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<br />r <br /> <br />83-tt06820 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />UNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foHows: <br /> <br />1. Payment- of- "rindp.J and Interest. Borrower shaH promptly pay when due the principal of and intcresl on tne <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and Jate charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and inleresl <br />on any Fut~rc Advances: secured by this Deed of Trtlst. <br />2.. .FaDtfs for Taxu and IMUntIt<<. Subject 10 app1icahle taw or (0 a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaH pay <br />to lender on' (he day m-o.flthly instaUments of principal and intcrest are payabte under the Note, until (he Note i!) paid in full. <br />a wm (herein .'Pundsh) equal to one-twelfth of the ye"1fly taxes and assessments which may attain priorily over this <br />Deed Qf Trust, and -ground renls on the Property, if any. plus one~twetfth lif yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one.;twelfth of yearly premium'instalhnent-s for mortgage- insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of asse1iSments- and bills and reasonable estimates Ihereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the lteposirs or accounts of which arc insured or guarallteed hy a Federal or <br />Slate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an in~fitlltion). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, 3~:>e"smenl", <br />il.lsuranc:e premiums and ground rents, Lender may not charge [or so holding <lnd ,lPplying the Funds, analyzing said accounl <br />or verifying and compiling-said as.sessmcn(s and bills. lInle~s Lcnder pays Borrower i~lIcrC~1 on the FlIIllls and applicable Ia~' <br />permifs Lender -to make such a charge_ Borrower .md Lender lllay ~grcc in wfllinR at the time of cxccuticm of thl'iO <br />Deed of Trust tbat interest on (he Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and unlc'\~ sllch ngrcc:mcnt is made or applicable law <br />re-quires $uch interest to be paid, Lender shall nor be required 10 PIIY Bnrrower ,my inlerc~t or c_arniogs on the Fund_". Lender <br />shail give to 8orrower. wi-lhout charge, an ~tnnllal accounting or the Fund" ~howlng crc-dits and dchilS 10 the Fund, anu the- <br />purpose (or which each debit to the Funds: was mZidc. The FtJr'HJs arc pledged as iHldilifmal security for the sums seclIfed <br />by tbis Deed of Trust. <br />Jf the amaunt of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installments.- of f'l~nds pay~\hle prior hI <br />the duc'"dates of faxes, assessments. insurance premium" and ground rcnt~, shall exceed the ;imount n:qmred to pny said taxes, <br />a.ssessments, Insurance premiums ;md ground rents a... they fall due, sw;:h cxcc"~ 'ihall be, at Borr0wcr'~ orlion, either <br />promptly repai-d to Borrower or credited t-l) B-orrower Oil monthly installmen!s .of Funds. If [ne amollnt of Ihe Fund" <br />he!d by Lender shall not he sufficient 10 pay (axe!>, asSc.....mcnts, in~ura~ce premli,JOls and ground rents as they fall ~UC, <br />Borrower shaH pay to Lender any amount ncccssar) {('\ make up !he dcnclI:ncy v:nhm 30 days from [he dale nOlice is m:\lie-d <br />by Lender to Borrower requc..'Hing payment Ihereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums 5tccllrcd by this. Dcc-d of Tn!'.!. Lender shaH prolllptlY,refund to Borrower any Fund", <br />he'd by Lender, If under paragraph IS hereof !he Propeny I'> ',old or the Prr:rcrty IS.Oli.1Cf\.\'Il>C :lcquircd by Lt~nder. Lender <br />sh311 apply, no bter than immcdiafeJy pnor to the ..alc of the Property.or _Its ;U;qlll'i.ftJOl1 b~' Lender, any Funds held h) <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit agJ.ins[ fhe sums ;.;ccurcd by thIs De:l'd of ['rust. <br />3. Application of Payments. LJnle.'iS applit:ublc Law prcwIl1c,'\ otherwise. aH paym~nl'\ re.:eivcd by Lcnder under fhe <br />Nole and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shoall he applied by ll~ndcr firs! Hl payment of amounts payable to ! ::ndcr ~y Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interesl payable 00 the No[e, thcn to Ihe princ!j)~ll 01 the Nole. and then to Inleres! ~ltld <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Cb.~ Liens.. Borrower ~hall pay all faxes, ;J<>sessmcnt" and other ch;lrges, Ilne:; ~lfld impositions al!rihuLlblc W <br />the Propc:ny which may attain a priority over thi$ Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rcnls, if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrnwcr making paymcnl. when due. directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amount5 cine under this. panlgraph. and in the <br />event Borrower shalt make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish 10 Lender receipts evidencing sm:h p~lymcnts <br />Borrower shaU promptly dist:harg-c any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trmt: proylticd, lh<il Burrowt:r sh<\ll not ht: <br />required to discharge any such Hen 50 long :l.S Borrower shall ;'lgrec in writing. .tn lhe p~\ymcn! of the obli~:lll(ln sl'ct1~l;d by <br />such hen in a manner acceptable (0 Lender. or shall In good f.a.ith contest 5\1ch lien hy, N defend enforcement of sllch hen in. <br />legal proceedings. "".'hieh operate to prevent [oe enforcement of the hen or fMkiwrc of the Prop~rlY or any part thc-rct~f. <br />S. n.azan:llnsunuIce.. Borrower !;halJ keep the tmpnwcmcnts now e~J"fmg ur hereafter erecteu on the Propen_ ,ured <br />against foss by fire. hazard, included within the term "extended cove-rage'", amI such other hazards as ,Lender may fCqUtn.' <br />and In :such -amount'!. and (or slJch periods in: l.ender OBi,' n:'4uirC.; pr\lvltk:d. (hat Lender :o;huH no! r('quire thaI the <i!llounl ~lr <br />'~mch coverage -exceed that amount of toyer;,t~c required 10 pay lhe sum\ st.'l.:ured by lhlS Deed llf TnlsL <br />The itl$urance carder providing the inl>urancc shall he cho\cll hy Borrower s\lbJtcl 10 approval by Lemler: prw.HJcd. <br />th.t such approval shall not be unrea..'u'Jnahly ",ll~held. All premiums 0n in:sur,ll'tcc policies :shall he (laid in. the manner <br />provided UDder p.ragrapb 2 herco[ or, If not paId 10 l\uch milliner. by Borrower In;\king payment, \..'hen due. ~hreclly III lhe <br />insurance- carrier. <br />All insurance poll-des and renewals. Ihcrcot shall he in [t"'rm al,..(..~ep!,iJblc 1;,'; l.tnder ;lOd shull indudc ,I sl;llllbrd morlg:lg",. <br />clause in favor o( and in form accepl;lhlc to Lender. Lender shall h.i\'C Ihe n~ht to hold !he pol ides: and rcnc.....abi thereof. <br />and Bo.rrower :shaH promptly furni5h 10 L~udcr all n::llcwal lwt:ces anu .\11 rl.'nlpl~ of p~IlJ premiortJo;." to the evenl of los~. <br />Borrower shaH give prompt notice 10 the In.!lourallCc c:",rncr iHId Lender, Lcmkr mil}' make pn'Hlf of 10~'" d nol made rfomptl~i <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and B(Jtfu~'"C:r otherwi-se agrce in writmg, in+iHfUO\:C pnx-ecJs. !'thaH h...! apphed to rc",tonttioll or repair of <br />Ihe Propeny d.:unaged, provided such rc~tLll",tHHl Of rCpiHr I'i. c\.:onomiGtlly k.aslblc ;1l1U ,he -<;c\.:HrilY of thiS Deed of Trust I" <br />not thereby impaired, If such restoratlQn -or rep.llf tOS- not ccoHomi\,:ally f~ilSihk llf If the :.,CCllfllY (If Ihi.. Deed of Tnl~f wnukJ <br />b(' impaired. the insurnnce proceeds shall be applied to the sums ~c{'IHcd by liw, DCI.:'t! of Trt.!~t, with the C'(l.'''~, if any, paId <br />to Borrower. If the })rofl(ft)' is abanooneJ by Borrower, l'f if Uorwwcr {;lIh tl..' lC!'plHld to Lender within 30 days frolll (rH_: <br />date notl<:c is. mailed by Lender 10 BOHlw,,-cr that lhe in"!oU!;ioc~ ,;arricr olrcr~ Il' :,ctlle .\ d~llm fOf insllram:c hCflcfii'., 1 ender <br />is authQrizeu to collect and apply the in.surau:.,:.c- prot:t'c(h <.if Lender's OpllOrl l.:llhcr to fC\lOr;ttion or rcpiur of the Propcrt~ <br />or (0 the sum.'\ secured by thiS Deed of Trust. <br />Vnlt'$$ Lender .-.nd Bmrnwer othcrwiSC' agree In writll1g, ,nlY such applicol.!ion ni rnH:ccds to princip.ll "hall not extend <br />or JlOSlpone the due date of t~ monthly inst~nmcn(s fI.'fen-cd Io H1 pan.agrarhli I and '2 hcn..'of or ChltngC- thl: ,amounl 01 <br />such Illstallments. If und-cr p<lragraph Ii{ hercvf the Propcrt)" is .lcquircd hy l..l.:ndc:r, ;\J1 righl. (Itle ~HlJ interest of BnrrOWCf <br />in and 10 any insurance policies and in ~nd to the prt);,;ccds (hereof resuhmg frvm dam<JSc In the Property prior 10 lhc ~ak <br />or ac:quisih(}f1 shaH pass [Q lender to the extent of the sums securt;d by thIS Deed of Trus.l immediately prn1r to such sak llt <br />acquisition. <br />6~ Plese.n'.lion aad I\.taiot~nance of ProlKfty; L-ca&eholds; Condominiums; Planned {Joit nevclopmcnts, Borrower <br />,hail keep the Property in g\:>Qd rcp"ir ill1d shall nol CQilHHtt wa~tl' or pam.~ imp.limlent ur dCIt'Tlorati{ll'l of the Property <br />ilnd shall comply with the pro-visions of an)' if tn.s Deed of Trust i:\- on il icas.chold, If thi", Dc~d ai Trust is on a unit in a <br />condominiun'1 or .<l pln,noed unit development, Borrower shaH per10rm all of Borrower's obhgalIOl\5. under lhe dcclar;;l\ion <br />or covenants creating or go....erning the condominium Of planned HIlit dc\:clopmcnt, the hy-laws .:mu fl'gillali~Hls- "f !he <br />c~nd~m.inium Of planned unit uevelopment, and cQn-sli,luCUI dOt.:um~'nh. , If a condominium Of planned UIllt dcvelopml.'nt <br />rider 1'0 ex.ecuted by Borrower -and f\.-"'Co-rdcd l(~gelhef wlfh Hm_ Deed 01 J rusl, the co-\'eH:lrHS and agrccmcnls of sl1ch m!c! <br />shall be lncorporau::u iOlo and shall amend .and supple menu he co\'cn;Hlb. and ;lgn::clli~llt.'i oi thIS Deed of TrU\1 ;IS if (ht, fidel <br />wen, . part hereof. <br />7. Prett:dlon of Lender-.s Sec~rity. If Borrower fails 10 perform lhe covenants and agrccrncnb conl.llocJ in thi... <br />~ 01 Trust, or.if any action or proceeding. is cummenced whkh maicrl.;111y afTc::"b\, in the Propt:riJ, <br />i-llClud~n.g.. wt not limited !l1. eminent domain, ins.-olvcnq:, code cnlon.;cmcnt. or arr.wgerl\cnts. or prot:('cding~ iov()ivlOg ,I <br />hllpk.(Upt o-r d-ocedent. lhen Lender at Lender's option, upon notice 10 Borl'O-,",'cr, 1tlJ.)' make ~uch appc..H<.I !l1.:C;;', disburse "w:h <br />"twns ..rn.t take :!U1(;:b ac.tion RS is- necessary to prNcct Lender's inlerest. mduding. but not Jimltt.:J lCl, di::.hlllSC11lCfH 01 <br /> aH'onu:.y's lees and entry \Ipon the Properly w male rcpair~" If Lender required tll(lngagc Hl,-tH'i.W':;C ;\'0 ,: <br />con'bbOn 0.( making_ lh(;.- ~-tcured hy lhili Deed of Trust, BVffOWl:f shall pay the prcmium~ rC411ill:J I.' lluintJ-ttI "u(h <br />imUna.oce in effect until $Ul;,'h ~~me it\ [he requirement f(1f ~uch insurance tennin.ltcs In <I(:coruan",'c wilh Ih,rn_\\'\t;f\ J-llJ <br />Ltndc.r's wtiUell agc-ce,ment -or applicable taw, Borrower :shall pay the Jfll\.H.\.nt 0f all mong.agc 111:.m:ncc pn.:IllIUnlS in Ihl..' <br />manner pnwhl..t under par.grapb 2 hereof. <br />_ ,Any ,_.atttout)t$ di,bursi::':d by Lender punu~lnl to lhi", r~ilfagraph 7, With. interest lhcn;,)fl, ,.-.h.:.:1J 11t("(\me. ildtlilft,na! <br />t~-b~edM,.sS of Bon'ower see,urea by this l)eed O! Tru~L Unless Borrower and I c.micr agree t('l- f}lh~~r term:. of paY;Hcnl, <br />aft\O'un,b .h.aU ~ p-~y'able upon fl:otkc frtm1 le:ndt;';l to UlH'f<)WCr r-{'(ftlts.~irlg r~aym(,1l1 (hen'of. rInd .dull hC~lf ;nt",~c!1t from <br />~:C ('l,t di:,bu~t at, the rAlt P~)';\-b.k from th~lC to little nn tlut:;t.I_1H!ini;!, pnn\:',ipat under the Note tmk0-\- p.:t)'01cntfd in!l~IT':.1 <br />at 5U(;-h rate w9utd be_ contnuy to appJi.;:ahle law, in \\'hn..h C'H'_fl! ~w."-h arno-unh 'ih,,!! nl.' inh~ll~'!;,{ .If ~hc hlgtU.::'\.t 1;,J!e <br />P'l:rJrti~t>1( ut:t~J'_.ppJ_kabte tuw, Nmhins contained in paragrai;h .., ~half reqtllrc l.e-mlcr In incur :J.ny e\pcn,~c or l<lk>:, <br />any 4l>tkl!l heten. <br />... ,t~, Le,mkr mu,- HHikc Vr y;);\r'lt; tn bt' ti"l:JdJ: fe:ii~'n>lhk' nr llw Pt'\.ijl,,-,rlY <br />:::t~~::~h~~l~~~lrto-wel' rm!kt PHi)I' jJ;\ ~lnl 'liu:ch )l'1"'1~\:irOI1 Ih(H::k'l !ci~l\;,~d 10 ,'pl.h I . <br /> <br />.... <br />