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<br />RE-RECORDED <br />200900755 <br /> <br />200900454 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Pl'OpIlrty. ar~ntw covOllanls thatlhll PropQrty is WUlllC\lrnbered lIiId fi'ee of all liens; exteptfor cllCumbrances <br />of record IIccoplnblllto Lender. Further, Grantor coWlIllIl\:llhnt Gl1IIllor will WlImlllt Md defimd generally <br />the tide to the PropcrtyllgWi1st aily and all claims and demands wliatsoever, sLlbj~ 10 the euJeluents, <br />restrictions, or other eno::umbmnces of rceu.rd IICcaplllblc to Lender, llSlIIllY be listed in the sclledule of <br />cxceptiQl1s to cavemgc In any nbsttm:l of Utla or tltlelnsll!lU\Cc palll'}' inllllrins Lcnder'~ .lntel-estln the <br />Pi'opl:rty.. <br /> <br />Clllldltloll of Property. GrantOr promises at all times to pl'liserve and to maintain IhePropel't)' llDd. every <br />pert .tllereof in good repalr,working order, andeondition nnd will from time to time, mllke all needful and <br />proper repairs sa that the valut:. oIthe Propertysbull not In any way be Impalrt:d. <br /> <br />JWlIOVal of IIny PQl't of theProparly. GrantDI' promises nDt 10 relUove BUY part of the Property from lIS <br />present totmtion, lIXeepl for replacement, malntenanco and .relocation in tho ordllllll)' course o!business. <br /> <br />Alte",UoDS to the Property. Grantor promises to abstain from the cowmlssion of any waslt: on lhe <br />Property. I'urther, Gnmtor shalllllake no mated.l aller.tlons, additions or lrnprOVllll1elllS of any type <br />wharever to thePropl:l1y, fl!ll2ll'dlass of whether lnl~b ~rnUQl1s, addltlrillS or lmprovemanls v.."Quld increase <br />ihll value of the Propmty, nOfpermit nuyone to do so except fot lenaitt.lmprovemoots and completion of <br />llt:lns put$ueottt><Ipproved plans and specifications, witho.ut Lander's prior written consent, which consent <br />may be withlUlJdby Lender in lis solediscrellon. Grantor wiUcomply. wllb ulllaYiS and regulations of all <br />public llntl10ritles baYing jurbdic60J1 over' the ~lsllll relalln~ to tbe, WIll, occupancy l\I1Q lluunteunuee <br />!hereof and shalt upon rt:qUest promptly sLlbmit to Lender evidenct:of such compliance. <br /> <br />DUe On sale" Lender's Consent. Gnmtor shull not sell; furtber eilClllnbet orolhorwise dispose ot; IIllCept as <br />herelil providod, any or all of its. ii1terest In any part of or ol1i;ff.tl1e Property without first obtaining tile <br />wrilllin cWISllnt of Lender. If any encumbrance, Hen, lrllllllfer or sale .or Bllreem<mt for these is created, <br />Lendermily declare immediatcly due and payable, the entiro.balanee lIftbe Indebtedness. <br /> <br />Insnl'lll1Ce. GfiUltOt promIses to keep the Property insured ag;uinst SLlchriliksand in such l'i>nn lIS may wilhin <br />the sole discretion of Lender be neoepteble, causing Lender to be named as loss payee or it requested by <br />Lender, IIIi mortgagee. The insurance company sbaU be chosen by GrlIntor snbjeetto Lender's approval, <br />which shalI not be: lll1IOlISOllllbly wlthMld. Alllnsuriloee policies must provide thilt Lend~r will get a <br />miDI1llllll1 01' 10 days notice-prior to ClIncellation. At Lender's discretion. Grantor may be requIred to produce <br />receipts of paid prem\UIIllI and renewaf pulleies. If Grantor tillIsta. o~ the requhed coveruae, Lender may <br />. do so at (lnmtor's expense. Grantor horebydtr<<ts eaeh ind every-Ins11m' of !hI> Property to make payment of <br />loss to Lender with the proceeds to be applied, only at Lender's option. to tho repair and replacement of the <br />damage or lDSS or to be applied to. the Indebtadnea wiil> UlesllIplus, If 1liiY, to be paid by tender to Ol1lntor. <br /> <br />Payment of 'rlr.<<lS and Olber ApplhiablD CbllrgllS. Gtlllllot promlm topilY und todisch/uge liens, <br />IIIIcWllbmncos, taxes, lISSIISSn'1t:rus.1elisopayntenls and any otlUlr clmrgosllllating to tho PlOperty when levied <br />or DSllOSSed against Grnnt(lr or the Property. <br /> <br />Euvlrollmwll.aI Laws and Ha:zlli"ilou5 or Toxie Materials. Grantor and eVelY tenant. have beon, 'II'\! <br />presently aud shall oolllinue. to bn In strict compliance with ony nppliCllble local, state and fcdcl1ll <br />onvlromncnlllllaws and regulations. 1'urthe1', neither Grnutor nor any tOllant shall ninnufnClllro, store, handle, <br />dlsd11lfll<l or dlspoSll of hlimrdnus or toxic mllledals os may bedilfined by any state or f'etletallaw on the <br />Propinty, except to the =tthe existence of sUch materials hIlS been proscntly dillClosedhl writing to <br />Lendilr. Gl1UItor wlll iiumectlatoly notify l.ender in writing of 81IY nssenlon or claim made by lUll' party lIS to <br />the possible vlollition. of applicable state nndtCdornI en.vil"onmenti1l laws IncJudfugtlte location of lIny <br />hatardous or loxlc lIll1teri:il.s on or about the Property. Grantor indemnifies and holds Li'nder hannlo$!; front <br />any lIabJlll)' orexpCllse of whutso.;ver nalureincurred directly or Indir~llyllS' result of Grantor's violaliOll <br />gf applicable loclll, 8lIl1l: IIIId kderaJ envlronmWllallllWll andregulntlons or Grnntoi'sinvolvClIICDt with <br />ba:wdOU5 ortox.lo mnterials. <br /> <br />Fillllnelal Infol'mallon.: Oraotorngrens to supply under such financial. and other u\fonuatiOll eQl1coruiugits <br />aftlilrs. nun tlUl status of aoy of Its ll$sels lIS1.endcr, trOll} tlmoto tbtie, lIlIIy reasonilblyreqLlcst.Gralltor <br />tllrthcr agrees to pennlt Lender to verilY lICCOlw/5 ~s well lIS to Inspe<:t, copy and to examine the books, <br />records IInd filll$. oJ: GnmlQr. <br /> <br />,lA!lder'iI Right to'El1ter. Lander or Londet's agenh; sbDll have the right IInd ocet$S to inspect!ht: Propelty at <br />nil fCII$OlIIIblo tir1111S In order to IItlend to Lendt:!"s Illteresls Md enil\lre compliance willi die terms of lltls <br />5ecul;ty .lnstrullllllit. If the Properl)'. or any plIrlthe.reol;shall t'llqulre inspection, repair ormaintenllllCt: <br />whicb Grantor has failed 10 provide, Lender, after rll8S0lllIble notiet:, may enter upon the Property to effect <br />sllcl1obligatlon; untllbo cost dlcreof shall be added to the Indi:btadncs8 and paid on Lcnder's demaud by <br />GrlIIltor. <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RBNTS. As lIddltlonaLsocurlty 1br the pIIynJent oithe Indebtedness and tho <br />perfonnnnce of dIe covonants contained he.reln, Grantor hereby assigns and transfct$ over to Lellder all ren~. <br />income and profits '"Rents"llll1der any present or futuro ICll$es; subleases orliellllSCS. of lhe Property,. including <br />any gulInInties, extensiollll. .Omendlllcuts or !heJ;eot; from the use of the Property. So long as GnIn!or is <br />not iu dehult, Grolllor may reeeivll, collect and oljj oy all Re'II$Occruilll: from dill Property, but not moro tbanone <br />mouth 1n advancn of the due date. Lender may .Iso requil'e Grantor,tellant allll any other u$Cr of lhe Property to <br />make pll)'ll\lllllSofRt:nlSdirectly 10 Lender: However; by receiving any such payments, Lend<< is not, Wid-Shall ODt <br />O;!OlNo.,~btt~s:....SY:. mA.D6lW.:!OU7.D1.2OO' W\IIW.C~tl:IIiI.EC:lII <br />(_"""""""1""" ,_... D"""" _~.n ..........,.,. ..."...,..,... <br /> <br />L ''". t.P /jJ'- .. 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