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$~--~t~a0~~ <br />Ultttt~usCovetaxtrrs. 8orrawcr and Lander covenan[ and agile as follows: <br />Y„ t o[-!'ti at+d-t'sKtreat. Bartvwer shai6 P~tPttY WY where due the principaS of end interest on 11tc <br />i evtdmttd by the tdott, preppa9y~ment and tart rhargrs as pravtded in the 3+COto, and the prinetpa{ of and intartat. <br />ten amy Future Advan~tt sixttrtd by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. Ptrt~i [ar Tams sri Irtatn+nee. Subject to applicable law or to :written waiver by Lentkr, Barrowee shall. ptiy <br />to Lender as the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Natt:, until the Notc is paid in hilt.. <br />a stem (here{n "Futrds") equal to erne-twttfth of the yearly taxsY and assessmems which may attain priority over this <br />Geld of Z`rust, and gtesutxl rents an the Properly, if any, phis one-twelfth of yearl y premitem 'snstalimenu for hazard insurance. <br />plus ~^:e-twelfth of ysati}r prnaitun installments far mortgage insurance, if any, all a reasonably estimated inifta{ly and from <br />time as tip by Lender on tlx basis of assessmenu and tattle and reaspnablt estimates thtrt:af. <br />The Funds shalt be held in an institution the deposits at accounts of which arc tnsurcd or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />statragettey (inchrding Lender if Lender is such. an inststuhnnS. {.ender shah apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />iraurattn;c ptesniums and ground renu_ i.ender may not charge far so holding: and applying the Fsmds, anal Jung caul accoum <br />or vtrifygrta and compiling said asatxsments and hills, un{tss I.tnder pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicable law <br />permits fxndc:r to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the ¢ime of execution of this <br />Deed oaf Trust that imertst on the Funds shat{ he paid to Borrowtr, and unless catch agreement is mods ac applicably law <br />retlttin~ such inierat to be paid. Linder shall not Ix required to pay Barrmvtr any enttrest or earnings on the Funds. I.cndcr <br />s"Hall give to Harrower:, without charge, an annual accotinnng of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds :end the <br />parpoatefprwhich tub ttebit to the Funds was made. The Funds a.e pledged as additional security far the sums secured <br />by this Daed of Trust. <br />if .the atnatmt. of the Funds held by l.endtr, together with the Cuturt monthly installments ar` Fonds payable prior to <br />thedtte dolts of [axes, asusunenu, insurance prtmiurns and ground renu, shalt txec-~f the amount required to pay said tart., <br />assesstrttnts, ittsuratect premiums and ground renu as they fall due, such excess shat! ht, at 6orrawer's option, tither <br />promptly repaid to Hornatver or credited to Harrower on monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of ihy Funds <br />hddby Lender stand not be cull-relent to pay taxes,. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as [hey fall due. <br />Haeraover shalt pay to Ltndtr any amount necessary to-make up the deficiency within 3Q days from the date notice is mailed <br />br'Lenderto Barrawerregtxstiug payment thereof: <br />Upon payment in full of ail sutors securty by than Deed of Trust, tender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held. by Lander. IC under paragraph t8 hereof ahe Property is sold or the Property ss otherwise acquired by tender, i_ender <br />shall apply, na later eltan imrtrcadtatety prior 4o the sale of thy Propery or its aequisrtion by Lender, any Funds held by <br />lxtukr at the titett of appGcatiaa as a credit against the sums secured by this Lamed of Trust. <br />3. Apfiitruiat of Paytraewts. S.Inkss applicable law provides otherwise. alt payments received by L.endcr under the <br />Nett and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof sha41 bt applied by tender firn +n payment of amounts payable to [.ender by Harrower <br />under puagraph 2 hrrcof, then to interest payable an the Nate. then to the principat of the Note, and them to interest and <br />priract~ an anp Fuwre Advances. <br />[.ieias. Borrowtr shall pay alt taxes, assessments and Daher charges, frrres and imptnuions attributable to <br />Lire Propeety which may attain a priority over fhis Died of Trust, and }easehold payments or ground rents, if any, 'vn the <br />maaatr provided •meier ~aragrnph 2 hereof nr, i6 non paid in such manner. by Her-.o•:eer makinfi payment. when dot. directly <br />to the payee ttttreof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices a>f amounts dot under this paragraph, and in the <br />event Bort»wtr shall make payment directly, Borrowtr shall promptly furnish to [.ender receipts tvidcncang such payments. <br />Horrower stroll promptly discharge any tiro which has priority over this feed of Trust; provided. [hat tinrrcawcr shaft not he <br />required to discharge any such lien sa tong as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the abfsgation secured by <br />stteh lien: in a tnanaer att:eptable to tender, or shalt m goat eaith comest such Pren by, er altfynd eufarcement of such lien lit. <br />legal mgs which operate to prevent the entorctrnent of the l+en or forfeiture of the Psoperig• nr any part thereof. <br />Ihasri lutrruce. Harmwcr shatf_ketp the improvements now exacting or hereafter crested nn the C'rttperty insured <br />against toss by tire, hazards ixluded within the term "extended coverage", and such attttr hazards as Lender may require <br />and. in staett amounts and Cor svch perrt>ds as { xauier may rcquuc; prtw+dtd, that Fender,hall not requ+rc that fhe amount of <br />such covtragt cxcetd that amount of aoveragt regwred to pap the sums secured by this Dctd c.f "'loser <br />The ittsurartce carrier pra~+iding ahe rasurance tihall ht s:hosen by tSarrawar subject to apprt>val by 6 ,older; prnvtdcal. <br />that Ytrclt appmvat dull not tat unreasonably wtthhefd. A{( premiums an insurancy petioles shall he pond in the manttu <br />provit#td ttndtr paragraph 2 hereof ar. if not paid an such manner, by Borrower rooting payment, when due, directly ta> the <br />itmuratace Carrier. <br />rllfirtstxranee policies and rtnawals thereof shall br m corm acceptable to Lender :and shalt rncluttz a standard mortgage <br />clause in favor pf and in form arsep[nbit to {_cndcr Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof. <br />and $orrower shall ptamprly furnish W i.e.ndsr all renewal notices and all receapas of pool premiums. (n rite cvvnt. of lac.. <br />BOttrowu shall give prompt notice to the ansurartcr carratr and Linder i.,cnder may make proof of foss +f area made promptly <br />t+y+ Bnrroet'at'- <br />L#nkss Lender and Horrt>wer otherwise agrct in writing, +nsurance pracetds shalt be applied to restoration or rtparc cf <br />the Ptoptrty damaged, provided such restoration or rypax is ecanam rally feastbty and the secaarity of this 1>ecd of Trarst i< <br />trot ihertbp impavtd. tf suc'h restorauan or repau is riot cranamicatiy feasible ar tf the security of this Deed ttf "Lust would <br />he itt3pairtd, the assurance prasstds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Ur.ed aC `T`rust. uuh the execs,. +f any, pail! <br />to 8orrnwtr. If the Property is abamtotttd by Harrower, or if Barrtrvxr fasts to respond to Lcndci within 3tt days Crom the <br />daft natters mailed by Lender ao Borrouzr that the srsurance center offers io seit[e s claim for insurarnc fatnyflfe, tender <br />is aut3aorixtd ra collect oral apply the irsuraaacc pnxeeds at Ixndei s option rithcr to resioratran ar repast of the Property <br />or ta. the stems secured by this Deed of Tntst. <br />Ltniess L"ender and $orrower otherwise agree rn wrurng, any such applieation of prareeds is principa[ shall not extend <br />or ipont the due date of the monthly irtsiallmynss rytcrred to in paragraphs t and 2 hsrtaf ar change the amount c:! <br />stYCh insfattttttnss. If undtt paragraph 1 R hersei the Propen3~ ss a~quued by I..cnder, ail riKht, title end tnc~rest oC Horrowrr <br />in and to anyinsurance policies and in and to the proceeds ihemot' resulting trom damage ac ilte Property prior to the sail <br />oracgttisitionshait pass to t.endtr to the extent ni the sums soured by this Deed of Trust imnttdiately prier sc such sale or <br />aegtrettit03F.. <br />'f.. 1'resetvapayttrnd MdNesat•yt of Proptrty« t.eissrba~ids: Caadaminiams. Planaaed Unit fhmetapments. Harrower <br />xhatE keep attt Prcapeny in gix+d rcpaar and shall not cartmrt waste or perma impairmcrt or ctetesaoradan of the Propetty <br />and shalt-comply with the pravisiareS of any least if ibis t?tcd of Trust is on a leasthald. If this fyted of Trust ss on a unit. in a <br />tandominitttn or a planned unit devroiapmtnt, Horrowrr stroll ptriarm ail of Borrower's obligations under the dcclaratian <br />x>r covertanu creating ar governing the catedomiuaum or planned unit development, the by-taws oriel regxalatioats :,i the <br />conttomint"um:ax ptantrtd unit dtt¢t{optntnt, and cnatstitutnt documents. )f a condominium or planned unit Gevclopmrnt <br />"rider ix exuirted bT Botrcxwtr artd recorded tegettaer ee•itta this Deed aC Trust, ahe covenants and agreements of snob rider <br />slutl lay sncarparated ime arni shalt amend and suppdtment the ciavenanis and agreemenu of this Dced oa "}-rust as if the rider <br />were a pact hereto. <br />?- PlroietBnt pf Y.eader`s Sectrrity. If Bonawer fails to perform the covynanis and agreements contained in this <br />Dent r~t Toast, or if any action q praxcec[ittg is camtttenced winch materially affects t.endtrs interest tit ahe Property. <br />rrtcludartg, bur trot ~imated to, tmintnr daman,ansafveacy, code enforcement, ar arsangymrnts ar praetdfngs involving ., <br />tunkruprar des:edent, there Ixttder at L endtr's option, upon Holier ra Horrowrr. may make such ap{~arancrs, tiishursc wuc?i <br />stators and taltt sttdh aczian as is necessary to protect F.tndtr's inicrest, including, but not ?ienittci to. clishursement r~C <br />ttt~oat¢bie attorney's Pets .and etstre upon ttte Prapyrty to rirakt repairs. It t_eaxter required mortgage insurarcc a. <br />condition ot-rrialtiag the;loan: sCeurtd h•r this Dtttf of Trust. Barraw.~r strait pay the premiums required t;a maintain such <br />irsursnce ra t$tct umrtsucF; time as ttte rygtrirtmene lot stub insurance terminates in accordance with Horrrawrr's „nd <br />L>e's written attcreaxsegt-or •spplicable i;,w. t3arrnwar staatl pay the amount oaf all ntort{~ge insuraeacs premtunas in the <br />manner prtra`fded under paraRrap'r Z hereof. <br />Any aa¢cuuty distmrsed by {.errtier p;arsnant en this paragraph 7, wtthtnt+^rest thereon- shat become additaana9 <br />irtak+betxtneta of 8arrow,er second bt -gut k]ci"d s.3 ~ rust. L>nitss Barmwtr anit LencEor agr+:e sa ot}~r tenors of payrrarm< sutrtr <br />amramu Llta3t }-~ payatalr crsnn -..:_ Iraat ixrtvigr to Harrower regtaesting payment thtrta€„ oral staall tttar lollies=, frsxtt the <br />date cf ditJsurscrrteni at the rate pat'ab?>: f;nm esme 4~atimt an t+atstanding principat under tht ntoty uRiess. paynttnr tart irtsrest <br />atsncb rxtt wntdiS t~ casuary tr ttpFlicabte lotus, is which ev~at such arstounts staatt ht-ar .ntrtyst at t€ae highest rate <br />pcrnrxiriuate uru3er ag>pti<:ab!e law, "3rritt,n>w catttairttd its this peraga-aptr 7 shalt require ~Latattr fez inter aav expyasr vjr saki <br />gray ~tiar: 4rrctsn,3ct_ <br />tt, iaaPnt}ew. Cerw^e; may main+ar tavsat to ~ rraatk eeas4nable entries upon and ¢nspe.e.trs*ns a ahe p-:;p,.rtr a rc~vrrli W <br />=rut 1-*.cu4cr stxxS3 glue #4ortm=arey rxrttae preesr tzs any curb snspectic+tt speeafyiag reasaatat54r cauNC rheretcs ra,lctrxu r„ a-ender-. <br />xatat ,r, the ~n'siaextv'. <br />