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DEED OF TRUST ("Security Instrument") is made on January 22,2009 <br />by the grantor(s) AlloslCllle As~embly or the ~-l\ith in Christ Je!iUS, a Clllifomla Corporation, whose ado:!rcss is <br />10S07LaurelStreet, RlinEho CllealuolIgn,Califomia91730 (nGi"nntof"). The trUStee jsP;lthwllY' DankwhOll8 <br />adllross: is.333-3WestStalll Street, GTandlslnDo:!, Nebroski\68803 (nTrustl:en).The bei.oficiaty is Pathway BaDk <br />whose addwu is 3333 W. State St., .Grlllll1 Islallo:!,. Nebraska. 68803, ("Lo,oder'), .wbl~h is organj~O:!. and existiug <br />uDo:Ier the hlWS of the slate. ofNebl1lska. Gl1lltlOr in consideratioJl of louns,exten(led by Lendlll' up tD ~ maxlmum <br />principal amount of Olle UIIDo:!red Thou~lIlId Six UUlldRl1 SlWcnty-sb, slid 131100 Dolhtn (S100,676.13) <br />("MlIXlmum Prln~ipal.lDdebtedness.), and for other.vllluablc coniliderntion, tllt n~ipt of whim is acknowledued. <br />Irrovooably gJ'llIIlS, ~anveys nnl1llSs1gns to Trustee, in trnst, with po\Wr OfSlllc, lhefullowfng diiseribed prop<:rty <br />located In tho COUllty of Hall. Stat\: of Nebraska: <br /> <br />AddI'llSS; 70s N SyealnoR, Gl'lInd lslnud, No~68801 <br />Legal Dl$riptiOl~ 6 alldifit'lLot5, Bloek 118, VaiDD PadRe RllUway cds-a Second <br />Additlon 10 tbe City of Crud .I8lD1ld, HaD County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Toaetber with ull ellacmenl5, appurtenanoes abiltllng streellI lIJ\d alleys, bnprovements,buildings, fixtures. <br />~ heroo:litall1Ml:I, elluipll1cnl, renIS, lJlCOlDO, profits ano:! royt\lTi~, perSonal goods of wlmt.wer dos~riptlon <br />llno:! 0.11 olher rights nnd priviqes inelllding o.IImlnmls; 011. gas, ~ (whether grouno:!wlllcr,subtctranean or <br />otherwise), water rights (whether riparian. appropriate or otherwise, and whelller or not appurtenant to tbe above- <br />o:!O$criboo:! leal property), weltll, well permit!, ditches, ditch ri&hlli, reservoirs, .rescl'\loir lights, J'('$ervoir sitcs, <br />storage rights, o:!ams lIDo:! water 310~' tbat IllllY now, or at lID)' time .in Ibe t\lture, be located an and/or used in <br />l:OIIllection witbthe nbove-dcac:rlbed'~ property, pll)'Inem awards, amounts rec:eivcd, from CI\1ineat dOUllliu, <br />amounts tllCOiyed from lIDY nnd aU miiUlllllce payments. uod tilnbCf wh1cb mny'llow or latC! be located, situated, or <br />affixed an ano:!usetl in clInuectlon therewill1 (hCl'clnafterl:alJeit the "ProPCJty"), <br /> <br />RELA1',ED DOCUMENTs.TIl(l wards ;'RlillIled Documents" mCllD all pro~ocy notes, security agreement:;, <br />prior IDllItgagos, prior o:Ieedsof trust,. buslnellS, JOlllI agrcomcnlS, constructioi\ loan lI!;l:cements, resolutions, <br />gUlIlllllties, euviroDJDellllll aireements. subordiuntlou agrcemen~ usigmnclllS .of leases lIOo:! rents and any other <br />doClll\lc:llts, or lIgtIl=culs CJIllC\Ited m connection wilh .tbisSCCIlril:)' lnstrumentwhclhcr !lOW or hereatlcr e.;!:;tillg. <br />The R.elilted OOeumcOt.s arc berebymado II pan of IWS Security Instrument by rel'\mlnce thereto; with the !llUlle <br />force lInd eWeet lIS if fully set t'ortIl hCnliD. <br /> <br />INDEBTEDNESS. This. S<<:uril:y hUli1iIilent secures Ihe principal amount mown above as lOllY bII evldeliced by a <br />promissory note or notes of even, prior or sub$ClIucnt date Iweto, including future advan<<s IIOd. c:vecyolher <br />Indebtedness ofallyalld every kind npw orllerellfler owi\lg from Onmtor to Leno:!ef, howwever created or nming, <br />whether primary, secono:!ary or contingent, togeiher with ,any interest o~ eharses provi<led .in orlU'ising. out of SUl:h. <br />b\debtedlle5S, lIS well as the lIlJ,fCemems Ilmll:OvelIanls of thb Security Instrument 1100 all 'Related Documents <br />(IleroiDafter ull refe.ud to as the "lno:!~dDesa.). <br /> <br />MATUIUTY DATE. The Ino:!eb~ess, ifnot paio:!eurlier, $hall be dUC1 ano:! payable 011 Fc.ibl"lIl1ry S, 2019. <br /> <br />FUTURE. AnV ANCES. To the extentpelmllleo:! by law" this Secority lostrumellt will secure future advances as if <br />such advances wcre made on Ibe, dlllC ot this Seeurity Illalnlnu:nt rcganiless of tbe fact that froln time to time there <br />may be 110 balaneeduc Imo:!er the nOlO lIDd IlIgIirdleu of whether l.endor is obliglllcd to make S!lch fumre IIdvances-. <br /> <br />CROSS COLLATERALIZATIOlll. .It is the exp.ras.~eo:I iuIeIIt or GllllItor to cross ~oUaterllii:w1l11 of it$ <br />Indebtedness and obllgatiOllS 10 Lencler, howsoevenrising and whensoever inOlUTcd. <br /> <br />W ARRANTms. Grantor, for itself.;, ill heirs,pcISQnIIl reprcsclltativcl, allll assigns, .represents, <br />waiJl,ntS, covenant,s .allll ilgrees with Lcndur, ils succtlSsDrsandB!lgians. as follows: <br /> <br />Pcrl'orllllUi.<:e of Obllgatlous. Gflllltor promises to lle.rfonn all lonns, conwtiOlIs, and OOVOlllWts of this <br />Secorhy Instnimen[ and lWlatedDlICwneD15 in uct:orclance with the ttmns colilalued therein.. <br /> <br />Dd"ense alld TilIo .to. Property. At tbe time of C)(ecution ano:! delivery Oftllis blStrumeut, Grantor- is, lawfully <br />seised of tho C$!ate h\lJ\lb)' CODvoyed and has the CXlllusivo rlllllt to mortgage, gnml, COillie)' llllo:!assign the <br /> <br />OIJDCIot.2001'~~Si~t:Ild.[~l11't\-D6l\.I.'!QID'.lW.3Ct <br />CoI....!l!!l~~~__~_ <br />[ ..... f. p <br />_...~.. - -- ~ - <br /> <br />~~i4~t:1 <br />J~.~=--_._- . <br /> <br />Deed of Trust re-filed to correct legal descriPtion. <br /> <br />I I <br /> <br />-_....~---"H--- ;'r'''I- <br /> <br />~.....~, <br />