<br />~~"'~'UC)2~
<br />[xirdet's writttti a$xeement ar applicable law. P3arrnwer shaFl pay the amount of all mortgage insurance pts:rniums in the
<br />meatier provided- under paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />t{nV amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ~, with interest thereon, shalF became addiiinnal
<br />indebtedncns trf Harrower secreted by this Mortgage. llnFcss Harrower and P:ender ags-te to ozhtr terms of payment. such
<br />atnrat3sts ±~hafl be pa}able upon natect fram t..ender to Harmwer requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest fram the
<br />dart' o€ ckistsiirsetntent at the sett' payable fram tithe to tierce on ouzsxanding principal under the [ate unless ,~aymrsnt of
<br />interest at such rate would tae contrary to applicable law, in which event sash amounts shall bear interest at iht highest rate
<br />ptrvt'tasi8aueamder applicable law. Idazhing cantaincd in this paragraph 7 shat! require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any i;ctiaut hcreutida.
<br />ImPe+etitet. f.cnder tray make err coerce m he made reasnnahlt entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that lxztdicr shall`give Btrrtamrr notice prier zo any such inspection specifying reasonable: cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />rnterest to the Ptoltettc.
<br />9. {" 7Tie proceeds of any award. err claim far damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation arozlatrxakireg of the Property, err part thereof, err for conveyance in lira of condemnation. are herchy assigned
<br />and shall be paid to I.ertder.
<br />fn the event of a total taking of the Properly, the proceeds shall be applied to the snms sectored by this Mortgage.
<br />with the recess. if any, paid to Sarsac:-er. In the event of a partial taking of the Pmptrty, unless Harrower and l.endcr
<br />athcswise sgrtt in writing, there shall he applied to the sums scouted by this Mortgage such. proportion of the proceeds
<br />as 1S egtrti to that prnportioo wltic}a the amount of the sarmv secured by this M14ortga¢e immediately prier to the date of
<br />taking."bears to the fair market value of the Pmperty ;mmcctinteiv prior to the date of '-king, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Hormwcr.
<br />If the Pmperty is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by f,cnder to Harrower that the condemner offers to make
<br />an award or stttfie a claim fors damages.. Harrower faits to respond to T.enrser within 30 days after the dart such notice is
<br />ntaikd,;,ender is authorized to coilea and apply the proceeds, at fJtndex's aptien, either m restoration er repair of else
<br />Pmperty err za the sums secured lay this '.btorrgage.
<br />ilrkas Lender and Horrawer aYltersvise agree in writing, any such apphcatinn of proceeds to principal shall. oat extend
<br />err postpone the due data of the tnentttly installments referred za in paragraphs k and ^_ hereof err change the amount of
<br />SUCK' 3nsxallrsze:tts,
<br />;0. Bonowtr :'tot Released. l~xtensean of eht rime feu ; ayment or modiftcatican of amartiaation of the sums secured
<br />by this ;Mtiregage granted tsq Lender to any stx'.cex cu in imerese z>E Horrawer shall oat operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the Fiability of the original Bcrrrawer •.nd Barr~wer's svccessors in interest. [,ender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor err rcfvse to extend time fns paf•rnent or ashen+isc modify amartizatian of the sums
<br />secured F?y xhis Mortgage hY Irasan eat` anY demand made by the cariginaF Barmwer and. Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />;;. Sntflrittraece ley Lsssndcr ?~trt a ~xivar. :~ t'i+rbesrancc by [.ender it s cising ~ ri-0ht err remedy hereunder. err
<br />athcrvrise afforded ray applicable law. shalt oat he. a waiver .a# err preclude the c~crcise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Tftt pracuttment of insurance err the payment of taxes err rthtr liens or ; hargex by i,undtr sha[7 not he n vetoer c+E Lender's
<br />right to acceFeratc the Irtatutity of the +ndebtednc~ secctrcd by chic Martgage_
<br />;Z lteattdits C`f1ra >All remedies provided err; trios 'a3e>rtga¢e :are distinct and eumttiativt m any ether right err
<br />remedy ttr+{Fer this Marigage ere afforded t,y law +~r rquity, and may° tae eerczsvd ooncurrent[y, independtnfly err successively.
<br />t3; Saecatsttrtf and. ?{~lltrts Honed; Joint :end Several i,ialsilNy; ('aptiens. "i'hc covenants and agrecmen2s herein
<br />cantaintd shall ttirrtl, and. the rights hereunder stroll inure ra, the respective successors attd assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to aht pravisiena of paragraph [7 hereof. AFl caveoutxs and agreements at Horrawer shrill bt joint and several.
<br />Tho captions sod btadin$s of the paragraphs cf chic b{t+rtpugv arc fir canveniune~e only and are oat to bt used to
<br />ir<*.erprcz or de&nc. the provisions ltcrtat.
<br />;i, AFotict. ~tccpt for any notice reyttircd uncles applicable ?;tw to be green its another mariner. {Rl any notice Sn
<br />Harrower pmvdtd far in this 'Mortgage shall he arsco [+y mai?ing ;ztch t,cnicc by Certified matt addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property .~ddrerts nr at such other address as Hnrnawcr may des+gnate by naric4 to lender iss provided 4iertin, and
<br />fh) any notice to L.euder shall rye given by +::crzsfttd math rettrrn receipt segue>ted. to l c;nder's address crated herein err to
<br />such other address as L.cn~r may desivaate tar notscc to Hornswe€ eta provided 1Terein. tiny notice pr<>vidtd far in this
<br />lrforaga$c shaFF tae drtmcd to Iravc f+ecre given « a 13:~rntwer ~+r l ender when given in the ananntr designated herein.
<br />15, 1Llnifetrnt <liot•~tsge; (soverttitgt;.are:5icarwabHHy. TFiix Sarm iaf moregage xombines uniform covenants for natiannl
<br />use end ergo-uniform covenants with iiniited vartatitms by :v,`isrlictit n to ca<a5titutt a uriifexm secvrify instrument covering
<br />real propttty. TYSis hfortgage shall he governed by the !aw «f ittc t:artsdictton in which the Prapertq is lactated. in the
<br />aven4 ¢hat any pzerisian or caazise of this ;44ott[tage tar t}ie Note cattt[icts with applicabFe law. such c<anflict shaFl not affect
<br />other previsions of this Mortgage or zlte Notc wticii .ass t+e' greets efTeut without the conflicting provssion, and to this
<br />Cod the proviatts of Ilie h(otxgagc and the tiers arc ck'c'.artd to t~e eeveralale.
<br />lb. Bptriawer's Cepy. Borrower shall rye furriiekted a eunfamxed eo}ay of the 'vote and of this ?wiortgage at the time
<br />of txectatxan or afros recordation herzof_
<br />F~, Tsags€rrof #fitP4uperty;As+sunrptian. 1$ asl err any p;trt .rE iht Praperzy or an i~nfertst th¢rein is sold err transf4rred
<br />lye. 13o•rowe;r wtthcaut l.etider's priers written consent, .excluding tat the ~rcatian c,f s lien err cnwmhrance subordinate to
<br />xhia 144ryctga~, lbl rise tttcataon c>f a [rurchase man a scooter rntxresr for havseho,d appltatices, (G a transf r by devise.
<br />_ d°scent err by optratscrn ~uf [:¢w upesn Yhs,teatkf .rC .. Eo-rns tenant of i;:+ the grant ~t - ny leasehold ia~sterest of thr~ years cr less
<br />not .ania;aiat anapxiAn to purchasz~ lxndcr mays. at Lendmr'c option aiaxEar€ :a3, the sums secured hr this Nlortgege fo kse
<br />intnae: i°t 4yduti, artd payable- lxndcr xhalf ?rave varied ~n,:h crptcon era accelerate if, prier to the sa3e err transfix. Lender
<br />and the [x:rtiac 'a svFtcaut the Prexpertp ;; to be saki. err aranvterred reach as~t~ecment :n writing that the emit of such persivn
<br />Ts satici aca>rv t.a Louder and Shat tier iater~..i p.r}'ab1c. oo thz verso; ,ceased l;v+ this r~-ta~rtgage shall bt at such rate sn F,ender
<br />s?tai? ~egsyt<t, if 1 ender Fitts waived the :option t e ttcelcratc prc)vi<1cd ir. this pi;ralraph Z?, and it Barrt>wer's succs'ssc>r in
<br />interest €+as exa,:ut~'a wririen ,~txntptian agreemcstt uc~epted in +vrating bq t.endtr. 1_ender shall reFease Borrower tram as
<br />oh?:gat n ~.ncte• this M~irt~ -c ataclahe lvott.
<br />1, __..J~r excr_iuys .-.n rrgtion 4a+ aC~`ieratr, Lead- :-~~~:[ trait Barrowet nCStice oaf acccleratian in accnrdana' wiffi
<br />~ar.egra,yh :a i,caz•nt. ~ucli notice shall praviafc+ a porn-rot ~~ ::~-., ~tfan 3fi gays t'rt:na the cLitt the natic-e is mailed wirhir,
<br />=~hF:;h Bcuri~•.ecr mu. pa-, the ~'•tms deXa,trtd drrt. Ff Elar' _ +.~ ~~~.~ a y:a• uch sums prier to the cxp[ratiort .+f evch peri,id,
<br />l.cznrc: mtt}.'~irh~,trx farther ratn4iie ~r dsntartzr3 sea t3+.>rrt>++vr, rn+~•.~.~ act;~ remedies ptrm~tttd tyy paragraph ! n 'het'>'taf,
<br />'v. r.tistPrixvs Cstti th.,+><.~ Eit+rrlrw'er .anal l.endtr fvrther :,s.vuiant and <'~sz`ee as ivdkwvsr
<br />i8. ~icctierat}aN: Reaaertie6. Esnaept.-ss presideed ie p»rsRrneph F7 herrrrt, apart Horrarvver'••s breach at' any cavenanY ear
<br />u@r+ecmrcet of Hcrrrrrru in :his Vtnst$m~at..lefcl tllzr. etn•rwarats ter pay w#teu due ane• sntua secured icy this ~lotegtige,
<br />t.eader ~oOt to acrrierat#wa shall mail rwr6lrc trs Horrawer us pracidtd in paraerapd l4 hertraf speaifyitrg: fl) rice 6trcach:
<br />f2} tbx :ntarw ragtutrd to csur< stub dfrtattht a3) s dart, rant iota than 30 dots from fire date the notice Cs mrtiled to Horrowar.
<br />to wb:r t: snob breach roust tie cnrerk atsd i## ftttYute to cwts~sh }ncarh rse rare 6efure the date pocincel is the naatltie
<br />rsttry resatFt is xce6estrtioo tot tree ,a+raty 3rcau^rd b 4tri. ttcrrt7Eat{e. frereckraaat b5 judicial pruce~rdiag and irk of the Pntprrty,
<br />the rrutic¢ attaiF i`ursfn: ini+errs Eforrwwes =,4 for right t.. rrirrtitatc after acceleratiu» sad x#tr right to assert Fa the tsxreckrsurc
<br />pr+ar~-pe+digZ flare oua-rxsxtraur rti a rietunIIt na mn~i' otftrr tkcfrgeRC +SP 8m'rwver iu. ~aecklCrati9n' znal t"nt^r+c$trs'urC. lE rtt~r LlrratCFa
<br />i~. eurrr5 s.~. r r t~ftirr .hc r:isttr <pcritied in trx ncatiir, t,r^es~er at ltader'tr upteart Wray tteclarrc all err rite: trams steered by
<br />ti.h b'Hsri~up,+ lr+ ere itrerrecxtivrtcly flvr anal rr~ya'aLt +,itfwat is+rftt¢r <Imtperxdattd nssry l'arecloxc by dudiciml prvrr+:dlaa, f.caxler
<br />-+triil hs >'srihtlat q<+ r,ei3rv:: sn >ar,:fa prs+raretesg ai3 cn~or.+.-~. „9 toreclssrure. ipr~ludispt,. bur nuix tirreKtd ttf. c:mnYx of r4tTCNHnC~ntam^o°
<br />csitf~avttr-. gttfrSYypas nn:: sAalr eFlmsrts.
<br />1+~. ~aeso-awn§r'.w 4tiyghi to IRC±vxrt;xtR: "'i~" 't. ;.r~en~i s; t y,•.U,;, . .~..;_kc.t~~.~~~~ ~~' •yt• ~e..., .,ed. r,., ~. ~.. v,~etgat„e..
<br />>ja5t'+*S `:ds~t .a+~r ;iiL ;i~ ~ h.a:c. a ,yY+ctlrn tx . -, 3'. .. .. ~.tx ~I~.:a~.. ., ~ .~_ .~ try. ,zrar
<br />