<br />82 .®i~ ~j (9 8 ~~
<br />Etudes'swtxtenagmmet:t:orapplirabk law. Borrower shall pay Lhe amount of all mortgage insurance premiums. in the
<br />magtitt'pMwided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />AiEy amount, disbursed liy Lender pursuant to this pazagraph 7, with inieresx thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness cf Barrawer secured<bgthis Mortgage. Unless $orrawer and Lender agree to ocher terms of payment, such
<br />arnottnts shall be payable upon notice from Lendtr to $orrawer requiting payment thereof, and shall bear interest. from the
<br />dace of disbvrxment at the txte payable from titne io rime on outstanding principal outlet the Note unless payment of
<br />inttn:st at such rate would be-tonttaty to applicable taw, in which. evens such amounts. shaft bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissib}e under applicable laW. Mottling contained in this paragraph 7 shall require lender to incur any expense or take
<br />at:y fiction httxunder.
<br />E. Iret~ettiow. Lender may make or cause m be made reasonable entries upon and inspections o€ the Property, provided
<br />that Lervder shalt give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intent in the Property.
<br />9. t; The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />colndemnaeion or ptlt~r taking of the Property; or parr thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hemby assigned
<br />and: zihaU-be paid #o Lender.
<br />In .the-event of a Total Taking of the ProperCzr. the proceeds shall be applied [o the sums secured by This Mortgage.
<br />with the-excess,. if any; paid !o $atrawer: In the event of a partial taking of the Propert}>, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise: agree: in writing, there shalt be applied to the sums secured by thss Mortgage such proportran of the proceeds
<br />as is What W that propottitm which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date; of
<br />taking tsars to the fair market value of the Property immediately Pricer to the daft of taking, wish the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horrawer,
<br />If-the. Property is abandoned by $orrower, or if, after notice by Lendtr to $orrower that the condemnor of€ers to make
<br />an airrard ar s#tle a claim for damages, Bo'rower fails ?o respond to Linder within 39 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lto~ is authoriad to collect intl. apply the proceeds. at Leader's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properrty or fo the sums stxurtd by this Mortgage.
<br />IIrikss Lendtr arid: Bcumwer otherwise egret in writing, any such application of proceeds 4o principal shall not extend
<br />or postpotx the din daft of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change She amount of
<br />such...insrallmettYa,
<br />1®. larrower Nat Rekaed. Extension of the time far payment or mtadi6cation of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Fender to any successor in interest of Ilorrawer shall not o}xrate to release, in any manner.
<br />thtlia#iiity of theoriginal $oerowet amt Borrower`s sucmx~rs in interest. Lender shall not 6e required to commence
<br />proceedingsagaibtst such succtssor ar refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />stcvt•ed by this Mortgage by reason M any demand made by the orginai Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest.
<br />tt, F`as6eaea~ee bas iesttlerNq a Weser. Any forbtara:tct by Lendtr in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise affottled by applicable law. shall nit he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of instusnce ar the paynxnt of Lases r other teens ar charges by Gender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accekratt she zrtatesrity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />12. Rs~siet CssttaW~r: .all reredies provided in ihrs Maragage ace destinci and cumulative to any ether right ar
<br />~ntdy under this Mortgage ar affardtd Irrr caw ar equity, and may lse txerrised concurrently. independently ar sctcressively.
<br />1'.t. S~etatoes swd AtriRas Ra~rd: !Dint acrd Several Fiabe7lty: Captiotas. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind, and. rlme rights hereunder shall spurt zo, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the provesiais of paragraph 17 hereof All eovenanu and agreements of $orrower shall be hint and several.
<br />The captiaiu and hraidinga of the paragraphs of rites :Mortgage arc far convenience only and aro not to he used to
<br />inittpret or ddine. the pravisians hereof.
<br />I1. Nasiee. Fxctpt for any riatiee ;tmuired under applicable law to be given in another manner. {al any notice to
<br />Borrower provided. for in this Mortgage shall be given by mailing such notice by ctrtfitd mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address ar at stecla other address as Barrawtr may designate by notice to t:endtr as ptavided herein. and
<br />fb? any notice to [xrider shag bt given by certified mail. return receipt xrqucsred, to Lender"s address stated herein nr to
<br />such'othtr address as 1ttfder may den"agnate by nirtiet to Bortnwtr as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Morxgage ahaU l+e deemed to have iKen given to Borrower ear Lendtr ufitn given: in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. Citdtot' MlwtRaxe; Gorenelag Law; SererrtdBty. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants far national
<br />ust and tfott-emzform .covenants with limited vanstians by jurisdiction to cons[iaute a uniform. security instrument covering
<br />real property. This Mortgage ahaU be govrrtxd Mr the law of she jurisdiction in which the Property is ]orated. In the
<br />¢~nt-that. any provision or tlattst of this Morigagt or the Note conilirts with applicable law, such. conflict shall not of€ect
<br />other provisioaa of thin 1Hartgitgt ar flit Nate which can be gives effect. without the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />d`~ pro-~asioas of tx .'Faq:t~-c anr3 u'r'..a*.r s;4 ~ecl. reel tz ~ sevtral;.'_e.
<br />1i. iotst<~ser`a Gtyxa Borrower shall be furnished a canfarmtd copy of the No?e and of this Mattgage at she little
<br />of ctuxtriimt or aftertatiarhereaf.
<br />17;' Trader a~E tYe ~lra~altyt Aaan~ptisr. If all orany part of the Property or an inttrese therein is sold or transferred
<br />b;+ Bormvrtr Without I.ettder's prior written rorrxtnt, exdixling (ai the. creation of a lien ar encumbrance subordinate to
<br />chi. h~tarYgajpe., rbl the crtafioxt of a purchaso moray scttfriry interest for hausehald appliances, fc1 a transfer by devise,
<br />descent or by aperatitae of law. vpost the death of a joint tenant or fd; the grant of any leasthald interest of three years ar less
<br />txz[ coneaining an trpUan fa psttchase; Lander tnay, at Lender's option, dulare all the stints aerated by this hfattgage to be
<br />imtnediarcty dot aced payebk. f.cnder sltaU leave waived such option to acrtlerate if, prior to the salt or transfer, Lender
<br />and ttse person?o xvhatrt iluePrcperty,is to besotd ortzansferret# reach agtetnratnt in writing that the credit of svr3t person
<br />is satisfs~ory to l.c~r sad. that flit isitetest paya6k on the sums secured by this Mortgage shall ce at such. rate as Lender
<br />shall request. [f I;ender )nrs waived the option to arctlerait provided in this paragraph i ~, aced if Borrower's successor in
<br />cattiest hu e.xttttted a written awns tpY~ agrcemmt-accepted in writing. by Lendtr. Lendtx shall release $orrowet from all
<br />udigations under this t'ltfltgsge amt the 7Vtite:
<br />If Lendtr cxerCista at:cit option to accelerate, Letn9tr shall mail liarrowor ttMict of act;cleration in accordantx with
<br />paragraph 14 Fxrraf. Such unfits shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from The date the notice i9 mailixl within
<br />whit:h Borrow~cr may pay the: suntaderlareddue. tf Borrower fails to pay afxrlt sums prier ra the expiration of sttchperiod,
<br />Lrnder may. wisltotrt furttxr ntnict ardratwd an $orro+wtr, invoke airy remedies permitted by pare:graph i$ hmeof.
<br />bars-LNtraart CoveN~vTS. Btsrraortr axsd:Ltndtr fttether rovetratei and agretaa follows:
<br />It. Atxekr~iaw: Rrsnafiiea. Excgt>e pswHed'~'pata~egi17 Aeseot, tepee-tasrwrrara brescts of sap coraw®tor
<br />•t loararrer fw rids '~tort;ese, ~: Ace-: tovewswd~e tspay. st'irea Vic. tax saatse setaetd by -tics 14ior1~e,
<br />Lwlsr !eclat w eetrirratlea sLJ rrai3 naKce to Roreo~er u psaviAed'itrgaer~ir dd~ 6errtisC spstil[viMe~,ill the=bsefeht
<br />to t!s aellsa reraksd io eases sat\ trewcis; i 39 a dirt: woe lees flow 3t1 Aa}s ttxiat -toe halt ibe aOtlct' b prided to 6btsorrer,
<br />tp wtsiei seerM i+eae- >•tas lee rate+i; ace/ (tl tint Fa4are to care rode tries~ti at srlteftxt tl4 datirspecifed lrrthr...rtoRis+e
<br />vn,- n~lt [w arcdaesaLr yt the art attired Ay tkh -[orttRsRC, totttiosestabx pew~tndingwt asilt. of flee Pro2iertp.
<br />firs sratlns td~ fsatMer fwtares foerower o! else ritl~ to rcfeWats f~tt[atxYderatfoaC asd-tYs rytLr to assert httAe lnrr~wrr
<br />psaensdYq firs nee.aafisQaf•e of a defawh fu aa7 MAcr Aefeet~ofDa`eower sow aadiaraefossac if tht,tertamh
<br />h wise caeai ow a Atrfw- tie dime s}sf~Jdai is tae splice, Lewder ft Lxndsr's ttpkTea mar dstlaee aB t~ tAe serus sr*ttixtd lax
<br />fide Mae~lrpe to bs iasssdWa!}' due tfwd prvsbk wftAoM far61~ detwsewd'aswl snayf~ Mp jiwilCld..;~ [.facer.
<br />eYNI hr eytltled b sattsr:t k swch pressedlgt all rx}ewsu of ftwre, dls~, ~ awe ta. rustic +xf deeapy
<br />e.~id6ares, adssrarte alai t4d. retina.
<br />l~. Yser~ersnta'c xtNtrt to 6tsiaeeeate. titxwitnsta~cirrg L.esttkr't accertraiton trf flea s'vraa saatttstd by flits i4liittga$+e.
<br />Bar,>.rwcr s3aso-l i;an the riser: acs h:rt..mr.} t,nxtctYingabegva+ by-lltrndtr acstnfarrt Aids Morxgagtrlisraniinered. at gray ;rn2e
<br />