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<br />I <br /> <br />83-006820 <br /> <br />9. Cond~mnafiop. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. dired nr consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or pan rhereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shaH be paid to [.-eoder. <br />In the event of a lotal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be .1pplicd to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br />with the exccss, if any. paid to Borrower. 10 (he event of :1 p.lrtial taking of the ProperlY. unless Borrower and- Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there sh.,1I he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportjo~l of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that propor1ion which the amount ,of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Prope-ny is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender w Borrower that the condemnor offen: to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower -to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date slIch notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to colleet and ~pply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either (0 restoration or repair of the <br />Property Of 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless- Lender aod Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installmenls referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />\uch instaJlments, <br />10. 8orrow~r Not Released. Extc,osion of the time for payment or modific.l(jon of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this: Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower 5hall not opcr~1te to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's Sllcccs:mrs in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br />proceedings ;:;gain'it 7>lIch 5lJCCC'Sl:or or f'cfu~c to extend time for p;;lymcnl or Olhcrwise modify anlorti1.:1.tion of the sums <br />.\cc'Ured by (his Decu of Trust by rC<l'>On of any dem;lIld made hy the original ~lorrowcr and BOfl:owcr'S- successors in intcrcsl, <br />It. ,Forbearan('{> by Lender Not a \-Vainr, Any ("H'bcar::Hlt::c by l.ender In exercising any nght or remedy hereunder, or <br />olhcrwi'ic i.ltTorded by applicable law, ...hat! not he ;1 waiver of or preclude the ex.ercise of any such right or remedy, <br />fhe procurement of insurance or the paym(.~nr (If taxes or other liens. or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerafe the maturity of the indebtedness ~C'ctJrcd by lhis Deed of Trusl , ' <br />12. Remeditl Cumulativt.'. All rcmC'dic--<; provH.lcd In thiS Deed IJf Trust arc dlstinc( and cumulative to any other rlfhl <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by bw or cquilY. ;lnd may bt: exercised concurrently, independently or <br />\ucce..~siv~ly_ <br />13, SUctes50rs and Assia:1lS Bound: Join! and Sever.1I Liability; C~plions_ The L:ovenanlS and agreements herein <br />I.:ontainc-d ,shall bind, and the rights hcreunder ~haH Inure to. the n:spcctlve successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />~ubject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Ail covenants and agreements of Borrower shaH he Joint and several. <br />The captinlH and he3dings of the p.uagraph:. 01 !hl''> Decd {If Trust ;lrc for l."onn'l1icncc only and are not to be used to <br />lflterpret or dciine thc provisions hereof <br />14. Notice. Except for rlny notice rcq\llr~d t:ndcr ;lpplll:ahlc law t(l bt given in another manner. (a) any notice (0 <br />Borrow~r provided for in Ihis Deed of Trust sh.lil be gl'vcn hy mailing .such n\)licc by I..'cnified mail addresscd to Borrower Jt <br />the Property Aduress or .It Stich other Jddrcs-s ;1$ UOffowcr may designate hy nOlice W Lender as provided herein, and <br />{b' any Ilotic~ 10 Lender :>hat! b-.c gl\'cn by certified _mail. return receipt rcqllc\tcd, 10 ,Lender\ ::Iudrcss stated herein. or 10 <br />\.uch other addrus 3:> Lender may deslgnale by notICe to :IS provided Any notice provided for III this <br />Dcr:J of Trust shaH he deemed to have been tpvcn t(l Borrower or Lender when gl....en in the manner designated herein <br />15_ Vniform Herd of Trust; (;Qver-ninn.; Se\'er.ihility. Thl" form of deed oi trust combines uniform co\'cnants for <br />!1~lti{m...1 u',e :u'Hl flon-undorm COVenan1S with iinntt~d varJ;ltJOns hv lUrisdicllon to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />l;:QVCrll>f n:al property. rhis Deed of Tru~t Sh,l!1 he guvcrn",~d hy thc'law oj the jurisdiction In which the Pwperiy is located. <br />In the t",'ent ihat :!!lY pfO'li~l\.Hl Dr clause of this Deed o! rrus( or lhe 'Note conlllc!s with appfic.lblc law. such conflict s~all <br />nol affect (,;ther pwvlsions 01 thi~ Deed of Trust or the Note whIch can !lC given eHeet without the conflicting proviSion, <br />and to thi!l cn-d the provision.\ oi rhe Deed of Trust 4n~1 the Note ;).rc uedarcd to be severable_ <br />16. Bonower's Copy, Borrower shaH br.: flJrllishcd a l.:lmfurmcd ,-'opy ol the Note and of this Deed of Trust at thl tIInc <br />of cxe<uUon ('I[ after recordation hereof <br />17. Tnuufer of (he I'ro~rty; Assumption. If ail or ;.my p.ut of the Property {If an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />hy Borrower without Lendcr.s prior written COO\C\1t. cx.dudl!)g t;l i [he aeatlOn of a lien or encumbrance subordinate w <br />this Deed of Trust, It'l} the creation of a pur-eha:-.e nnlllC) ,,;cl:unty mlcrcs! for hou~J;hohj appilancc:s~ I_C; a Ir:msfcr hy devise, <br />descent ur hy operation Ilf law up<ln the death uf a 10m! tenant or (d) the grant oj any leasehold inleres( of three years or les.s <br />llot cOllw.inHlg;m optlon tl~ pu:rcz.a.s.c, Lender ill;tL .It Lende-r's- npllOfl, dcclan:_ ull the sum!> :sct.:'urcd by thi~ Deed of Tru~t to be <br />.ml'ncd-ialely duc .lntl p.JYJ.tll-e, Lender ~h.ail have w;llvt:d ~m:h oplton to ;tccdcralc if. prior (0 the'sale or transfer, Lender <br />~HlU t~e penson In whom iht Property 1\ to be solJ or Ir:ulsfe.rred leach agreement in writing that the {;fcdit of such person <br />i.... s.1tt:><factofY to l.ender Jnd Ihe IflterC'st p;I>:lhlc t,Hl Ihe sums ~ct;l.lrcd by Ihis Uee-d of Trust shall be at such fate il~ <br />! cutler ~hall f{~4U("st If (.t:nder ha~ w."lveJ the ('pIWn :...~ ;lc~eler:.ue provioed in thi') panlgraph 17, ami if Borrower's successor <br />in na$ -cxecut(:d J. WllftCfl as~umptlon ~1!Uct;ll'lcm ~C(;Cptcu iu wnllng by L.t~ndcf', Lender shall release norrower from <br />,Ill ohhgalions under till!! IkL-d ,Jl Trust anu the Nute <br />If Lender t~xcr~i~e!i .' op-ljeHl to :lCCekraIC, I cnJcr ~h;111 mad Uorrower notice of acceleratiun in accordance with <br />p;uagraph i 4 here-oI. $ocn n-t,)lH;:e shall prt}\'jd-e i1 perIOd (ti !ltlt Ics.$ Ihall JO d.l)'!t. from the da.te the notice is mailed wilhin <br />which Borrower may l'~y {he :,;um~ dcd:ncJ due. II UOHuwer (~lIb lu p.iy- :,;uch sums prior to the cx.piration of such period. <br />tender may. Without iUrlher no-lll::C or demand on BiJ-rro\o\er, irwolo.c any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />NUN-LNll'ORM (~(l"i;NArHS_ Borrowcr and Lender further c{)-YemUll and agree as follows: <br /> <br />IS, Ac.'t.:elcratioll; R~II1~dies.. Except as pro't'ided in paragraph 17 he-roor, upon BOfr'uwer's brelKb of !tny cO\'enaul or <br />;.IJ:.~nlt':nt ur llonu"'-C'f in (hw D<<d oi Trw.I, including the to\'enants 10 pay when due any sums secured by this Deed <br />uf l'ru~t~ l.A:fldt'r vriur to ,,\'c.:kcatwn .!l-haU ma.iI notice- 10 Bo.cro~er as provided in paragrapb 14 hereof specifying: (1) the <br />btt"ach; (2) Ihe adioo required to CUrt su,"'h bR-Mh; (3) a dale. not less than 30 days from tbe dale the notice is mailed to <br />Bonuwu. by ""bicb !iu-.:b breach lUtM be cur<<l; and (4) lbal failure 10 cure \uch breach on or before the date specified <br />in tbe notkt' may Teswt in acceleration of tbe sums secured by this OC'ed gf TrUSf and sale of the Propen)'. 'nu~: notice <br />~baU furthn inforD\ BorruwC'r of the rigb. to re-instate after Dcceleration and the riaJat to bring a court acUon to assert <br />the: nun.e~b.1eP{'C: of a ddau-U 01' an) otbu defe:nse of Borrower 10 arcelentuon and saJ~. If the breach is not cured <br />ot1__ or bf:fon tM d1dc specffiC'd in the nntice. Lender at Lendu's option may de('hare aU 01 the sums secure-d by this I)et'd <br />of I n.ud to M imme.dlalcl)' due and payable wit4o-ut further demand and. may invoke tbe power of sale and any other remedies <br />p~tfniUed by applicable Ltw. Lender shall be-- entitled tu collect 'aU re~Rabl.e costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the <br />r-emedit"S pru'Vidtd in this paragraph 18. indudin&. but not limited 10. re1bOnaWe attorney's fea, <br />If the power of i." innlked. 'J rustee shall Tt'(:ord a naH<< of default in each I;ounay in wbicb tbe Prope-rty or some <br />part tUer~g{ is located and shall mail copies o-f wcb ntlucr: in tb~ m.nn~r prescribed by applicable Jaw to BOI"rower and t,o the <br />~;ther pt"t)d)US presnibed by 3ppl.kable law. After- tm- Ja~ of such lime ~ may be required by applicable law, Trustee shall <br />~h..t' publi-c notict:_ -of saI~ .0 Ihe pt:l"$o-ns and in .he mannu preM;rib.:d by applicable haw. Trm1e-e, witbout detnand on <br />Boo'ower. !.h.all ~U th-r- Property ~I public auction to the hi,:hesl Ihe timt.' and place and under the terms- designated <br />in the nutke of sak in une or more p-ilfCe-1$ and in snch or~f as Tn~ll'e may determine.. Trustee may p~.pone sale of all <br />qf an)" paRcl of tM- Proputy by public announttl:Aent at the time and plan of any ptt:\'"iously s(:he-duled sale. l,t:'nder or <br />Lc:-t,dn'!i dnigute O1.11Y purcbase: the Properfy aJ allY sail'. <br />lJpu-u fe-n'}pt or payUient uf th~ prk~ bid~ Trustee ~kaU delhc-r 10 the pURbaser Tru.,,'ec's <ked con....eying the l'ropcrty <br />wW~ TI,,, rtdtak in the l"fU'Sle-e'!!j dt-ed lJbaJl be prima fade ("\-idence of the truth of Ihe- st~temenb- therein, Trustee <br />shatl~ ap...y lhe,.pntt:tf'~ uf lh~ sak in the roUowioJt o-rdc-t: (a)r.!h'J all Tc.ason;ible \;I)Sls #nd e~peQSC.s or fhe sale, in-cluding, but <br />ftOllliWl~ t()~ hw.le:c- $ fen oJ Dqt ntuu U.... 5. U ~--, of tilt gJ'~ laIc ltrkc. reasonable attorney's fcf':S and costs of <br />::=den(C'; (0) ha all SUMS Sf!4.'uft'd by this Deed ur Trust; and (t) tbe eXt:t'M. j[ any. fo the ptU'$on or p~r!\ons legally entitled <br /> <br />I'. h-f_fQlVtf'" Miaht lu RdtiMatt:. NOIWl!hs.t,;mdlng Lcnder\ llccc(cr;lJh)(l ~}{ th~ ~\.Ilil\ secured hv thi'\ Deed of Tnl'i.l. <br />lli;1H('W<;t ~~aU hit-y.... tht, fi&ht in h~v-c Xtll;~. pf\..-~cccJing5 begun by Lender W enrQf~e Ihl!li D<.:-cd of "hu~1 dl::;::tJI'1tir1U~d ;'Ii <br />any ~;tlK p-l'.IO" t-ll {he earhcf t? oc,"ur.of (I) the lIffh day h1:IOTt' the ~aJe of the: Pr~)pcl't)' Pl.lf$UOl.l\l to th-t~ p-t'wcr of \illc cmH~l.tncJ <br />,t, thi)> l)\:~,d(irTn~~t tH {H) touy Hf a ;u\Jgmc-lit cHtuf~lng )his Dt,C~ 0f TfH!;-! d tal HOtfHW(;f p;ty.. L("f\Jn ;~i1 S.UHi'; \\hl;,.h \\.ulIld <br />tJc; th~lj (.J-!z<- \m.Jcf ttm: })ct.:'J of "rtH~t. the, Note:' ;wd tloh::i }i~umng Future A;::h<Hll'c'i. If an)', had no otc..:ckraIH}U ,)~c\.ltrrJ. <br />O'j} Buf!o~,'tt <.:tir~ aH h-H:-'1-d--H.!t of at'll oth('<f co-~coanH or a&n:cme.n.t~ of BOHo,\>\.t:r I".' Hl tfus- Deed i)f Tn,n,t. <br />k} 8or,nJ-'ft'Cf p-:a,1'~ _~H fU!KJO_a:ln-e C'-pCft-k;,; w.....;.uTfl:i.f by L.e-nJe:t and Trm:-cc, in I:nft)fl..wg the: ..:~)vellanh and ;J.gJ-t.'~m~af" ~l! <br />Dutf.\,'w~~' ~.Q.n~"'tf'lt'd in 1~Wl lmd of l'n~jj.t ~nd 111 eut(ir-~mg LtO~ef.S, ~nJ Tfll~l.ce.~ rcme\he~ a~ pr\Jvi.Je-d ~n pMi1graph I H <br />fJ..J:;j.'~_j~, HH,-JUJtti.g. }~t Hotlmuted lU, i',O:4~-Qn;,thk' ...Uo-mey's h:-,e->:;-. ;mrl (If. O(HW\\r'Cf Llk..Clt !iclN::h ;l4;~mn as Lender rnon ,i~~a..m);th!~' <br />~~-q.4n\" h~ j;J,n~r~ ~h._id ,tw; lfCn \,( thVti f.kcQ 1;1-1 Tftu~t. r ~H\k1\ mt'Cn:';t Hi the Propcf1y ~mJ U-tHn.n,,-cr\ '1bhg.ah'JI1 to t~<l) <br />