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_. . <br />L~.;raxat Cat'I~eANTS. Bonawer andLender. covenantatad agree as follows: ~ ~ ~, lj O <br />t- Pevates.t of Prihelod and:-IlrtetseR-. $orrowcr-shall promptly. pay. when due the prinapal of and interest on the <br />indebtitinecs evidenced by the \ote,p-epaytixnr and-:laucharees~as.Firovidedin. the Note andtheprincipalefand interest <br />on cop Future Advances scoured by this !vlortgage:: <br />2.. Fbadsfor Tries and lnwnttte~ Subjeet~ti. applicable:taw-or to$writtenwaiverby Lertder, BcrrgvGer slta8] pay. <br />to Lender en cte dap monthiv iasta!imetttsaf pripcipai and interest are payable under the Note:. until the Note. is paid ir. full,. <br />a stun (herein "Funds"1 egtul co antrtwelfth-of:.theycatlytaxes andasussments~+hich cony':attain..priorityover:this <br />~fe:tgage, and ground renu on the Progeny; if any, plus oacxwelfth of yearly premitun-ittstal[tttents fot harard insurance; <br />plus one-tsvelftt. of }•carl} premium installments for mortgage insurancx. i€ any: atlas reasonabl' estimated irtittaljy and from. <br />time t;+ tune bs Lender or. L}fe basis df assasmwtts and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof- <br />. The Funosshal? be held ir. an`insritutionthe depositsror accoudts of which are.:insurcdor ¢uaranteed by.:a Federal-or <br />state ageac~^ ;indnding Lettde; if Leader is such an institunion). LendershaCi apply the Fiords to pay said taxis: assessments; <br />-insurance cremivms and groand rents, Leculer nsay notchargc torso ha2dngsnti app)ying the Funds; analyzingsaid aacotmL.. <br />orvet'if}rsng and compiling said. assessmenu and bills- unless Lender pays Boaower.~ntetest oa the Funds-.and.. appiicablelaw: <br />permits Lender ro nsake such a charge,. Borrower and Lender ma} agree in writing. ax the time of execution of this <br />Morrgsge.that interest cn:ihe Funds shat-s be paid to Borower, and unless such attreement is made o: applicable law- <br />r°gsttrrs such intuarto-be paid, Lender shall na: be recltnred to pay Bortrower any iatetesr ar earaingsnntfte Fuuds. Lender. <br />shaD Qivcae Sarrovwer: w7thaut aharge, an annual aycounting of the Funds showing credias and: de3tits to the Funds and the <br />porptatc for which ear2r debit z4 the. Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional sectxtity for the sums- secured <br />by this ~Lottgage: <br />If the amount of the F•.tndx held by Lender: tagcther with the future montlih• installmenu of Funds payable prior to <br />xhe dne data of race, assessments, imnrance prnniurns and ground rents, shaft exceed the amount required to pay said rases. <br />assesstneats, insurance pretnituns atxf grounr renu as they fall due. such excess shai3 be, at Berrowcr"s option, either <br />promliziyrepaid tta Borrower or credited to Borrower an mamhh' mstalitnents of Funds. If the amonnt of the Funds <br />held by Ixader shad. not be stt$icieae to pty taxes- assessments, insuranu premiums and .ground rents-as they-. fall dire; <br />Barawar shall pay to Lender any amount neceuary to make un the. denciency within 30 days from the date notice is matted <br />by Ltaa~r w Boxrowez regncstmg payment thexcof. <br />CTpon payment is fttB of aIi sums secstred by thts 4iongage, Lender shalt promptly refund. ro Borrower enc. Funds <br />held b~ Letttder. Lf uttdet paragraph 1S hett:oi the Propem is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shalt mmpply, uo latu than t:n~diatel} prim to the sate of the Property or its .acquisition by Lsndtr. any Funds: held by <br />Ltmder at the time of app~iication as a credit against the sums secturd D*^ this Aiangage. <br />3,.. A~iiarCioe o{Ptvtsetec. Unless appliable Saw prorides otherwise. all. payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs i and :hereof shall be applied b}' Lender nrst in payment at amounts parable to Lender b}> Sorrawer <br />under paragrahs 2 hertof: titan to interest payalale oa the `ore, then to the praztcipal of the Nate, attd ehen: to imerest and <br />pzittcipal. on any Futtuc Adtiaatces. <br />4'~. CYe~aa;: Lieu. 8otrowtr steal! pay all taxes, asstssmenu and other charges. fttus and impasitiaos attributable to <br />the Ptoprrty which tttay attain a priarit}• aver this Mortgage, and leasehold naymenu ar ground rents, if any>, in the manner <br />provided ttnde:• paragtahh 2 har:of ar, if ern peed in such manner. o} Borrower making payment. who: due: directly to the <br />payee thereof. Hnmowcr thall promptly furnish to Lender alt nau:es of amounts due under this paragraph apd in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall prompth famish xa Lender rexipu evtdetscing such paymetts. <br />Borrower shaft protaptly discharge any lien which has pnaritp t•.ver this Maetgage: provided, that Borrower shall trot be <br />tcgwred to discharge ana• suelt lien sa :long as Borrower shallrgret in +.nteng tt« the payment of the obligation securtd by <br />stxh Iten iti a m•^~* acceptable to Leader, or shall in gmrd fauh contest such lien by, ar defend enforcement of such }ten in, <br />legal proceedings trbich dpezatc to p[evmt the enfarcerstem of the iicn or forfcixurc of ttte Property or any part: thereof. <br />S. AanN Laianetce. BcPtrow•er shaft kdep :he mprnvcmtnts new a-isnng ar hereafter erceted on the Progeny insured <br />agairraiossby t?itt,.hazardsirtcludadwithin the term "extended wvcrage". and sisch other hazards as Lender map require <br />and ise such antathts:and for stteh periods as Lender may rcgtuzc: provided, that Cantles shall not require that the amount of <br />sitc'a coverage tizceed that amount of cos•cragc requtrcd to pay the sums soured b}• this Morgage. <br />'3he im!utatsce earner providing the insuranu shaft be choler. b~, Borrower suhject to apprayal by Lender, provided. <br />that attclt approval shaft nax be uareaarmabl} withheld. Ail premiums an s`nwntxe policies shalt be paid. in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof: ar, if nax paid. w such. manger, by Ba:rower making payment when. due. directly to the <br />itmxciosCe:cartierc <br />Ail#watrance poiieies and:. rrnewah 2htreo.*. shall be in fornt acceptable xo Leader and s#ia)l include a standard. mortgage <br />clat~c ~ favor of and ~.fottnacceptabic to Fader. Leaner shat: tsavc the rigl;t to i>o:d. t?u policies and renew s t?tercof. <br />atxl &urpwes shalt prompuy ftrrnish to Lender all retrcwa) n.,tices and all rtceipts of -paid premiums. In the event of loss. <br />BarrcMwer s,~xi( gtvr:prttmpt uoiitae to she i>#uranee earner and Lender.. Lender may make groat of 3oss if not made promptly <br />by Hctrrosvar: <br />Utiiew Lender ate 8aarower otiacrvrau agm in wrtitng« into-nratxcxrc: procct:,s shad be appl;etl, t:. r ta,-_tian or raeair of <br />tlat P>+oprry damaged. psovidtd such resxotatron or repair is rconomicaily feasible and the se~urry of this Morzgage is <br />eat cherebv 'unpaired.. It such rzstarauon az:repair is not emnanucaify fcasibie ar if the-security of this hiongage would <br />be impaired, the erwnaoe prtxeeds shall be-applied to she sums se:urcd by this:Ivlortgage; with the excess, if anp. paid <br />xaHorrow^er. If the Prapve~ is abattddncd tsy Bdrrower_or if .Bortmver fails torespand. tct. Lcnderwithin 30 days tram the <br />date ttouce is tnatied by Lmdei to $orrvw•cr shat the ttutsranct earner niters to seek a claim for insurance betiefiu« Lender <br />is aathoriad eo .-dlect and apply :he: irssuranr g;ooeeds,at -Letsdu s option either to restoration or repair of the Prapen} <br />ar to the sums secttred oy this Martpge. <br />tinlets Lettber and Borrower ettxrw>isragrce in w•nting. any sttch application of pnxeees to pri:aapal sha14 nos extend <br />nr posrp.^.x the due dau ct. the..many#tlynstallmerurefersed:ta in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or tkange the amount. of <br />su;.h ~nsurdlmerts. It under pancnpb l8 hereof the Psopem~ is aa~utrcd by Lender. alt rigjts. title and inurest of Borrower <br />:n and to an} insurance paliciq sad Ltandto. the pror~ds tltercoi resulxingfrom damage xc the:Pt-opera)°..priar is thr::sale <br />er swui:iIIen s?xa!? pus to Lcnderus the-extent ofthe sums secrxred b}~ this 'viartgagr imtttediateiy pror..ti't such sale e:r <br />uan9ut~. <br />t.. Prwaervation sad ~iaiptetatmce of.Pmperty; Leaseholds; Condumininr~t planned i;;nit:T3eveiopmenes F3orrou=cr <br />rhaii keec G•tc P:operty in gr_~w repair andsbaii ttotcixmisxit wsste or permit impairment or detenoraticit. of the Properly <br />and :haft c;rnp1;: •a ith ter pravivaas a: ant• ksssr tf t}is itiibt•tgage is an a lraseltoid. 3f this lartgage is oti a Emit in a <br />conaomia!ssm ur a planned r~nn ;zveiorsYpenm Bouower-shat-perEorra alt of.I3syrn war"s 761xgaxi2~tcs under *.itedectarat an <br />+>T covenauts creatu>C or „o-:unmg rte :ondommsu>$:a?r plaansd,unit: devclapment. the bv-iawsand r Quiatiotts of ~thc <br />:~,, aoaninium or ptanaed i.i: 6e.-cionmen:_ and ..^ansxitttcnc xcumenu_ ti a candgminium: or p;anncd •.»n;c. de-velapmert <br />:ida is executed by Bo c!.^xr and reeoi•ded::togexhczwtth ttis h2artgagc. tftc covemnu andagreensents of. itch rider <br /> lx LRCarparaied into nest <hail amehd and suppttment the:cm=cnams and agrtrments of this-Mortgage as it the rider <br />uarc a panl.ermf- <br />.. PrareNae eE trader: see+virc. T<; 2bnn~et .°~.Lr p«cio.-ns :hc ~e.~eaan~s ate; a^tee>••ttents egsstatntd in this <br />~ian,gsgx, of ii am artton ar :,tttcccdrag ;- rt+mrr,enc~c •z~n:cn rtatariaii}° zf:ecs La ,,icr~s lntcrest in t#se ,Prcipettg, <br />irx~Eudutg. but. na furuud m, ealirtert do>narr_ i~ocvcx~. cede ant o; c:rtc:a •~rranger-terns or a•eaecrcl`tn'F%~ a?yaivtng,a <br />?tankrttpe o: ~~eai. !tern Isrtder:.t L endu's otn,.~:~, arA,n n~~aec t: t3o~:ou-e:- ztati :Hake ~.arzncer;dts."vtttsz5utY1 <br />sv_ a and. ta7tc stern aexinn as as nccessart :o pmxcn I_caoera :r, east- fha r ~ cn2~ tro - Tied ta. tfssbotsem~eztt ,:-f <br />rrx+ensbte ;;:- rn°. .. i<.es ax>d ante' ,.ion t.`,e >'r:,t+t~t: ~o snaiwe ._g;.rs. .~!r- rte-~r-ei_. morrtgagr ietsuran*.:. ac z <br />~crto t*_,t: r.s. aaz~.. t._c ir_+an scoured hi ,i,.,c L4r!-^.tsre- kornrwer shat. pa*• :~e p*etnuxms rctlu ru5 ;'± m~aznsa;n suit): <br />:>vrara.tx~ ie•. clre^t u~;e~ :»cn amt as ~hc t'~;quunt fc; suh insurance ce:r:~r;atts :a rc,:en'4antr wtt3t4 BarrC9wer`z nest <br />