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82~~.~~1p~,~ <br />A~~ ~T ETA, ~3~tE R~rtTE ~.rt}A ~ I1D <br />Nt~rtc~:: Ti9F: st-.€~tllttrti' tvst'12t1IMF:nFT SF:~tUCdbS A !'e`CDTi•: WiiiC;K C[3NTAtNS' <br />~" 3'FtCr~'1`ii!I3N AI.F.i1~!°tPtit F()K (FF.4NtF'.ti IN "i't1i{ INTEt(k:!s'1"i' RilTk. FN- <br />i:Ft}:.Atitti FN TNt•: INCi•.ttF;~;'C RA".K WItL 1tk`sti111:7' ltd FR1C:4t1^:IR ~AYtNF:N1'~'. <br />(3F.CFRF:AtiE„`i IN 7'IF~: IN7sE31C57' ItA'Tll; Will, RESULT FN l.~Ti+F:K FAYMElVT5: <br />Th;s R idtt is made this .. Z~t~: day.. of .. ,7anuary, , , . , , . , . , 19 $,~ .. , and is incorporated intoand-shalt <br />be eteecnrd to acnenct ants supptetttertt the MrDrtgage, F3erd of "Crust, or Decd to Secure Urbt (t9te "`Security Irt;:tru- <br />vncnt") of !hc sarnr date given tsy the uadersigrard (t)ee •.t3arrower'.) tasecure Borrower's Note to . ~kl~'........... <br />First, ~Fsat~nal. Bank..of, .Grand . Ls]:anr3., .,..Nebraska ................. <br />~thc "Lender") of the same date (tltr `"Nate"} and- covering. tkte property described in the Security lnstrument'and <br />txat«i'at ..42.~2..Lariat..Lana.,.. Gxand..Islared s .Nebraska ................... . .............. <br />ProJH`rry A+f~reu~ <br />Mud'eFiestioax. let addition ro the covenants and agreements made in Uee Security Instrument, Bnrrowtr and <br />Lrnder further covenant and agree as foltaws: <br />A. 1*.tTE}tE.ST IRATE AND MiDNTHLY 1'i-YMEt~kT CHANE~FS <br />Thr 4o!e has art'"Initial interest Rate'° of 1„5:'5 . atn. The Norse inienst rate may be increased or decreast'¢nn thts <br />..:7.. daY of the month beginning nn .. NlarCh..........., 19.8.5... and ou that. day of themonth every <br />. ~ . mianttts thrrcafter. <br />Changes in the interest rate' arc governed by changes in an interest rate index called the "Index". The Index is the: <br />[C'herA f ^/ iNY r0 entlxate ntQei.l <br />tt) "i' "Contract Imrrest !tare, l'urehasr UC F'CCV{OUSIV Occalried }Fumes, National Average for all Major <br />Types of [.enders" published by tree Federal Fame Loan bank F3oard. <br />_~:} xl' - .U_S.. mreasur•~r.Secaarities. -.3.~zar............ <br />..................................................................................................... <br />tt keckerre tt:.r.ta +artmte xleethe! there ra ury masimaam lima on changes ~n the interest rate on each Change [fete; ij aatrax istherkedthere wilt <br />tx nnmturmYAe lama vn rhanges.l . <br />ti) ~ Tharis no maximum limit an changes in the interest rate at any Change Date. <br />t;? ~ The: interest rate cannot be changed by mare than . ,~... tx:rcentage paints at any Cltangc date. <br />l the Interest. rate;changrs, the amount of Barrawer's monthky 9aymrnts will change as providatf in ehc F'?utt. In- <br />creases in the interest rate will srsutt in higher payments. t?ecreases in the interest rate wilt result in lower payments. <br />It could br that the loan sccurrti by the Security Fnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum. lawn charges <br />ax#d that taw, tsinterpretctL so thtu the interest or other loran charges collected or to br collected-in t:annection with the <br />l.,an would exceed permitted 4truts. It this is the case, then: (A) any such loan charge shaF6 be reduced by tht amount <br />rtrccssar;y torctiucr thecltargr tzt tltt pennit[cd Iirnit; anti 1ES) ;toy sums airc•:tcly cntlceted frcttn Borrower which exCeed- <br />.J t+r:rrnu[rd hotels wrFi tx refunded ra i3orrowrr. Lender may choose to make [his refund by reducing the-principair <br />tewrd under the Note ar by tnakrng a direct payment to E3 rrowrr. <br />t:'. PFRttPK l.Ik:NS <br />{1 Gender drtertrtinCS that <tit or arty parrot the tutus secured by this Security Instrument atesubject to a Lien. <br />whicl'tltas prit~tity over this 5ccurit~~ laastruntrnt, Lender may send Borrxswcr a rx~tice idtrailYing thaihen. Borrower <br />,1:altproenptly :tCt with. regard to tfiat ticn as pros•ided in paragraph 4 of thr Security Instrument or shall promptly <br />~s.:rutr as ab*reemcnt tt; a fornrsatisfaetory to l..ettder subatdinatintr treat lien to this Security lnsk'umtnt. <br />(>`. ~tct~;v~Er~R oF~ T~tl~. t'tR(;'IE~E:FRTY <br />ff tnrrr is a tran~4rrat tltr l~ruperty subjrc€ to q>aragraph 17 of the Secarity Instrument, Lender may require {}j <br />an ~ncreasr to he curtettt-Note irueress rate, or {?) an increase in (ar retnaval oClthe limit on tha amountaf any one in- <br />tri rs! rate.:hartge (i.f sleceess n lin;i; ), a, (3) a change in the lease dndex figure, ar alF of these, as acanditianof Lender's <br />w aiY oRtt Inc ©j)tSOn EO a4~%'rlrfat ~' ~3rOV`[dGd. to paragr:}ph 17, <br />eEy sigRi,ngRhs, Borrower agrees [o all of the alcove. <br />t l3. McClurkin -t3surora <br />~~f <br />~. , <br />-tsort©.« <br />~. <br />.., ~ t, .--~•r -..,,a ,.-..~..., ~, :4nv n. .~ ~. , ',.. . nr .s~..e.nt win: tl.,u;.++.,ar 'lo, n,.u. uex¢, c*.r ,r~r,r +n ,rratwp,. rho j+nt lndrs enuimeJ .:U WrtuY~ <br />A8Ji95TA8F.6 RIk1E tOAN FtFQER-~~z-rrasrcttrxstt~tetnSrtdrr <br />