<br />$2--.~)Cl0$9
<br />Ustmoaar CovsrrAa+xs. Botmwer and Lt:nder wvenant and agree as fellows:
<br />;, 1-e~.of.?sl~i'ari)'athreat. Borrower s4talf promptly pay when due the principal of and. interest on' the
<br />indtbuat»[ss evideacext:'byttie Note, prepaymont. and laze charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advaacessetaued'bythiti:Martgagt.
<br />2, Fttei4aeTsrraaiL~aeset. Stsbjtct. W applica6rlt law or to a written waiver by L.eoder, Borrower shall pay
<br />Ea Leader on rtes day'etmathty nstaftmcnrs of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the. Note is paid in full,
<br />s sum ;herein "Funde'7 equal. tro one-twelfth of rtes yearly taxes aad asseuments which may attain priority over this
<br />Martgage. aad gtvurni'tentr on the Property, if any, pfrrs one-twc(fth or yearly premium iastatPments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus ar~•twdfrh M ppirty premium installments frier mortgage inatrrance, ifany, alt as reasonably estimated: initially and from
<br />time tc time by Lender rata the basis of a~essmaats and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Tx Easels shall be held in an institution tat deposits or accounts of which are irtsnrtd ar guaranteed by a Federal. or
<br />state al;ency (iticluding Zmdrr if Lender is such an instittrtion). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />imurutc¢ptemiunrs and grotmd [tats. Lender may not charge for so holding a~ applying the Funds, arulyzingsaid account,
<br />of verifying aad compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicab[e law
<br />permittr;Lteades w make stxtt a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of extcutioa of this.
<br />NQatYgitge than interest on 4tro Funds shalt bt paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />regtases such interest to be paid, Lender shall not rte regtrieed to :pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall ~ivt to Borrower, without charge, an atrnual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits m the Funds and the
<br />purport: £or which each. debit to the Fends was made. the Funds art pledged as additional suurity for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />It the: amount of the Funds held by Lender,. [ogether wi[h the future monthly instalments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the"dal°dates m teats, assessments, insurance lremiums and ground rents, shall exceed. the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assesamen$ itnsurance premiums and grouat`~ rents as they fall dire, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly. rtgtaid to Borrower or credited to Hatmwcr an tnonthty itrstaltments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall' not be suf5cient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and grtnmd rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrotwet shall pay to Lender any amotmt oucssary to make up the deficiency within 3t! days from xht date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader W Borrower regtarating' payment thereof.
<br />U~pgq paytnrni in ftrl of al! sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund xo Barrows[ any Funds
<br />}read lr}r' Leader. if undo paragraph l S hereof the Property is w(d as the Property is a[herwise acquized by Lender, Lender
<br />shall;apply, act late than imtatdiattily prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition. by Lendee, any Funds held by
<br />Ltwlta' settee timt of application as a credit against the stems secured by this Afartgage.
<br />3„ 4~Yealis[t t~ latyaserrRS. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments rec~ivcd by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 aril 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Bgrrawer
<br />ttnderparagraph 2 hereof. then W interest payabk on the Nore, then to the principal of the Note, and then to inttresr and
<br />prinrapa! on any Future i4dvances.
<br />~.: Liss. 8orrawer shall pay all taxes, assessments and ether charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Prttpcrty whicft mcay attain. a priority over this atoctgage, and leasehold payments ar ground tents. if any, in the manner
<br />pravidul under paragraph 2 herm£ or, if trot yard in such manner. by Borrower making payment, What due, directly to the
<br />payee therm. Borrgvrtr shall ,pttmxplly furnish W i,endtr all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in thetvent
<br />Barrowtr shalt. make paymtat. dirtxrly, Bongwrr shaft promptly fumub to Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Horrnwu stuB ptmnpdy discharge any lien which has priority over thix Morgage: provided, [hat Borrower shall not bt
<br />enquired tq discharge any streh titre so long as Borrower shall egret in Writing to the payment of the obligation secured. by
<br />sush:Gtsa in anraaner aeceptaWt xo Lender, or shall in gaol faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement o£ such lien in,
<br />kgat proceedings which operate. to prevent errs enfarcemtnt of the lien or forfeiture of the property ar any Bart thereof.
<br />S. iiasartit i~ssutsaee. f3orzgwet shah kesep the amprovetnetrts row" existing or tttreafrer erected on the Property insured
<br />agairutlou hyftre: hazards included Within tlu term "extended coverage", and such ether hazards as Lender may require
<br />earl is such amounts seed far such periods as Lender may require: pravsicsi. that Ltndcr shat! eat require that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed thatamount oC coverage required to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />°fhe. insutauce caxxier prgvideng the insurance shall lx chosen by Horrawer subjtcx to approval by Lender: provided,
<br />ehu uich approval shag tens be unreasonably wixhhtld. All premiurm on rnsurnrtce policies shall be paid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if [tot paid in such manner, by Bcmowee making paytncnt, when due, directly to the
<br />imuraratx carrier.
<br />l1iBumiranceptalicies seal tetuwals thctarf shall be in form acceptalafe to Lender andshale include a standard martgagc
<br />t:fatne in levee[ of and in farm a~ceptattlt so Lender. Lender .hall have tree right xo bald the policies and rtnewats theteaf,
<br />ate $ua'row¢r strait prgmptiy £urnis®t to Lender ~ ~ r¢;,eWal ttottccs a- al'; A^crpts of psis erantium-. ,:;..::-e, of lass,
<br />f3grrowsx give prasrapt entice to the insxtraarca carrier and Ltndtr.~ Lender may make proof of doss if not anode promptly
<br />by Bgrxnsser:
<br />LYtthas Leader and Beirtdwer mherwix agtecrn writing; insurance proceeds shall 6e applied. to restoraxion os repair of
<br />then. Property datgadtd, provided sttdt restoration or repair is scar+omically feasihk and. the security of this Mortgage is
<br />nnt'tfurtby ;repaired If such: tstoration ar repair is rWt ea:onomicaly feasible or if the suavity of this Mortgage would
<br />be:impaited. the i!rat proceeds shall be a~ied to the suns secured by this Mortgage. With the excess, if any. Paid
<br />to'$ocraarcr. if the ptroputy n abandoned by Borrawtr, or if Borrower faits to respondtxr Lender within 30 days frprn the
<br />disc aatirs is mailed try Lmikr to Borrower that the imnrartce carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender
<br />is autharired to cN9eetand apptytire nrnnnce ptotxeds at Letder's aptian either torestoration or repaie of the Prvpetty
<br />czC W the strttss SCCttrOd"bJihpMOLY~C.."
<br />L:SUS t.tader arm Btaxnavtrer°otli+•xW`isc agt~ in Writing, any such application of prxeeds to principal shall not. exerted
<br />cr poaipont tfre'dtretlate of the tnoru hey installments refcried Wrn paragraphs 1 and 2 bereaf or change else amaunx of
<br />such i:utalltrte;rrs. tf tetacl.~x" paragraph 18 i~rtaf the Prtrperty iz atquirtd by lender, all right, tint acrd interest of Borrower
<br />in and. xo any itfaRratlOe poiis:itis sent in and to the prtrs:esds therswf ressdting £ram damage ta the Property prier to xhe sate
<br />or ata;tnsititw shall patrato Lender to the txtem.. of the sums .soured by this Mortgage immediately prior to such safe ar
<br />aCQUriltYril.
<br />t1. -a~~: ~ of T+ Leadrhoids: CO~d07nnerlNeF. PbanilEd tfl~ i>teYtrlpprntrrta. BgtrgWer
<br />saaB keep the Property is goodrepair:attdslpailt~~t commit wasreor permit impairrtterrt or dareriatatign of t(tt.Prapetty
<br />and serif; c,mply with the pmvisitms of aay kart if this Mongage is oa a ltasehakl. if this 1tiAartgage is on a unit in a
<br />cortdomrnium i?r a pfamxd unit dtvdup:ntut,; Bstrrow~ shall perform all of BorroW~trs obligations under the declaration
<br />ar 6mgaatz crcatutg ar gavurtirtg the condorniitium or planned. unit dcveloptrtcat, the by-laws and s'egulatidns of the
<br />t;on3aminiom nr pWntsed unit devciaptr~c,~[, and conrtitueait3+rcttmeaxts. l£ a condominium or gleaned unit development
<br />ride tr txtcuted by Borrow[.[ and recorrkd. together with. this Moftgagt, efts covenants and agrtemcnts trf stitch rider
<br />hull be inctrtporated into exec: shall ar~Rd zed suppkmmx the Cavenatrtr snd'agrtemetxts of tfris Mortgage as if tlu rider
<br />users s part 4izrmf..
<br />7, lnsactiars d I.e~ier's 9trwitJ, if Bonou°er faits [o .perform the t:tavertantR aril agretmtnts conCaintd t^ this
<br />7Murtglype. c>x i# ruy .corm or prcxrcdirtq a ,:crmmeuccdwhicfr materially affects Lender's interest in sh_ praperry-.
<br />-itsetueHtra, !3crt tzar iirtnted ter. emttx~rrt dnenain. insul:•err: y. rndr~etrftrrtxn+ent, or arsai+gtmtnir,.or prtxxtdings ,=n~^n{virs~ a
<br />lrtanluxapt sx dtaY-sieat, tltec L.endtr atl.rnsirr's t3p(:on, upon acxtae to Horre•+rcr_ may ma;tc-such appearantxs, as ~hursz „tzch
<br />argent ate take aMSCtt atYic,[F as ie geC.es<ary [z, pn*tr_c! Lcnciefis ,net[est. tec;utYi~, ?,u^ save lin7titeif fl?. dr_ls,uramen! t+f
<br />- ~` to atSStrnoa's feu w-td c:a¢rp :~tw~ tfi¢e Frrpcrtw to rxtalte rt{rair~ IE Lender [squired r5k0!xga$e im"a arl2e as a
<br />:oesdiixut cv( naksng the loan xcurrct by thr_: hf*''s*F~ftf- f3.mtsaNershakf pay the prtmivrns regteired to mutntazn st*.~F
<br />iuarvarres is xrie;cr exctil ~sct~ tira'u eta tT'e zcyurresa~tit:lot:such. nksurarrce ttrrnmares sn accardsrxe With Berww:er`s amt
<br />