the scams «-~~crrcil ny: this.. Dc,ed of Trust xfaaElcontsnuc unimpaired.. Upon such paymenv. and cure by Borrower, rliis Deed: of
<br />Tres .trd~-th. tircured hereby shal9 remain m foil force and rtleet as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />Ltr. .acigtnsrrent a(`-Ri.AppoiMmrmpf Rtcrtvrr, i.rwder-iat'ossrssiop: As. additions! securiey hrtYtinder. Scrrrower
<br />tu:ch~ as,tgn. r,+ i ~rtder ~hr rtntsuf the Property,provit#rdthnt &trrawrr shalt. prior to acceleration uncer paragraph-lx
<br />hrrc +t cr ,~r the prcxperty, have the rtghtta collect and retain wch rents as they became dot and:.payatitr.
<br />!.pon occcicrau.w , ndcr paragraph l$'hsreoE tmr abandonment of the Pfoperty, tender. in person, by agent ar by
<br />jtld;ciull}~ appointed :ec~c:. er. tihatl berntitaed toenterttprn, take possession ofand manage the Property and totc!tectthe
<br />rent, of the 1'roperfy }nc!nding-ttiosr puardue. Aitrerts co!tected hr l..ender ar the reeervtr shall !te applied".first n payment
<br />ca ~r:c cots e~ n,cv:agtmrnt or the Property and caNection of rents. including, but not limited to, reet.eer's fees: premtutns
<br />em-rtert+~rr. hotta, and'reasonabae attorney's fees: and: then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. tender and the
<br />rct°ctvtr sh~:l t,e liable tcr~accountottiy-fortltosr rent, actuallyrtceivrd.
<br />~!t, }utwr e4dvAnees. L?ptm rrgttestuf Borrower, tender, at Lender's epzian: prior to 4uli recanveyattce of ttte t'ropcrty
<br />txr "trtrstce to Barrawer, may tnahe t^trture Advances to t3nrrctwer. Such >=tature Advances. with interest [hereon. shall be
<br />secured by then Qetd of Trtest when ettidettced tty'promissorv notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. At i:o :imc shall
<br />the pt'tttcipat:amount of 2ht mdrbzrdness st.-t:trred by this l)eec! of Trust, not mclutling sums advanced to acctfrc'.ancc herewith
<br />to prcrtrct rht:securtty of thts Deetf of Tri#st'; exceed thr,ortginal amoum of the Note plus LlS 5 45 , 90!' . 07
<br />St2. Rerozerrryaitr: lipan paymrntaf^aii sums seatred by this Deed of Trust. Lender s!raH request Trcree to rccc~nvey
<br />rttt Proprrtp ana shall surrender this Detd of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured b}~ this Deed of Trust
<br />to Tetater Frustre shalt tecamtu the Properly without warrantor and without charge to the perian ar persons icgrl!y
<br />entitlectlihercto. Sescts-penan or persons shaft pay att. costs of recarsiation, if any.
<br />.[3. 5i~SiittR+r Trustee. tender: st tender's aprton. mac fmm nme m time ramovc 7r+tstee and appoint a:succrssar
<br />trusrgctoany Trustecappointrd htreunder bv- an irisvument recorded in the county in which thi<_-Detdof'Tnsstis recorded.
<br />1i+zihtautconveyanec ottht Poperty, the successe~r trtxstce. vhal! succeed tc+ all ttae title, power and duties conferred ulion
<br />the: i'rvstrt hertm and tty apphc:abft law.
<br />Z4. Request fartlotiees. Bortnwer requests that espies of the notice of default and notice of sale be-sent to Borrower's
<br />address whtCh rti the Property Address,
<br />{y 1Vtrx~ss Wttt=atat, Borrower has ex:cutec! this Eked e€ Truss.
<br />. C, Industries, Inc..
<br />.... .. .. .................. ........-amrawe~
<br />~~ r J ~~42";t "l. , .
<br />„ &'ayne :•SO15CY, President --"°"°"~'
<br />"iehraska
<br />$TA'rE 06 l3ESHA3KA„. ^L.... LOUnty SS. call
<br />Stir Jarstiarp t
<br />fin ihi.S day af. I) bcfare mc, fhc underatgned, a Notary' Public
<br />duly txtrmmsssttsned and qualtttrd for said count;'. personalty came .~• k7ayne ldalcY., presir3ent af"
<br />.."., C,. bndtt~.triss, Ina. _ ., ro me known to be the
<br />idenfrc:aF person(4- wht~e name(3p are suln¢ribed to tits forc~otng instrurrtent and acl:nowledgcd the execution
<br />thereat to he: ,rs......... . voluntary act and dt:ed.
<br />Witness my hand and rraxariat xca! at. '~r$nif Island in said county. the
<br />...~~. . .
<br />date .~turesaid.
<br />1
<br />It }t f
<br />MyCommisston cx Tres• .~ .~~` ~ ~~' ~' ~, l- .~~
<br />scatc+au raxun. ss,t. a s.-.:>Eu -._.~ ~, ,~,, ,. as'~ _ ~ t r ............ .
<br />RtC}iA{2C} tt: MR'fi't(}a R.S chaYd '? v+xny a ai>~ .
<br />"'~ ~ Cs~a+. Eng. 5rp 2g, l'~5
<br />FtE(?UEST rt~!a lzccc~N4~e~~:~NCE
<br />Tis ~~tsst~~~
<br />Tltc u:n~gned is the ha[iles al ihr Hate ar nott.~s secured b} this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes. together
<br />with tell other indebtedness ttcurrd toy this Deed of "l'rust, h.avc txen paid in ftili. You are hereby directed !a cancel
<br />satcl rate. at ^ptcl and this Deed of i'iust, which are delivered hereby, and to ree~nvty, tvtihaut warranty. all the
<br />estate Hove-:held by you under t!tr.~ Decd o! Trust Si. the person ar pcrsonx legally tntitted thereto.
<br />/~ gsaaee detq« ton G+re +aese.vw.Fdrlcrxf+nr and ~ecwdert `~ ~'
<br />W .. ~ ~ ~.
<br />~ - M ~ Z, GSC ~ 'G
<br />t;~ 5 C ~" Pa fr~rr
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