a nstinr:t a uniform srirxtritY instrument cavaring
<br />teal proprm T7ris 4lartgage shall he governed }*+: aht €aw of rhr ;urtsdttxion in whirtt the Property is lacalcd. to the
<br />Gwent that xnv prr+visian er t3atase of this ~fanga2t or the 'cute can9licts with applirable law, sleek conflict shall not affect
<br />otkxer pmvsaiem~s oft`tis lvl'orrga~ ar the `:a[t whtch can be brute efftck withxptat the ranfliering pmvisian, arr.3 ko this
<br />en3 YTt` ~ ,=t the ::*fa tt_ z:-;,', ts.. ^-.,.... eel-,rt.e l+r> vve~trTr
<br />ff. S~aet»tver'~.Copy. Bcar:ns•rr shai9 kre fa,m~ne: a ,ont~rnrtc ~tspy ei the rvcrre .,ns a :ns ' a,..bi,.ge :. _~.~ :a„r
<br />ref eeecution: orafter rtxordatiam htrcttf,
<br />f7: Trasd'er of the Prafrerh • :\ssaeiptiota. Il' alt <+r an} pan ai the Pmpcnv or an inicrc<t therein is sold or transferred
<br />by 8arranvcr utthout l..eatders pr+.,r ~,vritttn c:canaent, rxctuding i;rt the crcaiion <,f a lien a+r tncumhrance subardnake to
<br />t#rrc. Mongago, +t+i the •,se:trinn c~i „ ; urrb.arsr looney c`t:t:rity intereKt far household appliances, frl a ,ransfer by devise,
<br />descent ar hg optratior. n; 9,xw upon ' ht death of a iilrirt zrrrant or tar rhr tram of arty draschutd interest trf there years ar tess
<br />ncytc..:rraitnng :Yn .rptinn tr puraixase, hritder may. at Lender`s apirau. declare ail the sums tet2ared by this ?vfangage ur Tee
<br />imme,?~atcit due .=rid pay'aKle, l.~ndrr shad h~vc waved sxtth rrprron in accelerate if_ prior to the safe or transfer. leader
<br />.and the pcrutn r,r ~+~herttt the Progeny 1s to bt rotor rr transrrrrcd reach agreement in writing Thai the rrtdit of such parson
<br />issauxf:acton- 'n treader and that the iaue:est pagabie un the aunts secured by this ~langagr shalt t:•e at such rave as I,~endCr
<br />shah request- it T cooler lea, waived the option to arcrTeraxe .provided in this j aragraph l7, and if Pr,rreswer's sucrcwsor itx
<br />interest ras crecvrcd a'ursitten assrxirrptirrn agrc+rmtnt acrtpted in writing by i.endrr, lender sha3l release Borrower from aH'
<br />i~:tttigat onx ur.:irr th s i4tartgageat:dthe f[c+ce.
<br />,r Lcndtr txerctses g.xrlraptian tr, acrcteratt. T_enttrr ~-?xatl maxi Barrewer nattre of acreteration irx accordance witlt
<br />~asagraph :» r<re+~f:. Sttrh notitx shall pravidt a ptrirsd <+f nut Srss than itj days trr>m the date the ttc?ticc is mailed within
<br />x~t;yh Bor~^'~~cr ~r;,r~ paY rho tums_tiec3ar~3due: If Barrow-or FeiG to pay stack sums prior to the espirsxian +nt such period,
<br />t_er_dcr may ~=~itha:;c fttrthertxntice.~ar damandara Borrow=~r, invoke .xnw rrmedaes {rermnted hy~ paragraph i$ hereof.
<br />`os:-t;~etow~+ C;>st=,a.a"~s. Borrower and t.endcr tvrihcr covenant and agree as follows`
<br />iR. A.cei-ssti,m: Rentedits. Fscept me yrowidrd ie panhirap6 t7 escreof, vgwa Borrower's breath nY any rov~naaf ar
<br />-attreeaxcet of Qaxrrrrxer in tp6. k"let. iacluAitp~.the...cavenants to par when due any ulcers rtetared by this .'4iort~a~e,
<br />ixsber prin. to accrler.fiae sbaffmail taoticcta Harrower as provided ttt paral;rapb lAhereof npecifyia¢: fit tbc. breazbt
<br />i 21 for aciwe rrgavrd in care m-tr..6raaele- (31 a dale. n+rt lees thaat. ail dais franc the Aade: llte ne+tiee is mailed to Barrovser.
<br />try wYYeh Farb anach tend br ctrrred;. rwd (433hat fai#arc-to tore snob breaehaa mr before. the date specified-in the ttatlre
<br />+twF t>r,rnM in urrekratiow of rhr urtmsecured b3' thin :3~tarteage,. Farerk7esare-by:}adicislpiwsc~ecs-it~t and sate of 11t¢ P!vperty.
<br />')lwe xwtict vha11 furtbav itdorrx irwet af: iberiRht fo, relristafe-af'tet atrdera(iaa and ;ire rlghf..ta tassert in the foreritesure
<br />gtaeredtaK the rwtttziMettec taf pde{axtdt urasrotbtrdefeaae of fiorrowbr to arecbtctian radfitre,cMtsarr• lf' tbefrrracb
<br />;Y, ad r~ared tam, vx hefaer tAr atafa ?apee7fird ~t#r aotitr, [xatktrat txaArr'sopNr»t ear.^. detbuead# of truer svtrts secured 6y
<br />tl+Ye atotftaRr to He iriatrip dm wed payafrk ®rkbviN farther tktYnaml apd:may furnlace ley ~ttdiriai prrvrtredi~, 1Rttder
<br />siuW 6r ratfahd eer :u{kr`t Fe wrrb p.ureedhy~. a#. exgxwrea r+f trrra~rsar«,inrrlmAit~< ts+at. nptl:,ahcst ter. ~rtx ref dmceutctNarv
<br />cv idaztze, rbairurty red title rrpsG.
<br />14. Hirnr+ar`. TRiiftte to t~Cielika{f. ~',,,iw tt ~t. tdsr:~± Lt+ader's asa..t?rraYxon r.~r - e ~rxr ~, rnrtaY Irv tilts M1forigabt;.
<br />P, ~: z-Hate .7YUi! lea •e r~,*_ >i~;,t tc~ h.+~c ant :rsv. cell rtx r>•l:r tt %: 2..-!fie t::r nnta~rrc:e th ,,. . =,rt,intted a.t xn)' 3imr
<br />