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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />RE-RECORDED <br />200900755 <br /> <br />200900454 <br /> <br />pIlWW'& as. th.. ~olUt. makilitl tilt appolllhlirmlS .:DUfan, Graotor henlby irrevo.....bly <:OilSlID1Il. to such appoinnnel1t <br />and waives notice ofllDynppllcntion therefor. <br /> <br />NO WAIVER. N" deluy or failure QfLmuler to ex~ell1lY nsbl, remedy, Powel" Q[ ptivilege hcmmder shall <br />affect that right, remedy, power at privilQgc nor shall aD)' single or partiallll[ercisc th8reof preelude tho exercise. of <br />liD)' right, remedy, pmvo:r or privilcg.., No Lomder delay or failur.. to dl:llland strict adherence 10 the If!l1II5 of this <br />Scl:urit' I"'!rUment shnIl be d~ to canstitute a course of conduct inconmllmt with. Lender's right at any time, <br />before or alter an. event of default, to demand $\:r;ct adhcrence. tll tlle terms of this Security Instnimllllt and the <br />RelaNd Documents. <br /> <br />SUBSTrrtlTE TRUSTEE. tender, lit Its option, lllll.)' iTom tillle to time remove Trusteo and appoint a successor <br />trusto.'O to any Tro.too "Ppolnted herelmder by lIIl. instrllment re~o.rdedill the ~ount.Y in which this Securlly <br />Instrument is .recorded. Without conveyaQueof the Properly, the succr:ssOl'trustee shall succeed to IIlI the title, <br />power and duties conferred upon Trustee hereirt lIIld by appllCllbte .law. <br /> <br />JOlNTAND S~VERAL LlAB1LlTY.lfthls Security InSIJlunent should beslgoedby more tIutn one pIlaoD. all <br />PCl"l(lll! l,OOlcutlngthis Seeurityfustrumentagree tIiat- they sluiU bIl jointlY and severl1lly boWtd, where permilttd by <br />law. <br /> <br />SURVIVAL. l.ellder'$.rights in tills seeurity Instrument will continue inits"lcCMsors lIIId 1ISSlgllll. This Security <br />Ill:ilrumlllll is bindiug 110 all 1m, executors, adminlsb1lt1l1'S, assigns and successors of Grantor. <br /> <br />NOD.CES AND WAIVER OF NOTICE. Unless otherwise required bynppllcablelnw, lIIIY notice or demand <br />given by Lender 10 any party is. considered effective whenitis deposited in .the United States Mail widJ the <br />!\pptOpriatc postagu. A copy of an)" notice ~hall ~. lII~i1ed to ljQl:h pai1;y at the addre.'iS of thl: ,party given at the <br />bllllinning of this Security IlIslrllment untl:SS M alternative- address hasbcen provided to Lender in writing. TQ the <br />eXle.nt pemrlued by IIlw, Gmn1ur wWves notice llfLendln'nccepta\lQlC ofthis ~rity Instrument, deknscs bllSl:d <br />on.sllle!yb'hlp, anY detcnsc nrWllgfiom MY olection by Lender under the United States Bankrnptey Code,. Unifonn <br />ComRle~i1II Code, ns enacted in tile Slllte where Lender islocate<101' other applll:able lllw or in equity, demand, <br />notice of acceleration, notice of nonpaymeltl, presentltlnnt, protest, notice ofdishOliOr and any othel' notice, <br /> <br />1m QUEST FOR NOTICES: Grantor requests thai copies ofthe notice of delllUltand notice "hale be sent to tho <br />address of each party giV\1n at:tlIe bc&lnning oftheSoourlty Instrument. <br /> <br />TOnIE EXTENT I'ERMITTED BYLAW, GRANTOR WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO NOTICE, OTHER <br />THAN THE NOTlCEPROVJDED ABOVE, AND WAIVES ANY RlGHT TO ANY HEARING, <br />JUDICIAL OR OTHERWISE, PRIOR "0 LENDER EXERCISING ITS .RIGHTS UNDER THIS <br />SECURITY INS'rRUMENT. <br /> <br />WAlVEROlt APPRAISEMEl'lTRIGH'l'S, Grantor waives 1111 appnlisemCllt rights relating to .t/ul Property tll <br />the extent permitted by law. . <br /> <br />LENDER'S EXPENSES. GrIIutor agre<lS to pill' all ~enses inculI"lldby Lender In cjlnne~"tit)n with enforcumenl. <br />of ils rie,l1ts under the IndCbtedtteU. tIlis Sceurity lnstriunent or in .the event Lender is mildeparty to any litigation <br />becauso oftbe existence of the lndebtednessor InisSecurity Inauulll\lllt, as well fill. coort 'coals, collootion CblIrges <br />and reasonable attorneys' fees Bnd disbursements. <br /> <br />ASSIGNABILITY. Lender ina)'lISsignor .olhCirwise trnnsfer thiu Sc:l:upty InSlrUlllent or any of ~llcler'S rights <br />under tIris Security Instrument without notice to GriIntor. Grnntor may not lISslgnlhis Security ItlStrlll1lenl IIr uny <br />part oethe Seeurity Instl'lltnem wlthout.1he express wriue:a consent of l.ellder. <br /> <br />GOVERNING LAW AND JllRlSDICTlON, This. Security lnstrumeot will be IIoverncd by Ibe l:tws of the 518to <br />ofNemaskll. <br /> <br />SEVERABlLl'iY. If a . court. . of competent juriisdieUon dclClmhtes anyte.r1l\or provision of this Security <br />lnstrumWlI is in.valid or prohibited by applicable law, that term .Of provision will be ineffec:tlve III the elUellt <br />rcqllited. Any term or provision.thoUtas been determined to be invalid or prohibited will be seven:d Jinm:the Je~t <br />uf the Security Instrument wilhout lnvalidnring the n:nlllinderof either the .offected p1:ovlsion or this Securily <br />Instrument <br /> <br />W AlVER OF JIDtYl'RIAL. AIl.parties 10 this Securliy Inslnlfllent waive any right tolrlnJ by Jury totbe <br />cltent allowed by law. Tills Jury trial woiver applies ta any. claims or disputes related Ol~ intidenlallo tbe <br />relationship. established bctwellD tbee plIrtles 10 tbls 5e(urlly Instrument. <br /> <br />UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (U,C.C.) Grantor auees that this Sccurily Ins1nmlenl: shall suffice as 1I <br />fUlllllClng statement and may lhcrtlfare be filed of record as a financing stntement lOr tne p1irposc:s of Article 9 of <br />the Uniform Commercial Code. Omntor Quthcirlle1:5 Lender to file any tinancing stalllmonts required under the <br />UnHlmn Cc:mimercial Codo. <br /> <br />ENT.lRE AGRF.EMENT 0' THE PARTiES. This llgCemcnt, Including all ngre~lDents roterred to or <br />incorpom1\ldinto this agreement, coostitutes the enlln: agreement belweentbe parties relating to the subjeclnlotter <br />of Ibis agreement. T:bb agroel1\Cllt supersetles all priorDrllI or written agreemWlts, commitments and <br />undersllllldings betweell the parties relatIng to !he subject mal1flr of this agreement. nod cannot. be changed or <br />1Or1l\\na1od ornlly, and shall be deemed effcc:rive llSofthe dnte noted above. <br /> <br />0",.....,."""""'''-'''''''.,._ ....""MlOBO.2<07.07.200 <br />r-.w....--...-.1llAOf <br /> <br />.... 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