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<br />(Sp",. Abo.. 'fbl. Lil..'1'<< llcconlllll 0010)
<br />
<br />LOAN NUMnER.: 9856
<br />
<br />This COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE. DEED OF TRUST ("Security IllstnUlIlll\t") is made on January 22, 2009
<br />by the gr,mtor(s) AIloslOUe Assembly of the FIlIth In ChrISt J~WiI> a CaJifontla COl'puraUon, whoso addre:;s is
<br />10807 :LaureIStre~-t, Raneho Cnemuollia, Californlll 91'130 ("Oiwltlll'''). the trustee .is Pllthway BankwhOflll
<br />address- ili33) WOitState Street, GrllmUsJand, Nebmkll 68803 ("Trustec").The beue:ficiaty is Pathway Balik
<br />whose adWllss is 3333 W. State St., Gralld Island, Nebraska 688u.l ("LundO!r"), whIch is organized and ollisting
<br />under lite laws of the state of Nebwka. OflUltor In consideration of 100Wil ,el(tel.l(\ed by Lender up (0 a lI1Illrimum
<br />principal amount of Olle HUlulnld ThouslUld SIJf 'Hundred Seventy-sIx and 13/100 Dollars (SIOO,6'16.1J)
<br />("Maximum PrlncipaUadobtedness"), and for other.valuable considenuion, the~eipt ofwhlcliis acknowledged,
<br />lrrllvoeably grnnu, conveys and assllJll' to Trust~1 in trust, with power ofsnle, the following described property
<br />located In the C'"lllty of Hall , Stllte ofNllbraska:
<br />
<br />Address:. 70S N Syealnon, Grund blond, Nebr.a$l,."l\68801
<br />Legal Oll5criptiml: Wert JZ feet of Lot 6 alld aU of Lot 50 Block 118, Union Pllclfle Railway CQS211d
<br />Addltlon to the City (If Grand Island, HJill County, NebraskD,
<br />
<br />Together with all ellselllents, appurtenances abutting streets and alleys, ilnprovllments,bUlldings, fIxtures,
<br />teneruents, ltereditnlll!m~, equIpment, rents, Income, profits Md royilltic:s, perSonal goods of whutIWer descriptlo'l
<br />.lIId all other rights nnd privileges nlcludlng all minerals; oil, gas, 'Water (whether gwundwatcr,subtCn'anean or
<br />othClWise), wiler dgh!$ (whetlter riparian. appropriato or othlirwise, and whedlcr or not appurtenant to thc i>.boye..
<br />dcscriblld real property), wells, well penults, ditches, ditch rights, reservoirs, .reservoir lights, reservoir- sites,
<br />slOI1Ige .rigIlts, dams and walOr stode that lllay now, or at any time .in die future, be located on IIndfor used in
<br />cllllDl!Clion wi1h the Ilbovo-descrlbtdreal p.roperty, pll)'lnent awards, amounts received, from emllltUlt dOll1ll1n,
<br />1I1nounts received from any llIId all mliUl'8llee payments, and tllnber which may now or later be locared, situated, or
<br />llft'i:'(ed on and used in connection' therewith (hcrelnaftetcnlIeil the "Property").
<br />
<br />RELATED DOCUMENTS,Tho WOl-ds "Rfibited Documents" mean 1111 pro~tY noles, security agreements,
<br />prior .u.urtgages. prior doedsof tN$t, buslneu- loan agreomenls, construction loan ayeoments, resolutions.
<br />lluaral\ties, environmental aireelllllnU. subOrdination ageements, assignmentsofJImses and rents lIIId any other
<br />documents. or ugre=eo.ts c~tod iil conncc:tloll with .tbisSecurity lnstnlmentwbethcl' now or. hereu:fu:r existing.
<br />The Related Documc~ lInl borebymade a part of lbi$ Security lusIrumenl by refWl\nce thereto; with the sallie
<br />force and effect ns If fully set forth herein.
<br />
<br />iNDEBTEDNESS. Thjs, Security Ilistrumellt. secures !he principallll1lounl sh\lwlI ubuve as mllY bu evidenced by a
<br />promiSsol)' note or DOtoS of even, prior or subsequent dilrcllereto, including future IIdvane<;s and. c\'CryOlher
<br />indebtedness ofanYllud CVllry kind now or hCl1Iaftef owillg from Ol'ilntor to 'Leuder, howsoever crealed or arising,
<br />wbether prlmilI)', secondary. or 1l000Imgl."llt, tngedtel' wlth .an)' in(crest or clIaq:es provided in ornrising nut of such
<br />hldebleduess, as well as the lll!,t'eemenlS and covenanls of tb1a Security IlllrtrunICnt and all R.elated DoculDents
<br />OlCroinaftcr IIU referrdd to as' tU "Indebtedness").
<br />
<br />MATURITY DATE. The Indebtedness,lrnot paid earlier, sball be due and 'PIlYllble on.February 8,2019.
<br />
<br />FUTURE ADVANCES. To the extentpel'mltted by law,. this Seeuri~ Jnstrumllntwlll secure future advances as if
<br />such advances were made on (be dllte tjf tbis Scc:..rity Inllmmcnt rc&ardle:is of the fact that from time to tiine there
<br />may be no bnlanee1iue under the note llDd'lIlglirdlcss ofwh~ther 1-endlll' is oblipled to Il\Ikc sllch futul'lI ndvanecs.
<br />
<br />CROSS COLLATERALlZATIO~, It is the exp1l:s.~ed intent of Gmnlor to cross eolll\tQ):II\imall of its
<br />Indebtedness and obllgatiOllll to Umdcr, howsoever arising and whensoever inoUlTed.
<br />
<br />W AlU!.AmlES. Oruntoc, for Itself;.lts heirll,pcl1IOllII1 I1lpt:ellClltathres, SlIc;eessorS. alld assigns, .represents,
<br />wainWtS, covenants .snd ilgrecs with Lendor, its sueeessorsandllSsians, B$ follows: .
<br />
<br />PerfOTDIlInce of Obllgatlolls,' Gruntor. promises to jlerfonn all tonlls, ellllwtion5, and OOVOllllllt$ of this
<br />Security Instnim~"II[ and Related Documents in actordunce with the limns coritnhlCd thereill..
<br />
<br />Defense and Title .to. Property. At the time of ClCecutlon and delivcry of III is blSlTument, Ol'lllltor-ls lawfully
<br />seised of tho estate h\lfcby convoyed and has the oxclusivo rl/,lllt to mortgage, grant, CQIIVllY ead BS5igu the
<br />
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