<br />$~~ i1U0$5!~
<br />:.~titr's written. agreement or applicable law. Sorower shall pau the amoune of all mortgage insurance premipms in the
<br />mamaer provided under gacageaplt 3.hetcaf.
<br />Any-amounts,disbutstdticLender gurstxant to tkeis paragraph ?, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness. o£ 86>;'rdwer secnced:;hy [his &Tortgage. L'nlzss Harrower and Lender scree w other terms of payment. such
<br />amrnants,shal[ br paysbin upon notice~$rom Linder ;o Borrower requestirzg pavmtent thereof, and shall. Sear interest from the
<br />dar o*, disbursement at list taro pac-able teem time to tarot ec outstanding principal under the date urltsc payment o:
<br />- intttcsrat such ratewauld' be contrarytp applicable law, in which event Bach amounts shah bear interest at the higheu rate
<br />pecrrtasibie under applicable law: blothing contained in this paragraah 7 shat? reau#re Lender to incur aay zxpense or take
<br />any ¢satiois hereunder:
<br />,.., ~ Irsepecliost. Lender may^-make:or cruse to be made tea>er.ahle entries tman and inspections of the Property, providedi
<br />thst Leader shall give,Borroc.zr notice prior to am' such inspection spec,fying rtasonabit pause themfpr related to Lznder's
<br />mterest.SRihe=Ptxtpercy.
<br />.. 9. Condernastlan. The prpcreds of any award or ;.calm rot damaecs. dirty ar cerseauentiai, in connection with any
<br />condemnation ar other taking of toe Praperc, or part CSereof. or far convzvance ~n lieu of condemnation. are ::^.erebc assignzd
<br />and shack Se paid to l.zndec
<br />- In the event of a tots! talons of the Property. the prpcceds shy! Fe agpiird to the sums secured by this '~Iortga¢e.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Bor-,pwer. in the event of a oarial :akinc of :he Property. unless Burrower and Lezsdtr
<br />Mittrw•ise azrce in writing, there stall t±t cppiied > the .a^as recur ¢ r: tic: \gortcase such pmparticn of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportionahich the :imot,nt <+f tnz +-ss t.ured a.v this `.(ort2a_~e immediately prier to thz date of
<br />takinig bean tozhc fair market valtsz pf 'he Pr?pe-r: immediately prior to ¢':e d: r .axing, with the balance of the .proceeds
<br />paid to Barraw•er.
<br />ff the Property is abandoned Sy Borrowzr, ar ;f, attzr no[#ce Sc Lcndtr to Barrawtr that t'se caademnor offers to make
<br />as award or sttttz a claim far damages. Borrower rails to taspond to Lender w-irhin :0 da s after the dace ouch notice is
<br />mailed. Courier is authatszed is .:affect and Saptr the proceeds. at Lznder's option. z~thrrto restoration or repair of the
<br />Proptm- ar to fix sums sxured hr this ',kic:~teae..
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower ptherw-ixe agrz~e in writing, any sorb application of proceeds to principaS shah not cctend
<br />or postponethe dot date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraahs ! and ? hereof pr change the amrntnt cf
<br />such instaiirnertts.
<br />lB. Borrower :'h'ot Released. E.tensian of the timz far payment or modification cf amarization of t'.te sums secured
<br />_; Sv tia#s Mortgage granxtd Sy Lrndu to any successor in iatrres[ of Borrosvez shall not operate m ;eltase. in any manner.
<br />the liability of the original Borrower aad Borrow-er's successors in interest. Lender chaff not be required to rnmmenct
<br />propredingsagainst such successor or refuse to es;tend time for pa}•ment or othrrw-#st modify amottiration of the sums
<br />secured by tlsis Mortgage by reason of aay demand made: a,.= the original Borrower and Borrower s sttccessars in interest.
<br />1I.. Fo~ranceby Let+dei• Not,a Wairtr. Any fozixarance Sv i.cader in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />ctisetsme afforded. 1iy applicable law. shack rips e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right ar remedy.
<br />The proerrement df'ittsurancc or Yht pai-mert c£ taxes . r other liens or charges hr Lender shall not be a w'a4vtr of Lender`s
<br />right to aacclente the in~turi[y rat the insicbtcdness secured ?y :kris 'iottaagr.
<br />t1. Re~edia Cmm~iwive. .~11 remedies prrn••drd in this \iortsagr art distinct and cumulative to any ocher right ar
<br />remedy undo tiars'stcngagr or at?crded by faw or tquin~.:,nd may '_+e cxercisrd ccpcurrendy. indeoendem'.y er successively.
<br />I3. S~erase~aas and AsalRrts Bound: Joint aml Several I.iabs"IIty: L'apdorss. 'Ihr covenants and agetements 'trein
<br />caataitted shall biad, and the rights hereunder sha:i inure ta. the rtspcctivt xuuesors and axsigtss of Lender and Borrower.
<br />yutijt~tt to the provisions cif paragraph ;' lactose. Ail cavenatns and agrr_me:rts of Bar`awtr shall Se taint and severs}..
<br />The captions and headings pf the paragrapl4s ~'±€ :his 4lcsrtgage art fc+r canvenieitae :?nlv aad are rips to be used. to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />IJ.. :Vatke. Except far any splice required under appiicabiz law ¢n 1>e given in anathrr manner. ta} any aotict to
<br />BOr'rt)wer prrnidrd for en this Mortgage shaft he grsen ht• rsa:6in¢ 1itCh notice by ~znitied mail addrtsszd to Horraw•er at
<br />the Property Address or at such usher address as Borrower ^tac dcs::gante by :natiu to i,cnder as provided herein. and.
<br />rlsl aay notitt to I.znder s?iaii k+e yrc•rn b} ce.-.Ifird n:aii. -clot ~xr^pt .tq:rextrd. ;.~ Isnder's address stared herein or to
<br />retell other addr~ as Cruder rosy dnignate by notice to Borzawa :u provided 'screen. An}• notice provided for in this
<br />'dlori$agc shai3 be domed xo pace t~cen gisrn to Borrower nr l.zndtr when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />!S. Ctnilorsn ~Iartgtrttet Gortmint Law: Seroera~itr, T':ic f,~rrtt o2 mortgage combines >~°nift•rm sovcnants for national
<br />use and non-uniform covenants with ;;roiled variations by lacxdicxian to saxrstxtvtr s ani£orm sesasrty instrument covering
<br />rrniprope,,-ty. T',sis Nortgagt shall be govcmtd br xhe {aa• +.+ t'te iarisdictian ir. which :he PzppenY is iocattd. In the
<br />evetnt'that any provision or clause of .'tis 's4orgage nr - r dote cimdictx with appticatrlt !aw•, such conflict shall out arsecf
<br />athu aroV:si{Nrs of this ,llangatte er tht mate wh!a-h can be given effect without the conflicting grovision, and to this
<br />. znd the p:av~,,.a., - :iatt3ag-t ° 2^c >os.c a.~ ;ia":isrc3 ;+ :x sc:-eraSte.
<br />16. Eartowes'a Copt. Borrower shalt he farrnished n cpnformed cope of lire tiote and pf this Mortgage at the time.
<br />of eir..erutiun. t*r after rtpprdatian hereof.
<br />I7, Trmtsr of the Ptss/srtvt Asansssptiom if a#1 or any pan of the Properv or as interne zhtrein is said or ttaosferred
<br />`vy norrowe.:without Lsndzr s prior wriitcn consrnx. eulurling tai ahr crtatsrnr vt a litre or zncusrrtrrs<,t.:e suovrdiaate to
<br />this :Mortgage, (bt the creat:an of a purchase money s~•srity interest far hcuseiaoid appliances, !ci a x:arafzr by de°risr.
<br />slaeertt or by operation of law upon the death of a joim. tenant ar rd i the grant of any -asthaid intetzat. a# th:et years or less
<br />Writ Contniang an option to purhax. Lender may, at Lrnder's option. drstarr ati the rums srcurcd Sy this Llottgagc to be
<br />immtrhatelr due and ~sayabie. Lender strait have watvtd such option to accetuate if. prise tr, fhe sate or transfu. Lzndrr
<br />and slteperson so,vhom die Prcpem ;s as be sold or t:anstered traua agreement in wnxrng that ?he credit of such :><~rsan
<br />dssaissfactarv w l=ender aadrhat ihr ratetest pa}shit on ?he sums secured by t±;is Mortgage shalt br at such rate as Lender
<br />shall rcouest. dL Lend;: haswaived the option to accelerasr provided sn this paragraph. i7. and if Barrawer's successor in
<br />niutst has e'tteuted n writtrtt arsumpzioa agrerattnt accepted sn writing by Lra~r. Lender shai1 roizase Barrawer from all
<br />zibliguinrts under :tis 3ortgage andthetiMe.
<br />If Lender extreisrs sorb option to :scctictatt. Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acxiuaz:on in accordance with
<br />paragraph ;t'heteaf: Such notice shall provide a period of ;sot less Titan 30 days cram the date the noire ix mailed wiehin
<br />- which Borrawermay paw the sttnat declared due. 4a Sorrowez fails to pay such arms prior ;o the txpiration of Such :xriod.
<br />Lzndra• ttta}. without fitrtiter notice pr demand on Borrower. mv~akr spy remedies ptxmi±ted Sy paragraph 13 hrreaf.
<br />i`~1CYN-T:.*ttP~ax-Cr3wersaxts. 8orrowu aad i..~:ndtr fttrthtr :ovenant attd ap!•ttas foitcavs:
<br />dlt: ,ircc4ratlotr: Rtsaedlet Eaceptt aa:prnrided in paragraph 17 hereof. upon.BOrrowet's breach. of any corenam or
<br />• agtrtrrwe+et of 6orrawer In ltria tortita~z, inrlesdrag:the eavtrsarsts to pay. wises due soy. sans st+:nred by this ~fortrtaae,
<br />f r.aa. prior ¢e acrcSeeatlon shall: mail- notice to Bnrrorrer ~ providad in par~'ra h l4 6etrol sf
<br />p spec' YtaB: 4I3 the irrtac::
<br />t2) the artios regarrtd to cure-snehhreaeh: td) a dme: not Tess than 30daysfrom~-fRae daretha. :urkice is snalled.:to Borrower..
<br />$sv rridctr saeh hunch enrol be cttrtrf: andlA) sisatfafWtsto cure such. breach onor before thedate .spteified in tha notice
<br />rtnay rer.H .rs issYeleratioo of the sums earured l+,r ttih 61wsBarle.. foreeroause. by. jtteisrial proaYeallttq tired sale.:of the Prnprrty.
<br />'i7se eotS,te shall hxthtr in#arnt-S~rrm+srr-af rho rglht to reiavat+r 2C•fcr aceelttatianartd the rift is sssrrrt-itr else Yoreclosure
<br />' prucniaR trio noa•crisxctsce pf s default rte arty other rlefzaee of Borrower to acteieration sled Larrtiosasrt, ip rise brtxh
<br />L is pot cured tie nr b.e(arr the dart specified Intlte aotise. Larder at- Le»dars option may dsrtare alI of t4tr sum.secured bx
<br />xtrb bTartpae ra tc imasedratth dye afro paya~.witbout: furrhtt drmardandttsay foreeiose. bv.,padkisl proecedirpt., I.xnder
<br />,. rtrall her entktrd ra cv/irct in sv:h proreedistt all.ztipeatst~+ stf forecit>~rre.:acttrdlntt, bur slot llmltred to, comer of aiocutnrniarr
<br />~, aAtttrernat+d tlt4 repurss.
<br />i4. Snrnrwefs RS*.At rr., 'Brlnatate. :ricsgw-itha2an6sng 1_erxtlrr's a~cceitrarion of the rums recur°d by t!sis lforaga~,e,
<br />$~xtzrrwer s-:air h -rc ;`~; ~:~ht m ha°>c a.°ay prviceadzngs i3cgun arc' lsndu ti: cntarce tltse 4lorrga..krvc <usectnrinurd at any trttse
<br />