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<br />1~i(~R~'~G~GE $Z-„ i3 iJ 0 ~ 5<~a <br />:'!'~tIS 34ORTt~:~GE u made :ais..... ....~th ...............dav of...Mar h:. ..................., <br />19. ~.~ . 6ctwcru she ~7artgagor, - . ~a~.a.r:. ~.. 4e}iQ<?~kY. and ,Linda, L., . Fcehovskv r Yt:~and and ~4iti <br />.. ........ <br />.........................._ ::........ , (tserein "Harrower"), aad; the l~tunga,~ee. _ . az~N o tao~r~ AGE <br />.... . .... . <br />... COMYI+P3St ......:, . ... .....:.......:................... a enrgoration organized and zstinq <br />ender the laws of. Tee .StaZ~r.o~ , Iowa . . . . ..................whose address: is P ;,G.., Eox .'S~ ,....... . <br />Wat;osl oa, • •Sawa . 50.7~i .. . .. . .:.................... . (hernan "Lcn3er" i . <br />~4'ae~s, Horrawer is iiidetiaed is lender in the principal sum af: Frzzt~rNiz~ .Tbou~r?.:4d .$i~..~~ridrgd: <br />. an.ra .OG j 10A----- ------:---- , Daitars, which. indabtednessss evid~tced cv Borrower's note <br />daied...MarcS. A.,. 199s ........ <her~n "Nate'°}, providing °orrrionthiy instalianents of prinaaai and 9nterest: <br />with :;te 'eaiarce of the .adcbtedmss. if not. sotsner paid, due and payable on... Agai2.1,. 2Q12_,.......... <br />Tn Sect;aa to L:;ndor 4a} the repag•ment of the indebicdness evidene.°d b~ the Nate. with;iateirst thereon, the <br />payment of all .~t~er sums,: with interest. zhecean. advanced in accordance. ireresvitir to protect the security at this <br />tforigagr, and the ,xx#estman~: at Lhc coves :ants and agreements of Borrower herein contained; and (uj the rpayment <br />of any f~tnre adcasrcrs, with interesttheseen, made to $attower b}• Lender pursuant to paragraph 2d hereof (herein <br />"Funtre :~dvaaccs"). Bacmcvsr does aeraby martaagc,.grant and convey to Lenderttse toIiowis3 described.ptoperty <br />iacatci in tha C~t:acy of,. , ........ ti~.l ..................... . ..... State of Nebraska:. <br />*pt Nine t9T, Laise II-avis Aczes Seccnd Subdivision, Hall County, <br />isi Section ~4, Township Zl North, Range 9 West ^f the-.:6th P.M. <br />3HIS FS A PUR'CH3SSE AlCTNE'I MORTGAGE <br />"T:le tacrtgagors agxee to pay a late paz~ment servioe charge not <br />to eaecer!ed four i$_O.ti) Dents tar eas?3 tS2.OC51 Eor each <br />payment :tore than Fi'teen ('153 <~zys in arrears to cover ttie <br />extra sxpenue insolved in a3eiinquent paayments." <br />Send Tax.. Stat:e~nts T. tr. <br />Sanco !•sortgage Caxsipany <br />Y. Q. tx+ir~~~ <br />Wate_-Icao, Zt7t~a X704 <br />which has the address of 4u 1 ua ivx*t drive.............. , , . r Grand Is3and ..... , ... . <br />•EStr~.ta -...tcitrt <br />.. 'v~anrasra =~83t~1 (`rcin':Progxrtv.~tireas*'}; <br />sta..m za Ca6.i <br />Tooxnvt?it aeit4e all we int{irevecsr:~ts rux ,•r her°nf~r eracttd en .h4 ~rrtta~:.:utd all easc'atentsc rigi!ts. <br />agpurtn~~~ rrrm. roya?ues.:rsnerai. uiI a,~sa gas ri±~.hc, ansi profits. wate:.:cster r.;_nis. and water 5rt~l. and all <br />±taatn^s !Mee ar hereafter a?ra:t~ to tl.t pr~npen~, ai! .:f whit'!, :aciuding ;eFdac~^.t.ats ?rd drlitiors thrrio. ;hal! `u <br />3eetveeal~ in be stu! remain a 7ur ;,! :ie prr~pcrxc x~: erc3 b+: this itor•.zar:: aad ail o£ t;;e is r4-~,~oinu, .other. wi:!: S WC <br />prGaZe'fy f yr t3ie ltaatl~id astxie :! ;his ti~Gartgagt s on a fesne!.otc'r :u~ aerein xicrrs~ sn a, the "Pre~:rty". <br />F3amtu+rstr cas~nansa thst Barzowtr ie ?a'~fly ;resrd oP sfiz ~tazc'.:~~rebv cGntiv:eC 2rc `'t_, ;he :tubs to ..^.ar_~~, <br />r~rani aria cc+eveq cot Property, lltat ;he ?rxiert~ is ttrcncumL~sPd_ ;end !hat Barr+tiarr `x:'t3 0 ::one : na :efr_nci <br />~,i'3srta39~, rht trde :~~ air Pccm~tne ag~inss :I) ciaima end :temznds, sr . to ar ; .; riara.i .ns. «s~ r tt~s Wr ; str:ctians <br />:°3tr~iZ a atlecdu4e :,' eaceplso+~;r~ c.-,rcrrra ;n ar'r sa•dr i^.=ur;ixCa .i_ a.rr.h ~._ ... _.sczcss I€i tree Pnapc^, <br />~j},"~~t.._; t;. ; :;N-.,i._.:.-?...idWmt~ClhiSE '.Rt3~11! t~T <br />