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<br />200900454 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />be CDll5jdel'~d, all agentfQr nnypllrty or OIItlty. Any amolUlts collt,'cted.may, at Lendcts sole di3cretion, be applied <br />10 proloct Lel.1der'll interest in theProperly,lnducling but notlimitcd lathe p'lymclll of ro.~es end insunmce <br />)lI'emiullls and 10 the Indobtednes9. At Lenden sole dlscrelioll, ullleases, subleases and lil:eoses must first be <br />approY1:dby Lenoor. <br /> <br />CONDEMNATION. Grantor shall give Lender notlee of any aetionUlken or threnrened' to be taken by private or <br />public emiilas IQ approprillte the Property or any part thereof., Ibrough comlcmnation, omlnent domuln or uny (JIher <br />action. flUrthcl', Lellder shall be permitted to partlclpat~ or intervene in any of the above described 'praeeemllllS In <br />any mnnner it shQll at its sole discretion determille. Lender is hereby given full power, right and lluthortry 10 <br />l'CeeivelUld rellCipt tilt ilRY and ell dllull1geil uWQl(\ed lIS a restilt. of the full or partiQltllking or lIppropriatiollllnd In <br />Its sole discretion, to apply SlI!dawsrds. to the Indebtedness, whether or /lilt 1hen due or olherwise in accordance <br />with applicable law. Ui1less Lender olherwlso agrees jg, writing, IIny applicatloll.of proceeds to the Ind.:btedm:5S <br />shall not extend or poslpono tile due dnte of th$ payments duo under tbe IndebtednesS or chung" tho amount of <br />such payments. <br /> <br />GRANTOR'S ASSURANCES. At any time, upon.a requeSt of Lender, Grantor will c"'eellta IInd deliver to <br />Lender, ood if nppropriate, cause tll. ber\.'COrded, such further niortgliges, l\5Signmenis~ l\5Signmcnls of leases and <br />rents, BI'l:Urity agreements, pledges, financing sratelllenls, or !Wch olher documenlllSL~nder nl~Y require, In <br />Lender's sole discretion; to effectuate, complotc,ood to pdt:ias well astOcantlnllc to preJle:rvc the Indebtedness. <br />or dte llen or si:curity inrotestl'l1'Cllted by 1I1is Security IDlllnlment. <br /> <br />A T!'ORNEY -IN-FACI. Ornntor .appoints Lender as llltomey-Ill-fool on bchalf of Grantor. 'If Grantor mb tll <br />fuHllllDlY ofOrantor'sohHsarlons\Iltderlhis Set:Urjty lnstnllnentor any Rda1ed Documents, Includlug those <br />obllgatio!.s mCllrionlld iil the PfCCeding paragraph, Lender lIB altomoy-in'[lll1t m~ fulfill 1I1e obliJPtiODS without <br />notiee to. Ornotor. This'power oflUtomey' shnll not be.nffccted by tho-disabllityoftJ\c Grantor. <br /> <br />EVENTS OF DE'FAULT. The following evcnts sluill collStlmle dufuult, IDlder Ibis Security Irn;lrulllellt (cach an <br />"Event ofDcfaWt"): . <br /> <br />(n) Failure to maIro required paynieilts when due tulderlndebtedness; <br />(b) Fililure to perform or keep any of the eoveriDnts of dlis Sec;uriry Insmlltllmt..or a defiIult undl'l' uny of <br />the Related Docwn~'llrs; <br />(e) TIl/illlllking t>hny oral or written SI.ritWlllllt or n$llOrllonto Lender. that i, flIlsc or mi!lleadlngin any <br />material ~etby Gmntot or anypcrson obliga1.edon tbe Indebtedness; <br />(d) The dlllllh, dissolution, insolv~cy.blInkruptcy or receivership proceeding of Grantor or ofuuy p!:lllon <br />or enU\)' obli&ated QI\ thlllildebtcdJl<lllll: . <br />(e) AIr; lWlI!,'1lI1lentby Grllntor tQr the bencfitof GllliJtor's creclitors; <br />(t) A mal.etinl adverse chango 00= in lhe finllucial conditiou, ownership or managemcntofGrantor or <br />any person obligated on the Indebtedness; or <br />(g) Lt:ndcrdccms itselfhlSCI:UrC for any,reason whatsoever. <br /> <br />JmMEDlES ON DEFAULT. Upliil the occurrence. oran Event of Defuult,I,endct may, wilho.ut clenutnd or <br />notice, pay lUl)i' or nlltaxCll; ,auesmnents, prlllniulns, and UODlI required to be. paid by Gnuitor, effect any insurance <br />provided. filr herein, make such repairs, cause lhe abslrllCls of title or title insul'lII1I.'C policy arid In.X bistories of the <br />Property to be certified rb date, or procure nbw sbsln\etS of title or titlo inSUl1\llCe lInd tux histories in ew;e none <br />were furnished to it. and. procure tiiJi.Tflports covering tho 'Property, including surveys. The nlUounts-pllid farnny <br />such purposa will be added to the .Indcbtednc." and will bear interest at the rate oflnlorost othCl'wise accruing on <br />the IndebtedilOSll until paid, In the event of foroclo5ure, rhe abJ.'traets of \ilia \II title insurance. shall become tho <br />property of Lender.. All abslruets of til1c,lithi insurllilce, tax historlell. surveys, and otlri:T doouments pertniniug 10 <br />tho Indebtedness will remalilln Lendi:r'spoSllIISlllWi until the isp"id in full. <br />INnIE EVENTOF THHSALE OFTHIS .PROPERTY UNDER TIlE PROCEDURB FOR FOReCLOSURE OF <br />A SHCUR1TY lNSTRUMENTBY ADVERTiSEMENT, AS PROVIDED BY APPLlCJ.ElLlI LAW, OR IN TfI.E <br />EVENT LENDER EXERCISES ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, THE <br />LENDER SHALL PROVIDE ALL STATUTORILY RBQUlRED NOTICES OF SALE AND NOTlCES OF <br />JUDICIAL HEARINGS 'BBFORE LENDER EXERCISES ANY 01' ITS .RIGHTS tINDER THIS <br />INSTRUMENT. <br /> <br />Upon .the occum:nce of an Evont of Default, LcnderlllllY. without noticll uules:s required by. law, and at Its option, <br />QC\llaro tbe entire llldebtedness due and payable, ask may elect, regardless of the date or dat~ ofmamrity thereof <br />Md, if permlned by state law, is authorb:cdalld elnpowered to seU or to cauSt: the Property to be sold nt public <br />auction, and to lll'CCute llIlCl deliver 10 the purchaser or purchascrsauuch salo any deeds of cOIlveyancll good ;1l1d <br />sufficient (It law. pIll'1llmnt to the atntule in such CDse rna<le and provided, andoul of the proceeds of dlC sale to <br />retnin the sums then due hereunder and i111 costs and charges ofihe Slllll, meludlngnllorneys' fees, rendoring any <br />swplus to the pllrty orpnrties entlUed to It The rceilllls intbe trustee's deed Shall be prima facie evidenee of !he <br />trudl orthe Slalsmcnls made in it. If Lender chooses to invoke the power' of sale, Leni:ler or Trustee will provitl", <br />notice of sale pummnt ltl applicable law, Atry such sale or a sale mode pursuant to a Judgment or II decree for the <br />tilreelosure hereof may, nt tho option of Lender, be.ll1ooe en masse, The llomincnecmentof proceedings to <br />foreclOlC dIls Mortgage in any nUlnnerllutbori~dby law sl\llll be deemed 8$ e.-alll:ise of the abow option. <br />Upon thll occurrence of an Event ofDcfault, Lender'shaD UnlnediatelY ~ entlded to Itlllke appllCatlon for and <br />obrnin tho appointment ot' 11 receiver for llle Proper1;y 8Dd of the earnings. income, issue aud. profits of it, with the <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />";-_c:..o,oiool<<$_I~"'''''''''''_'.'''''''' <br /> <br />r-oI.-""--OV'__.OLdf '_._~~:~ ~ lJ~ <br /> <br />W\II1II',f:~ <br />U/Q.fHI.I.I~.I"~I'-GJ,"'1.1Al <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />