<br />l g~,...v.~ae~E~3
<br />to ?ttat the itfurt;xagar will ka~p the'bttildings up6re said"premises in goad repair, and neither €utmmit oar permit wash
<br />u{a!vn s:+ii !an:t; ntar sulfcr'the said premises to be usedittrany unlawful pvtpase.
<br />1 t . That d the pretnisas, or an~~ ¢aart tlidreof, be condemaed vrMer ahe power of eminent domain. ar acquired far a public
<br />use': tilt :lamaycs awatr3ed. Che proceeds fttr'the taking"of, ur the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full
<br />amount of ir,debtzdiaes e:pon tfiis mortgage andthe nate which it is given to secure remainingunpaid, are hereby^ assigned by the
<br />ylarrgagca to tt:e yf:;reltagee. and shay. be paid fnrilswith to said' Mortgagee to be applied by the latter an acarunt of the next
<br />mnturinp; installments of such indebtedness.
<br />1? The Mortgagor futtber agrees that should this mortgage and the nets secviced hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />surrnce ;[nder the National Housing,..!+ci within Fi0 des from: the date hereof fwntten statement of any officer
<br />of the Department of Housing and Urban Development or' authori2ed agent of the Secretary of Hpucing and- Urbane
<br />)~eveioF.ment dated subsequent tothe 6t) days time €rom the dateof this mortgage, destining to insure said
<br />none and this martgagc, being deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibilieyl, the Mortgagee ar holder at the note
<br />mar, at its ~ptrJn, declare ztl Burns recurred fiereby intmediately due and payable.
<br />i 3. That i! the Mextgagrw fails to make. any payments of money whets the same become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />.comply with any o! the andrnansaragreem+errts rnntained in this mortgage, orthenote which it secures, then the entire prinei-
<br />pat sum and scented interest shall at-onex become due>and payable. at the election af'ihe Mortgagee; and this mortgage may
<br />[hercup~:n be foreclosed immediately fartlae whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, casts, ground rents, razes and
<br />ti-fe cyst of e~tendinRthe :abstract a!''titlefrom the dateof fhis~~an to the.dme of commencing such foreclosuresuit,and a rea-
<br />snnuhle artornev's fee, all: of which: shailbr included in the decree of doreclosure; and the contract embodied.n this mortgage
<br />and the nctr secured hereby, shall in alt respeces be governed, construed and adjudged by the-laws of Nebraska; where the
<br />same is made;:
<br />Tha awe[tants hereits contained shall-bind, and the henefits and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs, executors,
<br />adaninistrattxs. successors-and assigns of the parties heaeto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plura4 the
<br />pltval the singular, and the viceaf an}°gender shaEl tse apptcabk to all gendera.
<br />The foregoittg conditions., at1 and singular. beitrg performed according. to their natural and legal import, this conveyance
<br />shall be void and said premises releasedat tfie expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in felt farce and eifecY..
<br />iN t~1TN £SS Wii£i2£OF`, the Mortgagor(si ha ve hereunto set ghee handCSl the day and yearfirst
<br />abovewrtten.
<br />In presence of:
<br />,r'' l
<br />[S£AL)
<br />! J e~1. eta,. A. S e1_t2G'2'
<br />{ [S£AL)
<br />,ter
<br />\..~,='- -"f` .G` r-'- -O[ SEAL ]
<br />~ ie R. Shreiner
<br />[S£ALI
<br />[SEALl
<br />i9.
<br />C(JkD~TY (7F Ha21
<br />GPP 341.138
<br />th1 this. 2Zst dayof 3gni1~ A.I}. I'3 gg2 . before mc.
<br />a inartd for said Cauniy. persana!!y came
<br />12{YG$Z'kt - pt3Ek3:1.G
<br />Stephen A. Schxesaaer axati Diane R. 3cftreiner, httsHartd and wife
<br />personally tame known
<br />W:bc the identical persop$. wbe;enames ~~ affixed to the above. and fore-
<br />goirtg [nstrturent as Mortgagor; and acknowledged the said instnamenband the
<br />execunon thereof to be they have valuntaryact and deed, for the: pvrposesthereiuexpressed.
<br />tkaex!
<br />In testisnony whereof, i have heretanta set my haml and affixed seal at Grand Island, NE
<br />an:ahe day and: Mate last above writtetz. .....,~.,:
<br />, _ ~-.
<br />~ffl~lYt IIUTA~t `Stied ~`t ' ^ ~ ~
<br />~ F-1QL,1>~tt N®tary blic
<br />Mr ~+ fi^r. asst i! i!N
<br />~.~ ._
<br />ST.a~fEUF ~EHRASitA ss~.
<br />Filed far reeard this day of
<br />at o'clock
<br />rrcardcd in Hook _
<br />~ et
<br />A.D. 19
<br />M., and entered in Numeria:ai Index, and
<br />of Mortgages, an
<br />Rcgisur of Deeds
<br />_,..~'l E4~ryt Sy. ."t9
<br />