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<br />200900454 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PrClp<llty. Orantw covenants that the PIOparty ill WlllDCUlllbered urid free of aU liens; exc~ptfor encwnbrances <br />of record llccuplRble to Londor, Further, OTlllltor eOWlulllts (hat Onmtor will WlUTanl and defend generally <br />the title to the Propl'rtyagam!! any and all clailllS and demands whatsoever, subject to the etlSemeots, <br />reslrictiOll8, or othllf cncumbrnnccs of 1Ilc<ml. llCceptable to Lender, lIS may be listed ill the scl\lldllle of <br />exceptiQns to covenlge m IIIlY nbstmct of title Of titleinSlltance pollcy i1ll1llfing Leodel's .lnterestin the <br />l'foperty. <br /> <br />COJldltill1l of Prnperty. Gtll/ltOrpromi!l'" at nil timell to. pre!leI'Ve and to main~in thePropcrty and every <br />pnrtthereof in good repalr,working order. nndeondition IIIld will from time to time, mllke all needlUland <br />proper repnlrs so that the value of tile Property-shall not in 1IIIY way be Impaired. <br /> <br />Removal of any Part of IbPropedy. Grantor promises not to Tllmovo any part of the Property from its <br />pn:scnt IDeatIon, llltccpt for roplaCClnent, maln~ and rclOClltion in t!IIl ortlbmry co= ol business. <br /> <br />A1tel1lUoll!l to tho Property. Grantor ptVmises to abstain from the commission of any waste on lIIe <br />Property. Ilurther. Grantor shall mw no matllrnl alterations, additions or iIllprovemeulS of any type <br />whillever to lIIe Property, regllfliless of whether web alterations, additions or Improvements would ioa:ease <br />the value of the Property, Ilorpernlil anyone to do so except fot lllnailt. improvements and completion of <br />Itcms pllrSU31ltloapproved plans and speciflQlliolls. willlo.1It Lcndlll'.pnUI writtcl\ consent, which consent <br />may be withheld by Lender in itl sole discretion. Grantor will comply. wilh all Jal'ls QL1dregulatiOl1$ of aU <br />public nullloritles haying jurisdiction over' the ptenliscs relating to the Ulle, occllp;mcy lUld maintenance <br />thereof and shalt upon request promptly submit to Lender evidence of such cllmplilO1W. <br /> <br />Dlie on SlIle" Lender's Consent. Ollllltor sholl not Mil; furll1er eilcumb1ll' orothllfwise dispose ot; exeept as <br />herein provided, any or all of its iiltereilt in any part of or IlII of the Property without first obtaining the <br />written conseL1t of l.IlIlder; If MY encumbrance, lien, lmlSfer or sale .01' ugreemCllt for these is created, <br />Lender may declare Immediately due and payable, the entire balance of the Indebtedness. <br /> <br />Insurance. Or;lntor promIses to keep the Property iDsured against suchrisksllDd in such fonnllS may within <br />the sole d IscretiOIl of Leuder be aeceptable, causing Lender tll' ~ named 8S loss payee or If requested by <br />Lender, lIS mortgageo. The InslU1lllce company sbalt be cho,en by Grantor subjeetto Lendel's approVlll, <br />whleh sbalI not be: unroasonably withheld. All Insurance policies nwst provide tJl;U Lender will get It <br />mioimwn of 10 days notice'prlor to CIlncellallon. At Lcnder's discretion, GIlI1110r may be requIred to produce <br />m;elpts of paid premlul1l9 and rllOeWllI policies. If Grantor fllils to obtain the rcqulred eOVCl'oae, Lender may <br />. do so at Orantol's expense. Grantor herebydlretts cach and eVeIY msurer of IMProperly to IIlake payment of <br />loss to Lender with the proceeds to be applied, only at I.endel's option, to the repair and rcplsClltuent of the <br />chunage or loss or to ~ applied to. the Indebteclnea wiih ihcswplns. If any, to be paid by Lender to Grantor. <br /> <br />Payment of '['nes and. Otbllr Appllcablo Cbllrg~. Oillntor proniiSlis top;ly and 10 discharge liens, <br />llIlcWIlbtnnees, lalles, nssesstnentS,lo8se payments and any other chargcsrolaUng to the Prop~ when.IeYied <br />or aSS8Ssed 8j,>alDst Grantor or the Property. <br /> <br />EuvlrOllll\WllaI Lliws alld H:uaiilou!I or T\lxie Materials. Granror and eVel')' tenant. have been, are <br />presently mid shnll continue. to be in strict compliance with any IIppUenble local, state IInd fedctlll <br />Mvlroluncntllllaws amlregulations. Futihef, neither Grautor DO\' any tenant shall manufacture, store, handle, <br />discluII"g<il or dispose of hazardous or toxic ma.terials as may be delincd by any Mate or federal law on the <br />Pl'lpillty, except to Ihe exrolltthe cx.islenco of snch materials bas been. proscntly disclosed hi writing to <br />Lcodilr; Gmntor wlll immediately uotlt)tLcnder in writing of lIIIyussertlon or clllimmade by any pilrty lIS to <br />the possible viomtion .l)f applicable Stato nndfedernl cnvironmentill Jaws inc1udlDgtlte location of any <br />haZl\l"dous or to>:ic, IlllIterlalS on or about ihc Property. Grantor indclI\I1lfi<:1l nndbnld.s Lender hannleu frcm\ <br />any IlabIlity or~llnse of wlm~er DlIll\l"llincurred dirtctly or indirll(:tl)'lIS a result of Gmmol's violation <br />gf applicable local. ~lIIte and Jl:dmtl envlronmcnlallaws andregnlntioJlll or Grant<>.r's involvement with <br />hazardous. or toxic- mnterials. <br /> <br />Financial Infol'malloll. Gl'lIIIlQrngr~ to supply Leader sucb fTllancilll and oilier illfomllltlon conecm[llgits <br />alflilrs. and the stains of any of its assets as Lendcr, from time to tline. mIlY reasonably requcst.OraIltor <br />further agrees to pellDit Lender to verilY accounts lIS well as to inspect, copy and to examine the books, <br />rccOl'ds /IIId fileS Of Grantor. <br /> <br />Lander'~ RIght tolMer. Lender or Lendet" agents shItIl have the rigbt and ncces:; tQ. inspect the Propelty at <br />nll rllll$Ol1able times ia order to attend to Lender's Interesb and ensure eomptianee wilb i1te terms oftllis <br />security .llISwmerit, If the Properly. or any PllrttherllOf;sluall require inspectioo, feJllllr or .maintemlllcc <br />whieh Grantor Iws litlled tll provide. Lender. nIter roasouable oorice, may enter upon the Properly to effect <br />sucbobligation; andtbe cost thefCQf shall be added to tbe Indebtedness and paid on Lender', demand by <br />Gra.otor. <br /> <br />ASSlGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. As nddltiOlllllsctUrlty for tho payment oftha Indebtedness and lIIo <br />porfonnance of the covenants contained horcin. Graator hereby assigns and transfers Qver to Lender all renls", <br />income nod profits ("Rents") under any present or fntute leases; subl_ils orlieenses. of the Property,. including <br />any guaranties, extensions, .omendmcnu or ICl\llwals theJcoJ; from the IISC of the Properly. So lWIg il5 Grantor is <br />not ill default, Glalllor II\ll)I receive, collect and onJoy all Relllsaccruing trom the Property, bur DOt moretlllln Qne <br />month in advance of tho dlle dale. Leooor may also requil'e Gl'IIIltor,tellnnt and: any nlhei' n!ICr of the Property to <br />make pll)'l11ents ofRenlS directly 10 :Leuder". HOWllver; by receiving lIIIY !lucb paYRJeJIts, Lender is 1lOt, IindSball not <br />G~..,c...,.w.Caqlb"~II.oJ~2JfA.:oau.".2QlJ7.07..2l1O W'I~,l;~~r.oJIl <br />r-,""'" ::' t.. p ./)V" ._;.U:!l.'.."""Il"I....1 <br /> <br />. <br />