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THIS D~EL?~c?F TRS:S"i' is evade this Ste... :. ....d3~' of , . ;January <br />i9.8~... arttong 4he 7rustor,..`=,. ~.•. ?t?dz}strizs, ,Inc,. , G, ';?ayne Melee'., Presz?ent <br />.. _ ............. ...... ...... . .. f hestin "Horrowrr').3atax~,R., B~uS?rael' , <br />A'1<tPFiteY .AC. ~'~ . .. .............. .... (Herein °'3rustee"i, 'and the FScncticiary. <br />~tR.e~.C2d1. $avinga . Ccxnpany of Gran~3 Islam' _ _ _ . ......... ..... , a corposatton crganiu~d end <br />ezisGng under the laws of "]Ehras};a , .: whose uddrGss is <br />s21, *lgrth,'r'E~?'~ Road, Pp B~?x,a71, Granr~ "Tr 6P9C?,.,...(hertin 'l.cndcr'"). <br />BOP.ROW E~., in cansid:ration of the mdetafednc,s herein r~~citedand rheirust herein cxeatcd. irrrviicubl\' grant <br />:end conveys :n Trustc~, in trust, with power of sale, the-Ealiowtng,dcscrthed Qropcrty locaeetl in :the"County ut <br />~a=i. .. .., State of Nebra4kr: <br />Lot '?'?tree (3) , it ?lxy ~`Isven t113, in JoI*n W. Lam*;:rt's Additian rr.c e <br />~itg of Grand Ielanc?, ?=ail Cotmty *:e*irasT:a,. <br />which h:FS the :ridrrss of... I3t ? Fa>;t '*-'.- =tract, Grarc? Islar.~", ' e~zasY.a h88(J2 <br />( herrirt "Aroprrtc Addres¢") ; <br />?S~is a..r, 2:o Cuael <br />Tor;r tttFx urth :+lt +hi ~tnQlat~cros7its neeµ nr hen-.,t::~ ,t_<add cent th. pro~rty. anti all cutie~mcnts_ rightx, <br />appurrnattcn. rrnis tsutsicct hrnce~•er to tfte nghts and auth,eritict gn~cn },crcin to Les~dcr r~ collect ;ind apply such <br />rents). ro~ttltic-., n~inerah oi[ arxi gaa rights and pr;~fit., water, i>:et~r nghr:. and water stxk, attd all fixture ~: nnw or <br />hstnattCr attach~~f t.~ the prnRxrty, alt of wnic{z, anctudmg rtplaccmcrts artd <+dditinm. thcrrta, shall be dacm,af ttt br <br />sad remain a pa:n ,n sh: prtpcrty tti~:crce4 ~y thas Decd ir; 'T rush and aif ni the. taresr°?tag. together with said prulhns <br />f ornc~ Lt.tschoicl c~isti- if the. [htitf txi Trust i. on ~ IcaSChsild i arc hercm referred to as ttie- "Aropcrty.., <br />z ~~ <br />Tu S> c _iRt :;, I.indcr ':a) the rclragmrrt ,7f the inc'rhta?ae5ti evidenced bs Borr+twtx s nta2e dated " . ' <br />etaxrin''r'ate')-:c~th~prinup:,lsum,~f ^4rnntg ':ire "`)o .,a,.~ :} a'ta ~^r_~il~~~- <br />Dcl6-+r5, with itacrcnt thereon, providing ,c-r monthly nstu.ln;c++t, <br />+~ pn*cci~l an.3 cntsrtyt. ti'ilh the ba3ancc ~+ the mcchcedn~~s. ~[ r1~t s,xmer mid. due rd pnv:+blc on <br />y''~'P'~.. thcp;a~menE of a,! other sums. +vifh interc~t iherc°~n_ adv,!nred <br />hr ;DCC~9xrv?r h+~rcvrtth tc~ prr~ret the 3rcurit~' n{ this L~erd of Trttst: ane! the performance nF the ataenant~ sn+i <br />~gtt~^rnx~szta Gsf Ilcufit>v'c'r [tf-Yeit7 eimrti~~f: and 16} the rcpsymcns of am' ;teturr• sdvancc.. with ietcnst thcrcoo, m+sdc <br />to &xrts+rcx by t.ciulcr porcu:.nt ra traca~u,Oh 2 S tcn~f f herein "Future .Adt~anccs"1 <br />$cxt;r+rrr ttx:zntctizs, t;~at Hcarcvw+; i, ia+.~falFy scix~c! „t tis .rate i~~e rchy ennui+c4, untt iris the sight m grant erti° <br />ean~vt~ "ea'r,,gxnb, tH~it tl+e f''ex>4xastwts un:rsCsitrsir~re°d, ..+:d tita! Fnnt~wtrwiil warram and detenci gen~•rai4c the. <br />4tiic Lw~;lee-Atrx~rir~ a~aitx+.S na e4z~m~ a*tct t9etrv-~eeia ~ u"r~;~•ct [ ln_. -,4.erf ;r~-tl!to,- one+~nt. ar rc_.trect~t~n~ listed ler.,a <br />vchEtl~1~.^' F~ tx:eyrzr=n' F 'zar+:+~ i~ ::r;~, trl7r en:ur+n;.~ nt~h~:: ~~aur°ag 1 etder'v i xr~tc',; itt tbC Pr'61SCris, <br />m.4 :.em*~-r 'f: £IM1/~i~i Fi+t Mh: b'1Fti~~}II :~rtt~,tar~t6'R< <br />