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<br />200900454
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<br />powar.l U thll cmm. makilig tilt< appolllblients conC"",, Grantor henlby inevwably CDQ5l:D.ts. U> slICh appc>inlmellt
<br />and waives notice of antapplientlon tlwefor. .
<br />
<br />NO WAIVE I\.. No delay orflillure of Lmu!Cf to exero.iaeariy !iSht, remedy, power Of privUe~ hereonder sball
<br />affect that right, reml!dy, powel' or privilege nor shall noy sloSIe or pamallll(erelse theceo(preclwie the exen:lse- of
<br />any right, remedy, power or privlle~, No Lender delII)' 0\" failure to d"'l\ll<ld .tri~t adbermu:e to the terms of this
<br />Seeurity InstrUment sball bB d.tned to constitute u. course of conduct inconsistent with. Lender's right at nuy time,
<br />lw~ or lifter an IIvent of defaulr, to demand s\tiel adheronce to me teOO5 of thls Security Insttumeni llnd the
<br />Related. DOC\ll1lelllS.
<br />
<br />SUBS'l'ITUTE TRUSTEE. tender, lit its option, may !\'om time to time remove Trusteoand appoint a successor
<br />tr\IIli:<l U> any Trustee nppolnte<l. bereunder by an instrument tl:cordedill th", count:)rln which this Securlty
<br />instrUment is recorded, Without conveYllDoeof the Property,th~ succc:ssortrustee sball 5lIcceed to WIthe tille,
<br />power and duties confcm:dupon Trustee herein and by appllcnbte .law.
<br />
<br />JOlNT AND SEVERAL LIAB1L1TY. Iftltis 8ewrlIy Instrument should be slgncdby mON t\uln ooe penlOn. all
<br />pers(lllS \!Mcutlngthill SccurityIi1SlrumllntagTl!e thattltey shill be jointlY ftIld sevl:rally bound, where permined by
<br />law,
<br />
<br />Sl!RVIV AI.. .Lcllder'Higltts in III is $eCllfity Insinlment will continue in i\$SllCCeSSOrs andassfWlS. This Security
<br />Insbwnen! is binding Ilnal! hem, exec:utllr&, edminlslnltllm, llSSignS and succiesslll'S (if Gl'lIIltQr.
<br />
<br />NOTICES AND W AlYER OF NOTICE. Unlc;s otherwise reqlllred byappllcab1elnw, any notice or demand
<br />given by Lender tll any patty js.considered.effecuve wheni!is depOSited in 'the United Slntes MaIl with the
<br />npptOpriate postagll.. A copy of any' notice shall blS. mlliled to liach party at the addrellS of the.party given at the
<br />beginniug oftllis Security Instrument unless lIn ttllmlativo addres$ bas been provided to Lender in writing. TQ the
<br />el(tent pennitted by law, Grlllllor waives notice ufLcnder3llcceplllnce ofthUi Security Instrument,. dofonses based
<br />on ~llretYsltlp, WlY d.:tcuse nrIsing1i'om Wly election by Lender I,ltlder the United States Bankruptcy Code,. Unifimn
<br />Comlllercitll Code, ns ~ted in dill state where Lellder is located or oIher applleable law or in equity, demand,
<br />notice of acceleration, notice of noopaymellt, presentment, protest, notice ofdishClllor nnd any othel' notice.
<br />
<br />ltEQUEST FOR NOTICES: Grantor requeSts that copies oftbe noliell of deiilult.and notice ofnJe be sent 10 the
<br />adcltess of eaclt party giwn III :lhe ~&lnnjng of the-Security InsIrwnent.
<br />
<br />
<br />WAlVEROF Al'l'RAISEMEl'ITRlCHTS. Grantor waives all appreisemont rights relating toUw Property l\l
<br />the WIlnt peooittcd by law. .
<br />
<br />LENDER'S EXPENSES. Grilu1tlT ugrell$ to pay aU expenses incumld by Len4er In cODne~'tiQn with enlUrewncnt
<br />of its rights undertha lridebtedilesli. tlIis SOeurity Insttinnentor in die, event Lender is made party 10 lU1y litignlion
<br />heellU$o oflhl! oxlstence of the lndebtednesll or this Security !n9uumen!, as well as. .:our! 'eOi~. colleclioll CbargC5
<br />andrcasollllble anorneys'fees and.dishUrsements.
<br />
<br />ASSIGNABIL1TY. Lender lnC)lassignor .othcrw:ise tl'llosfer this Security Instrument Or any of ~mkr's rights
<br />under this Security Instrument. witltout noliceto OrimtOl",. Grunlor may not assign this Security Instrument or any
<br />part of the Security IlISlI'IIIDctlt wllboutthe exp::css wrilte.n consenl of Lender.
<br />
<br />GOVERNING LAW AND JlJRISDlcrlON, This Seeurlt.y Instrumeot will be !lowmed by the laws of the Slllte
<br />ofNoibraskn.
<br />
<br />SEVERABlLlTY, If It emIr! af competent juriSdiotion determines any termor provision of this Seeuri\)'
<br />InstnImeDt is JnVlllid or prohibIted by applicable law, tllllllcnn .01' provision will be inefTeetlve to thll extent
<br />re.}1llted. Any moo or provisiootbat, mis. been detennfned to be inwlid or prohlbiied will, be IlIlVctW from the rest
<br />of the Security InSlrument withdut invalidlltiUllthe l1:rooinderof either tho .nJicete.d pl'ovlsion or this Security
<br />IlISlrunlClltc
<br />
<br />W~R OF JURY1'RlAL. All.parlies to Illls SeeurhyJnstrUmell1 waive any right to-trial by Jury' to the
<br />extent altowed by law, This Jury trial waiver applies to: anyclllims urtlisputes .related or luddentallo the
<br />rc:lationshlpeslabllshecl between tbllc pllrlies 10 tills Se~urlty lnstrulllent.
<br />
<br />UNIFORM. COMMERCIAL CODE (U,C.C.)Of1llltor agrees tbat tbIs Security Instrument shllll suffice as a
<br />fllllllleltlg $l1ltemCDt llud may therefore be filedofrecord as a finllncing statenient for Ihe plll'pOliCS of Article 9 of
<br />the Un1furm Commercial Code. Grantor authorizes Lender to file nny financing statements requirlld uJlder the
<br />Unl,fonn Couimcreial Code,
<br />
<br />ENTIRE AGREEMENT O.F THEPARTiFS. This ugreemenr, including all agre~lnents roiCrrcd to or
<br />Incorpall\l\ldinlllthi. sgreemelll, constitutes the enllre agreelllent betweenlhc pnrt;es relating tn the subject.lllatter
<br />of Ibis agreement. This IlgrtlCment sUPet1ledcs nil priorOIlll or wrillen agreements, colll1nitrnents and
<br />undul1Itandings belweell the parlIea Illlallrig to !he. subject ~alUlr of tltls agreement. and cnnnot be cltllllged or
<br />terminllllld orally, and shall be deemed effective lltoCthe dnte noted. above.
<br />
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