* ~,
<br />
<br />prior to tan'~~-of a judamenr eafoxcitxg.$risMozsgagr i°: €al Borrower pays Lender a12 stuns which would ix then duetctder
<br />tr;. l.t,,,rc.,ve, the \ore nac noses secv=inr. Fnxure Ads'rnce;: if any, had- no acceieration occzttred: (b) Sorxdwer cities all
<br />Sreat:hts af~anv ether cnvenancs or agreemrnts of Borrower ctmtained in this 'tfarragc: ,c~ Bormwer pays. alt reas~natrle
<br />tY,cetts~c iacurttd be' Lender in enfori;tgt'hten~rnsnzs and a~rerttents of Bortcwer canzamedn thtsIdorteage and Sn
<br />^_nfetrang Lendeirrtmedics as pre s~it'r:: in paragr:,p : S htrrnf, in:;udint„ but no[ limi[ed tc, reaspnable attorne+'s ftts: end
<br />(d; Burro°ke* ta1:~ so_h action u Candc [?rap reasnnablti require to rssure that the lien o= t-`:is Mortg:yge, Lender's v:mtst
<br />in the Preperiy and Sbrtnwv.-'s cb2igat ion to pay the sum; secured b}' ?his Mon,age shall Conti nueunimgaired. lipnn sacs
<br />paynsnt and cttrc br Borrower, this ~.ort¢asc and the obigaziaas secure-d herebs' ,hai! ;emetn in fn31 force aad e[fim as if
<br />n~~ occ^.kraticm had xcvtscd.
<br />18. Axi~mmeat o! Reels: Appoii»eax o!' [deceives; Lcndcr%o Fossessaoa .As additionai..security laeacu:ldcr. Tdortowtr
<br />beret+}~ assira; to I..erKk: the rent, of :het?ra~ert:~., Fmv6dtdthat. "~ceerna~er shad. priotao accelerarian uaderparzeraph ]5
<br />hcrerf er sbandnament of °ite Property, hive z2tG .right trs rnilecz. aad retaizx..sucls rents as they,ber:otne .aue anc parable.
<br />Ljpee acecL°raann cads: paragraphtghezeof''ar abaadenaxnx of zhe.Propt:rc}•, Leader, inper5cn. b aeon. cr by:
<br />judxiath• a^pnamedseceiver. shallbt etuit3ed to eraser upon sake possession of and rnarage the Ptnpert}' am co ceiixt t:se
<br />_M~ of the Proper-;, including these past diae...~4t3 rents usllececd by !under nr ehe receiver shall bt applied first m pai-matz:
<br />of :rn: cosu of mavagerxat of'the Frapetxy aadcolkction of tents. incladin~... but not imized ta, receiver s Fees, p: emi; ;3s: ari..
<br />recei'~cr's ?~mrds-andzessonabie:: :ztt+rner's ices: and thm to the sums secured kc tEzss. hfnrtgage. Lender. aadthc receiver
<br />cleats bt t:abie. to accaunt c+aty fat t'aase recta. acaaalt~~ received.
<br />2t. Fensre .;dti~fn~ees. t;noc requ~: of Borrower. Lender. az Lendez`s optiaa prioi to rdease,of tni; ?sae:tgage.:rra~
<br />rz:ar: Puente .~d~azre~ xo 8onawer. Such Future :Sdvances. with interest tnereaiz. shalt be sectued try this Morgaec when
<br />rsndenczd h~ pr:rtttiswry sores statang zlsat said nMes are. secured hereb}_ .At no zime shalt. the pritttspal stnaunt o`, thr
<br />indebtedness secured bythisMtirtgage. txx. i~zciudiag seats advanced in accorrr'anee herewith to pmtecr tlx. securitr~ of :his:
<br />Mengace: exceai tree origiaat. aiaauntci thcs:ou p3us L5S ~IO'1E. - ........
<br />.3. Rskue. tpoa payaic:zs of all s+.ztas seared: ?`t .ats ~vlergage. Lender shall discharge: this Mortgage without.
<br />caary;e :o: Bartvvicer: Banc+wer shat pa} all costs. of rrxnrdarida. if aay.
<br />I3w WT'STBESS WsExsof, $ptrgorer has execa~ttd this Mattgage.
<br />>'^~ /?
<br />~~ .~~
<br />... - David A:' R' 'ovrs ~ ~" .... .. . _ao.
<br />+ k ! ?
<br />! 7 C.;
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<br />~'~`~~ ~ LS.tl~tl.a ~ ~~ -Bareerv-.
<br />S"fATE OF I+iF?II1415RA.......... ~ ~:~. ~ ....... .. CtiLlatG ~:
<br />Oa uric.:.. , .... ~~...... day of, . "~Z~ ........, l9. ~~ . , before tree, t9te undttsianed, a ?iatacg Pubic
<br />dnie cammissfnned serf qualifirci for said cauatt'. petsanaliy eatae...Davi:d A:..Rehpzesky. anr~ .L~i,gda. T.-....
<br />........~aho:rak~, a3tsZartd .axed. WS,£a ................. . ................... za tree knwwa to be the
<br />idettticst Ptrsan(s) whosr aamctsk are sttbscrabed to the faregtaattg asttamettt and a~knrswtedg~ the ezectrtiaa
<br />th+KCOf tv bt... lac . , . ~ ... vohmtary act an deed.
<br />Witaas eery haact cad xcttttriai seat ac. , ... ~'~+~`:'~4:15~... F .>. ~ £1;'} C~ ..............in seed cauaty, the
<br />t'>atca&aresaid
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