<br />~~......~i~~302
<br />prior to corn of a judgrnent`enfa#cing this 4tnrtgage ifr (al Borrawtr pays Lender ail soots wttictt +votdd 2x' then date under
<br />this !-9c~tgagc, thz 1•iote end hates securing Funere .gdvRnets; if any, had no aceeltratian c~ttred; (ttl Borrower cures alt..
<br />breache. of 5ry othzr covenants c•r agreements t>t t3orrower cantairxd in this Mortgagt; (c) Borrower pays alt reavonable
<br />expenses. incurred h}' Lender in nfarc,ng the ea+retrnnts and agreements oP BarrowerCOntaintd itt this-Mortgage and in
<br />eafotoing Lcndct's •etnedit~ as provis!e<I in paragraph 4 R hereof, titctttding„httt not tirrt4#ed ta, reRSOnablt attorney's fames; and
<br />(d- Bomsary: tales such actor. as Lender rnav reacan.tbiy require ttT assarr that the lien of this Mort$age. Lendcr?s tetcres#"
<br />in the P'ropetty and Ba.rmwer's ,7biiga¢ion to pay the some s~~uitd by this Mortgage shalt continue unimpaired. Upon such
<br />paytner.? andcurc by Bormwzr, this Mortgage and the:,hligation, secured'hcrehyshallremain-in fuitforce and effetit as'if'
<br />rrc+ ace:eleration had occurred.
<br />3B, At:~nitteat of Rents: Apfwtn#ment of itrcrlser, Lcnderln?oaeestslan. AS additions[ securityhtreui.der; $ortower
<br />`icrtbp a<signs to Lender tl.e rents of the Property, pnwi3cd that'Borrowershalf, px'ror Eo acceleration under paragraph Ig
<br />txereof or abardonmenr of the Propert., have the rgi,t ra calteM .and. retain such -rents as they bect+me due and payable:
<br />Upon accel,:ratian under paragrapt. t~ htrtof at abandatfinent of the Froptrty; Lender, in ptrson, by ageat or by
<br />judiciai]y appointed receivtir. ,hall be i:nritled !o enter upan take pouessian of and manage the Property and to collect Yhe'
<br />rents of the Propcrty~. iacludin~ those pasadue. AIt rents collta2ed fiy lender or iht receiver shatf be applied fitshta pa~menr
<br />of the n+sts of maragemenr of the Property and .otlection of rents. incit;ding, but hat Limited ta. receivers fees. premiums on
<br />receiver s hoods sad reasonahle attornev's :fats, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and he recoiver
<br />;ba!§ be lisble to account orotc_ far those-rtn2s actually receivtd.
<br />kl, Futnre Advances. Upon , ~-yt;est of ~orawer. Lender, :aC t.cnder's option prietr'to release of this Mortgage: may
<br />make Ft,turc .~d•: anczs to i3orrowzr. Birch Future r\dvantes, with interest therec+n, rtsail be soured by [hid Mortgage when
<br />evidenced by promicson, :,ores :taring. that said notes are secured hereby. .kt no time shall the principal amounc'of the
<br />indebtedness secured by this Morgage, not including sums advanced in txccardance hares*ith Eo pcattct the security of:2his
<br />Aiortga};e. ••xceed the original am,~unE of the ;vota pisw<s USS....L3(127E .........
<br />ZZ. ifekrte. Ligon payrrtznt <tf all cams secured"hy this Mortgage; Lender shall discharge this Mortgage-wiffiovE
<br />tharge to 9orrower. 8orrower'shaiT pay all e:osts of recordation,. if any,
<br />_ Ix Nr':Tti $55 ~HEAE~6F, x]cJrrow6r Itas CJEL'CtIIECd tlttS Mortgage.
<br />~~r~
<br />Rabert B. McC}~urkin -0Qn°1M°'
<br />R~1~ ~~E. ~CC'Z.L1r3S~.S1 -Borrtxwec
<br />5rezi: niF `~t:a;itAStcn .... . .........Hall ... , ................... Goun2y ss:
<br />Oo this.......S9tll.....day af. ,.. January , .... 19.$2., before tae, the undersigned4'.a Notary Public
<br />dory cottmtissioned ~ :said ccrun2y, ~rsanalfy cams.. -Robert • 13:. • McG1•tr2rks• •aF1d• ..... .
<br />:ACa.Lh. E_ . M `a~~ 323d..t`,W2.fe .............................. to me>knawn Ecar'vo tlte:
<br />icterttical oe ~~~ subsatihtd to zhe foregoing. isastrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />2htsreof to be . .tt~l, i ~al"atE act and. decd.
<br />Witness ~n~~j~~ia~ `a2. ~diid. ZS:11114.,..NS.bzc~.Sks~, .............in said county, the
<br />dafe afo - $ ,
<br />~,
<br />My Co~tiss' T .v ~ ~A~ fl yy''r , '.. L~/~t;~/l.~ R ~ ` -~!1..r : .. .
<br />t :Slti }tt.~Y
<br />FiOtley-Pelbfie
<br />.~---..: ...... tSy~CSa$iOK This sine ftesetwW.~FOr l:arMalr. red-.nc~aN~$ ... ..
<br />