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<br />f.J BE..RECORDED <br />200900755 <br /> <br />200900454 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />be IXlDsfdcl"ed, an ng.entfQr nnypnrty Of enlil)'. Anyamolltlts collected may, at Lender's sole dlscretio~ be applied <br />to protoct Le\lder'l! iuterest in theProperty,iIIcludiog but nol limilad 10 the payment of 1iI.," and insurance <br />premiums and 10 the IndobtednilS$. At Lender's sole dlscrello~ all leases, subleases DIIli Ucenses mustfirSC be <br />approved by yntk't. <br /> <br />CONDEMN ATIQN. Gnmtor shall give Lender TIOliee of any al;tiontaken Dr threat/med' 10 be taken by prIYl1U> or <br />public entitles to apPl'llprillte IheProperty or aay part thereo~ lhrollgh eomlcmnatiDII, omlnml dolllllin OT lIIlY other <br />actklo, Furthcl', LCllder shall be permitt0d to psnIclpalO or iIItll1'Venu in any of the above deserib<:d prOCeedings in <br />any 1llIlIIner it shail at Its sole diacretion detennine. Lender is hereby given full power, right and authority to <br />reeelvelll\d Teoeipl tOr MY lIIId 1111 dilmll&05 lIwarded as a resulloftbe filII or partlllllllkfug or approprialion and ill <br />its SIlle discretion. 10 apply sllidaw9!ds to the Indebtedness, whether or not 11len due or olherwise in accordance <br />with epplk:able law. Ui1Icss Lender otherwise agrees io. wri~ng, any appllcallon.of proceeds to the Indebtedness <br />shall not extend or poolPOJ\ll the due date of !he payinen1s duo UIIder the llidebtedness or cbMge lhe amount of <br />such pnyments. <br /> <br />GRANTOR'S ASSURANCES. At any time, uponil rt!ql1e1it 'of Lender, GI'llIItor will lll(ecule and deliver Ie <br />Lender, and if approprlalo, ctiUsc to. bc recorded, such further mortiliges, llSsigmllents, assignments of leases and <br />rents, security agreemlmlS, pledges, fIDl\IIcing !;\JltemllDts. or IiUCh: otber documonl as Lender may require, in <br />Lender's solo discretion, to effilcwlIle, complete, and to pol'fectas well as to continue to preserve the rndebledness, <br />or dIe lien or si:cwity interestcfellted by thisSe<;uritr IlI5trulllent. <br /> <br />A nORNEY -IN-FACI, OrnnlOT appoints Lender as nttomey.iJtofllCt un behalf of Grnntor;Jf Grantor .llllJ$to. <br />fulfill my of .Cir'dl\tor'soblig8ilonsulloor this Security h,strumenror any Related DocUlIlents, Includlflg il10se <br />obllgatiotls mentioned I"n 1ho pre\leding parasrnph. Lcmdur as attorney-in-facl UllI.)' t\tlfIU the oblisatiODS wilhout <br />notice to. amator. This- power ofallonle)' shall nOI bellffi,cted by the-dillllbllil)' of the GrallW. <br /> <br />E,VENTS OF DEFAULT. The following events shrill IXlnslimte dofllult under tbis Security Instrulllent (each WI <br />"Evllnt of.DefnWI"); <br /> <br />(a) Failure tomakll requited jlaynielllli whan due Under llidebtedness; <br />(b) l?:nllure to perform or ke8p any of the eoveli.llllls of this Securil)' Instmnlenlor a: defilult under any of <br />the RelaledDocwneolli; <br />(c) TIlll1lmklng Q.f lU1}' oral or WrItten sl:titement or assOrlltlll'to LClider that is false or misleading in any <br />matcrial respecthy Grantor or 1I11yperson obIigll\ed.on the Indebtedness; <br />(d) The dllllth, dissolulion, mso!vllllcy,blll1krupll:y or receivership pnx:eedillgof Gnmtor or ofWlY person <br />orenti~ ob1i&llted on tbu.liJdebtedness; <br />(e) AII'IlIlSlI4,'nmentby Gnmlor tQr the benefttof Gl1U1toJ:'S creditors; <br />(1) A nWlelial adverse chnnge oecurs 10 me financial condition, omJerSbip or IJIllnQgementofGmntnr or <br />any person obligated '01\ the Indebtedness; ot <br />(8) Lenderdecm~ il5elfillSlll:Ure for IlIly 1'll3S00 whatsoever. <br /> <br />UM:EJ)IES ON DEFAULT, UpOn the oecurrence oCun Event of Default, t,ender llIay, wilho.ut demlUld or <br />notice, pay lID)" Dr allblCes; ,asSessments, premiwns, and Hens requi,ed to be. paid byOra.itor, effect IIDY insul1IlIce <br />pIUVilh=d fur hereill,mMe $lIch ,[epotTs, cause the abslracts of title Ilr title insumnce policy IIIid tELX histories of the <br />Property 10 be certified tb Ollie, or procure new abstrllcts Qf titlo ur title insUrnnce und tuX hiStories in CIUle none <br />were fW1llshed to il.lInd pnx:uretitIC reports covering tho "PropOl'ty. including surveys. The aJoounts-puid for any <br />s\lch]l\lijlllHS will be addedtQ the ,Iodebtedness and will bear interest at the rute oflnl_st otherwise accl1ling on <br />the Indebtedilc...unlil paid. In tbI.l event of fo.roclOSllr.; tho abstracts Qf tille or tille insurance shall become the <br />proporty of Lender.. All abstracts of title, title insurllllce, tax histories, surveys,lInd other doolltnents pertaining 10 <br />the Indebtedness wfll remam in Lender's passassion until thu Indebtedness is paid in full. <br /> <br />IN'fHE EVENTOF THBSALE OFTHtS .PROPERTY UNDER THE PROCEDURE FOR FORECLOSURE Of <br />A SECURITY INSTRUMENT:BY ADVERTISEMENT, AS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ORIN THE <br />EVBNT LENDER EXERCISES ITS RIGHTS UNPER THE ASSlGNMHN1' OF L.EASES AND RENTS, THE <br />LENDER SHALL PROVIDE ALL STATUTORILY REQUIRED NOTICES OF SALE AND MOnCES OF <br />JUDICIAL HEARINGS 'BBFOKELENDER EXERCISES ANY OF ITS RIGHTS UNDBR nITS <br />J:NSTRUMBN'r. <br /> <br />Upon tlw occurrenee ofll1lEvOlIt of DofllUlt, LendenllllY, withoutnoticc mllllSsrequiredby law, wdrll its optiQn, <br />decml'O the entire llldcbbldness due WId payable, uk may elect, regardless of tbI.l date or dotes Qfmaturity lhcreof <br />and, if permlned by state law, is auihorl1.edllUd empowered to sell or to cllUsothe Property to be sold at public <br />aucti~ and to t1Xl:\lute and deliver to the pun:hllSll\' W' Plll'Chasersauuch sale any deeds of conveyance !lood l\IId <br />suffieient III: law, puJ1luanl to the slalule in such case made Md provided, and out of the proc~ of dlt sale ro <br />relain the sums then due hereunder ind all CQSIS and charges oflhe Salll, including Elltomeys' fees, rendering MY <br />swplus to the party or parties \lIltltlod to it. The recilalsinthe trostee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the <br />. truth anile 81al1lmenls IlIlIdo in it. If Lender chooses to invoke tho power of sale, Lender or Trustee wiu provide <br />notice of sale putliUlUll to applieiible law. Any suchsllle Dr n sale lrnlde pUf8uallt to II judgment or n decree for the <br />fim:closlW hereof may, at the oj)tion of Lender, belllllde en masse, The cOl1\1nc:m:emmtCJf proceedings to <br />fQrecloSl!: this ,Mortgllge in any D1l1nnllraUlhorimd by law shull be deemed as exorcise of the aoow Optioll. <br /> <br />Upon the oCt:un'llllCC of BIl EV~'Il1 ofDe!inlll; LendefshllU illllllediately be entltllld .10 1II1lke appliCation for and <br />obtain tbo appoinllncnt of a receiver for the Properly 8lId of the earnings, itleome, issue alld profits of it, witlt the <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />O~~~~Si~llN.':::.ur^,"~..'JUO',I.1",:!ao <br />.[_.,...._......._"..0.-. , .__l,\IId"U <br />L I....~ l( }) <br /> <br />1)1:' --- <br /> <br />~.t:~~ <br />16I).iltl.Wt.!!.. hdl6-OUo'uSQI <br />I <br />_I <br />