<br />pricsr to cn:ty of a ivdgmeat eoiorcipg this MartBattc if: ia! Borrower pays Lender ali.sttnvs which wonld be: rhea duc.ttndec
<br />this Mortgage, the Holt and notes securing Future .Advances, if any, had no aaceleratign aectsrred; (bT 9o[rawer cures afl
<br />breaches of any oMer covenants or aBteemeats of 6orrow~r contained in this Mortgage: (c} Borrower pays all rea•;onablt
<br />expenta~ ixurred by Ltader in enforcittg the covenants and agreements of Bnnower containtd in this Mnrigage and in
<br />cafotcing Lender's rrmedies as provided in paragraph 1R hereof, ixiudmg, but not limited to, reasonable attarttcy's fees; and
<br />(d} Borrower takts such a:tion az Lender may reasonab!}~ require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's imerese
<br />in ibePmperty andBorinwtr's ctbfigatioo to pay the sums secured by this Mongage shall continueunimpaired. Upon such
<br />paymcnL attd cure by Boaawer, this Mortgage and ;t+e abbgxtions secured hemby shalt remain in frail farce and effect as if
<br />tw aetiekratian had occurttd.
<br />1/. Aatipse~t at Rents; A~poiottment of ~zceive~; taster in Pmise~ion. .As additianai security hereunder, Burrower:
<br />hereh!r assiBvs to Ltttder iht rents of the Propo~rty, provided that Borrower shall, prior to aecekration wader paragraph 1R
<br />imreol' nr abandnttment aE the Property, have rite right to collect :and rctzin such rents as they become due and payaEle.
<br />tJpcm accxleratiaa undtr paragraph 13 ':tereaf or abandogttteat of the Property. I.s~ttder, in :person. by agent or by
<br />judicially appoirsnd receiver, shalt Ee entitled to enter upan. t.dtepossession ot. and managt the Property and to collect the..
<br />rents of the Property, including those patt due. .alt rents callected by Lender or the receiver shall be'applied-:fiat to payment
<br />of the coats of management of ette Property and ca1{etiton of seats; iiscluding, :but not limited ta, receiver s fees. premtams on
<br />receivtr'B bonds sad reasntubie attorney's fen, and then to the sums secreted by this Murtgage. Leader. and the receiver-
<br />shall tx~ !iaEleto account up1}' for those rents actvaIly received:
<br />77. Fat~rr Adva>.cra. CGpon r~ttcst of Barrawer, Ixader, at Lettdet's option prior to release aE this Mortgage. may
<br />make Future Adratrces to Borrower. SatchFutum.Advancts,withintertstthet~eon:sha€ibe secured 6y thisMortBage-.when
<br />evidenced-Ey promissory nutea stating,.that said ttot~-aresecured ltereby_ A4no time shall theprincipalarttount of'the
<br />irtdebttdnescseeuxed by Ihts Mortgage. nahdtrdiagsutrts atitrattc~tj,Xt.$~ardaaceherewithtaproted tlse.secattity o€:this.
<br />Mortgase, exceed the original amaant of the T:lnte plus L,r55.. , . a . ......
<br />22. &e{err. Upon payrzQent of aB su,els sacvrod by this Mortgage, Lender shall. discharge Chis Mortgage witltaut
<br />charge to Borrower. Hrtrrower shalt pay all -,mass of ordatioa, i# any.
<br />[lr Wm'rFSS vVt~exEOF.Borrmverhas executeclthi& M J~~~''~/~
<br />F._ Bradley ,/` --so,.~..
<br />~,(~p fps
<br />Sandra L. Bradley -B°'r°""
<br />S-rArs or Aixs~irisic~a. ............... H~ItL .......... , .. _ , .......Gottntgss:
<br />Qn this.... , 9th .. , .. , ...day of.... MdrCh .... , ... i9 $~ ., before tree, the tmdcrsigtted, a Notary Public
<br />drily cotruaissianed and ~ for-said cawtnty, personalty caste K~R~ ~~. aRP,RIEI~. AfVLI ,`aAt~-RA. L..B&~-LEY,
<br />hu;;~land„acad.wife_,,.: .....:..................,.. ..... ...,.....,..,to me knawnto be he
<br />identical pcrson~s} hoax aametsT are stxbsctibed to the foregoing itutrottunt and. acknowlecY~erl the executiots
<br />tbereaf to bc.. , , ,heir , .. , , .volttatary acx and deed:
<br />Witrtcss my head sad notarial s~Y at.......G~'a~?~. Is;1.i}gta,,Pd~J7T,~5k8............a said county, the
<br />date aforesaid.
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