<br />(l) month prior to its due state the annual mortgage insurance premium in ardzr to provide such holder
<br />evitlt futitls' to pay such premium to the Secretary of klouaing and Urtaan Laevekopmzrt pursuant to the
<br />i3aiional Housing Act, as xrnended, and applicabka Regular}ors thereunder: ar
<br />C'kk} If aqd so long as said note of even data and Ehis instrument nee held. by the Secretary of Ikausing and
<br />Urban 17&vclapmc^ttt, a monthly charge {in 8ieta ttj'rr mr>rt$uge insurnnce prerraiamJ which shall be in an }
<br />amount equal to one-twelt"th (lfi2} of one-half {I J2} per cesttum of the average outstanding Ira}once
<br />due on ehe note computed without taking into account del}nquencizs or prepayments;
<br />(b) ?I slam equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiurns that will next became due and payable on
<br />pntieics of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged pranerey, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />atn the. mortgaged property (alt as estirrraterl by the ,blbrrgagec) }ass all sums already paid tlterefar divided by the
<br />t3lumber of months to elapse btf re one month prior to the date when such. ground rents, premiurns, taxes and
<br />assessments will became delinquent, such sums to be hzld by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, prz-
<br />rttitsrns, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />(c) All payments. mentioned itr the two preced}ng subsections of this paragraph and a!I payments to be made under
<br />the note'secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to be applied bw the Mortgagee to the following teems in the order sec forth:
<br />{I) pretriitrrn charges under the contract of }nsurance wnh the Szeretan• ut Housing attd Urban Ctevelopment,
<br />or monthly charge lfn lieu r,j mortgage insurance tr: cnriurnl, as the cast may be;
<br />(;l} ground rents, taxes. assessments, lire and other hazard insurance premiums:
<br />(Ike} interest on the Hate secured hereby: and.
<br />(1V} arnartizattor. of the principal of said Hate.
<br />hlny deficiency in the amount oT any such aggregatz month}y payment shall, uriless made good by the Mort-
<br />gagor prim to the due date of the next such paynrertt. eunstitute art tvene ur default under this mortgage. The
<br />avlortgagee may eollecz a "late charga" not to exceed fattt cenu t-t~) leer cash rloilar (~11 of each pa}•ment mare
<br />'than fifteen (I>) dzys in arrears to rover the extra expense involved is handling delinquent payments.
<br />Thai ifihe iattal of the payments made b}' the jiartgagor undo ~`) of paragraph ' prate dmg steal} exceed
<br />I.
<br />tfte atrrattnt of pay-ment5 aetually made by the llartgagee for ground rcnzn~, raze= and a t sment~, or insurance pre-
<br />miums. aw [tit c-u+r ma}` be, such exeess, if [he loran i5 current, at die apttan aE tltc ',larxgagar, shall be credited by
<br />the EhxtYlagy~e on suhsisiltrent putment- t<: t~ made h,- the \tortt*.ttfar.:rr refunded to ihr ttort,Qugor, It, however. the
<br />ntotrthfy paymenit :node by the 'rtorrgagor urxlex for of paragraph ?preceding shalt not be sufficient [o pay ground
<br />rent. taxes antk awsatssment~ ar in3utvrtce premrum4. ai the ca:[e may be" steep the .ame -2hall bocome clue tmd pay-
<br />alrle, then tht+ tilart~a~ar fihakl pay to the 13ortgaaee any :amount neta:~sarv to maker tip the deficiency, on or before
<br />the date w}rcn paymc'rtt of =ach ~trrtrnd rent=. raze=, a.~,c:-smtrnt- or in.surant-e prc~mium~ Shall he due, if at any
<br />Clare the 4krtgagor yhail tender to the itortga act, in accnrrlanre with the provi~[ana of th-r Hate Secured [rerebV,
<br />full paymentafthe entire rndebiednes4 regret pled thorelsy. the ykartgagee halt. in cnmputing the amount of such
<br />indebtediter, credit ra the acccxutt of the Murtgagar all payntcnts made under the pravtsians of (ax/ of paragraph 2
<br />hereof which tiro ~~lgtii*ttpee ha< Hat berrrme ahligated ur pay i~o the r,eseret:u}~ of llau-tne .nd ['than pore{opment
<br />and any balance mmainiag in the funds ucrumukated antler the pnrvi 'ic>n~ of i ~..+ of paaa~raph Y hereof. }f there
<br />chalk be a default under arty of the provi=inner of chi:=. mortgage rt ultinr in a public ate ref rho premises covered
<br />hen;by, ar i€ the 3keriga CCU acyratrc-, the prnpert} otherur. e after def;urYt, the ykntga~,ee ,.hall tpplt, at the time of
<br />the eammencemertt trf rude prrxcasdinas, or xt the time. the property i.= otter rur:.c acrluircd, the balance then rema}n-
<br />ing in the funds ucrumulxtrd un~+r ~ t of pnrrtrrraph '? plc eeding a a credit azain-t the amount erf prinr.ipal titan
<br />rem;~ning unpaid tmdtY said Hater, :end .-.hall grape-riff .idlu~t =mc lrsymrnt~ =~htc'h -hall hrtsN bet»at made under ia,)
<br />of paragraph "A,
<br />;_ That tlrc Mar[~gor wilt pa }' ground rents. roar>. nsstssments, water ratzs. and other governmental or municipal
<br />charlas, fines, or rmptisitiotrs. for wltieh prottsion h:',4 ndrt tern made hcreinhefare, and in e{efault thereof the @7artgagee may
<br />pay the same, and that the ~tartgagcrr wi}! prvtnr, sit deiiyer the ot~tciai rzczipts therafar tc the atortgagee.
<br />S. 7"he Stortgat wfil! ~5 tdl ta~tes s.~hiclf pray he la.ietl up.,rt the xtc+rtgaget''~ mterrst rn ~~;tid real estate and imprt,v>r-
<br />naents, :uxiwhich nosy Ire }esred upon this m.xtgage err the debt aeeured hereby that only to the extent 4hat such is not prohibit-
<br />ed by law andunty lathe extent that .u "h ui}l Hat make this loan usunousl. tut exChrding any irname~ taz. State or Frederai.
<br />imposed on Mortg,~>=eye. and well rile tkte ~roihcia! recerpt thou ing suel+ payment wrth the Mortgagee. l.tpan via(ation of this under-
<br />tal:ing. ar if the.'='=t!~rtgagar is prahihited by anw law now or hereafter exerting frcrrn paying the whole or spy portion of the afore-
<br />sait! taxes. ur upon the ~'enderictg of any taure+~ecreeprahibitrngthe payment by the llartgagor or any such taxes, or if such law
<br />ardecree pr.,vide, [h.it spy arnottnt sir psaG t>y ttae !NOrtgagor shall be credttdon the mortgage debt, tha i'ylortgagee shalt have
<br />the rigFt£ to givcninety days' written notice to the owner of [he mortgaged promises, rzquinng the payment of the mortgage
<br />debt: If sueh notice lze given. the said debt shall be<omz due. payable and ealieetible a[ [he expiraaan of acrd nine[y d rya.
<br />C». That. skitxrkl he fail to pay any sum or keep any covsn[rnt prav}dad tar in this Mortgage, then the klortgrigec, at its ap-
<br />tiun, may pay ar perform the +amt. and all expenditures so made shall hz added to the principal sum owing on the above note.
<br />vhafl 6e >_~urcd hereby. and shalt bear mxesast at the ra[z set fnnh+n zhe said note. until paid.
<br />?, 'T teat krz hereby a~4igns, transfers and sets aver to the Mortgagee, to he applied toward the payment of the note and. ail
<br />stern, <~~u.-ed ktere~y in carer of a defaukt in the perfirr-mane of any of the terms and conditions of ckris Mcxtgagc or tlrc said
<br />note. z:l t; < rents,ravenue. and income. to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indtbted-
<br />ni•s.}ral~ r~:r,rin unpaid:. and-the. Mortgaagee shall ha.z pouzr to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire fc>r the purpose of
<br />rcpainnc ui~: f-e~rfis~• and of rzntitat the ranee and catlecttngtl±e rattle, rev^znues and inuxme, and it may pa:i oral o€said ire.
<br />,c,t;;z, sll t.t, er:,c> ~rf repainrtg sa3~ prem'eyes and =reeessary conaanissions and r~.penses incusretl in reefing and managing the
<br />dare .+nrf of c•:z)xrrng, rca~~t; tfrcrzir~ua, eta. balance; rertuaictin$. if any; to be applied. toward the-discharge of sank mortgage
<br />.uc:? t~xc;s.
<br />x l h:,t :x c~ i kreo rite ini~,r.e~r{cr,.::.,=v c,~,tng ar hereafter erz%:ted nn the mortgaged property. insured +s nt.ey be
<br />~yusrc~ 7.re lane t. ti~a t, he ~ arttd>;re :r{t~ir>,Yt 3oss b} hre :iru u',-,er :a r ds. cd esl ~s and contingencrer its such
<br />=n:eants 3:,c `os ~u~h t.r.sitw rs mac b~ r~ui:ired he the'4fortgugaz and wilfpav prarnptly, when-duff any premiums on soh
<br />In,1r: n ,,i ,r 'or axomer,t _,f w ri ~h ha; cot heap made heresnheft>re. Alt insurance sha}I be arrie;d ire campamcS ap-
<br />prer•:e,.. ,, < <~w 7 •tt¢ackcc ;~;.itit t!tc t>i~l -r; ~ ~' rare Dais tpscraofsha'lf he held by the Atartgagea card. have at~ehed thereto law
<br />e~asa. b3e cSause, n ~ ~~ ~_ of rw :n `, u,t ,. ;'ee iatortgagee_ fn event of loss .tarigagar will grv,. irnnrediate tuztice by
<br />rt ~i =t he 'vtur k t u1t r i~ ,zk ~_ [ t=l t tf not made nranpt y b} Mortgagor, end loch re,.,ran~z company ccxn-
<br />,.:.r3<~h, ~ F>a,~n~. , ,.hcKi.rc .zJ ~~re•_(r_d ~ .r:tb,c ~ t~~rcnt .also: n i~, rf%riwrly io the'tJrrl4 gc.C iii• ~,t,J of'tnt4[e'ttortgagnt
<br />',1St' ti` t~. i f. y'f+~' ~ }1[niik_ ,nv th< trill. IIitC ~ r= ,.. ~'i, ~. .; rte r:rri tl'Cf Cf ~t, m6tV i,r . ('f)~:C i~ ~' f lc: ~~t:~fll L~,'eQ at rt'S uptron either
<br />e,,,r,.tdv:;rv~nrair,;~rtr.iti~~te.4nec.ircr~i+t~~~u~e,ic;rt.~thi :~*te;:,n ~~:repi,iraftheprt ~t~:=~si.rged.4rsctcrsfoff4NeGltN
<br />. tT.., c,<s y.a~c;v ,zttr rtanwlrte, i ,uic , L~ rerrt>;egc~, r~ t,cr..,. n. cxtinguiShnteni f ih ..,ichtecincs+ssec:ur:;d lrerebr.
<br />:~ t u- ~. sr cc _ ^r t= r n r~ t t iu I J frr . ~(u ~ rchans.t =2rttratttee.
<br />a.a ., r n..l .. , . ,+.z e. ~_ t. t., .., ,. : +k,. uo,F ,.~a.r.k3C L .~.n, .,~r. ~ , t+ecame dac cruder thin
<br />'; la„r n., .:c ~'} ,ly ,~ ,' II~E 1t I L<" `1'S ~'rlt~ .it.~, f e-I)i.~ l!~ ~11t N erit"~ ,#4era9nit 7.(Y (her
<br />st.,t~ ~ d ci i i -:ui i'Y I~ ty'vo .~ -y S" the at^tc .+~ad :cppt}'
<br />.. _,te= t ~ r ,~. , n c Z i ' k,. t mot, ee n;aT tern,end„ .etc
<br />- ... ,_.:~ - " _-.:~. , . , nhle i ., taa;~ ~ i ~ _ ; N¢t~ i -ct ':ir ... c>ti, , v tment t. ,uu te,rtntahtt
<br />