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02 26 40271 ,...-~---•------.____ <br />SCiiB 'f'hfs farm }s uaecr in canruw~. <br />~^a•~~^~e~y~ titsrr with erxxr:t~ages insured <br />~~"l7rtii)'~i under the ane- to faur-faettify <br />provisanw of tfse Nat€arnf <br />'g tt~ ~/ [, r~ r+~~ pp t3ausin~ Aot- <br />~Z~.r t~VQ~c]fD <br />Tlf'}z hfOfFTt;AGE, made and rxeatted this 21st dnyof' O'astuary ,,4~:L3: <br />;9 g2 . t`y anxl ltetwczn Steplxera ia, Sctareint?r azd' Diane A. Schrefner, husband: and wire <br />of the t'aur~ty of Hall and Statt of Netuaska, party of the first part, hereitrafier,called <br />the Mortgage+s, and T'h~e f2iai~ard, G3Il ~~ ~ , <br />a carpcsratiam a; gsnized ::nd existing ntidtr4be~Saws Uf' f21e T,~ni'tt~ states U€ AlatOriCa , <br />parry of tfie ~ecerei part, hereinafter caEtedthi: htcattgagee~, <br />~y C~N ~~f_TH: ; h~t ~hz d f fur and9n uznsiderataan o€ the sum o€ <br />o c ;otisan ara'd prl,~__..~._..---_-- ~....~llars (590, 000..00 },paid by the.: Niort- <br />xn(<~re. the receipt of which rv hereby ackaanevledged. lass Ciran4ed and Sold and-by-these presents does Crrant, Bar- <br />t„n:n. ;alt. Cone} and Canfi'rm unta the ~lart~igee, its' successars ?nd assigns, forevtr, the following-described <br />real zst~.te. silvered ht:;,r Cotentyaf Sa~:Ll ,.and:State <br />of Ntbraeka, to wit- <br />Ivt Rlventp Four (24), in Brentvrood Third Subdivision, in the City <br />of 73rand Island, Iia7.l County, Nebraska... <br />i'also Katoum As: <br />X729 73zentt~naod Blvd. <br />Grand is3.artd, NE 6880.1 <br />of the Sixth l'rin~ipai:\9+tridian. cantainingin a1i' city property acres accordingta Gdvern- <br />nler7t se:rvrr <br />TO HAVE. ANIJ'!"7 }i(Jl,p ;h~ prernr3e^ above tfnscribcd„ wi4tt nif the ssapnrtcnanecs thereunia 6eian~ing~ and inclor}ing <br />utl haataag-plumhmg re.i `i~hting rsn:res anr) equipmentnaw ar hereafter attached 4o arustd in a:annect;onwich,and rent csFa4e <br />unto the Afrvrg_agec. end ko i Seccrs~.rrs and assigns, farevtr. The ~faartgagar atprc tats Ca, and eavenan'ts-with, the Mortga- <br />gee. that the Mong.3gar hxs 2ocw rigti+. ~o ctlf end Canvey said premises: that they are fete fram encumbrance; and brat the <br />'.ton~+t;c: wi!! warram :,.r.d !,ztti ad [ne G.uneagainst the fawfuf clnimsnfalf persans whamsaever, and the said Mortgagrr}teee- <br />hc rclorquiitres 21E natnt~ of humcsrr:;d. and atf martial rights, tithtr in law ar to equity, and aff athtr contingent irtcrests4fthe <br />'~Aartgtkor in :ttxl to the ab~vr-des~ri:~e:a premises. tfte~intentiun bring [cr cunveyhereby an a6satutetitle, infeesimple~:inc3ud- <br />,ing oil rgtrtti of honaeste:,d,zsnat or her riglt4s anaF interests a~safares`id- <br />PRnV?BE!) .~1.'.vA1'ti, ~ n++. these presents tart executed and. dehvtrad open the [offowingcanditions, tvwitt <br />The Moig:rgnr agrees is pay totfie A4ortgigce, ar order. thrprincipel sum of k'vrty Thousand and'. <br />00/1~Oths--__-~---~~~___~___-w-_,.__~_llmltsXrs (5 $0,000.00 ). <br />sxitlf utscrest from flair :,t the late o~ iitteeta 3ad'.one half. ptr ctntum ( 15.50 %) peratanumon <br />,hz onpai~ i+~tanct rsntil paid. The .aid prencipa(and interest shelf ise payakek attfae:o}5ceofThe R3.e2xard G11 Company <br />is San P,gtonio, 2~xas ,or at such otherplaaeastheholderaf <br />the rote ma} dtsiynatt.n ar,urg, 7rmenthla rnstsrivnenisof gi,~ ;3t3rldz'ed TwetTty +ry7a cold 00100 <br />--- ----------__~aft trs ix S2'' t3G }, axnrnencangan 46e firs dnyof <br />Yard v P2 - ::nd . n the fir>t 3ay of each monWthrreafter.until the prinetpai ~cnd is-. <br />rarest :ffe fully pid excepr a ~~e tine' lane of C~incinai and int~er'ts4, if nai soontr paid, slaa0k hC ~uG and <br />rya c.k+le on the lust aa, of ~~~`~' ~~ : aff aceoedingto thetcrrtrs of acertain promitw <br />Cory mxe of eu"an elate iaerzw,th ztra~ted ky the said Merrgagur. <br />",'}~Lfort~r true;?rm ctshytopa+ta:t!ha;eec+rrityofthi Martgage,agreess <br />L drat he will ps} the irxiebttdaesa, as hrremtrefara ,r+rovidr„d. Privilege is reserved 1'.o pay t}~ debt. in wbcsie, or in to <br />~tnarant rqu.i! to one ar .~u,re trrunthly paymerris +=ra itte principa}•thaf are rccxi dot on the.Hera,-on thefirst day of swy mbnih <br />1H'ior iii ru~urity fYi>r;~ai, hu»-CVZr, (hat written aUticc +rl .cn.tnAentian do exest(sa skiuh pri, ibege is{[iveaat 1caeE xhi~y (3tf) <br />.:ny> prior ta; te~3 st}c+:t, <br />Tlwt. loge ,`er welt, and nt aifdtta+. t u. the :aonthiv pdY:nettt&af prin~:ipa[ and interest payable etnder the terms of the <br />~ti,tc k rure+s heir»y..he M+utgugcat r+i1t nay to tht Mortgagee, rn the first flax +' manth rtntif the satdk note is#utfy paid. the <br />" talivwing.r;m>~ <br />ia't Amcrun. sue jctr-,: ro p; h,,:,}er k:•:rn+>t when fi;rKts tc, }may the ncactmottgagcitCSUSttCtrxpr±~rntttrnefahis <br />vstn:rt:ent a,wi an, airs iccocn.i hate'>y sae ,r:~red, ax s ,nar,Y:~Sx,dtgrga{in°lhat caJ`rr erttrrt~pg¢ krEUfeumc`afnre- <br />.+~3.~er. ik: 7ltev ~r !ears tae !kee Se::. a~•t7ny nt #lasusa +y, .;cvd IirFas; ';Sevei~prneett, as #~fhnw€: <br />ttk ct ;r+r.3 u .vase xx.: ~e--° a+es a,f cve•:e date acrd R,_s anstru~~xti areiuxuxed,car"ar-srmansured nrrecter tfxe pro- <br />~'.~.k,atix ,~ tt~+:`iar ..mt3 3 tn+i=aa:3r <k:[ ,atrw+sar.s~i t-,,:acxrt ter ae+.autufaxx isa tfu lsaan3s at the holder acre <br />f~;t,&.?a+s~a~•.wze.,. ~_~,,,pwsxesa '~""l,+t7'E;t}f''^v~B}f4.46i~t <br />era tta~2t~k~a <sr-asF <br />