<br />9. Cottdemmttion. 't'he proceeds aE any award ar ctaitn fc>r damage,, direct or consequential, in connectian with any
<br />eandemaationar other taking of the Property, or part tiaereof, «r for conveyance in lieu of cottdtmnation, are herehy assigned
<br />arui shah i*c paid to Lender.
<br />fn the event cf a total taking of the Praperty, the proceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Tittst.
<br />with teat excess, if any, paid to Borrawer. io the ewent of :t partial caking of the Property, unt~s $orroa.'er and Lender
<br />oEixerwist; agree in writing, there-shalt t:e applied to the sums secured by thisDeed of Trust such proportion of the praCeeds
<br />as is etfua# to that proportion which. the amount at the sums secured by this Deed of Trusf immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking beats to the fair market value crf the Proper;y immediate§y prior to the Batt of taking, with the [valance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower, ar if, after notice by lender to Borrower that the candemnar offers to make
<br />an award or setHe a c#aim fur damages, Harrower fails to respond to lxnder within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to col}ect and apply the praceedx, at fender's aptian, either to rrstaratian of repair of. the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed ai "Cntsi.
<br />t3nkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree ir, writing, env such applicahan of proceeds to principal shall not extttrd
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly lolls#Iments reftrrCd to in paragraphs I and ?hereof ar change the amount of
<br />surhrctstailmenes.
<br />ltl: 1Dormwtr Not Released. Extension of t5e time fur payment ar mac}ification of arnortizatian of the sums secured
<br />txy this Deed of "Frost granted by lender to any successor in ,ntcrest ,~f Borrower shat! not operate to refexse, in any manner,
<br />the lia?bftty of the original Borrawee sod Barrower's surrtssors in imerest. I.tnder shat oat bt required to cammtnce
<br />practedings againse such successor ur Muse to extend ume for payment ar otherwise rnadify amartiaation of the sums
<br />secured icy this Qeed of Trust by reason of any demand made ny the origins} Borrower and Harrower s successors in interest.
<br />f t. Forbearance fay Leader Not a Waiter. :+.nv forbearance by Lender ~n e±ctrctsing any nght ar remedy hereunder. or
<br />othtrvrise afforded by appiicahit 9aw• shall oat I+e a waiver ,>f ar prectudr the exercise at any such right ar remedy.
<br />'T'he pracuremem of irtsurane;; or the payment of razes or at her tiers or charges ry !.ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right in arceltrate the maturity of the indr.btednCSS secured by this Deed of 'crust
<br />l2. Remedies Cumulative. All rtmcdies prav,cied ~n this Deed of Tryst are dratrnrt and cumitfative so any other sight
<br />az remedy under this Detd of Trust or aflardrd oy law ar esTuirv, and rosy Ik exercised cancurrtnt}r, independently ar
<br />stxcrtssivet}~.
<br />l:1. Srtcctxson and Assigns Sosrtd: 3oint and Several t.iability; Capiiortss. 'the covenants and agreements herein
<br />rnniained shalt hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure ta. ctat respective successors and assigns of Lender and $arrower,
<br />subject. to the provtsions of paragraph .' hercaf. A}I covrnants and agrtemcnn of Harrower shall tm joint and several.
<br />The a`aptians txnd. headings of the paragraphs cif this L>ted ni Trust art far ,-.anvtnience only and are oat to ere used to
<br />interpret or define the provisiotrs hereof.
<br />i4. tioticc, Except fcr any notirt required under apphcabir law to frt given ,n anotixer manner. (al any notice [o
<br />Borrawer provided far in this Decd af'l'rust shall 6e given lay mailvng such !!Deice r,y certified malt addressed to Burrower at
<br />tfre Property Address ar at such rather sddress rrs Borrawer may designate M• notice to Lender as provided hcreiq and
<br />!?± ~.C~t r„ f eznder shat! tee siven t?y certified mail, return receipt requested, to lender's address stated herein or to
<br />srtchyotfier addresx as Lender may designate by notice as Borrawer as p€ayided Pterern. Any : - , r prrvidtd tar in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall he domed to have been given to Harrower or [..ender when given rn the manner designated htrtin.
<br />#S. tiuifwm Deed of Tract; Goverain}t Saw; Severabiiily. This form of deed ~.f trust cnrnbines uniform covenants for
<br />nationxat use and non-uniform covenants with iimatd variations b~ trrrisdiction cu constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real. prapCrty. This: Decd of Trtut shall F,r governed by the law of the jurisdsction in which the Propen}• is located.
<br />in the !vent-that any provtston. or Clause o€ this flied of 't"rust or the ';vote conflicts with appiicabtc law, such conflict shall
<br />rxrt affect rrther prouisiats t>t this. Geed of Trust or tht Mote which can tee given ttfeet witltattt the rnnflcting provision.
<br />acrd to thixerxi the pravixxonsat she.Uted. nt Trust and the Note are declared to Fxc scvtra..bfr.
<br />t6. Barrrxavsras copy.. Torrawer sttalf he fatrnrshed a cuntarmtd copy :rt the Note and crf this Uteri of Trust at the time
<br />of execution or after rerordatian txertaf.
<br />t9, Tr>md'er of the f"ritgerty, Asutmptfuu. !f ail or any part at the }Troprety or an inures[ therein rs sold or transferred
<br />ley Bormwrr witlxtut Linde€'s priar wrettrn canscnt, txcfuding ta) the crtatrun rrt a iitn ur encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this Deedet Trust., tF.} the creation of a twrChast money security intcrest for hauseitotd appliances,. (c; :. transfer try dee•ise,
<br />desrerri xtr hyoperatian of law upon the tkatit of a taint !errant ar f d) the grant of any hasthoid interest of thrtt ytsrs or {ess
<br />rrotCOntainrng an ap[ion to purchase, tender rosy, at f.endtr s aptran. declare alt ltxt sums seCUred by thrs Dead of Trust to Ise
<br />itntmxi#att#y due and payable. #.ender shalt have waived such asptaon to arctitratc it, prior an the sale ar transfer, Lender
<br />artd the person to whom the P'raperty is to L+e sold or rransferrtd reach agreement rn writing that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactory err Lerxlec aryl ttsat thf interest payabtt an the sums secured F.y !lice Deed at 7"rust shall Ix at such rate as
<br />Leader shad rtgtresi. Tf !,!Wrier has waived the option ro acreieratr provided [his paragraph t 7, and if Burrawer's successor
<br />en interesihas extxutcd a written assurrxption agrttmcnt acrrpted in wrong by Lender, Lender shall release Borrawer from
<br />all ohligatians udder tftis l7ccd of Tttxsz and the ?Vote.
<br />if Lt:ader exercises surf! npttan to aceleratt. i.ender shaft +nai! Borrawer nniice of aceeteration in accarda:rct with
<br />paragraph i4 hereof.. 5uett rtatire sha33 pravrdc a period ut artxt Less thaxx .30 days from the dart the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrawer Wray pay the sums declared due, if Borrower fails ro pay such scum priar to the expiration of such period,
<br />Linder tray, without further xtotice or dunaad tm Borrawer, invakr any ecmtrlits permitted by paragraph ig hereof.
<br />NtttY-11Ntroaat (:ove*t.sters. Harrower and #. ender turaixtr covenant and agree as fatlows:
<br />ill: Accderrttioa; Remedies. Except as provided fn paragraph l~ tttrtvf, upon Harrower°s breach of any cavetmat or
<br />aRraxwea/ ~ :Borrower in this #)ced of Trust, iarludittR. the coveaatsia to pay when. doe any sums soured. by this i]eed
<br />of "Trust,. [.ender prkar to acceleration shaft mac twtice to $oraowK ra provided in perttgrrpft 14 ttereaf specifyirtgt (t} the
<br />b~esch; f;:p i8e sction reatarired to care sorb breach; tab a date, xwt tem. them 30 days from rim date the rwiice is mailttr# to
<br />tao~rawer, by wiRdtb. srorh breath mmat be toted! atad f4} that. failure to rare sorb breach oa or txfore the dNe specified
<br />is the notice easy reseft %n srceteration o'r:~lu supts located by this t)ced of Trust and seta of the Property. Thc notice
<br />sits!! fur4htrirdarptBatrawtr of the rigisf to ttiatatafr atfteracceleratlaa-and fhe rigiW. to bxiteg a court action to. asxrt
<br />tlrlt noa~existeasx of a difattlt or any other defame: of 8orrowcr 8o acrdrriaiaa sari ode. if the hrearh is not cared
<br />m or 6e#are Elie date speriBrdi»: thr~aoNce, fender of L.eetder's option taay deetare s0 0# the soars located by tltfs tJleerd
<br />of TrarN to be franeeditttelydire amf:pKyttbiev.ifboutfwrther demand and may ineolte: tler power of ssJe sari any other rettteikit
<br />petwxitted by appiieahls-taw. t:swikr akaN.hae entitled to collect aB remotss6ie ct>sAS and expeaes incarttd in: pursuing the.
<br />rgxsedirs provided w !lilt parattra~6 tit, indwiirg, hart.aot tiat6edto, retnomble atlorney's fees.
<br />It tau don,cr of side it isvoitei; Ttnertae shy rmord a ttatfice of defanlf in oath eoanty in whkh the Property or some
<br />part thereat is begird asds6allmdF:ropiestzfsnsitnoticr lathe:auartcr prescribed by appikabfe fan to Harrower and;to the
<br />otirr pea.oac pr+exrrfkrd:;by app&t:ablrfasv. After the !epee of~:soehtftre as: maybe regtyrad by apptiicabie taw, Ttustt:~e shall
<br />Rive priFic nrrfire ref salt to the perrmrrs and in-the raantter presrri6aml` by spptitsbk law. 'Trutee, withou! demand. on
<br />$grtswrr, .ltmll s..d the;QireptrtyatpabBc'..aarilan: torte-hitthest bidder of ifreJime sari. pfarr and under the terres desil}atrted.
<br />in the noiicc .sf salt M-oar ter ntort~ psnteb-sad M lath ordu as Tnrskrr tray delcrm%ne. 'Truvfee recap poat'ertk. saM of aB
<br />rx say psreei of tftc Property by ppblir anttaurtreemeat st xhe .time attd peace of any previanty srhed.wied. sale. t,easder or
<br />Leradei s drsip~cc mrr purbaae the:Pra#erfy rbt rpay sale.
<br />E'paa rrrript of parmtrN of thx price--i~it Trresfar.:sbdidietLvrrea ttse. purclttner Trustee°s deed cortvsyittg be t'raperty
<br />sail. 'Itsr rrtiaak is the T'rugeea deed sata@ bt pifsns ~aeit evedeact of tltr trarth of the statemazegs mattte tlicrefb, Trurtte
<br />slat! air t!x prarreds of rite laic cat ttte faltowitaat order: fit} to ttdfl rsrr+usabit rests sari exprtates of the sak ixechrditt}tr but
<br />ear iitsiter3 ro, Trosfier'.. Errs of eat rrarrrr titan 3?~ ~ ~ ~ oaf ihc$roar salt price, rcasonatrle atturaey's fees and volts a#
<br />Yltls evi#reee; fbl to sit. strras secured by rlafa t~.a# Tr+rakt mraiA ft} the excise, t# any, to the peitiarrar persatrs tet;alty eatkted ....,, .
<br />i'f'. 36arrowrr'. Rgiti trs Rsi+cs[are_ ~}tnwtitlrstant#iitg Lender's acCeleratian ad tare xurns secured fry this i7rtd of Toast.
<br />$arrtaswer ttru;i hen she riKlrt to hay- arty praccrtfinga hrgan by l.ttttitr to etxfatrc this t}eted of '1"rtase disconfinutd at
<br />area toots y'>rtai .ca thcrari,rr =c, rxceer . ! ti J cavy ffih day t+tfarethe sake of the Properfy pursuarta :acs the power of sale cttritaid
<br />in dro-a 3;k~ctt ,Af Trnsf or tn# ~•rntry at a j;rdgtmareaftxrinp this T:ki~etfot't'rust if. fat Borrower pay"! Linder sit stains which woald
<br />'r.,V mt:, due „r»~, ;r,°s t3._ • ,af -Tn,at, tpc Nnrt ~ated ,,,>t<~s~ scraiirxg f;.irw•te ,Advances. i; ang, ?Wad na aGrtta:raiian ctCCUrrtd:
<br />fart Bn°-rc-~- ~:.,rr; :,;7 ;+rtact>.-a „e ,,,.p earner rnvrxaaxxts ur a,trt. ernrai:,r a# Horro+xrr rnneainrd ,n this Reed of 'T rtes!:
<br />' ~a t3~nts~ar+: aruy- ,_urr,,nai+FC azaxmcs rr,rurrca ne t,errdex' zatd it+~+,ros: in entariting. the rovextanes send aggtrrtmenrr G?t
<br />t3r°rs. nag ~ r an: ia~r, r°4 t:•nt led to ea t. ~.°~~+ f..enctar, ae~'3`rv~etee's rtenedrtx as iarc+vutrai in ~paragtrapfi tpr
<br />±*erssr rait,Se~wz , r e}a 3sr, d +,.- cacttrabsta aetxx r`c: •.. arms. and i.- Borrower tatctx xxxch aaiar.~+ za t ¢ndrx r?faq traesonahly
<br />s~°+3rtr. -- r, ar.'aoxrc ~:•:at t3«e ~ - rf tAu. i:3~d :ief ~#yia, t.ersxter a ixtter.axt .re P?~ a tc~g+ertV arni ftfa,rrre..ucr c :r,inligafnt» to #+ay
<br />